
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:58 评论:0
踢车帮 Kicking Cars ˃ 只为爱车的你! only for you who love cars! 踢车问答 踢车帮的小伙伴们 本周《踢车问答》的5个问题已到 有请踢车夏东来...



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Kicking Cars >


only for you who love cars!



> > >. > > >/span > >
< strong > > >. < strong > > >. >



The five questions selected this week are as follows:

问题 1

Question 1


Assu 13238324833 : /strang >, if the insurance and the annual inspection of a vehicle were to expire, no insurance and no annual inspection would have had an impact on the vehicle, the licence plate would have expired? If there had been a traffic accident on the road, it would have been the responsibility of the other party, but would it not have become its own responsibility for not buying insurance and the annual inspection?


>, because his own party was in violation of the law. That is, because, from your side, it was a traffic accident that had its own illegal way first. > >, but that was not a simple cause-and-effect response to the accident, because, when the other side made a mistake, it did not necessarily cause him to make a mistake in driving. >, this is an uncensored car that, if it was travelling normally and did not violate traffic rules, in the eye of the other side, it did not make a difference with a year-on compliance car.


Insurance, divided into commercial insurance and compulsory third-party insurance. Only compulsory third-party insurance, voluntary commercial insurance. , if you don't get into “span” insurance, you will have to bear some of the damages, even the liability of the other party, in accordance with the statute.


"Span" says something extra. People are born to do what is good for themselves, but they often choose mistakes. When we think about what is good for ourselves, it's hard to define. In fact, your consciousness determines what you do, and as long as it is done, then the consciousness that determines it is good for you. Even sacrifice and dedication is what is good for you. This is a broad, philosophical subject.


The word "profit" in the narrow sense of the word "span" is nothing but "yes" and has been acquired and cannot be lost. The only thing that's missing, or less, is to increase it, it's to pay less than anyone else. It's mostly based on this instinct that you don't have to go to annual tests and insurance.


The logic inherent in cheating on a gambling table, illegal in a real society, is the same: risk versus the corresponding interest. In everyday life, people always have to be “flexible” and less rigid. That's why the rules are set, so that when humans live together, they don't fall into chaos.



The "span" car is too old to pass an annual inspection and to be used for profit, which is common in underdeveloped and poorly regulated areas. It's rare or close to extinction in the developed regions, which explains the problem. That is, it is only in the less developed regions that this “risk interest ratio” is attractive.

问题 2

Question 2


Can you answer the difference between a "four-drive" and a "forward-drive" for the main driving? Four-drilled oils, how much more oil than two? Shouldn't it cost twice as much. Electric cars can be placed directly in the back, less power-axis losses, and in theory, exactly the same amount of power-drilling losses.


answer: is a fundamental understanding of the point of “dravaging gravity”, which is an effective incentive for tyres to drive cars along the direction assigned by the steering machine. The original word of the word is "traction," or it can also be called "retroactivity.


It's based on the friction of the tread and the ground. This friction, in the direction of the wheel, is called to pull gravity. You can see it as “vertical” and, in the “horizontal” of deviation from the direction of rotation, it's called “capture—Grip”.


In this way,


There's a limit to the friction, which goes beyond the slide, that is, the wheeling of the wheel, and the ground is unable to provide the counter-activities that drive the car forward. Clearly, the four-drives have greater space to capture the counter-activities and avoid slippage. It exists to make the pull more efficient.


So the feeling of driving a four-drive is that one is faster -- faster, faster than the other; one is more stable, more confident about manipulation. It's actually a different way of reading things. The fuel consumption is relatively high, and the one is more heavy and the friction loss is more intense. Here's the focus of the technology solution, which is now well controlled. In general, there are differences in technology, in calibrations, but only specific vehicle types.


In the end, I think it's more efficient to drive after electric power than before, because, in the first place, it interferes with each other. In the second, it makes the division of labour more balanced.

问题 3

Question 3


Fanpan > > Xha, please ask how you choose the first 330 TSI and BMW1 of 125i's sports suite (with a large overlap of prices) and focus on control and seat comfort. I look forward to your response.


seat comfort, which must be tried on its own. Like buying clothes and shoes, this cannot be entrusted to others. My own body must be much more comfortable. These two cars are not meant to be, first of all, to focus not on manipulation and comfort, but on a little more macro, how you use it. That's what it is.


Most of the people who like cars are manipulative, but it's like drinking. Most people, in most of their lives, are so lightly manipulated. Comfortable is the important subject. Even if you live in the mountains, the road is normal, and it doesn't have to be so extreme. Let's be clear, the two cars you've been thinking about are all over the job.


问题 4

Question 4


, your taste and evaluation of the bottom-drive and driving properties of the State-made electric vehicles are comparable to the above-priced joint fuel or electric vehicles, or are there any gaps?

答:首先,几乎看不见什么同价位的“合资电动车”。外国的电动车,要么特别贵,要么就没有,除了特斯拉有个Model 3。

> >, first of all, there is almost no equivalent value of a joint-venture electric vehicle. Foreign electric vehicles are either particularly expensive or not, except for Tesla's Model 3.


There's a clear difference between the experience of electric cars and fuel cars, and my experience is that those driving electric cars, especially more advanced ones, are almost no longer willing to come back to drive fuel cars. I've tested a lot of electric cars, such as those with large fuel plates like Audi and Porsche, and their electric cars are clearly superior. They're still in their early years, and they're as good as they are, and the fuel trucks are pure and roadless.


As far as the price is concerned, you say all these electric cars are worth the price. For the time being, their battery costs are still significantly higher than fuel engines. The new power of electric cars, using direct sales, and not running a network of distributors, is saving the cost of manufacturing from here. So, the user is making a great deal of money, the same logic as the initial burning of money as the Internet company.


The implication of your question is to think about buying an electric car? My advice is to try to think about new money, like buying a cell phone. Han, I haven't experienced it. ES6 and P7 are the cars I've experienced. Better SUVs and cars. If I'm steady, ES6. Because P7 is so new, reliability needs to be observed.

问题 5

> Question 5


For some time now, Ms. Hsia has been focusing on Sparous Tigers, saying how good his four-way advantage is for common joint ventures and national production of SUV? Can his cross-country capability be compared to his non-car-carried hegemonics, Pajero, etc.? Where is the advantage of his travel vehicle when it is sold domestically?


> is a four-drive feature that is more balanced, based mainly on road driving, and mainly on bend control, ice and ski control, etc. So this advantage becomes apparent in the imagination of a high-floor chassis, because the chassis is physically elevated and the focus is naturally much higher than an ordinary car.


But it can't be compared to non-carried Land Cruisers, because it's not the same thing at all. Heroes, Pajero, are used to hit the Land Cruisers. That four-drive is used to climb and flip, although it's also slippery, on the highway, they're all much less balanced and controlled than cars.


"Span" lifts the chassis, but it's better than the sedan's pass than the ordinary SUV's. It's also a sedan carrying body. It's not comparable to a ladder beam that's not carrying a Land Cruiser. So, basically, it's not comparable.

傲虎是类似于A6 Allroad,V90 CC那种车,比A4 Allroad个头大一些,而价格却比它们都便宜很多。在它的定价档次上,基本没有同类车型。有的,就是SUV了。从通过能力上,在一个区间里。我认为傲虎的系统更专业,这是它品牌的硬核成分,买的就是这个嘛。

"Span" is a car like A6 Alload, V90 CC, bigger than A4 Alload, and cheaper than all of them. There's almost no similar type of car in its pricing. Some are SUVs. From the point of view, in a block. I think the system is more professional. It's a hard core component of its brand. That's what it buys.


In fact, it is being driven out of the market by the SUV. Europeans are showing their greatest attachment to it, and consumers elsewhere are hugging it. Here we have only the "special interest" type of car. It has a larger and flexible baggage loading space, as well as a clumsy but distinct look. , other things are no different from cars.


>. >....................................................................................................





Many ordinary consumers buy cars without an option. More than 300,000 price bands have no choice but a red flag, ideal, and there's not much of a national car to choose from. Especially cheap, except red flags L5 , which does not match prices, and which does not like or qualify for purchase. L5 > /span >. > ordinary consumers, who care about economics and not extra configurations, whose state-owned technology is not very advanced and oil is too expensive. > br/ 3./span > used to give consumers the impression that prices are low, technology is poor, stability is poor, and a lot of problems.


I believe that most of the reasons for the lack of face cost more than 100,000 to buy a joint venture.


2. There is still little faith in the quality of the national product plate, and even if you promote it well, there are those who are deeply rooted in it.


3. For a long time, joint ventures have been a good slogan and have a very long-term endurance, especially for the two fields. Although the joint ventures have also been recalled, their long-standing influence and image have allowed them to choose between them.


After 3 > > 15-20 multi-bit new energy vehicles, I think these three reasons should be: 1. brand recognition is not high enough; br/ > 2. >/span > inherently assumes that the low market position of most domestic vehicles may not be considered. >


1. Stereotypes and lack of understanding of the current level of quality of national production vehicles.


2. The quality of some of the high sales is still not good enough to go beyond the same level of joint ventures.


3. The ignorant follow the wind and the Dark Sons are pacing.


The first one is quality. Although the country's cars are progressing, in my mind, people around 40 years of age, there's someone who's going to fix cars and line up.


The second should be business stability. Apart from some big brands such as Chang-Am, these cars have recently collapsed like sails and crowds, and they're completely unsettled.


The third is technology. I have an imported Mercedes 10 years ago, some of which was sold last year by a national car. It's kind of a joke.


1. The vanity of the country's produce car, which is seen as a surprise when it leaves its door open, is not known to the extent that it has entered the country.


The idea remains the same, and it is felt that national production vehicles are prone to a variety of problems and vices.


3 >/span >, ostracized from the heart, feeling that it's too fuely to travel. As a driver who drove 210,000 kilometres of Gillitius without ever getting anchored on the road, a national car is no longer the national car of the year, and a little bit of auto knowledge is available to pick up a good national car. At present, being the owner of the ox 01, he is proud to be the owner of the national car.


. . . . . >/span's wakes up. For many years now. >.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


First, concern about the reliability and stability of a national product. Second, the national product car is generally low and does not want to bleed itself. Third, it's like, in my social circle, it's going down a little. /span > /span > /span /span /span /span >


The reason why did not buy a national car is because: 1.
2. 3. >/span's first car did not buy a national car because: 14 /span > did not buy a national car without a ticket at the time. So the ticket now allows me to buy a national car. With some savings, the reason why I don't think about a national car is too few. As Mr. Summer said, the national car is very well placed in the low-end market.


Two reasons for not buying a national car: 1. product quality risks (including safety, driving comfort, power, fuel consumption, spare parts and interior parts durability)
2. +/span) and many brands have made quite good designs, such as legends GS8 , collars >span >span 01/03 /span >, including red flags HS7 /span >.


There are several reasons why the individual view does not buy a national car:


1. Joint ventures are still more reliable and durable than the three components of national production, and the purchase of cars is a provincial matter & nbsp;


After all, the shortcomings or problems in the early stages of R & D and production in the home country have had far-reaching negative effects & nbsp;


3. . . . . >. . >. > >. . >. >. >..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................


1. >
> >
feels the joint ventures are good, and there's a lot of
feels the joint ventures are better.


So how long do we reform and open up? So let's not use face, vanity, vanity, archaic ideas. I give it because it's quality, second or final or quality. You'll feel no face. We can see that more and more of us have the right to talk. The reality is that there are a lot of areas where people are better than us. It's based on objective history and culture.


In my view, the three reasons why foreigners don't buy their own cars are as follows:


There is too little knowledge of the relevant circumstances of automobiles, and it is more likely that people around them will choose which brands to recommend or look at, rather than go online or ask professional auto-mediars, who will generally recommend anything other than “two fields”, as can be seen from the increase in sales following the publication of the Pasart collision test, which I don't think many of the people buying Pasart have any idea of having a collision test.


2. The joint venture brand has a high impact and a higher brand value than a country's brand name plate. It is considered that it has a reputation to drive a joint venture, and most people will choose a joint venture as long as the budget is sufficient, since people will choose better when conditions permit.


I think that's one of the least important factors, because now that few people buy a car, they'll be driving in more than 10 or 20 years, usually in more than 78 years, and the durability of the current national product plate (with the exception of mimicry) is not a problem at this time, and even its combined strength exceeds a lot of second-line joint brands, but many consumers don't know that it's too little to know about the national product plate!




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