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2018-08-23 09:27 黑马高调早报


It's not a big deal to start a business when I'm 40, I'm 43, I'm 40, I'm starting a new life.


headline: Mi announces $3.8 billion in net profits and rewards mine team 9.9 billion

1.雷军拿人民币99亿元奖励 刷新世界纪录

1. The Lui army has a $9.9 billion reward to refresh the world record .

有媒体报道称,今年4月,小米集团向公司实控人雷军控制的Smart Mobile Holdings发行6,395.96万股B类普通股,作为公司高管股权激励,此次股权激励将带来98.3亿元人民币费用。小米CFO周受资回应道,这主要是由于第二季度的行政费用包含了一笔一次性的上市前股权激励开支,总额为99亿人民币,但并未明确回应这99亿元到底有多少是给予雷军个人的股权奖励。 

In April this year, according to media reports, the Mi Group issued 63.959 million shares of regular B-type shares to Smart Mobil Holdings, controlled by the company's effectively controlled mine forces, as a corporate senior equity incentive, which would cost 9.830 billion yuan. The CFO weekly response was mainly due to the fact that the administrative costs of the second quarter included a one-time pre-market equity incentive expenditure amounting to 9.9 billion yuan, but did not provide a clear response as to how much of the $9.9 billion was actually an equity incentive given to individuals in the army. & nbsp;


2. First financial report after Mi went on the market: $79.6 billion in the first half of the year, net gain of $3.8 billion


i Black Mall: On August 22, the Mi Group published its 2nd Quarterly in 2018, the first financial report since the Mi Group was listed. The financial statements show that the rice earned 4.5236 billion yuan in the second quarter of 2018, a substantial increase of 68.3 per cent, the ring increased 31.5 per cent, the adjusted profits of 2.117 billion yuan, an increase of 25.1 per cent, and the ring increased 24.6 per cent for the first half of the year, and 7,9648 million yuan, an increase of 75.4 per cent for the first half of the year; and the adjusted profits of 3,816 million yuan, an increase of 62.2 per cent for the second quarter of the year.


3. Mobile phone sales increased by 43.9 per cent the same year.


In the second quarter of 2018, rice cellular income increased by 58.7 per cent on a year-on-year basis, benefiting from a double increase in sales and average sales prices. Growth was ranked first among the top five mobile companies in the world.


4. Iot and income from consumer goods doubled, and Mi TV became China's first brand


In February 2018, Mi launched smart television in India and quickly obtained a significant market share, with global sales of smart TV growing by more than 350% on a year-on-year basis.


5. Mobile phone sales have remained steady for the fourth quarter in a row in India, while Western Europe's exports have increased by 2700 per cent on a year-on-year basis .


As of 31 June 2018, millet was in the top five markets in 25 countries and areas around the world. Of these, according to Canalys, cell phones grew by 106 per cent in the second quarter of 2018 in the Indian market, and accounted for the largest share of the market in four consecutive quarters. During the same period, in Indonesia, where another market has a large overseas capacity, millet was the second largest. Moreover, following its entry into the Spanish market in November 2017, it was extended to France and Italy in May 2018, and, by the second quarter of 2018, cellular cellular cellular cellular phone output in Western Europe had increased by more than 2,700 per cent over the same period.


Domestic News


6. Beijing Sunny Notice prohibits hotels, etc. from hosting virtual currency promotions


A member of the office of the team responsible for financial risk control in the Yangtze district said that the document had been prepared last week, but it was sent to all locations only this week.


7. 7. . > .


Public access to the tether chain media has been blocked: some members of the public are suspected of publishing information about the ICO and virtual currency transactions in violation of the Provisional Regulations on the Development of the Public Information Service for Instant Communications Tools, and have been ordered to block all content and account numbers have been permanently blocked.


8. The blocked block chain media is only part of the story, and some of the focus from the media APP will also be included in the process .


From close access to regulators, it has been reported that the blocked block chain media public number is only part of the story, and that some of the next steps will continue to be taken, with some focus on the media APP being included in the reform process.


9.12 Departmental Joint Notice Banning Internet Lottery


12 departments, including the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Labour and Communications, and the Ministry of Public Security, have addressed the unauthorized use of the Internet for the sale of lottery tickets.

10.个税法草案二审在即 降低45%边际税率概率大

10. Second review of the draft tax code at   the probability of reducing marginal tax rates by 45% is high


The 13th session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, at its eleventh meeting, decided that the 13th session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress would be held from 27 to 31 August. It is understood that over 130,000 comments were received for 30 days on a draft tax law. Experts, scholars and the public generally supported the draft’s provision to increase individual tax exemptions (points of entry), many of which were recommended, and some of the recommendations considered that the level of exemption of $5,000 was appropriate. However, the majority of the opinion was that the marginal tax rate should be reduced by 45 per cent.

11.校外培训机构已摸排超20万所 教育部:年底前完成专项治理

11. Out-of-school training institutions have reached over 200,000


In February of this year, the Ministry of Education and four other departments jointly issued a circular on the effective reduction of the extra-curricular burden on primary and secondary school pupils and the implementation of specific governance actions in extra-curricular training institutions, which strictly prohibits extra-curricular training institutions & & ldquo; extra-curricular teaching & & & & & & & ldquo; advanced teaching & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & quo; enhanced testing & & rdquo; strict prohibition of linking the results of extra-curricular training institutions to enrolment in primary and secondary schools; strict prohibition of non-teaching of primary and secondary school teachers; after-teaching of extra-school training institutions.


12. Department of State issues maximum & ldquao; restraining order & rdquao; and New East, good future stock prices fall


The Office of the State Council recently issued an Opinion on Regulating the Development of Out-of-School Training Institutions, which further strengthens the special remedial work of out-of-school tutoring and makes demands on teachers and out-of-school training institutions. As a result of this, the United States share closed yesterday at $79.05, which fell by $7.01, or 8.15 per cent, in the new East; and in the future, $30.95, which fell by $1.69, or by 5.18 per cent.


13. First day of launch of the Beijing Anti-Black Brokering Hotline, 23 non-compliance intermediaries have been investigated


On 22 August, the Beijing Municipal Housing and Urban Construction Commission, together with the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Municipal Non-Emergency Relief Services Centre, opened 12345 to fight against “ the Black Intermediary & & rdquo; and the Complaints Hotline. On the first day of the opening, 52 complaints were filed, mainly concerning eight types of problems, including rent-lifting, block-blowing, and the investigation of 23 intermediaries. (Beijing Chamber of Commerce)


14.11 City Housing Lease Market Report: Over 20 per cent of the overall increase in rents in the priority cities in July


According to China House Prices Network data, Beijing’s rent in July rose by 20.3% over the same period in 2017, and an analysis found that the current rise in rents in hotspot cities is linked to such important factors as being stimulated by rising housing prices, the fact that new market supplies have not yet created an effective demand, and the need to increase rents in the short term in the middle of the graduation season. (Economic report for the twenty-first century)


15. Two billion dollars to buy ofo, with the exception of Davy, where all the founding teams are out.

今日,有媒体曝出ofo最终“卖身”滴滴的协议已经达成,公司作价 20 亿美元左右,ofo的众多小股东正在陆续收到需要确认签字的文件。另外,戴威暂时保留董事局职位,而ofo的其他几位联合创始人出局。该报道出来后不久,ofo联合创始人于信就在朋友圈里表示,“假的。周一就提前辟谣了,周三还要再来一遍”

Today, the media have been exposed to the ultimate & ldquo; selling & & rdquo; the agreement has been reached, the company's price is around $2 billion, and many small shareholders in the ofo are receiving documents to confirm their signatures. In addition, David has temporarily retained his position on the Board of Directors, while the other co-founders of the ofo are out. Soon after the report, the co-founder of the ofo wrote in his letter in the circle of friends, & & & ldquao; fake. The news came out early on Monday and again on Wednesday.


16. Ink weather takes orders for weather services for the entire domestic take-out industry


Ink weather has announced that all orders from the domestic take-off industry have been taken, providing meteorological solutions for the food industry, such as hungry, the United States of America, and the popular comment industry, and helping the take-out industry to rationalize the allocation of resources and further improve its operational efficiency.


17. Today's headline recruitment of multi-function motor finance managers may begin with the finance leasing model

近日,今日头条正在招聘汽车金融业务等岗位负责人。有从业者推测,今日头条的汽车金融业务可能会从融资租赁模式开始入手。而在去年11月,今日头条已上线了一款汽车资讯 App——懂车帝,不仅集结了头条内部所有关于汽车的资讯、问答、视频、产品库,而且接入了单独的汽车导购体系。(新流财经)

Recently, the headlines of the day have been recruiting heads of automobile finance and other posts. Some think that the headlines of today’s automobile finance could start with a finance lease model.


International News


18. Uber settled sexual harassment allegations with 56 employees: $33,000 per person


The cost of the Uber sexual harassment scandal, reported by Bloomberg Time on 22 August, has now been determined: 56 former and current employees who have filed charges will receive an average of $33,928.57 per person. Furthermore, according to documents submitted to the Federal Judge of Auckland, California, approximately 500 female and ethnic minority engineers who accused Uber of wage discrimination in 2017 will receive an average of less than $110,000 per person. Compensation for harassment and hostile work environment claims is calculated on the basis of the gravity and duration of the misconduct, the number of witnesses and documents supported, the impact on the victim, the position of the perpetrator and other circumstances.


19. Foreign media: Apple will abandon the establishment of a special store in India due to obstacles

据Cult of Mac报道称,印度政府允许在大城市开设大型商店销售苹果的产品。目前已经有约150家印度特许经销商在销售iPhone和其他苹果产品,但只有数家旗舰经销商。这也意味着,苹果似乎决定停止尝试满足印度政府的条件,暂时放弃在印度开设专卖店。(环球网)

According to Cult of Mac, the Government of India allows large shops in large cities to sell apple products. There are about 150 Indian franchises selling iPhones and other apple products, but there are only a few flagship dealers. This also means that Apple seems to have decided to stop trying to meet the Indian government’s conditions and temporarily give up the establishment of a special store in India.


20. Tesla 1 Super Plant has over 3,000 direct employees, making it the largest battery plant in the world

据外媒报道,特斯拉电动汽车公司位于美国内华达州的1号超级工厂(Gigafactory 1)现在已成为全球最大的电池工厂,每年产能达到20GWh,而且还在不断增长。此外,对特斯拉工厂的最新审计数据显示,特斯拉仍在按计划履行其与内华达州签订的义务条款,现在其直接雇员已经超过3000人。(腾讯)

According to the foreign media, Tesla Electric Motors is now the largest battery plant in the world, Gigafactory 1, located in Nevada, United States, with an annual capacity of 20 GWh, and is growing. Moreover, the latest audit data on the Tesla factory show that Tesla is still on schedule to meet its obligations with Nevada, and its direct employees now number more than 3,000.


21. Three star payments: covering 24 national areas, trading out of 1.3 billion


According to data from the three-star electronic web site, the three-star payment has so far reached 24 countries and territories on six continents, and South Africa is the most recent country to cover. According to the three-star payment, which has now accumulated 1.3 billion transactions, has established partnerships with more than 2,000 banks or financial institutions around the world.




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