助力河南數字經濟產業發展 華為、超聚變等一批新項目“花落河南”

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:74 评论:0
  2022數字經濟峰會現場   2022中原計算高峰論壇   河南·華為數字人才公共實訓中心啟動儀式   新華三“產教融合、校企合作”試點示范項目啟動儀式   □大河報·豫視頻記者...



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  □大河報·豫視頻記者 陳朋沖 王新昌 侯冰玉 黃婷 王瑋皓 文 大會供圖

## The Great River Reporter, Video Reporter Chen Peng-yun, Wang Chang, Hyeong-yu, Hwang-Ting, Hwang-Ting, Ying-Ting.


On September 27, at the 2022-digit Economic Summit and the New Capital Development Conference, several projects were brought to the summit table, seven platforms were launched, and seven forums were held that day, which contributed significantly to the development of Henan's digital economy.



At the conference, China was officially launched on the global line for the airport and track corps, the ultra-consolidated digital transformation institute, the super-consolidated FusionOS centre for innovation, the central launch of China's Northern headquarters, and the launch of the Xinhua Three Flags Business Notes.


At the same time, the Super-Arithmetic Public Service Platform, the Henan Wah Public Training Centre for Digital Talents, the 5G Center for Security Innovation (Hananan) of the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the New Laboratory for Time and Space Data, the Henan Province Smart Networked Car Clouds Platform, the 5G Coal Mining Smart Digital Cloud Platform, and the launch ceremony for the demonstration of the Xinhua Trinity “Integrity, School Enterprise Cooperation” test site.


China introduced CEO Lee Joon, Vice-President of the Company, Airport and Track Corps, and, upon its arrival in the state of Cheng, will help build a “Henan model” of the country's strong traffic countries through digital conversion of planning and top-level design, incubation of innovative programmes, demonstration of joint applications, etc.


Xinhua, Vice-President of the Xinhua Triad and Chief Executive Officer of the Technical Strategy Department, Liu Xinmin, Xinhua San and Purple are looking very closely at Henan. After years of investment, Xinhua's three major data technology companies and research institutes, Purple Computer and Technology Ltd., and Purple Digital Technologies and Technology Ltd. will continue to invest in Henan, planning for more industries, with localized, specialized services and technology to support the digital economy in Henan Province.


In addition, 5G applications, with the focus on 5G safe products, 5G safe end-to-end solutions, 5G security services, and 5G safe talent development, have been developed, according to the reporter, to create a 5G application safety concept with “Henan characteristics, central features”, providing a standardised, modularized, recyclable and easily promoted 5G applications safety solutions that cover clouds, tubes, sides and flanks.


provides the leading computing infrastructure and services to digitize .................................................................................................................................................................................................


On the afternoon of September 27, China’s primary computer science forum, the smart computer industry forum, the high-end research conference on space science, the space information technology innovation application forum, the meta-cosm and sector chain industry forum, the Internet security and data governance forum, and the Chinese computer peak forum were synchronized in seven discussion forums.


On the forum of the original computing policy of the 2022 Digital Summit, the newspaper The Greater River Prospector learned that partners such as the Teletechmist Ltd., which has been working with a pro forma teletech consortium, have been active in accelerating the digitalization of Henan’s industries by providing leading computing infrastructure and services for digitizing and upgrading companies, helping them to achieve real efficiency gains and accelerating the digitalization of their industries.


“Super-consolidated focus on computing, providing a global-led foundation of computing infrastructure and arithmetic services, working to become a credible partner in the digital transformation of businesses by providing a single, multi-temporal, panorical computing product and solution for clients through continuous innovation, making users more stable, efficient, and intelligent.


Similarly, China's telecoms in the fields of intelligence, education, health care, industrial transport, information security, etc., are shown by the presence of nine major panels, such as the “Intelligent School” “Medical Community” “Innovation of Industrial Realities” and the “Credible Communications” of the Sky Navigation Network.


aims to explore new models for the development of the artificial intelligence industry in Henan's endemic environment


During the 2022-digit economic peaks forum, discussions were held with leaders and guests on the construction of the Won universe and the sector chain industry.


According to the National Internet Information Office's recent Digital China Development Report (2021), Henan is in the first line of the country in terms of digital infrastructure development with the provinces and cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Guangdong.


“The Yuan cosmopolitan is a virtual world in which the real world is integrated, and the new generation of mobile communications technology, represented by 5G, will combine its broad, low-time, high-security, wide-connected features with cutting-edge technologies such as regional chains, physical enhancement, etc., to become the digital infrastructure of the cosmos.” Henan Province Communications Authority, a first-level inspector, was introduced by Sun Li, and the Provincial Communications Authority will devote its full efforts to supporting and securing the mestrocosity and sector chain industries, contributing to the high quality of economic and social development.


On that day, China’s statistical peak forum was organized by China for the company in order to provide arithmetic technology, to digitize the farming industry, and to bring about a new upgrading of the Chinese intelligence valley’s statistical production chain. The reporter of the Great River Reporter notes that the forum was designed to accelerate the deployment of an artificial intelligence platform, to help build a new generation of artificial intelligence innovation pilot sites in the country’s south, to explore new models for the development of an artificial intelligence industry, to speed up the development of a digital economy in Henan, to learn and to develop a new approach to the integration of the whole spectrum, and to explore a new model for the development of an artificial intelligence industry in Henan’s unique geographical environment.






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