
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:62 评论:0
原標題:比特幣風潮,去中心化巨浪會有多高   “本以為錯過了在最佳時機買房,結果還錯過了投資比特幣啊!”本周,微博上很多人感嘆。 "I thought I mis...



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"I thought I missed the best time to buy a house, and I missed the investment in bitcoins!" This week, a lot of people on Twitter lamented.


On November 18, the U.S. government called for a hearing to publicly recognize the legitimacy of the Bitcoin. On November 19, the price of the Bitcoin on the Mt.Gox Exchange rose from $420 to $900. The domestic transaction price is now close to $4,000.


More noteworthy is the fact that trading platforms such as OKcoin have become the most active platform in the world today, with experts saying that the trading center has moved to China. Some analysts argue that China’s “thou-ho” entry finally led the carnival.


The increasingly valuable bitcoin could not be placed in a pocket, but was a virtual coin, and for people other than traders, the bitcoin wallet was simply a connected address, while the bitcoin was just a bunch of meaningless random characters.


Decentralizing is the biggest feature of Bitcoins. According to the original intention of the mysterious creators, the Bitcoins exist “to enable any two parties that agree to pay directly, without requiring the involvement of third-party intermediaries, such as banks”, and to reach a “point-to-point” deal. Large P2P networks with large numbers of data provide the conditions for achieving this, and the Bitcoins are hidden in these nodes. So, the total amount of Bitcoins is limited — permanently limited to 21 million.


Virtual currency is not vanity, and bitcoins are becoming a big business. The national bank issues generic parities on credit, while bitcoins are “based on cryptology and not on credit” and are based on real transactions and are valuable in themselves. Bitcoins can be calculated, and their computes are called “miners” who pursue the value of bitcoins and calculate their own equipment, energy consumption and capabilities are their own costs.


Recently, good news about bitcoins continued. Germany announced that it would recognize bitcoins as legal; a Bitcoin ATM machine appeared on the streets of Canada; eBay also said that it would support bitcoins in the near future.


The development of the bitcoins has been accompanied by controversy, and even the recent heat has been the subject of controversy. The legitimacy of the bitcoins has been the focus of controversy.


In the eyes of some bystanders, bitcoins were seen as yet another tulip bubble. In the middle of the 16th century, Europeans enthusiastically accepted tulips brought back by navigators. By the 17th century, the social boom turned into a boom. The purpose of buying was to profit from expectations of rising prices, and no one cared about the value of the flowers themselves. This was compatible with Keynes' “dumb theory”: in the market, other fools were expected to buy something from themselves at a higher price, so they were happy to make a high price, not a terrible one, but a last fool.


Fear is not entirely unfounded, and the Bitcoin market has been known for its dramatic ups and downs. Last April, the Bitcoins suffered a 50-per-cent shock for half an hour.


There are experts who say that the bitcoins are not capped, and are completely unsupervised within the country, and are likely to become a hoarding drama. The same observation appears in April this year, at the end of last year, and the reality is that, indeed, there has been a shock and a shock, but prices are still on the way. More people are hesitating to join the game.


It is worth noting that bitcoins have a certain risk of use with other online properties, and if passwords are stolen, accounts will be looted. At the beginning of November, the China Bitcoin trading site, which was downline by the Chinese Bitcoin trading site, ran off by website managers, taking away $4.1 million worth of bitcoins held by users.


This leads to another question: Do we have a continuing need for bitcoins other than a drop?


After the US government’s financial crisis, in particular, people are beginning to see how cute an economic system that will not stop due to the government’s credit crisis is. Hearing rhetoric is interesting: even with the precedent of being misused, bitcoins can bring benefits to the financial system.


In terms of the media, social networks have long gone beyond traditional media outlets, and, in recent months, with the boom in the media, such as Micro-Trust, Altruistic Development and the Rosswigs, Presbyterian, the war has been on mobile screens of mobile connections; in terms of knowledge, the scale of Wikipedia's outreach has been small, and since the new show on the Internet of 100 degrees, knowledge, and so on, the collection of web-based videos has been sent to ordinary people's screens; and in terms of information, even in jurisdictions that require empowerment, Asoci and Snowden have lost their share.


So it's not an accident that the decentralised wave hits the financial field. It's still going to hit.


However, the center of the economy is different from the center of knowledge, the medium, and so on. The British Financial Times respectfully says that the value of Bitcoins can be “a cheap substitute for the current global transfer system.”


How far can it go to the center?




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