
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:61 评论:0



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How many doggies/DOGEs have gone up? In 2017, as in the middle of the day, a lot of people were predicting that the year 2018 would be the year of the doggies, but until 2018, the doggies didn't rise? The doggies were born on December 12, 2013 and were as popular as the country's Euro-American annual popular Doge, based on the Scrypt algorithm.


How many doggies/DOGE dollars have increased? At mid-day 2017, as in mid-day, many people were predicting that the year 2018 would be a dog year and that the dog price would rise, but by 2018 it had not risen. How many doggie coins have risen since the birth of the doggie coin on December 12, 2013 because it was as popular as the Euro-American annual popular language of the country's twat Doge, based on the Scrypt algorithm, and because of the help of Reddit, there are data that the reddit community has more than 75,000 dollars, far more than LTC, and that the flow has developed in an explosive fashion? How many dodgy coins have been published so far?


How many times did the dog/doge go up?


According to goodwill data, the current market value of dog money in circulation is $537 million, with a price of $0.004577, the highest in history of $0.018773, the lowest in history of $0.00008547 and the return on investment of 708.05 per cent, or 708.05 times higher.


How many times did the dog/doge rise?


Historic table of prices for dog bills.


1. In 2016, the maximum price for dogs was 0.000455 United States dollars;


In 2017, the maximum price of the dog price was 0.009411 United States dollars;


In 2018, the maximum price was US$ 0.017087;


In 2019, the maximum price was 0.0003866 United States dollars;


5. In 2020, the maximum price for dogs was US$ 0.004484;


How many times did the dog/doge rise?


So, what's the outlook for the 2021 doggie dollar investment?


1. Comments from Bitcoin 99 degrees:


For the first time, a newcomer in the currency circle may feel bad about that name, as a currency, fast transfers, fair distribution, four to five years of market testing, increasing recognition of the dog coin, steady upwards of its value, and thanks to the persistent promotion by a group of people in the dog-coin community, which has already been supported by reward applications, including Facebook and part of twitter, to sum up that there is a consensus.


The weakness is that the annual inflation of 5 per cent, or an annual increase in the circulation of 5 billion, will generate a long-term suppression of prices, and that the dog price itself is not capable of producing blood, and that the dog coin is inherently culturally rewarded by charity, so that it may not have much room for appreciation and stability and ease are characteristic of the dog coin.


2. Comments from Stray:


But the community has given it life, its tip culture, and its charitable dedication, which has kept the dog alive after five years of baptism. There are three categories of digital money, money, public-chain communications, project money, dog money as a supplemental currency for bitcoin coin coins, and the speed and cheap cost of its transfer are its advantages, and the community’s highly active promotion has given it added value, believing that dogs will perform well as Bitcoin develops.


3. Comments from Franco:


Starting with a cute dog, it warms up a large number of fans and fans. Dogs have a natural first impression and promote charity and tipping goals that are very popular. Their own projects are quantitatively relaxed, moderate growth is still active, and there are localized groups of service associations that support, to some extent, the location of applications.


How many doggies/DOGE dollars have increased? Through the above presentation, it is believed that one knows how many doggies/DOGEs have increased. For investors who want to invest in doggies, it is important to be ready for everything, because the boom in digital money is normal, bringing about the possibility of a one-night boom and realizing the high risks that follow, so that the newcomer in the ring has to do his homework and be well prepared. If you want to know more about it, you can focus on the currency circle, which will be updated at a later stage.


Bitcoin, the initial price of which was US$ 0.0025, began by halving it for the first time in 2012, with a huge increase in prices known to a growing number of people. After a decade of development, Bitcoin prices peaked at US$ 20,000 in December 2017, up 8 million times.


After experiencing its peak, Bitcoin prices began to fall, at a current price of $10,000+, more than 4 million times higher than they initially were. So, four million times as much as many people hadn't thought about it in a decade. No doubt, Bitcoins made a fortune, but not everyone who took part in it was paid back.


As we can see from its curves, it's a high-risk return.


A 24-hour round-the-clock transaction, with high volatility, does not allow the general population to withstand such risk fluctuations. The entire digital currency market is currently in its early stages, and therefore the currency circle is risky and requires caution in entering the currency.


Dog money's up again. I think it's going to go beyond bitcoin.


1. Dog money is a cultural transmission, especially a charitable culture;


2. Doggie coins are advocacy of pets, which attracts more attention from dog-loving people;


3. Dog coins have the financial attributes and preservation function of bitcoin.


As the second largest virtual currency in the world, the doggie coin is favoured by a lot of people. It is completely different from the Bitcoin. It is a cultural export, from dog culture to charity. We can learn about the culture of relationships with animals through the doggie coin. Bitcoin is just a block-chain technology. Cultural diffusion can be considerably more powerful than a block-chain technology. After all, many people do not know very well about the skills, but in dog culture, charity can be easily understood and understood.


First, it's a culture that's easier to understand than block chain technology.


Our perception of different things is very different: the doggie coin is a combination of dog culture and charity, which is easier to understand than the bitcoin, which makes it easier for ordinary people to accept and understand more quickly, and the popular base that allows the doggie to get more attention, which is one of the reasons why I see the doggie coin to go beyond the bitco.


ii. Dog coins have bitcoin financial attributes that preserve value


It is a new virtual currency issued on the basis of the technology of the block chain, with the same financial attributes and preservation functions of bitcoin and cultural properties that bitcoins do not possess, and that gives them more attributes than bitcoins and bitcoins, which is why I like them.


The sharp rise in the doggie coins when the bitcoins were adjusted indicates that the doggies have been recognized by a growing number of people, which is really a very good thing, and that the doggies have the potential to go beyond the bitcoins.


Mask will give him his full support!


Mask sent a text on Twitter.


On the morning of 2/15, Musk wrote on Twitter: If all the users of the dog coins were sold, it would have my full support, and I think that the real problem with the dog coin is that it's too concentrated. Many netizens wrote in this message that giant whales must consider Mask's advice, and if they listen to Mask's advice, they will become a global cybercurrency. If they don't do this, they will use it as a bad way to spread the dog coin to more wallets and make the chips look more fragmented, that will lose Mask's support!

在过去的48小时,狗狗币从 0.00726 USDT 疯狂拉升,最高达到 0.084 USDT,最高一日涨幅超8倍,两日涨幅已超10倍,Coinmarketcap 数据显示,狗狗币市值已经跻身前七。

Over the past 48 hours, the dog price has risen from 0.0726 USDT to a maximum of 0.084 USDT, with an increase of more than eight times in the first day, a rise of more than ten times in the second day, and Coinmarkcap, which shows that the market value of the dog price is already in the top seven.

根据加密数据提供商The TIE数据,昨日狗狗币的日推文量飙升了1787%。在24小时内,总共 89991条关于狗狗币的推文,这是山寨币日推文量首次超越比特币。

According to the encrypted data provider The TIE, yesterday's daily tweets rose by 1787%. In 24 hours, a total of 89991 tweets about the dome, which was the first time that the price of the doves exceeded the bitcoins.


There are encoded money investors who say, "There's not a single day in the year that goes up." And there's a joke that investors say, "The currency circle exists, just to make a plain argument, people are worse than dogs."


Extended information


The origin of the dog's coin.


The puppies were originally only fun-type encoded coins, originating from the MEME picture of a wooddog in the 2013 social network.

彼时,加密货币概念开始兴起,全球最大的科技公司之一的澳大利亚营销人员帕尔默结合互联网上两个最热门的话题开了一个玩笑:加密货币和Doge。发推特称:“投资Dogecoin — 我很确定它是下一个大事件。”,并买下了Dogecoin.com的域名,并将柴犬印在了该硬币上。

At the same time, the concept of encrypt currency began to emerge, with one of the largest technology companies in the world, Australian marketing agent Palmer, making a joke in connection with two of the most popular topics on the Internet: encrypt currency and Doge. Twittered, “I invest in Dogecoin – I am sure it will be the next big event.” And bought Dogecoin.com’s domain name and printed wood dogs on the coin.


The joke was supported by a software engineer from IBM who was obsessed with video games, and both continued the joke, creating a new encoded currency — the dog-coin — and owning its vast community, relying on its self-defeating features, thus continuing to be one of the oldest currencies in the world of crypto-currency.


At the moment, the price of bitcoin is around $3,000. 1,000 bitcoins are three million yuan, or three million yuan.


Other well-known digital currencies include Leiteco, Retaico, Dogcoin, Micro-Alliance, etc.




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