【順序英文】序數 first, second, 然後呢?(含對照表)

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:106 评论:0
Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,中文裡要說「我是家裡的第二個小孩」,或是「他住在那裡的第二條街」,只要在阿拉伯數字前加上「第」就可以完整表達序數的概念,但英文完全是另外一套系統,尤其你可能很常聽到 first, sec...



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Hey guys! 我是英文庫的 Cecilia,中文裡要說「我是家裡的第二個小孩」,或是「他住在那裡的第二條街」,只要在阿拉伯數字前加上「第」就可以完整表達序數的概念,但英文完全是另外一套系統,尤其你可能很常聽到 first, second, …,不太曉得這些是什麼意思,也不知道後面又該如何接下去,對吧?

Hey guys! I'm Cecilia from the English library. Chinese says, "I'm the second kid in the house," or "He lives there on the second street," but English is a completely different system by adding the word "the first" to the Arabic numerals, especially since you may often hear what this means, and you don't know what to do with the rest, right?


Don't worry. Let's learn today what the concept of the English-language number is and what it is to say.


英文裡的數字,可以分為兩種,一種是「基數」(cardinal number),另一種是「序數」(ordinal number)。基數就是我們熟悉的 one, two, three …,而序數就是指「排順序」的數例如第一、第二為 first, second … 等依此類推

The numbers in English can be divided into two categories, one, two, three & #8230; and the number refers to the number , which is first, second, second & #8230; etc.


If you look at the following logarithms, you'll know better. If you want to know more about the rules and usage of the logarithmic numbers, keep looking down.

序數縮寫 序數
1st first
2nd second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth
11th eleventh
12th twelfth
13th thirteenth
14th fourteenth
15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth
17th seventeenth
18th eighteenth
19th nineteenth
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first
22nd twenty-second
23rd twenty-third
24th twenty-fourth
25th twenty-fifth
26th twenty-sixth
27th twenty-seventh
28th twenty-eighth
29th twenty-ninth
30th thirtieth
31st thirty-first
32nd thirty-second
33rd thirty-third
34th thirty-fourth
35th thirty-fifth
36th thirty-sixth
37th thirty-seventh
38th thirty-eighth
39th thirty-ninth
40th fortieth
41st forty-first
42nd forty-second
43rd forty-third
44th forty-fourth
45th forty-fifth
46th forty-sixth
47th forty-seventh
48th forty-eighth
49th forty-ninth
50th fiftieth
51st fifty-first
52nd fifty-second
53rd fifty-third
54th fifty-fourth
55th fifty-fifth
56th fifty-sixth
57th fifty-seventh
58th fifty-eighth
59th fifty-ninth
60th sixtieth
61st sixty-first
62nd sixty-second
63rd sixty-third
64th sixty-fourth
65th sixty-fifth
66th sixty-sixth
67th sixty-seventh
68th sixty-eighth
69th sixty-ninth
70th seventieth
71st seventy-first
72nd seventy-second
73rd seventy-third
74th seventy-fourth
75th seventy-fifth
76th seventy-sixth
77th seventy-seventh
78th seventy-eighth
79th seventy-ninth
80th eightieth
81st eighty-first
82nd eighty-second
83rd eighty-third
84th eighty-fourth
85th eighty-fifth
86th eighty-sixth
87th eighty-seventh
88th eighty-eighth
89th eighty-ninth
90th ninetieth
91st ninety-first
92nd ninety-second
93rd ninety-third
94th ninety-fourth
95th ninety-fifth
96th ninety-sixth
97th ninety-seventh
98th ninety-eighth
99th ninety-ninth
100th hundredth

如果你想看 1 ~ 100 的數字對照表,可以參考下面的文章:
【英文數字】1-100 英文數字對照表

If you want to see a list of 1-100 numbers, you can refer to the following articles:


To add that after a hundred years, three or four digits and so on, the sequence indicates the same logic as the number you would have known. Look at the following example, you'll understand better!

  • 101st=one?hundred (and) first
  • 311th=three hundred (and) eleventh
  • 1000th=thousandth
  • 5289th=five thousand, two hundred (and) eighty-ninth

(*以上的?and 通常會省略)

(* Above? and usually omitted)


The number can be divided into rules and irregularities, but it is good that most of them are in the language of the rules, so there is no need to be too nervous.


The most irregular number, which has been in existence since the beginning, is as follows:

  • first(第一)
  • second(第二)
  • third(第三)

英文的序數還有縮寫的寫法,只要在阿拉伯數字後面加上序數的最後兩個字即可。 例如:first=1st , second=2nd, third=3rd。

The English number of . For example: first=1st, second=2nd, third=3rd.

再來是規則的序數,好消息是從從第四開始,一直到第十九,基本上就是在基數字尾加上 th,例如:fourth / 4th、sixth / 6th 等等。

And then the rule number, and the good news is from the fourth to the nineteenth, basically by adding twirly at the end of the base number, for example: fourth/4th, sixth/6th and so on.


But there's still some notable changes, and it's time to practice and remember them in your head!

  • 直接加 th。
    例:seventh / 7th、tenth / 10th、eleventh / 11th
  • 字尾 t,直接加上 h。
    例:eighth / 8th
  • 字尾 ve,要去 ve 再加上 f,再加上 th。
    例:fifth / 5th、twelfth / 12th
  • 字尾 ty,要去 y 再加上 ieth。
    例:twentieth / 20th、thirtieth / 30th

到了 20 以後,包含 30、40、50… 依此類推,一直到 99,都是用基數加上連字號 (-),再加上 1 ~ 9 的序數。例如:第 21 會是 twenty-first / 21st、第 22 是 twenty-second / 22nd、…、第 29 是 twenty-ninth / 29th。

After 20, it contains 30, 40, 50 & #8230; by this type, until 99, all are hyphenated (-) with base numbers plus 1 ~ 9. For example: 21 will be twenty-first/21st, 22 twenty-second/22nd, #8230; 29 is twenty-ninth/29th.


Now that it's time to be brain-motivated, let's practice again. Don't peek at the table. What's the sequence of the following numbers?

  • 第 33=?
  • 第 49=?
  • 第 88=?


The answer is published:

  • 第 33=30 + 3 的序數=thirty-third / 33rd
  • 第 49=40 + 9 的序數=forty-ninth / 49th
  • 第 88=80 + 8 的序數=eighty-eighth / 88th


Are you right? If you don't, it doesn't matter.

third wheel 不是第三個輪子,是約會裡「電燈泡」的意思啦!

我們來看看有哪些時機會用到序數,記得在使用序數的時候,一般要加上定冠詞 the,或是所有格。

Let's see when there's a chance to use the number, remember, when you use the number, you usually have to add the word " the ", or all the cells ".

I live in the second house on the right.

I live in the second house on the right.
I live in the second house on the right.

I’m always the first person to arrive at the office.

I & #8217; m always the first person to come at the office.
I'm always the first person to come to the office.

It’s my third job this year.

It & #8217;s my third job this year.
This is my third job this year.

英文裡常會碰到贏得獎項的情況,像是某某人獲得第二名,還是贏得第一名獎牌等等,注意這個用法比較特別,不能在序數前面加定冠詞 the 喔!

In English, there's always a winner, like someone who wins the second prize or the first medal, and so on.

She won first prize in the contest.

She won first prize in the contest.

I was born on September 2nd.

I was born on September 2nd .
I was born on September 2nd.


Much attention needs to be paid to the reading and writing of dates, for example:

英式和歐洲的日期寫法是先寫日期才寫月份,因此 2020 年 10 月 10 日會寫成 10th October, 2020,但唸法會是?the tenth of October, twenty-twenty。

The English and European dates are written on a date before month, so 10th October, 2020, but the Law Society is? the tenth of October, twenty-twenty.

而美式的日期寫法則是先寫月份才寫日期,因此 2020 年 10 月 10 日會寫成 October 10th, 2020,唸成 October the tenth, twenty-twenty。

The American way of writing dates is the month before the month, so October 2020, October 10th, 2020, as October the tenth, twenty-twenty.

在寫法上,無論是哪一種,代表日期的序數詞詞尾 (-st, -nd, -rd 或 -th ) 都可以省略。

In writing, either way, the end of the word (-st,-nd,-rd or-th) representing the date can be omitted.

I spent my 18th birthday at a hotel this year.

I spent my 18th day at a hotel this year.

She lives on the 3rd floor.

She lives on the 3rd floor.
she lives on the third floor.

這裡的分數不是指獲得幾分的分數,而是指幾分之幾的分數,此時分子需用基數,分母需用序數表示,且分子若大於一,分母需加上 s。

The fraction here refers not to a fraction of a fraction, but to a fraction of a fraction of a fraction, at which point the molecule must use a base number, the denominator must be expressed by a serial number, and if the molecule is greater than one, the denominator must add s.

One-third of the students in this class were tested positive for COVID-19.

One-third of the students in this class were tested positive for covid 19.

Columbus was so hungry that he ate two-thirds of the pizza.

Columbas was so hungry that he ate two-thirds of the pizza.
Columbus was hungry to eat two thirds of the pizza.


There are rules in the English sequence itself, but it's not hard to imagine, but there are details that need more attention, and I'm sure you can practice more.


Don't forget to come back to the library next time you have an English question!

日期/月份/星期/時間 正確英文格式、寫法!一次搞懂!
【英文數字】1-100 英文數字對照表
【次數/倍數英文】once, twice, 然後呢?

For more and more serial and numerical applications, the following articles can be consulted:

> >, and then [in/k>]




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