大跳水 !“华人首富”成全球最惨富豪,身家蒸发5700亿

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:75 评论:0
  “血亏” “暴跌”成为近期币圈的常态。 "Blood loss" has become the norm in recent currency circles.  “跌得群都不咋说话了,所有人都死气沉沉的,连...



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  “血亏” “暴跌”成为近期币圈的常态。

"Blood loss" has become the norm in recent currency circles.


"Down with the crowd, everyone's dead, not even the one who's making love." Virtual money investor Füdder called it.


“A few of them come down, and they can't afford to pay for it.” This is a part of the recent Japanese currency circle of friends that has been widely relayed.


Bitcoin fell several days later, exploring the $200 mark, the lowest since December 2020. The currency security data show that by 5 p.m. on 15 June, Bitcoin prices stood at $20470, down nearly 10 per cent from the previous trading day.


Virtual currency market tremor


"On the virtual currency transaction interface, all the currencies are falling, and it's extraordinary." Fangde lamented that the transaction software had been shut down.


Over a long period of time, since the historic high of $68,928.9 in November last year, Bitcoin has gone down the tremor route, which has so far dropped by more than 70%. This means that if investors buy three bitcoins at high points at the end of last year, they will lose nearly a million dollars.


Photo source: Yuan


At 1700 hours, in the last 24 hours, the total amount of the virtual entire currency was over 90,000 silos, amounting to a total of $290 million (approximately RMB 2 billion).

  市场对于下跌的原因众说纷纭,欧易研究院指出,影响近期行情下行的因素有很多,其中主要因素之一是上周公布的美国CPI指数创下了40年来的新高,超出了市场预期。这意味着此前美联储加息没有达到期望的抑制通胀目标,很可能本周三召开的美联储6月会议不仅会坚持货币紧缩,并且加息幅度将在预期的50个基点基础上有进一步激进的可能。加息对于虚拟货币市场意味着资金流出,币价的持续下跌便是体现。第二因素是某机构爆雷,大量抛售stETH币(stETH即“Lido Stake Ethereum”,是专门为用户提供以太币流动性质押服务的项目),导致以太坊币价暴跌,进而引发连环崩盘。

One of the main factors that affected the recent downturn is that the US CPI index, announced last week, reached a 40-year high, exceeding market expectations. This means that the Fed’s previous interest hike did not meet the desired inflation-restriction targets, and that it is likely that the Fed’s June meeting this Wednesday will not only persist in monetary tightening, but that the increase will be further radical on the basis of the expected 50 basis points.


According to the co-director, researcher, and Lin of the Center for Research on Digital Economy and Financial Innovation of the United Business School of Zhejiang University, virtual currencies have retreated considerably in history, depending on the rate of withdrawal. But, at the macroeconomic level, this Fed interest hike fundamentally undermines the underlying logic of virtual currencies.


7 coins lost $114 billion


The virtual currency market has collapsed and has also shrunk the fortunes of the giants in the currency ring.

  根据彭博亿万富翁指数,自去年11月9日比特币达到近69000美元的历史新高,到今年6月14日比特币跌至2020年12月以来新低,币安交易所创始人赵长鹏、FTX交易所创始人Sam Bankman-Fried(SBF)、Coinbase交易所的Brian Armstrong等七名加密货币领域亿万富翁的财富总共缩水1140亿美元。

According to the Bloomberg Billionaire Index, the historical high of Bitcoin reached nearly $69,000 on 9 November last year, and by 14 June this year Bitcoin fell to a new low since December 2020, with a combined contraction of $114 billion in the wealth of the billionaires in the seven encrypted currency fields, namely, Zhao Chang Peng, founder of the Exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried, founder of the FTX Exchange, and Brian Armstrong of the Coinbase Exchange.


Among them, Zhao Chang Peng, known as “the Chinese”, lost $85.6 billion in about six months, equivalent to approximately 57.7 billion yuan. According to the Bloomberg billionaire index, Zhao Chang Peng has been ranked first among all the rich since this year.


In addition to individual investors, there are countries that have lost their investment in virtual currencies.


In September 2021, El Salvador became the first government in the world to make bitcoin the legal currency. According to President Naib Burke’s statement in the social media, his government spent some $105 million on the purchase of bitcoin since making bitcoin the legal currency last September.


However, since the first purchase, Bitcoin has fallen by 45 per cent, reducing the value of the 2301 bitcoins held in El Salvador to approximately $58 million, or a loss of approximately $47 million.


The largest virtual currency trading platform in the world announced 18% layoffs

  北京时间6月15日凌晨,全球最大的虚拟货币交易平台Coinbase 发布大幅裁员公告,更让不少投资者感到凛冬将至。

In the early morning hours of 15 June Beijing time, Coinbase, the world's largest virtual currency trading platform, issued a massive redundancies announcement, making many investors feel that winter is coming.

  Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong发布全员信宣布,公司将裁员约18%,以降低管理费用和提高效率。

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong announced that the company would reduce its staff by approximately 18 per cent in order to reduce management costs and improve efficiency.


Photo source: Web site

  Brian Armstrong表示,目前美国的经济状况正在迅速变化,似乎正在进入衰退。经济衰退可能会导致虚拟货币行情熊市,并可能持续很长时间,未来虚拟货币交易收入(最大的收入来源)显著下降。在低迷的市场中管理的成本至关重要,且Coinbase之前的发展速度太快了。

Brian Armstrong states that the current economic situation in the United States is changing rapidly and seems to be in recession. A recession could lead to a virtual currency crisis that could last for a long time, with future virtual currency trading revenues (the largest source of revenue) falling significantly.

  Brian Armstrong在公告中表示,受裁员计划影响的员工将在1小时内收到人力资源部的通知。同时,Coinbase将切断被裁员工对公司系统的访问权限。Armstrong 称,“尽管删除访问权限可能会让人感到突然和意外,但这是“唯一可行的选择”,以此确保“个人不会做出损害企业的草率决定”。

Brian Armstrong states in his bulletin that staff affected by the downsizing plan will be notified by the Department of Human Resources within one hour. Meanwhile, Coinbase will cut off access to the corporate system. “Although it may be sudden and unexpected to delete access, it is “the only viable option” to ensure that “the individual does not make a hasty decision to harm the enterprise”.


After “retrenchment” came to light, Coinbase jumped in front of the stock plate on 15, and by 17 p.m. it fell by more than 5.53 per cent. At the beginning of the year, the stock price has fallen by 80 per cent.


On 16 May, Coinbase’s internal employee letter also stated that the company planned to triple the number of employees. According to industry sources, Coinbase had previously expanded faster and overemployed. Since June, Coinbase has completely discontinued its recruitment plan.


At the same time, Celsius, a currency ring bank, announced the freezing of withdrawals and transfers due to “extreme market conditions” to shake the market.


On 14 June, Celsius stated: “The platform's operations are still ongoing, with the ultimate goal of stabilizing liquidity and restoring withdrawals, transactions and inter-account transfers as soon as possible.” However, much remains to be done when options are considered for the restoration of services, and the process will take time and may be delayed.


Since last October, the value of Celsius'assets has shrunk by more than half, while Celsiu is managed on a scale of more than $26 billion.


The co-chair of the China Communications Industry Association’s sector chain committee in Jia Ning said to the journalist that, after the shock, the life of the virtual asset industry was bound to change dramatically, with the content rankings shuffling. “As is the case in traditional financial markets, the cycle of the virtual money industry can be divided into roughly four phases: recovery, overheating, recession and stagnating.”


Yu Jianing further analyses that during the recovery period, the core trading asset is Bitcoin. By the heat, Bitcoin will be out of line, and new assets will be on the stage. The recession is a very rapid and aggressive process, with traders stepping on their feet. The stagnating period is the most difficult and painful one, and is the key node for the emergence of new applications.

  编辑:李若愚 张晶






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