
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:79 评论:0
本文首发于「财经杂志」(ID:i-caijing)It was first published in the Financial Journal (ID:i-caijing) 《财经》记者 吴杨盈荟 | 文 宋玮 | 编辑I'm a fi...



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It was first published in the Financial Journal (ID:i-caijing)

《财经》记者 吴杨盈荟 | 文 宋玮 | 编辑

I'm a financial journalist, Mr. Yang Ying, and I'm a writer, and I'm an editor.


The public chain is in the midst of a troubled era of war.


In 2018, known as & ldquo; Public Chain Year & & rdquo; and, globally, hundreds of public-chain projects have emerged to compete. The boom, even as it expands in the future, suddenly falls into the cold.


& & & ldquo; not a flashback in the chain of light, but all the enthusiasm to take money from the outside is falling. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & ; & & & & ; & ; & & ; & & ; & & & & & & ; & ; & & ; & & ; & ; & ; & ; & ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;


& ldquo; last year was completely different from this year. You can look at the data from the exchange, now it's 90% smaller than the peak flow. Everyone's getting laid off.

公链世界的格局开始出现动荡。被称为“公链之王”的以太坊跌落神坛,分片扩容迟迟未有进展,ETH价格一泻千里。甚至有比特币核心开发者Jeremy Rubin声称ETH价值将归零。以太坊创始人Vitalik在回应中承认了问题的存在:“如果以太坊不改变,Jeremy Rubin的言论可能是对的。”但他也强调社区正在考虑两个提案以保障ETH不会归零。

Even Jeremy Rubin, a central developer of Bitcoin, claims that the value of the ETH will be zero. In his response, Vitalik, the founder of Etheria, acknowledged the existence of the problem: & ldquao; Jeremy Rubin’s words might be right if it was not changed. & & rdquao; but he also stressed that the community was considering two proposals to guarantee that the ETH would not be zero.


In less than six months after EOS came online, the average number of active users per day was 27 times that of Ether. However, its success did not bring much greater joy. EOS has greatly improved its efficiency through the DPOS mechanism, but it has also been strongly criticized by some that the design of such a decentralized mechanism is bound to determine the possibility of bribery and corruption.


In the public chain world, the old altars have collapsed, but the new kingdom has yet to be built. In Etherom, the EOS ecology has not yet become climatey. In many of the remaining emerging public chains, there are no projects that can be compared to EOS.


In a whirlwind, there are also those who believe that the time has come for this public-chain bubble to break. Markets run wild, and 90% of the public-chains die.


In the summer of 2018, Vitalik appeared in Beijing, China, at the Itha-Technology Application Conference. He was small, his eyes were shy, and his speech was tightly tied to his pants, like a child who was suddenly called to the podium by a teacher.


This is a strong contrast to his identity. It was created by the name & ldquo; the king of the public chain & & rdquao; and Ethal, a 24-year-old Russian teenager who was put on the altar in China, called & ldquao; V & & rdquao;


Vitalik satisfied the typical imagination of the Geek. Throughout the speech, he spoke out loud about “ &rdquao; technical details; frequent use of various professional terms and mathematical formulas. A lot of viewers on the stage looked confused and apparently had little resonance with the technical details of Vitalik. But, while he could not understand what Vitalik said, that did not affect the audience’s cravings. On the stage, three strong security officers surrounded the Vitalik regiment to separate the crowd from the crowd.


There were developers standing up and asking Vitalik when he could use the technology of the Etherms. He answered very frankly: & ldquao; I don't know. & rdquao;


Neither Vitalik nor the hopeful Etherwood supporters believe that the delay in moving up the technology will destabilize the Etherm’s leadership of the global public chain. But the situation has changed over the past six months.


The price of ETH fell sharply in the second half of 2018. Coinmarkketcap data show that ETH fell all the way from $830 in May to $197 in November. Prices fell by 76% in just six months, and market values evaporated by as much as $60 billion.

其间两个不利消息加剧了市场对以太坊未来的恐慌。9月,比特币核心开发者Jeremy Rubin在美国科技媒体TechCrunch上发表文章《ETH的崩溃无法避免》,称就算以太坊网络继续存续,ETH的价值也会必然归零。10月,以太坊创始人Vitalik在Twitter上发表了自己退居二线的想法:“退出正在进行中……就算没有我,以太坊网络也绝对会存活下去。”尽管其后Vitalik出来澄清,表示自己没有离开以太坊,只是鼓励其他开发者承担更多的工作。这两个消息也被认为是造成ETH价格急剧下挫的推手之一。

In September, Jeremy Rubin, a central developer of Bitcoin, published an article on TechCrunch in the US technology media, ETH’s collapse could not have been avoided, saying that even if the network continued, ETH’s value would have been zero. In October, Vitalik, the founder of the district, published his second-line idea on Twitter: “ hellip; hellip; and, without me, the network would have survived.


Etherscan.io’s calculations show that the Etherscan.io’s full-network capacity fell by 20 per cent between September and November, from nearly 300 TH/s to 240 TH/s, falling to levels close to February this year.


In their disappointment, the vast majority of people pointed to the crowding up of Ether. Ether became the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & of the public chain after Bitcoin; in addition to creating smart contracts, it was also important to increase the speed of the transaction significantly. Ether and Bitcoin started using the same consensus mechanism & mdash; & mdash; Pow (the workload proves). Bitco was able to confirm a transaction every 10 minutes, while Etherco raised the speed to 15 seconds.


The higher the user pays the gas, the faster the transfer transaction can be confirmed. One image is that the network is like a shared car, where smart contracts are created like driving the car, and the gas is the price you pay for oil, which determines how far you can drive.


Starting in July 2018, there was a high rate of cyber congestion in Etheria, with tens of thousands of transactions waiting to be packaged unrecognizable, and transaction charges soared. Etherscan.io data show that there were more than 10 surges in transfer costs due to cyber congestion in Ethletics between July and September of this year. The highest transfer cost jumped to 5862 ETHs, more than 10 times the normal transfer cost.


At the heart of the problem is system throughput. System throughput is used to measure the efficiency of a public chain in terms of the number of operations (TPS) per second. At 30-40, the TPS handles only 30-40 transactions per second.


The main efficiency limitation in Tai Hwan is that each transfer requires all the nodes of the network to be dealt with, and the amount of work that each node can carry is limited. If efficiency is needed, there are two fundamental ideas: either let each node of the network take on more work, such as doubling the size of the blocks. Or find ways to charge more transfers in the public chain without increasing the workload of individual nodes.

几乎所有的公链都在试图解决扩容的问题,也涌现出包括闪电网络、提高 gas 值限制、EOS采用的DPOS、POB等方案。“扩容有非常多种方案,核心是我们可以牺牲什么?”公链项目IOST创始人钟家鸣告诉《财经》记者。

Almost all of the public chains are trying to solve the problem of expansion, and there are programmes such as the lightning network, the increase in gas value limits, the DOS, POBs used by EOS, etc. & & ldquo; there are a lot of options for expansion that we can sacrifice? & & rdquo; and the IOT founder of the public chain told the finance reporters.


Vitalik, on the other hand, offered to solve the problem of crowding by using sharding technology. He insisted on not using other & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; extension (efficiency), security and decentralization. In his view, the existing sector chains were at the expense of efficiency, and the programmes linking the blocks at the expense of safety, while the mega-blocks, supernodes, etc. were at the expense of centralization. He wanted to be able to handle thousands of transactions every second in the chain, without relying on any supernomin.

在北京的演讲中,Vitalik声称采用分片等技术后,以太坊网络最终将能够每秒处理100万次交易,并且有潜力每秒交易超过1亿次。不过实现这一蓝图的时间点颇为遥远。以太坊基金会研究员Justin Drake今年7月表示,分片技术将分两个阶段在2020年和2021年完成部署。对于目前遭遇困境的以太坊和ETH而言,显然远水解不了近渴。

In a speech in Beijing, Vitalik claimed that, with the adoption of technology such as segmentation, the Taiwan network would eventually be able to handle over 1 million transactions per second, with the potential to do more than 100 million transactions per second. But it was a long way from realizing this blueprint. In July, the Etheraya Foundation researcher Justin Drake said that the fragment technology would be deployed in two phases, in 2020 and 2021.


This round of ETH prices, however, has fallen sharply, and some believe that it is not necessarily a bad thing for Ether. They believe that it is in the interest of bringing prices back to the real value of Ether.


& & ldquo; ETH was not so bad recently, but the bubbles were too high. Before, nothing else turned into hard currency because of the premium. & & rdquo; an Ithana Dapp developer told the finance journalist. & & ldquo; a popular word in the currency circle that bitcoin wanted to make money, which turned into gold; & & rdquao;


In 2017, the ICO campaigned around the world, with the majority of block-chain projects collecting ETH as a money-raising currency, which contributed directly to the rapid rise in ETH prices. By 2018, the ICO was banned in a number of countries, and many of the projects started selling the collected ETHs, resulting in a fall in EOS prices.


& & ldquo; The governance mechanism designed by Taiwan is not designed to boost ETH prices, and ETH is not going up like Bitcoin. & & rdquo; the developer said that they were onstage with Vitalik at several exhibitions. When Vitalik was asked about the ETH price, he always answered: & ldquo; suggested that if you had the asset allocation, ETH was the last consideration. & rdquo;


At a time of decline in Ethio, EOS emerged as the brightest new star in the public chain.


In June 2018, on the main web line, the EOS experienced a pause in collapse and a delay in access, which was finally successfully activated. This wave caused many people to lose sight of EOS. But EOS's subsequent data gave a strong response to — — four months after being online, the total number of EOS daily active users was more than three times as high as that of Taipan, and the average number of daily active users was almost 27 times that of EOS.


Data from the chain tower think tank show that between 1 and 22 October, the top number of DApp days on the EOS platform was 33383, 2994, or only 9%, of EOS. As of 6 November, the number of transactions for nearly 30 days was 16.6 million in Taicha and more than 100 million in EOS, more than six times as many.


The two main reasons why DApp and users have abandoned the selection of EOS by the Taiwan are: the speed of the transaction and the transfer does not require transaction fees. In the case of a transaction, it has to wait 15 seconds to confirm it. This makes it extremely impatient for users who are used by the Internet. EOS has been able to reach the account within one second. EOS has declared itself a million-volume TPS, but after the main web line, it is only close to 4,000 TPS.


The cost of each transfer is also a central drawback of Etheria. Transfers have to be made at the cost of gas. If two dollars are spent on buying a lottery, 40 per cent of the cost is spent on gas. This makes it difficult for micropayments to be available in Etheria.


This has led to the most active competition for DApp on the EOS platform. The chain tower think tank data show that 97.86% of the competition for DAP transactions on the EOS platform in October and 72.08% of the daily activity of the competition for DApp were in October.


In terms of efficiency, EOS relies on a very different consensus (recording) mechanism than Ether and Bitcoin. Ether and Bitcoin apply the POW consensus mechanism, while EOS use the DPOS consensus mechanism. The core of the difference is — — efficiency and decentralisation, who chooses and who sacrifices.


Under the POW mechanism, it takes 10 minutes for Bitcoin to produce a block; under the DOS mechanism, EOS is able to produce a block every 0.5 seconds, with a 120-fold increase in frequency compared to Bitcoin. The efficiency is made possible by the fact that the POW mechanism allows all people to participate in the bookkeeping process, while the DPOS mechanism is empowered to account only for the supernode that has been elected. In its design, there are only 21 supernodes of power worldwide.


And that's where EOS was vehemently criticized by some. To some extent, this sacrifice was designed as a mechanism to get to the heart of the story, and the possibility of bribery and corruption existed from the very beginning.


In the Pow mechanism represented by Bitcoin, community developers, users of coins, and miners maintainers are divided. Users could have voted & mdash; & mdash; which chain is good, the more users they buy their tokens, the more miners they gather in this chain, and the better the chain.


But the EOS mechanism tied the power of users and miners together. Twenty-one super-nodes were allocated the new ones, and 21 nodes were voted in currency. This led to a tendency to bribe: I have a lot of coins, and I can promise you more if you vote for me.


One of the founders of the pond told the financial press that the supernode could bribe the user & mdash; & mdash; otherwise 5% of the income, they could give 6% control over the user, and eventually control the community. “ that it was not a fair market for the DPOS to be designed to be able to make a bribe. Like the partition system, the Tin Son divides 21 swarms and is a top-down system. & rdquo;


The excessive concentration of power in 21 supernodes also increases the likelihood that EOS will be hacked. & ldquo; Ethio you're going to attack more than half and tens of thousands of targets. If you attack EOS, all you need to do is attack 11 supernodes & mdash; & mdash; even if you know who's coming, it's enough to attack those nodes.


But EOS has its own solution to the hacker problem by setting up an arbitration body — — ECAF (EOS Core Arbitration Forum). This organization has the same status as the Supreme Court within the EOS system. In July 2018, a hacker, named Eosfomoplay1, launched an attack on the wolf killing OFO games on EOS, successfully lifting 60686.4190 EOS. The incident drew the attention of the EOS Core Arbitration Forum, which decided to issue an arbitration order for the hacker’s conduct and to freeze the hacker’s EOS account.

这在信奉“Code is law”(代码即法律)的以太坊上绝不可能发生。同样遭遇黑客攻击,以太坊的应对方式和EOS有天壤之别。theDAO是当时全球最大的一个基于以太坊的众筹项目,整个社区完全自治,并且通过代码编写的智能合约来实现。2016年5月28日众筹完成,共募集1150万ETH,当时价值达到1.49亿美元。不幸的是,theDAO遭遇了黑客的攻击,黑客利用split函数盗取了360万个ETH。

This was never possible at the Etheria, which is a believer in “ Code is law&rdquo (the code is the law). It was also hit by hackers, who responded in a way that was very different from EOS. The DAO was the largest crowd-building project in the world at the time, based on Ether, and the whole community became fully self-governing, and was achieved through a smart contract of code writing. On May 28, 2016, the crowd collected 11.5 million ETH, valued at $149 million. Unfortunately, the DAO was attacked by hackers, who stole 3.6 million ETHs using the split function.

为了挽回黑客造成的损失,以太坊社区作出了硬分叉的决定,并由社区投票通过。有意思的是,黑客得知以太坊社区这一决定后,还出来公开发表声明。黑客称分叉是不对的,他愿意拿出攻击所得的三分之一,即120万个ETH作为奖励,让大家不要同意分叉。同时他强调自己的做法同样在践行“Code is law”的原则,他只是拿了该拿的钱。

In order to repair the damage caused by the hackers, a hard-fork decision was made by the community and voted by the community. Interestingly, the hackers came out to make a public statement after learning about the decision by the community. The hackers called the fork incorrect, and offered to give one third of the price of the attack, 1.2 million ETHs, as an incentive not to agree to the fork. He stressed that he was also doing the same & ldquo; Code is law” the principle was that he just took the money he deserved.


& & ldquo; these two mechanisms represent two ideas, and there's nothing wrong with them. PoW is an ocean culture, and you're the boss. DOS is a continental culture, and everybody sits down to talk about & mdash; & mdash; although there's only one group of rich people who do the talking. & rdquao; and creative capital partner Lee Yong Bin says.


In addition to the infirmity of the mechanisms, EOS still has a lot of ecological problems. The Etherms do not need money to create accounts, but the EOS accounts have to be. This has led to a core problem for the Dapp developers on EOS & mdash; & mdash; how do new users get in?


When EOS launched the main network in June, it already had 160,000 accounts. Five months later, the number of accounts had just broken 470,000, and only 300,000 more than half a year had gone up, not to the extent of the outbreak. ImToken, the head of the business operation, Monopoly, told the finance journalist that it currently costs around 30 yuan to create an account on EOS. This is a huge cost to developers. & ldquo; BM (the founder of the EOS) believes that helping users to create accounts is the responsibility of Dapp, but Dapp does not have enough motivation. Because of the lack of access, the users are not used for Dapp consumption. & & RDquo; a DApp viewer says.


& & ldquo; EOS daytime heights are brought up by the money tray and the lottery games. It makes no sense to discuss who is several times who in the public chain. & & rdquo; the founder of a block chain game based on the Ether and EOS platforms says that Ether and EOS have only tens of thousands of daily lives, and there are very large overlaps between the two sides.


& ldquo; it's been said that the Etherms are eco-friendly, but it's just a little game. EOS rises up and soon exceeds 10 times. And so is other public chains in the future. This industry is a large incremental market. & rdquo; the bells say.


& & ldquo; in terms of influence, the existing public chain dies 90% or even 99%. & & rdquao; Genesis Capital CEO informs Financial Reporters.


In the second half of 2018, and the first half of 2019, a large number of public-chain main networks were piled up. The bear city could not help but open in the second quarter of 2018, causing a fatal blow to the online plans for these public-chains.


Often, developing a public-chain project requires RMB 50-60 million. Fortune reveals that in last year’s cattle market, many projects raised more than a billion dollars.


The money chain is strained or even broken, forcing a number of public-chain projects to be laid off on a large scale. & ldquo; we always suggest that the amount we need to raise is the amount we need to develop. It's not a good thing to get too much money. But some teams don't listen.


& & ldquo; indeed, it is embarrassing to hear that the fund-raising of the project party is due to a one-fifth or even one-seventh contraction in the bear market. But we know that some of the public-chain groups are smart and have converted to US dollars when they get ETH funding. & & rdquo; the founder of the above-mentioned block-link game says.


The public-chain project IIST is one of the survivors. They raise the equivalent of $40 million in ETH through private fund-raising, and then turn it into a French currency to safeguard it. Founder Clock said that it was easy to transfer it in Tai Chamber, but not a stable reserve. & ldquao; Bear City must have less money. Survival is not a problem for us, but we also adjust personnel.


IIST has 40 full-time developers around the world. The bells say that their human costs are often six to seven times those of other projects, but they will not cut costs on them. It will be adjusted to the past spending on the public relations market for precision extension developers, while at the same time spending more on good developers. & ldquao; in times of financial stress, you do more right. & & rdquao;


The public chain that has not yet landed is in danger. & ldquo; we think many of the public chain main networks are not even connected. You can see how many of the public chain developers are. ” a founder of Dapp, who works with several public chains, revealed it to a finance journalist.


As of November 7, 2018, there were only 30 Dapps with an average of 300 or more active users per day, 7 of them in EOS, and 23 in EOS. The traditional Internet App days are often in tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of magnitudes, as in the case of micro-letters more than 1 billion people per day, which is totally impossible to compare. Poorly active Dapps, as & ldquo; bottom operating system & rdquo; and the number of public chains, which now have hundreds of public chain projects around the world.

公链过剩,DApp开发者和用户短缺成为了这个市场目前的困境。于牛市成功募集大量资金的公链项目,在此时展露出其优势。他们纷纷创办了自己的生态基金,通过投资去培养自己公链生态中的DApp与开发者。如NEO投资韩国区块链音乐平台Muzika、Qtum投资Wine Chain等。

The market is currently in a state of difficulty as a result of the excess public chain and the shortage of DApp developers and users. A successful public-chain project to raise large sums of money in the cattle market has shown its advantages. They have created their own ecological funds to invest in the development of DApp and developers in the ecology of their public chain. For example, NEO invests in the Korean block chain music platform Muzika, Qtum invests in Wine Chain, and so on.


But without hard technology, it is easy to leave behind. Even if investment is attracted, Dapps will still vote with their feet.

今年来,已经出现多起DApp从其他公链回撤到以太坊上的案例,其中最为典型的是CFun。2018年8月,之前搭建在量子链公链上的CFun宣布搬迁至以太坊上。CFun公开表示:“由于Qtum 项目的发展进入瓶颈期,后期技术未达到需求,生态圈较为狭窄,不再适合CFun DApp后续发展,因此CFun项目方决定迁移到其他主网,而以太坊是一个深思熟虑之后的选择。”

This year, there have been a number of cases of DApp retreating from other public chains to Etheria, the most typical of which is CFun. In August 2018, CFun, formerly built on the quantum chain, announced its relocation to Etheria. CFun has publicly stated: “ due to the Qtum project's development phase, the late technology is not up to demand, the biosphere is narrow and no longer suitable for CFun Dapp's follow-up, and the CFun project has decided to move to other main networks, instead of taking it as a deliberate choice. & & rdquao;


& & ldquo; these public chains are in the wrong direction, with eco-funds investing in a lot of Dapps, dragging them out. They're not supposed to do this, they're supposed to use technology and community consensus. ” Founding Capital Partner Lee Yong Bin told Financial Reporters.


And “ The future public chain is definitely not a public chain, like local area networks, urban area networks, and wide area networks on the Internet. A chain solves some problems, but it has to communicate with the outside world and cannot solve all the problems itself. & & & & mdash; & & mdash; in a future block chain world, there will not be a single public chain. & & ldquo; The future public chain is definitely not a public chain, like local area networks, urban area networks, and wide area networks on the Internet.


This will lead to cross-linkages becoming one of the core directions. One Ether user will always have the need to use it to become bitcoin, not to use intermediaries, but to do so through technology. Users’ needs and consensus already exist, but only with which technology to achieve it. And “ how do blocks chains achieve cross-links? One is the same platform (synchronous), and one is different platform (symposia). The challenge is much bigger than homogeneity.


At the same time, there will be a number of rises in the vertical public chain. & ldquo; a future public chain of 200 people, if 10,000 bits of bitcoins can be traded a day, the valuation will not be lower than that of Etheria. & rdquao; Quasi.


The public chain is like an operating system, and each industry can have a small public chain for the ecological layout of the industry. The block-chain game company is trying to work with a public-chain custom-made game to address the problems of the game industry. There are problems, most of which are being developed by themselves. They spent two months developing a level2 expansion solution to the problem of efficiency, increasing the speed of a block-chain game by three times.


In addition to the industry dimension, geographical divides will emerge in vertical public chains. As in the cabbage market, China has droplets, Europe and America have Uber, and South-East Asia has Grab.


& & ldquao; next year's public chain competition will be intense and even tragic. The number of public chains, the head effects are so obvious that those who do not become head face the cruelest competition. & rdquao; the founder of the block chain game says.


Source: Finance Journal.


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    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
  • 5.14加密货币价格:BTC突破6.2万美元以太坊和山寨币反映市场情绪

    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...