比特币走出独立行情! 自去年5月来首次触及3.5万美元

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:65 评论:0



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The most recent data show that the world's largest market value encoded currency, which rose by 11.5% at a time to $35,000 above it. Even though the recent 10-year US debt, known as the “global asset-pricing anchor,” has fallen by 5%, reaching a new high since 2007, Bitcoin is still independent of mainstream risk assets such as equities, bonds, etc.


By the time of the release, bitcoin had increased in part, with a current transaction price of $34,031, but so far this year, Bitcoin has rebounded by an alarming 108 per cent.

有知情人士爆料称,在未来几周,首批美国现货比特币ETF(spot Bitcoin ETF)可能获得监管机构批准,这激起了人们对这一最大市值加密货币的投机热情。更重要的是,全球资产管理巨头贝莱德(BlackRock Inc.)和富达投资(Fidelity Investments)都在竞相推出此类产品,在看好加密货币资产的投资者看来,现货ETF将有效提振加密货币价格以及采用范围。

According to sources, in the coming weeks, the first American spot ETF may be approved by regulatory agencies, prompting speculation on this largest market-market encrypted currency. More importantly, the global asset-management giant Black Rock Inc. and the Fuda Investments are competing for such products, and, in the view of investors who look at encrypted monetary assets, the spot ETF will effectively boost the price of encrypted currency and its scope.


周一,美国联邦上诉法院正式裁定,灰度投资(Grayscale Investments LLC)不考虑美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的反对判决,在创建现货比特币ETF的竞标中取得了胜利。

On Monday, the United States Federal Court of Appeal ruled formally that Grayscale Investments LLC had won the bid to create the spot Bitcoin ETF without taking into account the United States Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) objection judgement.


To date, however, the SEC has not formally commented on the Greyscale investment success claim, following the US SEC’s refusal to allow ETF direct investment in spot bitcoins on the grounds that there is a risk of potential market fraud and price manipulation. But recent court decisions, as well as heavyweight investment agencies’ applications to set up spot funds, have given rise to speculation that the agency will relax its regulation of encrypted currency.


来自Bloomberg Intelligence的ETF分析师Eric Balchunas在X平台(前身为推特)上指出,iShares比特币信托已在DTCC上市,代码为“IBTC”。

Eric Balchunas, an ETF analyst from Bloomberg Intelligence, stated on platform X (formerly Twitter) that the iSharesbitcoin trust was on the market at DTCC with the code “IBTC”.


全球最大规模的资产管理公司贝莱德(BlackRock)经营着iShares ETF业务,DTCC则是美国存管信托和清算公司,负责美国市场的清算和结算工作,这意味着现货比特币ETF可能已获得,或者即将获得美国证券交易委员会的批准。Balchunas表示,DTCC上市是将加密ETF推向美国市场的“所有过程的一部分”。

Black Rock, the largest asset management company in the world, runs iShares ETF operations, while DTCC, the United States Depositary Trust and Clearing Company, is responsible for clearing and clearing the United States market, meaning that spot bitcoin ETFs may have been obtained, or will soon be approved by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Balchunas states that the listing of DTCC is part of a “all-process” process to push encrypted ETFs to the United States market.


“But that doesn't mean it's technically approved,” Balchunas said in an interview. “It can't be said that it's done. But it's basically checking every part you need to check before you start the ETF. When we see that this code is added before the ETF product is released, usually ETF releases follow a similar process.”


As a result, analyst Balchunas assumes that Belet may have obtained a potential license from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to place the ETF on the market, or “are doing everything possible.” According to Belet’s application date, SEC must take a final decision to approve or reject the ETF before 10 January 2024.


As a result of the positive impact of spot ETF frenzy, Bitcoin also jumped by 10% last week’s first round. At that time, a false report that Belede had been approved by the SEC to establish America’s first active Bitcoin ETF fund led to this move.


Tuesday, the world’s second-largest market-market encrypted currency – which rose sharply by over 6.5% at Taicha prices, to over $1,800. Smaller encrypted currencies, such as BNB, XRP, and popular dog coins, have also risen.


Coinglass statistics show that, over the past 24 hours, some $387 million worth of encrypted currency transactions have been liquidated, mostly from speculators whose bet prices have fallen.


high interest rates and SEC regulation continue to stifle the crypto-currency market


The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has allowed ETF products to hold Bitcoin and Ether’s futures assets. But, following negative events such as the collapse of the market last year and the bankruptcy of the FTX exchange, the agency has generally stepped up its fight against encrypted currency.

Bloomberg Intelligence分析师Elliott Stein以及James Seyffart表示:“比特币现货ETF的批准似乎不可避免,一批基金可能会获得批准,尽管时间仍不确定。”

According to Bloomberg Intelgence analyst Elliott Stein and James Seyffart, “the approval of the spot ETF in Bitcoin appears inevitable and a group of funds may be approved, although the timing remains uncertain”.

加密货币行业正在努力应对全球借贷成本长期上升的前景,同时SEC也清楚地提醒人们,政府正在对Sam Bankman Fried创立的FTX交易所帝国崩溃进行的审判给加密货行业带来了风险,全球监管机构可能进一步出台更严格条例监管加密货币。

While the crypto-currency sector is trying to cope with the prospect of a long-term rise in global borrowing costs, the SEC is also a clear reminder that the ongoing trials of the empire of the FTX exchange created by Sam Bankman Fried pose risks to the crypto-goods industry and that global regulators may further introduce stricter regulations to regulate encrypted currencies.


As a result, the price of Bitcoin is still well below the peak of nearly $690 million during the 2021 new crown epidemic, as interest rate hikes hit risk. When the Fed keeps interest rates high for long periods, the interest interest of encrypted currency transactions like the Bitcoin (BTC) often exposes market risks.

一些分析师甚至预计,由于美联储将长时间维持高利率,比特币的潜在上行空间将受到严重抑制,并且可能在高利率期间探索2万美元低点。Peruvian Bull的分析数据表明,在美联储降低基准利率之前,比特币等加密货币可能会出现一波又一波抛售压力。

Some analysts even predict that, as the Fed will maintain high interest rates for long periods of time, the potential upfront space for Bitcoin will be severely curtailed, and that a 20,000-dollar low may be explored during high interest rates. Peruvian Bull’s analysis shows that encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin, may be under a wave of selling pressure before the Fed lowers its benchmark interest rates.


However, the recent decline in the correlation of encrypted currencies to assets such as equities (especially the US share of science and technology), bonds and gold has raised questions as to whether mainstream investors have gradually withdrawn from these traditional investment targets.

“流动性确实比以前好了一些,”加密市场做市商Keyrock亚太业务发展主管Justin d’Anethan表示。“价格趋势现在已经开始恢复,随之而来的是一定数量的流动性——不过,与2020-2021年的狂热时期相比,仍然显得微不足道。”

“Mobility is certainly better than before,” said Justin d’Anethan, head of business development for Asia and the Pacific in the cryptomarket. “Pricing trends have now begun to recover, followed by a certain amount of liquidity — although they remain insignificant compared to the period of fanaticism in 2020-2021.”




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