
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:104 评论:0
原文作者:Snapfingers DAO原文來源:響指研究所SERAPH 是由老牌經典遊戲《傳奇》團隊Actoz 開發的一款基於區塊鏈的黑暗like 遊戲。畫面操作與傳統暗黑風格的 Loot ARPG 大致相同。 /p˃ SERAPH i...



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原文作者:Snapfingers DAO

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SERAPH 是由老牌經典遊戲《傳奇》團隊Actoz 開發的一款基於區塊鏈的黑暗like 遊戲。畫面操作與傳統暗黑風格的 Loot ARPG 大致相同。

/p> SERAPH is a darkLike game based on the chain, developed by the classic classic game Actoz.


After a test game, the summary game has the following special features:


1, with fine graphics, and brushes or interactives in the game as a whole are more fluid and the game is more complete.


2. Player hands are simple , with little learning costs.


3 A game support player can travel free of charge, and has the same opportunity to gain a small gain , further reducing the number of games entering the door.

4、遊戲內部分裝備形式為 NFT,可以上鍊交易,滿足玩家刷寶玩賺的 GameFi 需求。

The game is partly equipped in the form of NFT and can be traded on a chain to satisfy the GameFi needs of the player's swipes.

遊戲目前未正式上線,僅有 PC 端。

The game is currently not officially online and has only a PC end.

遊戲共經歷兩輪測試,阿爾法測試於 4 月 11 日開啟,4 月 17 日結束。

The game went through two rounds, and the Alpha test was opened on April 11th and ended on April 17th.

最近一次 β 測試於 7 月 4 日開啟,7 月 17 日結束。在本次 β 測試中共吸引了 15,378 名熱心玩家報名。亞洲玩家的參與熱情最高,參與人數超過 2,000 人。

The last beta test was opened on 4 July and ended on 17 July. The beta test attracted 15,378 active players. Asian players were the most active, with more than 2,000 participants.


The two rounds covered almost most of the games in terms of their content, and the players returned and responded well.

Actoz Soft 是成立於1996年的韓國第一代網遊公司,製作過《傳奇》、《冒險島》、《千年》等知名網路遊戲,也曾經營《龍之谷》等經典作品。公司在全球擁有超過 6 億的註冊用戶。

Actoz Soft, the first generation of Korean online companies founded in 1996, has produced such famous online games as Legendary, Adventure Island, Millennium, and has run such classic works as Dragon Valley. The company has more than 600 million registered users worldwide.

遊戲整體無論從風格或UI,或是操作習慣,甚至是職業設計都與暗黑2 非常相似。例如玩家的可選職業,有野蠻人、法師、德魯伊等,進入遊戲後的 UI 佈局則與暗黑 2 重製版幾乎一模一樣。熟悉暗黑系列的玩家對此不會陌生,這類遊戲的關鍵便是衝級。早日滿級意味著早日挑戰各類地下城,啟動排行榜領取內測獎勵。因此技能選擇上可以傾向趕路、清怪。另外由於衝級需求,前期不用糾結裝備,迅速清任務通關惡夢難度主線,開啟地下城挑戰或衝榜,再考慮 Build 可能。

The game as a whole is very similar to Dark2 in style or UI, or in practice, or even in professional design. For example, an elective profession for a player, with savages, wizards, Druis, etc., is almost identical to a dark version of the UI layout after entering the game. The key to this game, which is familiar with dark series players, is that it is straggled. Early attainment implies an early challenge to various sub-cities and the activation of the platoons to get inside the prizes.

玩家初次登入遊戲時,需要在應用程式商店下載註冊ActPass 錢包,之後遊戲登入使用錢包掃描二維碼即可,後續遊玩產生的NFT 交易同樣需要ActPass 錢包。

When the player first logs into the game, it needs to download the registered ActPass wallet at the application shop, then the game logs into the two-dimensional code using the wallet, and the NFT transaction generated by the subsequent cruise requires the ActPass wallet.

遊戲本身支援Free to Play。因此玩家可以選擇 0 成本直接進入遊戲,以純 Web2 網遊的方式體驗 SERAPH,前期故事劇情以及中後期的部分地下城均可以免費遊玩,甚至也可以從地下城中獲得少量打金收益。

The game itself supports Free to Play. Players can therefore choose 0 to enter the game directly, experience SERAPH in a purely Web2-based way, and some of the lower-middle- and lower-middle-level suburbans can be avoided from spending money, or even receive a small amount of money from the underground city.

如果玩家偏向打金,建議初期迅速通關主線解鎖所有挑戰後購入混沌裝備 NFT,爽快開啟刷刷刷模式。初期衝級階段正好熟悉人物技能,遊戲內互動等。

If the player prefers gold, it is recommended that all challenges be unlocked at an early stage, quickly and quickly, and that the mixer NFT be purchased.

遊戲初期可以跟隨故事主線進行任務升級,可選擇單人遊玩,也可以與夥伴進行組隊探險。隨著人物等級提升,玩家會獲得相應的屬性點與技能點,每個職業均有三套技能樹,因此玩家可以根據裝備、玩法等構建出獨一無二的 Build。

The game can initially be upgraded to follow the story's main line, either by opting for a single person, or by exploring a team with a partner. As a person moves up, the player gets the appropriate attributes and skill points, and each profession has three sets of skill trees, so that the player can build a unique Build based on configurations, games, etc.


In addition to storylines and feeder missions, the game also provides three types of underground cities for players to challenge.

Mystery of Depths

玩家完成主線劇情後開啟。 Mystery of Depths 可以組隊冒險,分為多層,難度隨人數變化而變化。地下城中只有 Boss 級怪物會掉落物品,小怪只有經驗獎勵。最後根據通關層數與時間進行排名,發放獎勵。

Mystery of Deepths can take risks and divide them into layers that are difficult to adapt to human numbers. Only boss-level monsters fall down in underground cities, with only empirical rewards. Finally, they are ranked according to level and time.



遊戲中產出Soul Spars 貨幣的主要途徑。此副本同時也掉落各種稀有裝備。 Void Realms 開啟同樣需要玩家通關惡夢難度主線,然後來到惡夢難度的第五章天國之門營地後,找到大天使雕像 NPC 開啟。進入該副本需要消耗體力值及門票。 Void Realms 分為多個難度(T1-T16)級別,並含有特殊 Boss 地圖。 T1 門票可在 55 級以上的野外戰鬥中獲得,另外可以透過門票商人或集市玩家交易獲得。不同等級的門票決定地下城的等級和品質,進而影響怪物的數量與地圖詞綴。地圖詞綴決定怪物屬性與物品掉率。

Void Realms opens up the same front line that requires player access to nightmares, and then finds the Great Angel statue, NPC, after it comes to the heart of Chapter V of the Enigma. Entering the copy requires the consumption of physical strength and tickets. Void Realms is divided into T1-T16 levels and contains special Boss maps.


;整體流程大致是前期迅速清主線,然後在Mystery of Depths 中升級刷材料、寶石等。稍微成型後則開始在 Void Realms 和 Mystery of Chaos 中刷材料與混沌裝備兼打金。

So the game game

; the whole process is basically a pre-surge, and then upgrades materials, stones, etc. in Mystery of Depts. After a bit of formation, the brushing material and mixing equipment start at Void Realms and Mystery of Chaos.

遊戲裝備是玩家參與遊戲所需使用的道具,同時作為遊戲資產也有變現價值。在 SERAPH 中遊戲內裝備分為兩種:一般裝備與混沌裝備。混沌裝備擁有專屬混沌屬性,且可被鑄造為 NFT,進而上鍊交易。

Game equipment is a prop used by the player to participate in the game, and it also has a real value as a game asset. In SERAPH, the device is divided into two types: general and chaos equipment. Disrupting equipment has a mix that can be forged as NFT and traded in the chain.

NFT 裝備鑄造

NFT assembly


玩家選擇遊戲選單,進入Chaos,選擇背包內的混沌裝備,移入混沌倉庫,點擊網頁倉庫後掃描二維碼,經過ActPass 錢包驗證,便可在Chaos 背包中看到此混沌裝備,點擊鑄造,消耗gas 後即完成鑄造操作。鑄造完成後點擊移動至錢包才可進行下一步的上架出售。

Players choose the game menu, enter Chaos, select the mixer in the backpack, move into the mix warehouse, click on the web warehouse and scan the two-dimensional code. After the Actpass wallet test, they can see the mix in the Chaos backpack, click on the moose, consume the gas, and then finish the molten operation. After the mooring is finished, click on the move to the wallet for the next upsale.

在 ActPass 錢包中選擇該裝備,點選出售,填入價格後即可完成。註:目前均為測試網。

Select the device in the ActPass wallet, click for sale and fill in the price.


裝備依稀有度由低到高可分為白裝(Ordinary)、藍裝(Magic)、黃裝( Rare)、橙裝(Unique)。不同品質裝備具有不同屬性,甚至特殊屬性。此外裝備也擁有物品等級與穿戴等級,耐久度。掉落裝備均為未鑑定狀態,需鑑定捲軸鑑定其品質。混沌裝備無法使用鑑定捲軸,需要消耗 $SRF 代幣。

The equipment varies from low to high to white (ordinary), blue (Magic), yellow (Rare) and orange (Unique). Different types of equipment have different attributes, even special attributes. In addition, the equipment has an object level and a dress level, durability.


assembly class

裝備分類 >

assembly subcategory >/pstrong >


遊戲中人物共有10 個裝備槽。分為武器、頭盔、護甲、護手、戒指、項鍊、鞋子幾個部位。

There are 10 gear tanks for people in the game. There are several parts of weapons, helmets, armor, hand, ring, necklace, shoes.


Except for the above-mentioned equipment. This item is not equipped.


assembly, synthesizing and decomposing

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各營地的鐵匠NPC 可以對裝備進行打造,如白裝升級、重置詞綴、增加詞綴等。

The blacksmiths in each camp can build the equipment, such as white upgrades, replacements, additions, etc.


The same type of equipment can be reassembleded into a new one through a synthetic feature, and the synthesis results in the selection of a new one as the base of the new one by equal rights in the two devices, the prefix of the prefix into the counter, and the selection of a number of presets from different libraries independently, depending on the probability.


The same equipment can be disassembleded, and the chances are that you get a variety of material propensities. The word and item level influence the proceeds of decoupling.


The devices in the game can be inserted into stones, jewels, symbols to provide a variety of capabilities.


Stones: Provide attributes to add up. There are currently seven types of stones in the game: purple crystals, jade, blue stones, grandmothers green, rubies, diamonds and thugs, each of which has five levels of quality: cracks, defects, normal, impeccable and perfect. A higher quality stone has a stronger effect. A lower quality stone can be combined with a higher quality stone through its integration function.


Jewelry: Provides additional magic attributes. As in equipment, the jewel falls into an undefined state and needs to be determined against the scrolls in order to be used.


Symbol: The same provides magic attributes, and different characters can produce stronger effects through combinations.

這次測試開放了遊戲內交易功能。玩家解鎖上架攤位後,可將背包內可交易物品上架至市集攤位。集市內可以交易裝備、道具、材料。市集內流通貨幣為 Soul Spars。

This test opens the game’s internal trading function. When the player unlocks the stand, you can put the tradable items in your backpack on the market.

SERAPH 採用NFT + $SRF 的單幣模型。白皮書顯示後續更新還會加入治理、土地等模組以豐富遊戲內容,試圖解決鏈遊後期的通膨與死亡螺旋問題。

SERAPH uses a currency model of NFT+$SRF. The white paper shows that subsequent updates will also add governance, land, etc. modules to enrich the game content and try to solve the inflation and death spiral in the post-link period.

遊戲內的混沌裝備可鑄造為NFT 形式上鍊,因此裝備NFT 是該遊戲最主要的方式,稱為Unique NFT。目前有兩種方式取得:

The mixer in the

game can be molten as a NFT form chain, and therefore the installation of NFT is the most important method of the game, known as Unique NFT. There are currently two ways to obtain it:

預先鑄造的Genesis NFT

Pre-made Genesis NFT

在遊戲正式發布之前,官方已預先鑄造了一批Unique NFT。其中一部分將用於批量預售,其餘的將作為限量版保留,用於未來的 IP 合作、玩家獎勵等。官方預先鑄造的 Unique NFT 會是遊戲的「創世」NFT,創世 NFT 持有者將在未來的一些活動中享受特殊權益。除此之外,所有 Unique NFT 都會在遊戲中掉落。

Prior to the official release of the game, the government pre-created a batch of Unique NFTs. Some of them will be sold in bulk and the rest will be retained as a limited version of the future IP cooperation, player reward, etc. The official pre-created Unique NFT will be the game’s “founder” NFT, and the founder NFT holders will enjoy special rights in some future activities. In addition, all Unique NFTs will fall in the game.


Player >

未鑑定的Unique NFT 掉落後,可以透過消耗相應數量的SRF 來鑑定。

Undetermined Unique NFT falls and can be determined through SRF, which consumes the equivalent.

Unique NFT 除了裝備本身屬性外,還帶有裝備本身屬性外,還帶有裝備本身屬性財寶值,類似幸運值,財寶值越高,玩家就有更高幾率獲得稀有物品。

Unique NFT, in addition to the equipment itself, carries the equipment itself, as well as the material value of the equipment itself, which is like a lucky value, and the higher the value of the treasure, the higher the number of players getting rare items.

另外官方在前期宣傳中,發行了 PassAPH Priority PassFT。該 NFT 於 6 月 29 日在主網開啟 free mint,共有 999 張(團隊預留 99 張),目前地板價 0.144ETH。

Also, in a previous campaign, the government published PassAPH Crime PassFT. The NFT opened free mind on the main web site on June 29 for a total of 999 (99 reserved for the team) and currently has a floor price of 0.144 ETH.

SPP NFT 相當於該專案的早期通行證獨一無二的身分外,還享有後續一系列積分福利,同時也是β測試的通行證。

SPP NFT, which is equal to the unique identity of the project’s early pass, also has a series of cumulative benefits and is also a pass for the beta test.

$SRF(Seraph's Feather)是遊戲唯一的鏈上代幣。用於空投激勵、遊戲內排名獎勵、鑑定 Unique NFT,製作裝備,參與治理等等。前文提到遊戲內主要的流通貨幣為 Soul Spars,用於玩家交易,Mystery of Chaos 地下城挑戰等。 $SRF 與 Soul Spars 可透過某一材料互相兌換。獲得$SRF:玩家將Soul Spars 進行鑄造,獲得靈魂之匣,1000 個Soul Spars 鑄造1 個靈魂之匣,5 個靈魂之匣加一個Mystery of Chaos 掉落的混沌之心即可鑄造一枚$SRF 。每日鑄造上限 100 枚。

US$SRF (Serap's Feather) is the only upper-chain currency of the game. It is used for air-spill stimulation, game ranking, United Nation NFT, preparation of equipment, participation in governance, etc. In the previous paragraph, it was mentioned that the main negotiable currency in the game was Soul Spars, which was traded by the player, Mystery of Chaos, and the Challenge of the Underground City. US$SRF and Soul Spars can swap through a material. Get US$SRF: Players sculpted Soul Spars to get a soul box, 1,000 Soul Spars carved a soul box, and 5 spirit boxes, plus a lost Mystery of Chaos, can compose a $F. 100 ceilings per day.



關於$SRF 代幣的治理功能,遊戲內尚未有體現,白皮書亦無實質介紹,期待後續相關內容更新。

With respect to the governance function of the SRF, the game is not yet visible, nor is the white paper available, and looks forward to subsequent updates.

SERAPH 目前經過了兩輪測試,玩家被畫面及玩法吸引, Loot 與鏈遊的結合感覺也不錯。從現有遊戲內容來看,成熟遊戲團隊的確對於遊戲性有非常好的掌握,並且體認到以往鏈遊可能的死亡螺旋問題。代幣與 NFT 的引入只為服務於玩賺的期望,當然這並不能改變鏈遊螺旋的命運。遊戲平衡的巧思與機制設計的趣味可以最大程度減緩通膨,也能讓玩家專注於遊戲本身。

SERAPH has now passed two rounds of testing, the players are attracted to graphics and games, and Loot has a good sense of association with chains. From the content of the game, mature teams do have a good grasp of playability and recognize the potential death spiral problems of past chains. The introduction of tokens and NFTs is only intended to serve the expectations of profit, which certainly does not change the fate of the chain spiral. The imagination of the game balance can minimize inflation and allow players to focus on the game itself.

遊戲雖然表面是單幣模型,但也可以當作是$SRF 與Soul Spars 的雙幣模型,只是SERAPH 的token 似乎效用不多,且團隊可以透過調整Soul Spars 的掉率與混沌之心的掉率來控制$SRF 的產出,間接控制通膨。因此對玩家來說,混沌裝備 NFT 的收益應該會是主要來源,氪金玩家買一身頂級裝備進入遊戲開始刷刷刷體驗遊戲樂趣。那麼只要遊戲保持平衡,遊戲性在線,就可以吸引玩家進入,對於氪金玩家來說,回本之路既可以因為遊戲性豐富所以裝備保值,退坑上架即回本,同樣也可以自己刷刷刷上架掉落的新裝備慢慢回血。

The game is ostensibly a single currency model, but it can also be considered to be a binary model of USSRF and Soul Spars, except that the TOKEN of SERAPH seems to be of little use and the team can control the output of USSRF by fine-tuning the fall rate and confusion of Soul Spars. For players, therefore, the benefits of mixing NFTs should be the main source, with Kryptonists buying a top-level entry to the game starting to brush their brush games.

當前深熊期大家忽然都把遊戲當作了全村的希望,當然從遊戲本身來說,它的確是既能帶來Web2 用戶,又可以讓Web3 玩賺來的產品。遊戲是綜合藝術,包含劇情、人物、音樂、美術、互動等方方面面,注重遊戲性意味著需要在這些方面要多花精力投入,當遊戲性上升,質變為遊戲好玩,或許是Game 與Fi 的平衡點。

The game was suddenly seen as a village-wide hope, of course, from the game itself as a product that brings both Web2 users and Web3 to play the profits. The game is a combination of art, including drama, characters, music, beauty, and interactive aspects. Focusing on games means that more effort is needed in these areas, when games rise, they become games fun, or perhaps the balance between game and Fi.


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  • 区块链:交易系统开发指南

    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
  • 5.14加密货币价格:BTC突破6.2万美元以太坊和山寨币反映市场情绪

    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...