元宇宙:投入100亿美元后 全球最大社交媒体巨头Meta究竟如何布局元宇宙?_LUS

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:56 评论:0
2021年10月,坐拥28亿用户的社交媒体巨头Facebook公司宣布更名为“Meta”,未来将全身心专注于虚拟现实与增强现实业务,至此彻底引发了元宇宙概念的爆发。In October 2021, the socia...



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In October 2021, the social media giant Facebook, with 2.8 billion users, announced a change of name to “Meta”, which would focus its future on virtual reality and the enhancement of real business, and which had led to the outbreak of the meta-cosm concept.


The founder of Meta, Zuckerberg, expressed the hope that, over a period of about five years, Meta would be transformed into a Won cosmopolitan company, and that the change of name would confirm Meta's ambitions for the Allin dollar cosmos.


But this feast, which was prepared for the Woncosmos, was written by Meta when it acquired Oculus, and in 2019 it announced that Horizon would become a brand-new social virtual world.


Subsequently, at the end of 2021, HorizonWorlds was officially opened as a meta-cosmos platform.


At the beginning of 2022, Zuckerberg promised to invest $10 billion a year in the meta-cosmos over the next 10 years, and the extent to which Meta values the meta-cosm.


Moreover, last week, Meta announced that it would suspend the holding of this year's F8 developers' conference because more time would be devoted to the meta-cosmos.


So how does Meta shape the universe? What's the reason behind the heavy bet on the universe?


When did Meta start laying out the metaspace?


In March 2014, Facebook, which had not changed its name, acquired Oculus with $2 billion in cash and shares, while Zuckerberg stated in his announcement that “movement is the current platform, and the acquisition of Oculus is in preparation for tomorrow's platform”.


After this huge acquisition, Meta undertook a series of upgrades to Oculus until September 2020, when two of the Oculus Quest2 were publicly sold at a price of $299 and the market was quickly ignited upon its launch.


Although the concept of the timer cosmos is not yet popular, it has proved that every step towards the metacosystem in Zuckerberg has been carefully prepared.


In March 2021, Roblox hit the market exchange on the dollar cosmos concept, with a market value of more than $48 billion at a time. The tide of the cosmos quickly engulfed all walks of life around the globe.


The immersion emphasized by the Woncosm needs to be achieved by relying on the terminal as a connection interface, while the VR track, as identified by Zuckerberg, has naturally become an important entry point to the Woncosmos.


Finally, Facebook announced directly at Connect's annual general meeting that the company would be renamed Meta, a social platform with big users that plans to create a meta-cosm that is fully public.


In response to the change of name, not only from Facebook's parent company, but also from Oculus QuestVR's flagship product, which was officially renamed “Meta Quest” on 27 January, MetaQuest also stated that “change sometimes is not a bad thing, and we want to better help build the meta-cosm, and the new name will make the process clearer”.


As a result, Facebook has been transformed from a social media platform to a meta-cosm concept company called Meta, and the current meta-cosm map of Meta is constantly exploring more diverse applications, so which tracks have Meta specifically staked?


What direction does Meta currently bet on the Yuan cosmos?


Meta may not be the first technology company in the world to focus on the meta-cosmos track, but it is no doubt the pioneer who has turned his back on the meta-cosmos.

Lookonchain:比特币和以太坊上涨或与机构/基金投入16亿美元资金有关:金色财经报道,Lookonchain在社交媒体发文称,比特币和以太坊今日出现上涨,链上数据显示自2月10日以来几家基金/机构已经向加密市场投入了近16亿美元,这段时间内基金/机构从Circle取出了16亿美元的USDC,但仅存入了约2亿美元的USDC,分析认为机构投资者并没有因为前期比特币和以太坊的下跌而停止向加密市场注资。[2023/2/16 12:10:37]

Lookonchain: Bitcoin and Etheria rose or related to $1.6 billion in funding from institutions/funds: Gold Finance Report, Bookonchai wrote in social media that Bitcoin and Etheria are rising today, with chain data showing that several funds/institutions have invested nearly $1.6 billion in the crypto market since 10 February, during which time the funds/institutions have taken $1.6 billion USDC from Circle, but have deposited only about $200 million USDC, analysing that institutional investors have not stopped investing in the crypto market as a result of the fall in previous Bitcoin and Etheria. [2023/2/16:10:37]


However, the Allin dollar universe is not merely a name change, but what exactly is happening in Meta at this point in time, and we're breaking it down.


? Heavy gold on the hardware track


The construction of infrastructure is indispensable at an early stage in any industry, and hardware development provides the necessary infrastructure for the realization of the metacosystem as a user interface and immersion experience for the “Four Great Steels” of the meta-coast.


The hardware track of the current meta-cosmos is largely divided into AR glasses and VR head, with a slightly different consumer population. AR glasses become the pets of industrial enterprises by virtue of their advantages in training and teledirection.


VR head displays, on the other hand, have become the preferred choice for ordinary consumers with their rich and varied recreational applications.


While the current VR head shows some degree of public concern over issues such as the disclosure of personal privacy data and security protection, it does not in any way slow down the sustained growth of the VR head market.


According to the latest report issued by the IDC in March, the volume of global AR/VR heads in 2021 amounted to 1,123 million, an increase of 92.1 per cent over the same year, while the market share of Oculus under the Meta flag reached an alarming 80 per cent.


As the leader of the market, Meta's input into the hardware track can be described as a huge sum of money.


In 2014, Meta acquired Oculus, followed in 2019 by CTRL-labs, the start-up company of the AR glasses track, PlayGiga, the first starter of video games, for $78 million in the same year, and, more recently, Within, the developer behind the VR fitness application Supernatural, for an amount of or more than $400 million.


Moreover, in the future XR context, Meta is not content with the achievements of OculusQuest, but is actively exploring new areas.


In March of this year, Meta dug up at twice the salary the head of hardware engineering for Microsoft AR glasses HoloLens, RuneJensen, to be responsible for, inter alia, R/VR cutting-edge technical research and prototype equipment development.


But these investments are only the tip of the iceberg, with the MetaAR/VR Enterprise Reality Labs only investing more than $12 billion in 2021, and it can be said that Meta has invested a lot of money and effort in hardware.


Try to build a meta-cosm social platform


In addition to working in hardware lanes, Meta, the parent company of traditional social media Facebook, Instagram and Whhatapps, with a large user base, undoubtedly spares no effort in building a meta-cosmos social platform.


In December 2021, Meta officially opened the VR social platform, Horizon, where users can create virtual images and interact with other users. While Horizon has only the upper half of the body, more than 300,000 people have been involved since its launch.

Okcoin承诺投入100万美元让更多女性进入加密货币领域:12月3日消息,Okcoin表示将投入100万美元让更多女性进入加密货币市场,目标是到2025年达到50%的女性加密货币客户。为此,该公司已任命兰迪·扎克伯格 (Randi Zuckerberg) 为首届品牌顾问委员会成员。扎克伯格在一份声明中说:“在技术、投资和领导力方面激励和支持女性一直是我的热情所在,我期待作为Okcoin品牌咨询委员会的成员继续这样做。”(venturebeat)[2021/12/3 12:47:10]

Okcoin pledged $1 million to bring more women into the area of encrypted money: on 3 December, Okcoin said that it would invest $1 million to bring more women into the market of encrypted money, with the goal of reaching 50 per cent of female encrypted money clients by 2025. To that end, the company has appointed Randy Zuckerberg as a member of its first brand advisory committee. In a statement, Zuckerberg said: “Incentives and support for women have always been my passion in terms of technology, investment and leadership, and I look forward to continuing to do so as a member of the Okcoin brand advisory board.” (Venturebeat) [2021/3 12:47:10]


Horizon is actually composed of HorizonWorlds, HorizonVenues, HorizonWorkrooms and Horizon Home, which is still under development.


HorizonWorlds, which consists of user-generated content, is a completely new social virtual world from which creators can come using the tools in VR applications.


Users can take risks, entertain in the HorizonWorlds and get new experiences that are completely different from everyday life.


Today, Meta has announced the start of testing commercialization tools for the sale of digital assets, allowing users to sell items and experience access rights and providing the necessary means for the circulation of the value of digital assets.


HorizonVenues provided the necessary conditions for a major event in VR, and in November 2021, Meta officially stated that users could watch NBA games in Quest through HorizonVenues.


At the end of the Super Bowl show in February 2021, the old American rock band FooFighter organized a VR concert in HorizonVenues, where Quest users would be able to sit and experience in front rows.


HorizonWorkrooms, on the other hand, makes VR offices more user-friendly and efficient, and provides businesses and employees with more effective ways to work at home during the epidemic. However, HorizonWorkrooms is not the first attempt by Meta to build a meta-cosm social platform.


As early as 2016, Meta launched a cross-platform VR collaboration platform for VR users, Worldplace, which allows users to live live and have many people chatting. HorizonWorkrooms, based on WorldPlace, has placed VR on a new platform.


The Meta dollar Cosmos social platform is developing steadily, and we look forward to seeing more performance on Horizon.


Platform for building meta-cosmos infrastructure


However, the ambition of Meta goes beyond that, and Meta, which is committed to becoming a meta-cosm pole, is also working to build a meta-cosm infrastructure platform.


In addition to promoting the development of hardware and building a meta-cosmos social platform, Meta joined forces with Weida to launch a new artificial intelligence research supercluster and with Telefónica, the Spanish telecommunications company, to set up a meta-cosm innovation centre to promote the construction of several meta-cosm infrastructures, such as AI, numeracy and network transmission.

Lido关于向Obol和BloxStaking各投入10万美元LDO代币用于SSV研究的投票已通过:8月31日消息,以太坊 2.0 质押协议 Lido 关于向以太坊秘密共享验证器网络 Obol 和非托管开源 Eth2 质押网站 Blox Staking 各投入 10 万美元的 LDO 代币用于 SSV 的研究的投票已通过。Lido 表示 SSV 是 Lido 未来用于 ETH 2.0 Staking 的潜在技术,SSV 仍在开发中,Blox Staking 和 Obol 都是积极致力于研究 SSV 的团队,Lido 希望通过拨款支持两个团队的努力。SSV 能够以一种安全的方式在不信任的节点或运营商之间拆分验证器密钥,同时保持以太坊验证器的分布式控制和活动。从本质上讲,SSV 是一种通过使单个 SSV 节点成为一个强大的网络来分散风险和减少故障的方法,该网络可以在安全性、稳健性和正常运行时间方面优于任何单个 Staking 服务。[2021/8/31 22:49:00]

Lido's vote for each of the $100,000 LDO tokens for each of the Obol and BloxStaging studies for the SSV has been passed: on August 31, the SPV is a potential future ETH 2.0 Staking technology, and the SSV is still under development. Blox Staking and Obol are teams active in researching the SSV network, and Lido hopes to support the efforts of the two teams through the allocation of funds. The SSV can safely deconstruct the testator key between non-trusted nodes or operators while maintaining the distribution control and activity of the ETH 2.0 Staking.


“We hope that the leap forward in computing will not only help us to create more accurate artificial intelligence models for existing services, but also to achieve new user experiences, especially in the meta-cosmos... is helping us to create the basic technologies that provide the impetus for the meta-cosm and drive the wider community of artificial intelligence.”


In the second phase, in 2022, RSC will be able to achieve 500 billion calculations per second, with a target bandwidth of 16 TB/s, becoming one of the fastest artificial intelligence supercomputers in the world.


RSC, on the other hand, will make the models required for technology such as speech recognition work in hundreds of different languages, without suture analysis of text, images and videos, the development of new tools to enhance reality and the construction of new artificial intelligence systems.


The RSC will facilitate the landing of products related to the meta-cosmos, including the review of sea mass content, real-time translation, and the integration of high-performance AI with AR, etc., leading to the construction of the meta-cosmos.


In addition to RSC, Meta is committed to providing better network support and to achieving substantial development over time and bandwidth in order to achieve low delay and immersion in the meta-cosm.


? Exploration of block chain technology


Block chain technology, an important component of the meta-cosm, was explored by Meta as early as the Facebook period.


In 2018, Facebook developed a Crypto-based payment platform, appointing David Marcus, Vice-President, who had been President of PayPal and member of the Board of Directors of the Coinbase Exchange, as head of the block chain, and subsequently continuing to hire Crypto developers.


A year later, on 18 June 2019, Facebook released the Libra White Paper, officially announcing the launch of the Translator Libra. Libra is a dollar Stablecoin, a reserve of French-currency assets and high-credit government bonds, issued by the Libra Association, a multi-member organization.


As the world's largest social platform with nearly 3 billion users, Facebook has a large number of users in various countries, and if it did issue such a currency, its impact would be unprecedented and would have a profound impact on countries'finances.

福克斯娱乐公司正为其NFT项目投入1亿美元:金色财经报道,福克斯娱乐公司(Fox Entertainment)正为其NFT项目投入1亿美元。根据首次公开的项目细节,这些资金将用于使“有史以来第一个完全在区块链上策划的动画系列”成为现实。NFT剧最初将由《瑞克和莫蒂》创作者Dan Harmon的名为“Krapopolis”的节目驱动。该公司周二表示,未来几周将发布更多与福克斯的NFT业务部门未来相关的公告。[2021/6/16 23:39:23]

Fox Entertainment is investing $100 million in its NFT project: Gold Finance reports, and Fox Entertainment is investing $100 million in its NFT project. According to the first publicly announced project details, these funds will be used to make the first ever series of animations entirely planned on the block chain a reality. The NFT play will initially be driven by a programme called “Krapopolis” by Dan Harmon, the author of Rick and Morty. The company says that more announcements will be issued in the next few weeks about the future of Fox’s NFT business sector [2021/6/16 23:39:23].


Thus, the launch of Libra, like a stone that provoked thousands of waves, provoked competition among countries, and placed enormous pressure on countries to indirectly accelerate the development of the central bank's digital currency, CBDC.


However, the impact of Libra has been widespread and taken seriously by all countries. In this context, Libra is collapsing, the regulatory authorities have consistently lit red lights on Libra, and members of Libra's association are losing ground.


Faced with such resistance, Facebook decided to take a step back by changing the name of Libra to Diem on 1 December 2020, while the original design based on a basket of currency was transformed into support for a single dollar and anchored with the dollar, in the same form as the dollar Stablecoin of other Crypto, such as the USDC.


However, this retreat did not allow the regulatory bill to be paid and, after more than a year of continued insistence, Facebook, now renamed Meta, finally decided to sell Diem.


On 31 January 2022, Meta officially announced the sale of its Crypto payment network Diem for $182 million to Silvergate Capital Corporation.


However, Meta did not completely abandon Crypto's currency game, and this failed only to issue the dollar Stablecoin, which began to move on to the payment platform.


On the same day that Diem was sold, Meta turned around and joined the Crypto Open Patent Union, which comprises more than 30 members, including MicroStrategy, Kraken, Coinbase, Uniswap and others.


Members bring their Crypto patents together to form a shared patent bank, and any member can freely use the technology behind the patent to protect Crypto's innovation.


Meta is also a fast-tracking strategy that, since it is not possible to follow the distribution route, can also make direct use of the existing Crypto, and can explore more use scenes and sources of income.


The products under the Meta flag are likely to be connected to Crypto in the future, allowing Web2 users of the traditional Internet to manage their Web3 assets, which can also serve as a bridge across Web2 and Web3 to capture Web3 winds.


In addition, Meta's financial sector has been exploring the creation of a virtual currency, known internally as “Zakecoin”, to reward creators, borrow and support other financial services.


The goal is to support Meta's meta-cosmos world, but it may not have been developed on the basis of a block chain, which is a bit like the Q dollar that we know, which, to say the least, is a successful experience, and it is worth a try.

动态 | 风投机构A16z或将对加密货币等高风险资产投入10亿美元:据福布斯消息,硅谷风投Andreessen Horowitz(A16Z)在进行一些内部调整后,或将在加密货币或其他数字资产等风险更高的投资上投入多达10亿美元。创始人Marc AndreessenBen Horowitz表示,其已将150名员工全部注册为财务顾问,以便让他们能够进行更大的押注,并加大对加密货币等高风险资产类别的投资。[2019/4/3]

According to Forbes, after some internal adjustments, or up to $1 billion in higher-risk investments, such as encrypt currency or other digital assets, Silicon Valley Wind will invest in high-risk assets such as encrypt money. Marcreessen Ben Horowitz, founder, has indicated that he has registered all 150 employees as financial advisers in order to enable them to make greater bets and to invest more in high-risk asset classes such as encrypt currency.[2019/4/3]


At this point, it appears that the plan Meta planned for nearly four years did not lead to his death, but it was good that it could be adjusted positively and that there were some new hopes.


In addition, with the spread of NFT in recent years, NFT has become a new application with a greater focus than Crypto.


A large number of traditional enterprises and institutions have entered NFT, attempting to combine their business with NFT, with well-known brands such as Adidas, Time Weekly, Louis Vuitton and others.


Some head-like NFTs, which are often a series of NFTs with similar characteristics, are also rapidly rife in social media abroad and can be used as a way of self-expression by the owners, in addition to their own style.


These NFTs are therefore also defined as a new NFT category known as PFP, i.e. personal data pictures.


A growing number of celebrity stars have joined the PFP game, replacing their own PFPs with social media of all kinds.


And with their influence reaching out to more people, it can be said that the PFP is a perfect application for socialization and NFT, and how can such a feast be short of the social giant Meta?


On 8 April, according to a memorandum from the British Financial Times, which had been recently disclosed by Meta, the company had set a rough timetable for the integration of NFT and block chain technology into the application and service under the flag and planned to take the lead in launching the NFT pilot on Facebook in May this year.


The social platform for this action is not limited, following the launch of the NFT head image on Twitter, which allows users to use NFT as their personal image.


It seems that a battle between the social giants who competed for the high points of the NFT system has begun and that, as an important technology in the meta-cosm, this exploration could also shed light on the way forward for Meta in the layout of the meta-cosmos, so that Meta can continue its dominant position in the meta-cosmos.


Why does Meta value the Won-Cosmos?


The number of users of social platforms under the flag has risen to the highest level.


On February 2, 2022, Meta published the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2021, in which data from users are worth considering. The number of Meta monthly live users is 2.91 billion, and the Quarterly Ring ratio has not increased.


At the same time, the number of users of Facebook has fallen for the first time since its inception. In terms of the corporate growth curve, Facebook has reached maturity from its rapid growth phase.


The stagnation of Facebook users is due to a number of factors, one of which is that the number of users is close to the ceiling.


At present, Facebook has about 3 billion users, while there are about 4.8 billion Internet users around the world, and the remaining market capacity is already relatively limited, excluding individual countries that are not open to Facebook, such as our country's 1.08 billion Internet users.


And now Facebook has developed countries that are able to grow, no new countries can expand, and the growth in the number of users has seen the ceiling.


The second is the identity of the user, who has developed as a product for 18 years, and whose user base is often older and less acceptable to the young people of the day.


With the rapid development of the network, video-type applications are rising, and Tiktok, an international version of shivering, has become one of the hottest social software applications abroad in just a few years since its launch in 2017, with a constant year-on-year power market for applications.


In a context of limited market capacity, difficulty in continuing to expand, and the continuing impact of new products and the absence of new users, old products such as Facebook, which would evaporate in the absence of new water injections, are like dead water.


So, in order to break down, new markets have to be explored. Now that video is used in the middle of the day, the video market is already in the Red Sea, and the pattern is fixed.


But the dollar cosmos concept suddenly exploded in 2021, giving Meta a new inspiration. Given that Meta had already begun to deploy VR a long time ago, especially in the VR hardware market, Meta has an overwhelming advantage.


And one of the key ways of showing the Woncosmos is through head displays like VR, where Meta holds such a good hand, naturally, to do what it takes.


It is clear that, in the present situation, Meta is not merely an aversion, but a direct diversion of all its forces and the use of its natural advantages to expand the blue sea, which has not yet been reclaimed.


But this time, Meta wasn't just trying to apply another social empire.


Apple is the company with the largest market value for a number of reasons, but most of its revenue is supported by its over-hard hardware products, as well as by its AppStore.


The combination of hardware and applied shops is the right secret to be rich, and that is why we can also see that there is a market for Chinese mobile phones, and that there is a market for small rice, which is well known to all.


By the same token, this set of logic can also be applied in the VR area, where whoever takes a sufficient share of the VR hardware market can dominate the future VR application market and have a steady flow of cash.


Meta currently occupies about 80 per cent of the market for VR equipment and continues to make efforts to capture the share of the application market, although the total number of VR users is currently only 10 million, and Meta needs sustained investment if it is to maintain its advantage and become a large market.


? Business returns are not promising


The presentation at the beginning of February raised many concerns because it was the first to be named after Meta, but it was this less-than-expected presentation that caused its share price to drop by 21 per cent.


The company's market value evaporated on a single-day basis of about $252 billion, which also hit the largest single-day fall since its listing in 2012, with a veritable “down to $1 trillion”.


In this financial statement, we can see that the growth of Meta's major advertising business in 2021 is weak and has lost sight of previous years.


At the same time, the hoped-for MEXA sector, instead of making a profit, caused a loss of $10 billion, which was the first time in the last year that Meta changed its name to a separate financial section, “RealityLabs”.


We look at the overall figure for the fourth quarter of 2021, after setting aside the profitability of innovative business, at $33,670 billion, a 20 per cent increase over the previous quarter, slightly higher than expected, but significantly slower than the first three quarters of last year.


In terms of net profits, Meta was the first to decline since the second quarter of 2019, recording $10.29 billion, or 8 per cent, and we know that Meta's traditional profit-making methods are mainly advertising, but, as we have said above, the decline in the activity of its social platform users has had a direct impact on revenue collection.


Of course, revenue from the old business in the entire financial statement still exceeds that of a large number of Internet companies.


But in the face of the decline in the harvest of old businesses and the need to open up innovative ones, even in the face of the current loss of 10 billion dollars, Meta has chosen to bet on the universe.


National privacy laws limit development and require new stories.


When we focus on Meta's financial statements, we must be shocked by its share of advertising, which for the fiscal year 2021 was $11,79.29 million.


While its advertising operations reached $11,4934 million, actual laboratory operations received only $2,274 million and other operations received less than $800 million.


Such a distribution of revenues naturally raises questions as to where the huge ads came from. If we look back at what Meta has planted on privacy data over the past few years, the number of people affected may have grown, from millions to millions, and up to 500 million last year, and that Meta has been exposed to privacy.


Even before its annual financial disclosure, senior British officials warned that if Meta did not comply with the new Cybersecurity Act, Zuckerberg might face stronger legal restatements.


Meta's advertising collection is supported precisely by user data of all kinds, which, in short, becomes more and more familiar with you when you use its social products and as the frequency of its use increases, and is used as a reference for advertising.


So, when national privacy laws become more stringent, Meta has had to choose to consider new stories, after all, if privacy protection in all countries becomes harsher, the loss in advertising revenue for one year may fall short of the losses of several years of Woncosmos operations.


♪ Hardware and hardware scenes for the next generation of smart devices


If the name of Meta had been changed as the scene of its open-ended universe business, the acquisition of Oculus so many years ago would have been proactive.


After all, the VR operation in 2014 appears today to be like Mr. Himalayan Capital Richards in Biadi 20 years ago.


Of course, the current configuration of Meta in the VR and AR fields is no less modest, and, after all, a 60 per cent share of the VR market would be a terrible figure if it were to continue in the future.


According to the latest report of the International Data Analysis Corporation IDC, the global AR/VR head showed 11.23 million shipments in 2021 and the market grew by 92.1 per cent in the same year, of which VR head showed 1,095 million shipments, breaking through 10 million important entry points in the industries that produced them each year.


In 2022, it is projected that the global VR head will outnumber 15.7 million, an increase of 43.6 per cent over the same period.


Imagine that 2021 global mobile smartphones produced 1.35 billion items a year, not to mention having reached the same level, and that once it passed, the VR hardware market would be rocked.


This has not yet included the growth of the market for all the software matching, knowing that the size of the market for the software matching each year is also trillions of size. Perhaps Meta saw a trend, even for all the major Internet players, or why else did it go back and forth?


Perhaps it is still possible that Facebook “faceless” will be used to mock its renaming as Meta, but when we look back at the list above, we have to lament the fact that the giants are not easy to turn around, but they seem to see the future of the meta-cosmos, whether it be physical practice or capital investment that deserves our admiration.


Can the central meta-cosmos be formed?


Despite Meta's ambitious bet on the meta-cosmos, the openness and decentralization that the meta-cosmos emphasizes may also prevent it from being created as a meta-cosmos in the true sense of the word, which is also ill by many meta-cosmists.


After all, Meta has been accustomed for decades to using its centralized advantage to earn capital income, and it seems difficult to get rid of “inertity”.


But when we see that more and more so-called “centralized” giants are beginning to be involved in hunting the meta-cosmos, we begin to think anew.


Do users need a completely free Internet or meta-cosmos, or do they find a new balance between convenience and privacy?


If the metacosystem created by Meta is in line with both the concept of Web3 and the public perception, perhaps the story will change.


Unlike many business-like metacosystems, Meta is more like an “internal enterprise” or even an all-power transition, and the metacosystem they create is certainly more acceptable to users.


After all, none of the two billion active users of Meta know their users better than they do.


So, when we worry that the meta-cosm created by Meta is not what we think or what we want to build, they also think about what the mainstream users need and what they like.


And this fun game is the real challenge for Meta.


The founder of Apple, Jobs, has always believed in a norm: users have no idea what they want.


So, whether we want the meta-cosmos or we don't know ourselves, as Ford, founder of Ford, described: if you ask people at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, they will never say cars, but they will say that I want a horse that runs faster.

标签:元宇宙LUSULULIBRA元宇宙数字虚拟人多少钱PLUS币KulupuLibra Incentix

Label: ; LUShttps://www.qjnu.com/tag/ULU.html>




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  • 支付領域投下震撼彈!美國數位銀行Chime疑與GuardPay 神盾支付合作!

    支付領域投下震撼彈!美國數位銀行Chime疑與GuardPay 神盾支付合作!
    2020年,新冠肺炎(COVID-19)疫情加速數位貨幣進展。例如:2019年4月,國際清算銀行(BIS)的調查顯示,在全球66家中央銀行中,沒有一家計畫發行跨境支付的數位貨幣。惟到了2020年10月,BIS支付委員會主席康利夫(Jon Cunliffe)指出,肺炎疫情拉高民眾對無現金支付的需求,迫使各國加快數位貨幣的研發進程日本與韓國於2021年進入數位貨幣試驗階段。直到2019年12月,美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)都尚無數位貨幣規劃,惟到了2020年2月,Fed已開始研擬...
  • 区块链:交易系统开发指南

    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
  • 5.14加密货币价格:BTC突破6.2万美元以太坊和山寨币反映市场情绪

    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...