
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:55 评论:0
干细胞治疗一直是高度关注的热点。在武汉已经完成了超过200例的干细胞治疗,干细胞治疗能够抑制免疫系统过度激活,通过改善微环境,促进内源性修复,抑制肺部进行研究的进展。那么干细胞究竟是不是智商税呢? &n...



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干细胞治疗一直是高度关注的热点。在武汉已经完成了超过200例的干细胞治疗,干细胞治疗能够抑制免疫系统过度激活,通过改善微环境,促进内源性修复,抑制肺部进行研究的进展。那么干细胞究竟是不是智商税呢?   第一个吃螃蟹的人可能会付出智商税,但换来的却是先行者的红利。与其 在键盘上调侃,不如退而结网,让自己成为一个有资格交税的人。

stem cell therapy has been a high priority. More than 200 stem cell therapy cases have been completed in Wuhan, and stem cell therapy has been able to inhibit the excessive activation of the immune system and, by improving the micro-environment, to promote endogenous restoration and to curb the progress of lung research.

都说人赚不到认知范围以外的钱,这可以成为一类人裹足不前的借口,也可以成为另外一类人不断突破自己认知的动力。 ?

"Strong" says that people don't earn money outside the realm of knowledge, which can be an excuse for a group of people not to move forward, or for another group to continue to break through their consciousness. ?


How much do you think this is supposed to be a pure straw hat?

如果是村口的大爷,八块八 ,他还觉得有点儿贵。如果是路易斯威登的拥趸,就算8200,他要把它收入囊中,LV这顶天价藏帽,又是掀起了关于富人智商税的讨论。大家直呼,我连交智商税的资格都没有了。

If it's the owner of the village, it's eight dollars and eight dollars, and he's a bit expensive. If it's Louis Vuitton, even if it's 8,200, he's going to put it in his bag, and LV's name is going to start a discussion about the rich's IQ tax. You can call it, I can't even pay the IQ tax.


But buying a few LVs is worth nothing, and the non-rich or expensive circles are spending more than you think. 100,000 humans are frozen, 250,000 dollars can travel day by day in space, millions of dollars in the Fort of the Last World. And, of course, there's dry cell medicine in the rich world, even when you're in groups, or as gifts to each other,


Chinese businessmen used to go to Ukraine for news of stem cell renewals, to get the stem cells out of the circle. But during the new crown, stem cells were once again active in the treatment of patients with severe illnesses and were brought by the Ministry of Science and Technology and a number of academicians under the name .


As you know, stem-cell therapy has been a high-profile hotspot. More than 200 stem-cell therapy cases have been completed in Wuhan.


At least in the eyes of some people, stem cells are the term IQ tax for rich people.


The first one is Precious.


It's expensive, it's the original sin. The price of a drop in stem cells is equivalent to a bitcoin, so that the new elites don't dare to increase their consumption.


The second is chaos.


Several of them say they're stem cells, and the price falls short of a Tesla, and the way they charge is a lot of money. The evil thing is to use free stem cells to attract them, but they charge a daily price for the bed.


The third one is blowing.


Back in the old age of the child, medicine to cure the disease, immortality, intoxication and the like of God's effects, it's true to speak out, he's vague and unprofessional. It's not even clear what the difference is between the blood stem cells and the inoculation stem cells of some doctors.



The variety of stem cells varies from embryonic stem cells in Ukraine to stem stem cells in Japan, cord stem cells in the United States, sheep, cattle, even plants, oral and external, all say that they are the most authoritative and effective.



{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The last thing is black!


The information on stem cell products is not transparent, and he will never say


When you look at these five counts of stem cell medicine, do you think that, if not, I'll know it's a fake IQ tax.


But if you really think so, not only did you miss stem cells, but you left IQ at the tree-only level. Why does China, America, Europe, Japan use stem cell medicine as a strategy at the national level?



First, at the technical level

自从1892年德国科学家bobbery and hacker 给干细胞取了名之后,在这129年间相继发现了造血、胚胎、间充质等多种干细胞,并人为创造了多能诱导干细胞,总共贡献了5位诺贝尔医学奖获得者。到2021年,文献库帕麦收入了干细胞相关文献,总共有45万多篇,nature 和cell这样的顶级期刊也都创立了与干细胞相关的子刊。可以这么说,干细胞的巨大医学潜力早就是学术共同体的普遍认知。

Since German scientists bobbery and hacker named stem cells in 1892, several stem cells, such as blood-making, embryos, intercharges, etc., have been discovered successively in 129 years, and man-made creation of multi-powered induction stem cells has contributed to a total of five Nobel Prize laureates. By 2021, Cooper's literature included stem cell-related literature, with more than 450,000 copies, and top periodicals like nature and cell creating sub-records related to stem cells. In this case, the huge medical potential of


Second, clinical level

根据clinical trials的记录,全球关于干细胞的临床研究共有8363项,其中美国独占鳌头,开展的项目有4130项。欧洲第二,中国及亚洲地区第三。干细胞覆盖临床适应症有2055种,包括但不限于阿尔兹海默症、抑郁症、白血病、黄斑病变、心肌梗塞、中风、1/2型糖尿病、衰老症和关节炎等等。

According to the records of clinical trials, there are 8363 clinical studies on stem cells worldwide, of which the United States is the sole leader with 4130 projects. Second, in Europe, China and the Asian region, there are three. stem cell cover clinical adaptations of 2055 , including, but not limited to, Alzheimer's, depression, leukemia, yellow cytopathy, myocardial infarction, stroke, type 1/2 , old age and arthritis, etc.


其中已经有数款干细胞药物已经通过审核上市,比如针对移植排异反应的prochymal 和temcell。针对白血病的hemacord等等。再次,市场层面预计到2025年,全球干细胞市场规模约2700亿美金,复合增长率13.8%

Several of these stem-cell drugs have been placed on the market, such as prochymal and tellell for transplants. Hemacord for leukaemia, etc. The market level is expected to be about $270 billion by 2025 in global stem-cell markets and 13.8 per cent in composite growth rates.

目前,干细胞产业链已经逐步形成,从上游干细胞采集与储存到中游的干细胞增殖与产品研发,再到下游的临床应用都初具规模。并且已经造就了caladrius Biosciences、Sangamo、 Therapeutics等十家NASDAQ上市公司。

The stem cell industry chain has now evolved, from upstream stem cell collection and storage to midstream stem cell enrichment and product development to downstream clinical applications of initial scale. Ten NASDAQ companies, including Caladrius Biosciences, Sangamo, Therapeutics, etc., have been created.


And here you might ask, "Why is it that stem cells have solid fundamentals?" Because of the triple contradiction:

1 、宏观发展VS微观决策

1, macro-development VS micro-decision-making


As a normal patient, no one cares about the fundamentals of the macro, and what is our concern about stem cells, and what is safe? How is

2 、干细胞治疗机制VS传统药物机制

2, stem cell treatment mechanism VS traditional drug mechanism


The target of a small molecular drug is a precise attack on a protein receptor or gene. And stem cell action mechanisms are changes in the treatment paradigm that fit better with system biology or traditional Chinese medicine theory and treat the human body as a system. The elimination of the disease through the regeneration of the immune system and the blood system, so that the potential for treatment is shown in nearly a thousand diseases, so it is no wonder that stem cells are misconstrued as a “false drug” that can cure 100 diseases.

3、 个体化治疗VS医疗成本

3, personalized treatment VS medical costs


In order to be cheap, it would have to be standardized and scaled up, but stem cells, as a proxy for individualized therapy, have a huge investment in pharmacological research, complicated cell preparation, and stringent auditing criteria . The process is complicated, and it's a lot of talent, money, time and difficulty. And medical services are highly customized and expensive. So for now,


This three-fold contradiction, the root cause of the problem, is that stem-cell medical technology is still the cutting edge of science, and that technology itself, no matter what its potential, can’t be a real medical service. The development of medicine is largely a puzzle of the image of the blind, but it can’t be overtaken by the emergence of new technologies. As a common patient, it is only the tip of an iceberg of stem-cell medicine.


What's stem cell therapy?


The stem cell treatment is the use of stem cells or their derivatives to promote the repair of disease, functional disorders or damaged tissues. With the development of technology, scientists are able to cultivate stem cells in laboratories, which are used to divide into specific types of cells, such as myocardial, blood or neurological cells. These cells help to repair the corresponding defective tissues or organs.


It is worth mentioning that is present in almost all tissues of the human body, which, in addition to having the potential for self-renewal and splitting, have a unique immuno-regulating function and can be directed to damage tissues , with very broad clinical applications in the treatment of multiple diseases. At present, all stem-cell therapy is dominated by treatment based on inter-filled stem cells.


Inter-filled stem cells, which have been the most studied in recent years at home and abroad, have developed the fastest-growing varieties of stem cell therapy capable of splitting into multiple tissue cells, such as bone, cartilage, fat, nerves and muscles, and are therefore being applied in research on the treatment of multiple diseases.


At the same time, is considered to be a good material for repairing and reconstructing damaged tissues or organs of the human body . is the first to be found in bone marrow and then found in post-natal placenta, umbilical cords, adipose tissues. is the first to be used in bone and cartilage restoration, and research into intersult stem stem therapy has now been extended to the areas of brain stroke, cerebral palsy, acute heart disease and chronic ischaemic heart disease, liver disease, dental, cornea, blood disease, etc.


Clinical application of stem cell treatment for other diseases & nbsp;

内分泌系统类疾病:二型糖尿病 (99.58%)、更年期综合症 (96%)

Endocrine system diseases: Diabetes II (99.58 per cent), menopause syndrome (96 per cent)

免疫系统类疾病:关节炎 (80%)、关节退行性变 (80%)、骨髓炎 (80%)、系统性红斑狼疮 (80%)、癌症化疗后恢复免疫功能 (90%)

Immuno-type diseases: arthritis (80 per cent), joint degeneration (80 per cent), osteoporosis (80 per cent), systemic red filament (80 per cent), post-cancer re-immunisation (90 per cent)


Diseases of the digestive system:

慢性萎缩性胃炎 (97%)、乙型和丙型肝炎 (95%)、酒精性肝病 (93%)、肝硬化(95%)、肝硬化腹水 (85%)、肝纤维化 (85%)、脂肪肝 (85%)、克罗恩病 (90%)

Chronic atrophy of stomachitis (97 per cent), hepatitis B and C (95 per cent), alcoholic hepatitis (93 per cent), liver cirrhosis (95 per cent), liver cirrhosis (85 per cent), liver fibrosis (85 per cent), fat liver (85 per cent), Crohn disease (90 per cent)


Respiratory Diseases:

慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (80%)

Chronic obstructive lung disease (80%)


前列腺疾病 (90%)、肾功能衰竭 (90%)

Prostate diseases (90%), kidney failure (90%)


circulatory diseases:

心肌(95%)、心脏衰竭 (85%)、动脉硬化(90%)、脑梗塞(85%)、下肢严重缺血 (95%)

Heart muscle (95 per cent), heart failure (85 per cent), arterial sclerosis (90 per cent), brain infarction (85 per cent), severe hypothermia in the lower limbs (95 per cent)


中风 (80%)、帕金森 (80%)、阿尔茨海默氏病 (85%)、脑膜炎及其后遗症(75%)

stroke (80 per cent), Parkinson (80 per cent), Alzheimer's disease (85 per cent), meningitis and its aftermath (75 per cent)


Diseases of the reproductive system:


Infertility (90%), sexual impairment (98%)


? strange? summing up, stem cell medicine is full of potential, unknown and challenging.


It's still a luxury, but it's moving towards the general public. The stem cells are a triad of regenerative medicine, individualized medicine and cell therapy, and certainly not an IQ tax.


Finally, let us say that IQ tax, and who is interested in judging IQ tax? Not just the average and confident majority of us. The success of `strong' shows that life is not a limited zero-sum game, but an infinite game . /Strong > may miss two weapons to keep our class moving: curiosity and courage.


The first one to eat crabs may pay an IQ tax, but in return it will be the dividend of the pioneer . Instead of playing on the keyboard, it will be better to get off the grid and make yourself eligible to pay taxes. All say that people don't earn money beyond the realm of knowledge, which can be an excuse for a group of people to stay out of it, or an incentive for others to break through their own perception.




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