「行业深度」2021年中国酒类防伪行业市场现状及发展趋势 区块链防伪溯源技术成趋势

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:60 评论:0
在我国酒类流通市场中,犯罪分子为了谋取利益制造假冒伪劣酒品,酒企常年与“假冒产品”抗争,长期进行产品防伪投入,但是网络环境的发展使得制假手段越来越隐秘,假酒案件依旧频发。In our wine-flowing market, where c...



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In our wine-flowing market, where criminals are constantly fighting against “false products” for the purpose of producing counterfeits and bad products for their own gain, the development of the network environment has led to the growing secrecy of the means used to manufacture counterfeits, and cases of counterfeiting continue to be frequent.


Developments in domestic block chain technology in recent years have provided new ideas for alcohol prevention, enabling the chain to record the entire process of production of alcohol products in a true way, making information on the production and circulation of alcohol in an immutable way, and fundamentally guaranteeing the true reliability of commodity traceability, which has led to an increasing number of alcohol businesses starting to work on the chain of protection against forgery.


The State and relevant agencies and enterprises are also promoting the development of the wine block chain against fraudulent traceability, which is expected to increase further in the future.



For a long time, the issue of counterfeiting of cheap and cheap liquor products has become more acute in my country. The counterfeiting of products poses a direct threat to the physical and mental health of consumers, as well as a devastating impact on the image of products, which in turn affects the brand of the real product.


For this reason, our wine company has long fought against “false products”, has worked hard on the road to prevent products from being used, and is constantly updating the techniques used to protect them from counterfeiting, using the most traditional two-dimensional technologies, codes against forgery, printing against forgery, the current RFID technology against forgery, and the NFC technology against forgery.


However, in recent years, advances in and the spread of cyber-information technologies have led to an escalation in the online environment of counterfeiting of criminal methods and organizational patterns, a “one-foot-up” phenomenon in the manufacture of counterfeit alcohol, a trade-mark infringement, and the production and sale of fake alcohol. High-quality liquor, such as parchments and five-food fluids, is a pseudo-traffic area, but price-free brand wine is also the object of counterfeiting.


In January 2021, Qinghai Province solved a case of pseudo-sale crime involving the counterfeit branding of 35 thousand bottles of white wine and 25 tons of semi-finished wine, amounting to 170 million yuan, with the counterfeit brands of wine mainly poo-tai, Yoo Ha, 5 grain fluid, 5 grain spring, etc.


block chain technology provides new ideas for alcohol protection against forgery


However, the rapid development of block chain technology in recent years has provided a new solution to alcohol circulation prevention. Block chain technology is a new distributed basic structure and calculation of data using a block chain data structure to validate and store data, use distributed node consensus algorithms to generate and update data, use cryptography to secure data transmissions and access, and use smart contracts made up of automated script codes for programming and operating data.


The block chain technology has the characteristics of decentralization, inflexibility, transparency, traceability, etc., which allows for a true record of the entire flow of alcohol products, makes information on the production and circulation of alcohol inescapable and provides a fundamental guarantee of the true reliability of the origin of the goods.


Many liquor companies have started the block chain anti-prosperity project


At present, liquor companies such as Maotai in Guizhou, 5 grain fluids, and Ocean River shares have started building blocks to prevent counterfeiting. In 2012, Maotai in Guizhou invested about $180 million in the construction of the Mutai Retroactivity System, upgrading the Mu riser's anti-false function, and in 2013 abandoned traditional special devices to protect against forgery, using the NFC Counterfeiting Program. In 2017, Yutai in Guizhou officially worked with an ant gold suit to provide a system of service based on the genuine anti-prime traceability of the State Liquor Station.


In June 2017, Ocean River shares launched a block-chain orthodoxy technical cooperation with Kyundong, enabling consumers to track the circulation of Dream Blue Classes through the use of block orthopaedic orthopaedic techniques. In August 2020, the “Digital Wine” block chain was released to prevent fraudulent integration with the M2C model.



In December 2016, the “block chain” was first planned as a strategic front-line technology. In October 2017, the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Retroactivity Standardization of Important Products proposed that national, industry, local, group and enterprise standards should be largely in place in 2020, covering a comprehensive, focused and structured system of standards for important products.


In addition, local associations, businesses, and institutions have been working to promote the alcohol block chain against fraudulent traceability. In September 2017, the block chain alcohol retrospective service platform was included in the list of 112 projects in the Shanghai Model Project to Support the Development of a Retrospective System for Important Products.


In June 2018, under the guidance of the Shanghai City Council of Commerce and the Shanghai City Liquor Specialized Authority, 13 enterprises, such as the Shanghai Business Information Centre, Shanghai High Bridge International Liquor Show Trade Center Ltd., Shanghai Cheyenne Tobacco Sugar and Wine (Group) Ltd., Shanghai Liquor Information Technology Ltd. and Shanghai Retrieval Information Technology Ltd., initiated the Shanghai Liquor Block Chain Alliance.


According to the data, the application of block chain technology in 2019 accounted for 10 per cent of the application of the entire block chain industry, ranking third. The application of the block chain in the area of traceability will be further enhanced by the State's support for block chain development and the use of block chain technology for the creation of a product traceability system.


The issue of counterfeiting has always been the focus of alcohol companies and regulators’ attention in the flow of alcohol. If the chain technology is truly applied to alcohol prevention, it is certainly a great benefit to consumers, businesses, and regulators.


For consumers, open and transparent data information, as well as traceable technical support, can be effective in helping consumers to understand the source of the raw materials of the product and to move through the process in order to fake the truth, defend consumer interests, increase consumer confidence in the product and optimize the consumption experience.


For businesses, block-chain traceability can address the flow of products from the supply chain of alcohol and water and the counterfeiting of market run-offs. Block-chain distribution features can help firms reduce the cost of processing information from centralized logistics and improve the efficiency of the flow. Not only can firms reduce the costs of counterfeiting and managing them, but they can also build brand credibility.


For regulators, the chain of blocks records the entire process of the sale of alcohol, and the data cannot be tampered with.


In the future, as the technological level of our block chain continues to evolve, we will further incorporate the block chain back into anti-false projects, assist the liquor industry in brand maintenance, increase the deterrent power of regulation and safeguard consumer rights.


The above data are derived from the Strategic Planning Analysis of Competition and Investment in the Markets of the Liquor Prevention Industry of China Institute of Forward-looking Industries, which provides solutions such as large-scale industrial data, industrial planning, industry declarations, industrial park planning, investment promotion in industry, and IPO fund-raising.

〖 前瞻产业研究院 〗

The Institute of Forward-looking Industries.


This paper does not constitute an investment proposal. The stock market is at risk and investments need to be prudent.




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