
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:60 评论:0
中新网消息,新年伊始,除了直播答题,最火的就是区块链了。区块链概念股如过山车般的股价,上交所、深交所的公告,各大公司的澄清……区块链真的很忙。尽管很多人被区块链刷屏,但很少人能真正说清区块链到底是什么。At the beginning o...



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At the beginning of the new year, in addition to answering the questions live, the hottest thing is the block chain. The block chain concept shares like a roller coaster, the announcement to hand over, and in close contact, the major companies clarified that the block chain was really busy. Although many people were brushed by the block chain, few could really tell what the chain was.


Is the block chain bitcoin?


As a bottom-of-the-line technology for bitcoin and various “deponents,” many people mistakenly believe that block chains are bitcoins. Industry experts have argued that a clear distinction should be made between virtual currency, such as bitcoin, and block chain technology, and that the closure of the virtual currency exchange and the ban on Bitco platform transactions do not conflict with the current dynamic development of block chains.


China’s People’s University’s Quanyang Institute of Finance, Senior Researcher Dong Shijun, said that it was necessary to distinguish between banning ICO and Bitcoin, and the technology to fix the bitcoin from the block chain. The governance measures of China’s regulatory sector are not aimed at crushing block chain technology, but at curbing illegal transactions, maintaining the financial order, and protecting the public interest.


Chart: Last June, the blackmail virus hit Europe again and some government employees were asked to pay ransom in Bitcoin.


The essence of the block chain is database technology?


When we figure out these concepts, let's see what a block chain is. Wang Jun, the chief researcher of the Financial Science and Technology think tank, tells China and Newnet that the block chain is essentially a database technology, specifically an accountbook technology. The ledger is a record collection that records the movements of assets and transactions of one or more accounts.


Hu Thanqing, a senior product expert in the ants gold-suit chain, said that the block chain was a multi-participating distributed book known as the "bringing out of trust" technique. The essential difference between the digital world and the physical world was that things in the physical world were real, could not be created or disappeared. But the data in the digital world could be deleted, altered or copied without trace. But with the technology in the chain, the digital world could be as real as in the physical world.


How secure is the block chain?


What is the difference between the hot-hot block chain technology and the characteristics of the traditional database?


Wang Jing explained to journalists that, first of all, the block chain is a distributed database technology. Distribution technology refers mainly to storage structures. The block chain takes a distributed structure that not only stores the account data on each node, but each node must contain the whole account data.


Second, block chain technology can be tampered with through blocks and chains. The unit in which the data are stored in the block chain is a block, and each block must, at the time it is generated, contain the only “characterized value” of the previous block (seen as an identification of the block) and each block should be queued in a strict order of time of generation, forming a “chain”.

△资料图:第二届中国区块链技术创新应用大赛颁奖现场。 刘鹏 摄

Image by Liu Ping at the Awards site of the Second China Block Chain Technological Innovations Competition.


How can the


If someone changes the content of a block, the only characteristic value of the block will change, and the back block will not recognize it immediately. The “false” block will only be decoupled.


Wang Jun added that most of the databases are centralized, and if we put money in the bank, we need to trust the bank to record our transactions properly, without over-recording or under-recording. But the block chain is “de-centralized,” and it does not have a centralized management organization that presupposes an open and transparent consensus algorithm.


Wang Chang stressed that security is a feature of block chain technology. But, from the point of view of privacy protection, the block chain emphasizes openness and transparency, and any node has the right to operate according to consensus algorithms, and is therefore not suitable for scenarios where data privacy needs to be protected.


What areas can the


The Director of the Financial Research Institute of the People's Bank of China, Sun Kuo Feng, in an earlier interview with the media, stated that block chain technology could be applied in a number of areas and scenarios, including in some areas of social management, and that the vision of research and development block chain technology needed to be further broadened.


Journalists note that there are enterprises that have applied block chain technology to the public good in order to promote greater openness and transparency in the public good, ensuring that every sum donated by a user is transparent, retroactive and non-distortable, and that the chain of blocks is used in the back-to-back of merchandise to help rent platforms to achieve real home ownership and real household trust.

△资料图:重庆市区块链产业创新基地揭牌。 刘贤 摄

Image by Liu Xian (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


Businesses have also introduced shared books to address scenarios for information-sharing, such as public-interest searchers, and to synchronize information-sharing and reporting on lost children with multiple public-interest platforms in the Alliance.


“The use of block chains to resolve trust issues is of great value in modern commercial societies.” Wang Jing said that four questions could be asked: is there a high demand for data security in an area that is not suitable for block chain technology, and whether there is no organization that is fully trusted by all parties involved? Is there a low demand for data-processing efficiency? Fourth, is there a low demand for data privacy? If the answer to these questions is yes, the scenario is appropriate for the block chain.


How does strong rationally look at the tidal wave of blocks?


In the face of the tidal wave of block chains, Hutting says that the knitting of block chains is not about the technology to solve trust problems, but about the money that is being raised in the capital circle and the value that is being valued. Most of the so-called ICOs are about the innovation of fund-raising tools, not about the innovation of technology.


“The basis for judging whether it is technological or financing innovation is really clear: whether trust starts with trust or whether it creates real value by resolving trust problems. There is no source of value, and the higher market value of the currency is in the air, and dumping is sooner or later.” Hutting says.


Original title: What is the chain of blocks that have been used frequently in recent times? What is unique?




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