比特币是货币吗?到底凝聚了什么样的价值共识? 1.石头币的故事货币相关书籍里都会介绍的经典案例。美国的人类学家威廉.亨利.弗内斯(William Henry Furn...

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:66 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 戴国俊-理财顾问,(https://xueqiu.com/9842287520/173739809) 1.石头币的故事货币相关书籍里都会介绍的经典案例。There are classic cases in...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 戴国俊-理财顾问,(https://xueqiu.com/9842287520/173739809)




There are classic cases in money-related books.

美国的人类学家威廉.亨利.弗内斯(William Henry Furness)在1910年出版的一本书叫《石币之岛》,上面记载了在南太平洋地区,离菲律宾不远,有个与世隔绝的小岛,叫做雅浦岛。

An anthropologist in the United States, William Henry Furness, published in 1910 a book called The Island of Stones , which describes a small isolated island in the South Pacific, not far from the Philippines, called Yap Island.


In this original small tribe, there is a very special currency — stone coins — and stone coins of all sizes, with a maximum diameter of three or four metres, and small ones of only three or four centimetres. The size, weight, and historical years of preservation of stone coins also determine how much they are worth and how much they can be replaced.


As you can imagine, moving stone coins is a very hard thing to do. So when you're dealing on Yap Island, you don't have to move the stones around. All you need to do is keep the books.


So what happens if you keep going on like this? It's the whole Yap Island deal, which turns into a big book of accounts.


This big account book records all kinds of economic activity at all times. In this process, the stone coins have been kept there, but ownership is constantly being transferred, and the entire island’s monetary system is working very well.


Even more interesting is the fact that there is a family on the island, whose ancestors were given a huge stone coin, but on their way back to Yap Island, the stones sank to the sea. But, because of the number of witnesses, the local population still believes that, while the stones are physically untraceable, the family still has the value of the stone, and that they can purchase the goods with this virtual stone coin.

参考文献:数字货币:货币革命进行时,[美] 尼尔·梅塔 等著

References: Digital currencies: [US] & nbsp; Neil Meta & nbsp; wait


Source: App. Jang Rain's Personal Investment Course.


This example illustrates a very important issue:


The nature of money is a consensus on the value of and the circulation of money is simply a way of accounting.


Since currency is a consensus on values, in order to achieve that consensus, this value must be stable.


Like gold, silver, precious metals, and this limestone, for example, use scarcity to ensure the stability of their value.


How can modern sovereign credit currencies, such as the renminbi, the dollar, guarantee value stability? It is the credit of a government, political stability, economic growth, and the corresponding monetary system.



So, what exactly is a “currency”?


The standard answer of economists to this question is that the currency has three objectives:


Means of communication: Money is a medium of exchange that can be used for any transaction.


Value scale: Currency is a unit of account in which people's wealth can be measured by numbers.


Storage means: Currency is a storage tool for values that can be maintained over a long period of time.


The central role of money is the development of the lubricating commodity economy, and the historical evolution of currency patterns is an improvement in three main functions, from



The birth of Internet technology, starting with the means of communication, addressed the near-cost, real-time dissemination of global information, and the emergence of block-chain technology was addressing the almost cost-free, real-time flow of global capital.


Bitcoin, as the first application of block chain technology, is a good solution to the almost cost-free flow of capital around the world, and the centralization of bitcoin and its indefensible character guarantee that bitcoin will not be counterfeited.


However, in order to resolve the question of how to reach a consensus on decentralised nodes (the Byzantine General's question) , Bitcoin used the workload proof mechanism (PoW) >, which required at least 10 minutes to identify a block for each transaction, and one hour for a large deal to identify six blocks for insurance purposes.


While the efficiency of the global transfer of capital had been greatly improved, improvements in bottom-level mechanisms were needed to achieve high-speed, real-time settlements.


Next to the value scale, bitcoin can be broken down as little as eight decimal decimal places (hear) , which is programmed to produce a block every 10 minutes, with 50 bitcoins per block (miners' incentive) issued, approximately half the bitcoin awards issued every 4 years after each of 210,000 blocks, so that the expected time for Bitcoin to reach a constant yield of 21 million is 2140 .


Bitcoin is strictly programmed to be non-exceeding and non-inflationary, but its own prices are not stable enough to soar and fall so sharply that it is difficult for Bitcoin to assume the function of a value scale, as it causes the ruler itself to grow short.


Last look at the storage means, bitcoin has a natural advantage in storing wealth, is anonymous, distributed, and cannot be tampered with, as long as the Internet is not completely destroyed in an instant, and as long as there is one node, the account book is complete, and everyone's Bitcoin wealth will not disappear. As long as the private key is protected, the wealth stored is absolutely safe.


But because of the high volatility of bitcoin prices, it's hard for ordinary people to hold bitcoin, as is often said: currency defense is more difficult than widowhood.


In the light of the foregoing, it is difficult to describe a currency as a universal currency in a generic sense, as measured by the three main functions of the current currency, which, although it has a certain monetary character, does not perform all monetary functions well at the present time.


What about the bitcoin? I'm more inclined to agree with Li's point of view in the course of the "BOX Driving Group" /b:


If Bitcoin is regarded as a “World Bank” and BTC can be seen as the currency it issues, or as a stock issue, then the value of this “World Bank” is not so different from that of an Internet company. Its value is closely related to the number of users, such as daily, monthly, user growth rates, and retention rates.



1) Value storage


Prior to Bitcoin’s invention, their numbers were unlimited for all monetary forms, so long-term preservation was imperfect. Bitcoins existed in purely digital form, and strict scarcity was achieved, before any currency was divided and portability did not reach bitcoin levels.


Bitcoin’s unalterable monetary supply policy makes it the best vehicle for storing the wealth created by the limited human time. In other words, Bitcoin is the best value-storage tool ever invented by mankind. In other words, Bitcoin is the best way to buy the future, because no matter how much appreciation goes in the future, only bitcoin has the guarantee that it will not be corrupted.


Figure: Global total stock/annual production,


Source: Money Futures: From the gold standard to the chain of blocks.


(i) Individual sovereignty


As the first electronic cash, the most important value proposition of Bitcoin is that everyone has absolute sovereignty over their currency. Anyone who owns bitcoin has some kind of economic freedom that could not have existed before Bitcoin was invented.


3) International and online liquidation


The advantage of Bitcoin is that it brings cash settlements into the digital world and creates the fastest final settlement for large cross-border, long-distance payments.


Bitcoin's invention essentially created a new independent alternative mechanism for international settlement, whereby the final settlement of Bitcoin transactions was not dependent on any counterparty or required any bank to become a de facto arbiter, and therefore was the ideal option for a global network of reciprocal partners in relation to a global hegemonic central order.


4) Global unit of account


As soon as some form of value stability is reached, bitcoin will prevail over national currencies in global payments liquidation. Today, the dollar is widely used as a global reserve currency, with the result that the US has “excessive privileges.”


The international settlement currency should be neutral in monetary policy across countries, and gold played this role well during the international gold standard. To play this role, Bitcoin is better than gold, because it can be settled in a few minutes, and the trueness of the deal can be easily verified by anyone via the Internet, with little cost.


Reference: The Future of Currency: From the gold standard to the chain of blocks.



Back to the nature of the currency, there was a consensus on the value of .


In legal currencies, the consensus of values derives from the endorsement of State credit, which has no credit and whose currency is worthless, such as Zimbabwean currency.


Also for Bitcoin, has no value consensus and no value.

拉尔夫·默克尔(Ralph Merkle)是“默克尔树”数据结构(比特币用于记录交易的数据结构)的发明者,它描述比特币的一段话很好的回答了这个问题:

Ralph Merkle, the inventor of the Merkel Tree data structure (the data structure used by bitcoin to record transactions), gives a good answer to this question by describing bitcoin:


Bitcoin is the first example of a new form of life, living and breathing on the Internet. It survives because it has the money to pay people; it survives because it provides services that are useful to people; it survives because anyone can run a copy of its code anywhere; it survives because all the running copies are talking to each other; it survives because any copy is destroyed, and it is thrown away cleanly. It survives because it is completely transparent: anyone can look at its code and see exactly what it is doing.


It cannot change, it cannot argue, it cannot alter, it cannot destroy, it cannot stop, it cannot even stop.


Even if nuclear war destroys half the planet, Bitcoin will survive without damage. It will continue to provide services that will continue to benefit people and thus sustain themselves.


The only way to kill Bitcoin is to shut down every server that runs it. It's hard because many servers run it in many countries, and many people want to use it.


In fact, the only way to kill Bitcoin is to allow it to provide out-of-date services that no one wants to use, and no one wants to pay. Then it will have no money to pay to anyone and then starve to death.


As long as someone wants to use Bitcoin, it is difficult to be killed, damaged, stopped and interrupted.


It was written on 7 March 2021, when the price of Bitcoin returned to more than $50,000, and as to how much value-added bitcoin would be in the future, reference is made to another article of mine.



So what's the right way to invest in bitcoin? I'll give you a detailed answer in a follow-up article, and I'll welcome two-dimensional numbers below the scan to talk to me.




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