
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:66 评论:0
Labs 导读 Labs Introduction 为了更好地解决行业合作、交互可信和数据共享问题,实现跨行业的模型共享训练以及生态构建,天津公司人工智能...



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Labs 导读

Labs Introduction


In order to better address industrial cooperation, interactive credibility and data-sharing, cross-industry model-sharing training and eco-building, Tianjin's artificial intelligence laboratory has built & ldquo; Jane & rdquo; one based on “ block chains + federal learning & rdquo; and a multi-data-sharing model training engine for intelligent retailing, risk assessment and satisfaction predictions to achieve multiple privacy data-sharing, build data ecology, break data silos and tap data-combined values, leading to multiple safe computing.


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This is the value of valorization, by introducing advanced federal learning techniques, making full use of cross-practice model sharing capabilities for federal learning, and putting the AI model on the chain, combining the key features of the union chain to be centralized, open, anti-poding, anonymous, retraceable, and building a congenially and intelligently win-win system of shared intelligent engines, with accurate marketing recognition supported by , local life, video content, travel and other multi-industry data, and recommending the best product interests, so that district chains + federal learning become intelligent retail engines, brains.

1 珍珑的创新点

1 Precious innovation point


(1) Building a model training engine for federal learning to achieve more precise recommendations.

基于联邦学习模型实现中国移动互联网合作伙伴间的共享、共贏 ,在保护各企业的数据安全的基础上,协调多方资源,实现企业间的联合建模,提升数据挖掘和推荐的准确率。联邦学习模型具有合理的激励机制,参与方提供的数据越多,其模型的学习效果越好。珍珑采用纵向联邦学习机制,取出合作方针对相同用户而特征不同的那部分数据进行共享训练。


(2) New mechanisms to break down data barriers and achieve multi-dimensional security calculations


& & ldquo; & & & & rdquo; Breaking solid data barriers, its federal learning model can be a good solution to the problem of data non-accessible databases, business data need not be stored, raw data are not copied, and security concerns during transmission allow for the completion of multiple joint modelling to achieve better predictive effects than individual business data, the federal learning framework, and support the acquisition of more comprehensive client profiles and the creation of shared and credible cooperative ecological mechanisms.


(3) The security of federal learning is addressed in the context of the advantages of the block chain, and the basis of trust for multi-stakeholder cooperation is built.


The federal learning model involves multi-data-sharing training, with federal centres responsible for key management and model gradient management, requiring periodic audits of federal centres, with questions of trust. & & ldquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; technology for resolving consensus and credibility issues, recorded transactions that cannot be tampered with, model training, reasoning, role alignment uplinks, and credible , and enabling multiple federal contexts to replace the role of a central node with a central node.

2 珍珑的技术先进性

2 Precious technological advances


Valium has excellent technical value and innovatively combines federal learning and block chains to address the practical problems of operators, as illustrated in the chart.


Enterprise data layers, mobile and partner user privacy data in China are still stored in their respective intranet systems, and training and reasoning requests are initiated by intranet applications.


The federal participants'service level, China's mobile and partner, each building a local AI model, provides model features and parameters, as well as data identification, to the block's service level for data chains, and receives data such as models from other participants for data-sharing simulations.


Block service level, which serves as an intermediate service node for the AI model and block chain CMBaas platform, provides customized data links and data consumption services.


The shared data block platform layer, CMBaas, provides a decentralized, irreversible and mutually trusted model-sharing training platform for the entire system through smart contracts and consensus mechanisms.


Precious & ldquao; federal learning + block chain & rdquao; applications, mainly data alignment, model training, model reasoning three data streams:


(1) Data alignment. Before the model begins training, participants need to share encrypted user id data and synchronize the id alignment with other participants.


(2) Model training, with federal participants training in data characterization and local modelling, the model parameters are linked to the data chain service through the block chain uplink service, which generates new blocks through the CMBaas smart contract judgement, and through the block chain consensus algorithm. Other participants’ block consumption services detect the creation of new blocks, acquire block data, optimize the parameters of their own model, update the parameters until all federal participants meet the default conditions of the model.


(3) Model reasoning, China's mobile and partner-initiated model reasoning request, block service data chaining, smart contracts and consensus algorithms for data validation and creation of blocks, other participants , determining whether requests for reasoning are related to themselves, conducting a common understanding, requesting the final model reasoning and returning to the business system.

3 珍珑的商业推广价值

3 Value of Precious Business Extension


(1) & ldquao; Operator + Internet company & rdquao; Multi-Shared Wisdom Retail


The purpose of smart retailing is to bring personalized marketing services to clients using AI and big data technologies. Successful marketing programmes must be accompanied by a reasonable mix of three factors: product characteristics, customer purchasing power, and purchasing preferences.


(2) & ldquao; Operator + Bank & rdquao; Joint Credit Assessment


Using federal learning techniques to build a federal and credit rating model between China's mobile and bankers, the two sides achieved joint modelling on the basis of non-sharing of data, technologically breaking the data silos and achieving more accurate and efficient credit evaluation, while the block chain ensured a decentralized structure in which a number of operators and banks could build credit rating-sharing mechanisms, with the result that they were retroactive and non-manufacturing, and model-sharing training ecology.

4 珍珑与区块链的联系

4 connection between the pearl and the block chain


The combination of product and block chain technology has effectively resolved the AI modelling challenge by achieving & ldquao; the federal learning + block chain & & rdquao; new models, new applications.


Following the multi-participating model training, the integrated management of multiple data has become an important issue, which is being addressed by the introduction of block chain smart contract technology.


(1) Multiplicity of Contributions Determination


In the data chain, multiple participants generate a permanent irreversible data block at the block chain platform, which calculates the contribution of the current participant to the overall model, allowing for a quantitative determination of the contribution of all participants to the final model and providing a basis for negotiations among federal participants.


(2) Identification of abnormal participants


In the course of the Platform's operation, training and reasoning requests of participants are determined by means of smart contracts and consensus algorithms, and if illegal upper-chain requests are found, they will be denied the creation of blocks in the block chain, thereby avoiding risks, controlling flows and safeguarding quality partners.

5 产品成效及下一步发展

5 Product effectiveness and the way forward


Currently, “ Jane & rdquo; the overall architecture has been developed, deployed, validated in the CMBAAS block chain platform, and joint shared training has been conducted between the B domain large data user labels and O domain wide-data simulations to achieve a projection model of user fee satisfaction. The following is the achievement of the joint training deployment architecture for satisfaction predictions:


The next step will be continued in three areas:


(1) Overall platform deployment and networking


On the one hand, the CMBaas block platform and services need to deploy public networks to attract more extraterritorial businesses to join the ecology, and on the other hand, federal learning needs to combine multiple data training through access to enterprise intranet user data, thus requiring access to internal and external network networks and control of internal and external network connections through firewalls.


(2) Builds a unified management platform


Build a participatory management platform that, through the visualization of the page, achieves, on the one hand, the participants'operational capacity for self-help registration, data uploading, model applications, reasoning services, and, on the other hand, provides the platform with the capacity to manage the participants'accreditation, status management, contribution inquiries, abnormal participant judgements, etc.


(3) Extend federal learning model algorithm type


A cost-satisfaction projection model based on the decision tree model has been completed, which allows for the pre-positioning of other advanced smart models, such as CNN/RNN, pre-training models, and the direct selection of relevant models by participants upon their arrival for business scenario construction.


Follow-up, & & ldquo; & & rdquo; will actively promote platform promotion and eco-operation, attract businesses outside the operator's field and achieve multi-stakeholder business win-wins through the controlled sharing of multiple data.


Team presentation:


Zhao Dongming, Project Manager, Dr. Dr., China's Mobile Aluminium Specialist/&ldquo after Dr. Zhejiang University; High Level & & rdquo; Specialist/IT Senior Expert, , cumulatively 116 scientific awards and honours, 16 patents for inventions, more than 20 high-level dissertations for artificial intelligence, block chain technology development, arithmic research and industrial empowerment of products.


Terai, Head of Technology, Master of Mathematics Department North, expert in big data architecture at Tianjin Centre, has accumulated a large number of data warehouse and big data platform systems architecture, data modelling, best practices in demand development, federal learning algorithms for products and big data support.


Liu Jing, systems architect, Master of Arts University of China, China Mobile Group Big Data Specialist, long-term drilling of customer demand depths, promotion of stock customer cycling value upscaling based on AI algorithms, and responsibility for product block chain algorithms and engineering.


Ishiki, Master of Mathematics, University of Nankai, mid-group AI expert, with greater experience in research and development in artificial intelligence, , responsible for the development of federal learning algorithms for visual products.


Wu Na, an interactive designer, Master's degree from Beijing Post and Telecommunications University, UI specialist, responsible for the design, development and standardization, operation and optimization of the AI model.


Special thanks:




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