
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:54 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 用户1651815511,(https://xueqiu.com/1651815511/114564711)交易所OKEx前CEO、OKCoin创始人徐明星不止一次在采访中提到,“Bitcoin is the fu...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 用户1651815511,(https://xueqiu.com/1651815511/114564711)

交易所OKEx前CEO、OKCoin创始人徐明星不止一次在采访中提到,“Bitcoin is the further,real is gone change”(比特币就是未来),和他在美剧中偶遇“Bitcoin”的故事。

“Bitcoin is the future, real is gone change” (bitcoin is the future) and the story of his encounter with “Bitcoin” in the American play.


That's the third season of the American play "Honorous Wife." The discussion about Bitcoin was the enlightenment of his block chain.


At that time, the star of Xu may not have thought that later OKEx was one of the three virtual currency exchanges in China, and that his name was also printed on the ring's poker cards, making him an important node for career change. From band shopping to the soybean web CTO, and then to the coin ring, an episode of American drama brought a terrible butterfly effect.


What does this episode of "Honorous Wife" of Enlightenment Star say?



The trial was at its most critical point. The fourth trial, where the original defendant was at odds, was whether Bitcoin was merchandise or money.


According to the U.S. Treasury Department, his proxy client, Mr. Bitcoin, was a criminal. Stark refused to give any information because of a confidentiality agreement with his client, and Treasury officials tried to use the indictment to capture Mr. Bitcoin, who was hiding behind the network.


Mr. Bitcoin created a new virtual currency, Bitcoin, charged with violating the rules of federal law: individuals must not create new money or monetary systems. In addition to the codes and statements written, the only public voice left by the mysterious man who had always hidden his true identity was Stark, the signature of the documents, the establishment of the company, and Stark was the sole participant.


The U.S. Treasury Department wanted to find Mr. Bitcoin, a remote, cryptographer who was hiding behind the network, undermining their financial order, which made them feel threatened.


Stark, the only one with ties to Mr. Bitcoin, maintains the attorney-client privilege of confidentiality and does not mention all of Mr. Bitcoin's information, even its principals. He finds this prestigious firm and hopes to get out of this prison.


If the firm is to win this game and get a good bride price, it also needs to find a real Mr. Bitcoin as a breakthrough in the case they represent.


Stark’s silence is a game between the Ministry of Finance, the firm, and the real Mr. Bitcoin. Unfortunately, the judge finally took the hammer and declared “bitcoin is currency.”



The judge was assisted in determining that “bitcoin is money” and that passengers paid 4.32 bitcoins for one night's house in a shop called the “CP Hotel” and even rented a hotel movie in bitcoin, bought snickers and some peanuts from the hotel's small refrigerator.


Hotel owners consider that to be a sales promotion, like accepting a mileage exchange from airline passengers. This is a bitcoin trading scenario as envisaged in the play. In fact, many of the countries and territories that now allow the circulation of bitcoin do have a portion of the currency function.


In reality, not many countries truly classify bitcoin as a currency, and this American play, which was aired in 2011, has gone ahead early, just as most countries that banned bitcoin and even digital currency, in which the United States Department of the Treasury reasoned that bitcoin was a non-legal currency that was circulating on the black market on the Internet, ensuring the anonymity of money launderers, drug traffickers and authors of child pornography.


“This thing makes me feel like I've been out of line for a long time,” the case attorney exclaims when he accepts Bitcom. “Bitcoin is a digital currency, exchanged and spent through the Internet”, a short video that explains the principles of mining – like gold, the person who invented Bitcoin wrote a program to issue a “bit mine” on time, which means that you run software on your own computer to solve complex mathematical problems, and when the computer solves problems, you get a bitcoin, and the more computers you use to dig for mining, the more you dig.


As can be seen, the writer and director took a positive view of the bitcoin at the time. “The dollar banknotes may be lost, stolen, burned, but the dollar will always be on the Internet, the dollar will be exchanged through banks, and the bitcoin will be exchanged by point-to-point, and the wire will be exchanged”.


According to the ecology of the Bitcoin circulation, speculation is bound to be involved. In the play, the price of Bitcoin also skyrocketed to $25, just as it was paid by the CP Hotel.



The person who maintains an anonymous identity and creates Bitcoin in the Proud Wife is “medium-breathing” for real life.


As in the play, some people think he's a genius cryptographer, some say he's a Japanese programmer, and some say he's Irish. Who the hell is Ben-Heung? This has been a mystery since Bitcoin was born in 2009.


There is a growing debate about the age, sex, nationality, and number of Bitcoin holdings. There are also technocrats in the block chain who believe that the disappearance of Bintze is part of the centralization of Bitcoin.


And in the real world, the timing of America’s recognition of encrypted currencies is extremely advanced in global countries. They regulate encrypted currencies, including bitcoins, and turn them into licensed exchanges from black markets to black markets.


But the firm's case investigator gave an inference as to Mr. Bitcoin's true identity. The screenwriter's brain hole was that the founder of Bitcoin was three people who knew each other at a cryptographer's.


Among them are one of the world's third-largest sexy women, Elaine Middleton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Boshou Wei, Chinese economic physicist from Nankai University, code-named “Ninco 91”; and Stark, who was targeted by the Ministry of Finance.


Elaine writes statements, announces the rules; Bosuvius writes the code; Stark writes everything in law. Investigators' inferences stem from fingerprints left on a record and a lot of circumstantial evidence. Of course, this is because Proud Wife is a political film, which highlights the high standards that this law stands for.

最终胜诉后,斯塔克拿着排了二十分钟队换到的支票,交给了并不相信现金的律所。他的那句“Bitcoin is thefurther,real is gone change”此后被津津乐道,无论是徐明星,还是一些比特币、区块链信仰者,都乐于展示这张截图。

At the end of the trial, Stark took the 20-minute check with him and handed it to the firm that did not believe in cash. His "Bitcoin is the future, real is gone change" was later entertained by Jinjin, be it Xu Star or some of the Bitcoin and block chain believers.


The lawyer in charge of the lawsuit did not feel the truth, but after the trial, she tried to buy a bitcoin online at a price of only $3. Today, the price can only be 0.068 bitcoins.


In many countries, bitcoin is still an extraordinaire, but the block chain technology behind bitcoin has long been a place for countries to compete in science and technology. Bitcoin is not necessarily the future, but the block chain is.

在另一部讲述加密货币的美剧《创业公司》中,引用了鲍勃·迪伦的一句话作为开幕词,“To live outside the law you must be honest”( 若要逍遥法外,必先坦诚相待)。

To live outside the law you must be honest (to be honest if you want to get away with it).


Will the true founder of Bitcoin, Mr. Nakamoto, choose one day not to be anonymous, but to be honest?

原创: 李晓蕾 来源:冲科技

Original: Lee Xiaorey Source: Fu-Tech


Note: The above information points represent only the author's own, non-BABI financial position and do not constitute an investment proposal, for information purposes only. For more information on the real-time dynamics of the block chain, please follow the official website




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