
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:68 评论:0
人类自诞生以来,从未停止过对自然界的探索,我们一直在观察自然现象,记录自然规律,利用自然界传达的各种信息为人类的生活服务。Human beings have never stopped exploring nature since they...



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Human beings have never stopped exploring nature since they were born, and we have been observing natural phenomena, recording natural patterns and using the messages that nature conveys to serve the lives of humankind.


With the development of the Internet and advances in sensor technology, how easy would life be to connect everything in the natural world to the Internet, to allow sensors to help humans collect information, and to allow computers to process information instead of humans? This is the source of the Iotnet concept. What is the object network? Simply put, the object network is to connect entities in the real world to the Internet, so that things, people, people can communicate easily with each other.


Physical networking, defined as a new technology, is widely accepted as the third wave of the world information industry through the use of radio frequency recognition (RFID), sensors, infrared sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), laser scanners, etc., to connect any item to the Internet, as agreed, and to exchange information and communications in order to achieve a network of intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management. Material networking is considered to be the third wave of the world information industry after computers, the Internet.


So what's the relationship between the Internet and the Internet? As you know, the Internet + the mall = Skycat, the Internet + the small goods = the treasures, the Internet + the central village = the central village, the Internet + the travel agency = the ride, the Internet + the restaurant = the American community, the Internet + the taxi = the drop-off, the Internet + chat software = the tether, the Internet + the search = 100 degrees, the Internet + the live = the fish, the Internet + finance = the virtual currency, the Internet + the equity group = the innovation of all... So, here comes the problem, the Internet + and above = all?


The development of the


Globally recognized origins date back to the well-known “Troy” coffee pot incident at Cambridge University, England, in 1991. Scientists at the Troy Computer Laboratory at Cambridge need to walk two floors to the ground to see if the coffee is ready, but often go home empty-handed.


In order to solve this problem, they prepared a set of programs and installed a portable camera next to the coffee pot, pointing the camera towards the coffee kettle, using computer image capture techniques, which were transmitted to the laboratory's computer at 180f/s speed to allow scientists to check whether the coffee was ready at any time. This simple local “coffee observation” system was then updated by other colleagues to connect to the Internet at 1f/s speed through the laboratory website.


In August 2001, the Trojan coffee pot was sold on the eBay auction network at a price of $7,300. This unwitting invention caused great excitement around the world. The Trojan coffee pot is one of the first features of the world’s product network to be used.



In 1995, Bill Gates first mentioned the idea of a “material connection” in his book The Way to the Future, but that idea could not really fall to the ground owing to the limitations of the wireless network and sensor equipment at the time. But, with technological advances, many of the ideas of Gates’ opening-up brain holes and predictions of the future have taken shape.



In The Way to the Future, it says, "You can store all information and more software in an information device that we call a pocket personal computer. It's as big as a wallet, you can put it in an imported bag or a handbag. It not only shows information and a schedule, but also allows you to read/to e-mail, record weather and stock reviews, and play simple or complicated games."


Isn't that the smartphone that we have to leave? The machine is not out of hand, the hand is out of hand, the machine is out of hand, it's out of hand, it's out of hand, it's out of hand, it's out of hand, it's out of soul.


"If you want to enjoy the art of museums or galleries, you can `go' into a visual image and switch in it, as if you were there yourself. You can use a superlink to get detailed information about a painting or a statue..."

如今,虚拟现实(VR,Virtual Reality)的发展已使得这一预言在逐步实现。随着VR/AR、人工智能、5G/云/边缘计算、区块链等技术的发展,人类在三维空间的探索愈发成熟,各种前沿技术的完美结合甚至可以达到“真假难辨”的程度。

Today, the development of VR, Virtual Reality has led to the progressive realization of this prophecy. With the development of technologies such as VR/AR, artificial intelligence, 5G/Cloud/Range computing, block chains, etc., human exploration in three-dimensional space is becoming ever more mature, and the perfect combination of cutting-edge technologies can even reach the level of “false truth.”



In fact, the word “material networking” appeared in the eyes of the public for the first time in 1999, when Kevin Ashton, the father of the “material network”, was introduced by the people of the river, who gave an in-house lecture on the subject “material networking”. Ashton defined the word “material networking” very simply: all things are connected to the Internet through information communication devices such as radio frequency recognition, and intelligent identification and management.


In 1995, Ashton was still the brand manager of the Purchasing Company. During a cruise, he discovered that a hot brown lipstick was always sold out, thought it was sold out, and when he was communicating with the staff of the Purgus supply chain, he was told that there was still a lot of stock in the warehouse, just because the information at the warehouse and the point of sale was lagging, and that it was not timely. In the view of others, it might be a coincidence that Ashton just happened to be in the shop that sold the sold-out goods. But Ashton did not buy the money: where did he go to see the lipstick? What happened to the lipstick?



In that era, retailers also generally used bar code scanning systems for inventory management, but bar codes failed to convey information on the location of the product, to learn about real-time sales on the shelf, so that they could not replace the sold-out goods in a timely manner. “It is clear that bar codes are not perfect.” Ashton said, he believed that there must be a way to track commodity dynamics.

有一天,艾什顿开车回家的时候灵光一闪:如果将会员卡中的无线通信芯片内置到口红里,结果会怎样? 他把一枚小小的无线电芯片放入一支口红,把一副天线安装在货架上,这使得口红包装的数据可以提醒商店的管理人员哪些商品已经不在架子上了。这种科技让艾什顿多了双安在货架上的“眼睛”。

One day, Ashton drove home: What would happen if the wireless communication chip in the membership card was embedded in the lipstick? He put a small radio chip in a lipstick and installed an antenna on the shelf, which would remind store managers of what was no longer on the shelf.


Ashton named it the “storage system” in general. In the 1990s, the Internet was just reaching the general public. By connecting to the Internet and storing data online, the chip saves expenses and memory. To help company managers master the system that connects items such as lipstick to the Internet, Ashton gave this system, which does not require humans to exchange information among them, a short and grammatical name - the “material network”.



On 17 November 2005, at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held in Tunis, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) launched the ITU Internet Report 2005: The Network of Objects, which officially introduced the concept of the Internet. The report states that, as the era of “material networking” communications approaches, all objects of the world are free to exchange data via the Internet.



Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, with the spread of sensor equipment, embedded systems, and the Internet, physical networking has been regarded as the third wave of the information revolution following computers and the Internet. Physical networking has received considerable attention throughout the world, with major industrialized countries proposing various strategies for the development of physical networking.



The size of China’s networked goods market is currently steadily rising, with an average annual compound growth rate of 23.4 per cent during the 13th and 15th years, and the epidemic contributed to a digital transition in 2020, with a marked rise in the same rate. In 2022, against a backdrop of international instability and domestic contagion, the size of the country’s networked goods market declined in comparison with the rate of growth.



Technical features of the object network


What are the technical features of the network? It is well known that the network can be divided into four layers: the sensor layer, the transmission layer, the platform layer, and the application layer.


The sensor layer is the bottom of the object network and its main function is to collect data and to collect information from the physical world through terminals such as chips, sensors, implementers, modules, etc.


The transmission layer is a conduit for the network of objects and is primarily responsible for the transmission of data and the further transmission of the information collected and identified by the sensor layer to the platform layer. The transmission layer is mainly based on wireless transmission, which can be divided into long-range and close-range transmissions.


The platform layer is responsible for processing data and plays an enlightened role in the network system, bringing together, processing and analysing mainly data from the sensor layer, including, inter alia, the PaaS platform, the AI platform and other capacity platforms.


The application layer is the top layer of the property network and addresses industry issues in specific vertical areas, including security, logistics, transport, home housing and so on, based mainly on data from the platform layer.



In general, there are three main technical features of the network:

① 全面感知:利用RFID,传感器,二维码等随时随地获取物体的信息。“感知”是物联网的核心,是指对客观事物的信息直接获取并进行认知和理解的过程。人们对于信息获取的需求促使其不断研发新的技术来获取感知信息,如传感器、RFID、定位技术等。

1  Overall Perception: Access to information about objects at any time and anywhere using RFID, sensors, two-dimensional codes, etc. "Sense" is at the heart of the object network and refers to the process of direct access to information about objective things and of cognitive and understanding. The demand for access to information prompts people to continuously develop new technologies to acquire perception information, such as sensors, RFID, positioning technology, etc.


② 可靠传递:通过各种电信网络与互联网的融合,将物体的信息实时准确地传递出去。数据传递的稳定性和可靠性是保证物—物相连的关键。为了实现物与物之间信息交互,就必须约定统一的通信协议。同时,由于物联网是一个异构网络,不同的实体间协议规范可能存在差异,需要通过相应的软、硬件进行转换,保证物品之间信息的实时、准确、传递。

2  Reliable transmission: Real-time and accurate transmission of the information of an object through the integration of various telecommunications networks with the Internet. Stability and reliability of data transmission are the key to the bond-protocol. In order to achieve information-to-material interaction, it is necessary to agree on a unified communication protocol. At the same time, since the network is a hesitological network, different inter-entity protocol norms may differ and require conversion through the corresponding software and hardware to ensure that information between items is real-time, accurate, and transmitted.


③ 智能处理:利用云计算,模糊识别等各种智能计算技术,对海量的数据和信息进行分析和处理,对物体实施智能化的控制。物联网的目的是实现对各种物品(包括人)进行智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理等功能。需要通过云计算、人工智能等智能计算技术,对海量数据进行存储、分析和处理,针对不同的应用需求,对物品实施智能化的控制。

3  Smart handling: Use of various smart computing techniques, such as cloud computing, blurring recognition, analysis and processing of big data and information, and intellectual control of objects. The object network is designed to achieve intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management of a variety of items (including humans).



application site


Currently, the connection scene of the Internet is divided into six main applications: a family scene, smart hardware such as smart sound boxes, smart door locks, smart cameras, gateways, etc. 2 industrial scenes, smart hardware such as smart water meters, smart electricity meters, industrial equipment monitoring devices, 3 personal scenes, smart wear devices such as smart hand rings, smart watches, electronic student cards, 4 car network scenes, products such as pedestrian guards. 5 cluster market scenes, mainly in intelligent parks, intelligent communities, and smart hardware such as smoke, door bans, cameras, etc. 6 medium- and low-speed scenes, such as smart single cars, smart charge boards, etc.



The following is a presentation on networking applications in the areas of logistics, agriculture and fire prevention.


1 Smart Logistics


The logistics industry, as the backbone of the country’s economy, is currently constrained by two main factors, namely, the high cost of end-of-pipe logistics distribution and inadequate infrastructure. Reducing the cost of logistics in our country requires a reduction in intermediate ineffectiveness, which is addressed by the Internet and information technology.


The architecture of intelligent logistics systems is based on the application of physical networking technologies in the logistics industry. Thus, the architecture of intelligent logistics systems will be presented in terms of both the technical attributes of physical networking and the inherent attributes of the logistics industry.


In terms of the physical networking properties of intelligent logistics systems, the technical architecture of intelligent logistics systems is divided into three main layers of technology: the sensory layer, the network layer, and the application layer. The sensory layer is the basis for intelligent logistics systems to achieve their perception of goods and is the starting point for intelligent logistics. The network layer is the neural network and virtual space for intelligent logistics. The application layer is the application system for intelligent logistics, which is implemented in real time at the application level, with the help of visualization technology, the understanding of decision-making directives at the network level.


In terms of the inherent attributes of the logistics industry of an intelligent logistics system, the intelligent logistics system consists mainly of in-house technology, backbone technology, last-kilometre technology, and terminal technology. In-house technology is mainly applied to the application layers of the logistics system, allowing for the automatic classification of logistics and machine handling; in-field technology is mainly unmanned truck technology; in-last-kilometre technology is an important technology in end-to-end distribution; and in-end technology is mainly a smart delivery cabinet. The data chassis of the intelligent logistics system consists mainly of three main areas: physical networking, large data, and artificial intelligence.



The market for intelligent logistics is growing rapidly, and is expected to be larger than trillion yuan in 2025, and the industry is moving toward automation, manoeuvring, dataification, and intelligence. There will be a proliferation of logistics robots in the future.


2 Smart Farm


Smart agriculture is an advanced stage of agricultural information development, from digitalization to networkization to intellectualization, which is at the heart of 4.0 Chinese agriculture. At present, smart agriculture is concentrated on both farming and livestock farming, with great potential for development.



The intelligent agricultural technology architecture can be divided into four layers according to the network level: the sensory layer, the network layer, the platform layer, and the application layer.


The sensory layer refers to the sensory link in intelligent agriculture, where information technology is used to sense the safety and traceability of agricultural production environments, plant and animal life and quality. In the plantation sector, information parameters are collected mainly on cultivation of light, temperature, moisture, fertility, gas, etc.; in livestock farming, the concentration of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, ammonia and sulphur dioxide is collected mainly on environmental parameters such as air dust, fly spores and temperature moisture; and in aquaculture, data are collected mainly on dissolved oxygen, acid alkali, ammonia, electrical conductivity and turbidity.


The network layer uses information transmission technology to transmit sensor data to cloud platforms via wireless communication technologies such as ZigBee, WiFi, Lora and NB-IOT.


The platform layer uses techniques such as large data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, etc. to analyse and process data transferred from the network layer and to produce decision-making instructions to automate the operation of the layer control equipment.


The application layer includes typical applications such as intelligent farming, intelligent livestock farming, intelligent aquaculture, agricultural traceability, and intelligent food storage, as shown in the figure below.



3 Smart Firefighter


Smart fire management solutions, combined with advanced technologies such as physical networking, smart warning, intelligent processing and big data, provide intellectual control and control of visualization of “one map” by incorporating data collection devices in hardware layers, building sensor networks, uploading data to intelligent fire management platforms, communicating disaster awareness to intelligent warning to intelligent fire management processes as a whole, and then command, dispatch, analysis and decision-making through “fire management platforms” that maximize time and minimize disaster losses for time-consuming and time-consuming rescues.


The intelligent fire core consists of five layers of application, platform, transmission, assembly and perception, of which two layers form the head application of the intelligent fire, the transmission layer is made up of wireless transmission equipment for the intelligent fire, and the assembly and perception layer is made up of the original conventional fire-fighting bottom capability.



object networking > new technology applications


The next step in the development of the network is to continue to strengthen the integration with block chains, artificial intelligence, wearable equipment, AR/VR, robotics, drones, 3D printing, and so on, and to make the network +.


1 object networking > block chain


But data are now isolated, and most businesses are reluctant to trade their own data through trading centres, mainly because of benefits and possible future disputes over the distribution of benefits, so that a secure, credible and shared data management system is urgently needed.


At this point, the block chain provides new ideas. The block chain is a distributed cryptographic digital classification technology that is well suited to record detailed information on the volume of transactions that take place between the object network machines. Because of the shared and non-frozen nature of the block chain, decentralised value transfer will lead to a transformative upgrading of the object network service. In the face of the future growth of the IOT equipment, the application of block chain technology is expected to improve the object network platform as follows:

● 降低交易前的验证成本:利用区块链系统下记录的不可篡改的优势,平台下的用户和设备不需要验证双方信息,只需要在交易时判断对方给予的条件与先前是否不同。

• Reducing pre-transaction certification costs: taking advantage of the immutable advantages recorded under block chain systems, users and equipment under the platform do not need to authenticate both parties' information, but only need to determine at the time of the transaction whether the counterparty has given different conditions than previously.

● 降低运营管理成本:利用区块链点对点网络技术,每个节点作为对等节点,因而整个物联网解决方案不需要引入大型数据中心进行数据同步和管理控制,从而降低数据通信和处理的成本。

• Reducing operational management costs: using block-to-point network technology, each node serves as an equivalent node, so that the whole object network solution does not require the introduction of large data centres for data synchronization and management control, thereby reducing the cost of data communication and processing.

● 保护数据安全与隐私:区块链记录提供安全性,记录的副本在大量分布的物理位置和逻辑位置,没有一方拥有对其进行操作的集中控制能力。

• Protection of data security and privacy: block chain records are secure, copies of records are distributed in a large number of physical and logical locations, and none of the parties has a centralized control capacity to operate them.

● 方便可靠的费用结算和支付:通过使用区块链技术,不同所有者的物联网设备可以直接通过加密协议传输数据,且可以把数据传输按照交易进行计费结算,这就需要在物联网区块链中设计一种加密“数字货币”作为交易结算的基础单位,所有的物联网设备提供商只要在出厂之前给设备加入区块链的支持,就可以在全网范围内在各个不同的运营商之间进行直接的货币结算。

• Facilitating reliable settlement and payment of costs: through the use of block chain technology, data can be transmitted directly through encryption protocols by different owners, and data transfers can be accounted for on a transaction basis, which requires the design of an encrypted “digital currency” as the base unit for transaction settlement in the physical network block chain, and direct monetary settlement between the different operators on a network-wide basis, provided that all PIF providers provide support to the equipment to be added to the block chain prior to its departure.


② 物联网+人工智能

2  Material networking > artificial intelligence


With the rapid development of technologies at the bottom of artificial intelligence, smart machines have now moved from “seeing the physical world” to “seeing the personalized landscape.” The combination of artificial intelligence and object networking will gradually deepen into a wide range of industries and trigger revolutionary changes, and AI has been able to replace humans in technology and cumbersome engineering with a variety of technical and partial intellectual work, which has led to dramatic changes in the social fabric that has now evolved.


Artificial intelligence is responsible for recognition, perception and handling, and object networking is responsible for physical connection. At present, the property networking industry has developed three layers of cloud-pipe-end, which refer to various types of smart hardware, such as smart phones, smart sound boxes, smart cars, etc., and connections management platforms, where clouds include infrastructure services, platform services, software services, third-party services, etc. With deep integration with artificial intelligence, future object networking will have the following functions:

● 边缘智能:终端在断网离线的情况下,也可以进行智能决策;当需要对数据进行实时处理情况下,可以迅速产生行动应对突发状况。

• Marginal intelligence: Terminals can also make smart decisions when offline; when data are required to be processed in real time, action can be quickly generated to respond to a state of emergency.

● 互联驱动:当智能产品处于“组网”的状态时,产品与产品之间能够实现不需要人为干预的智能协同。

• Interconnectivity drivers: where intelligent products are in a “combined” state, smart synergies between products and products can be achieved that do not require human intervention.

● 云端升级:当智能产品处于“联网”状态时,云端的人工智能可以更好地挖掘和发挥边缘硬件的价值,让智能产品发挥更大的功效。有了边缘智能的辅助,云端智能完成进一步的数据整合,创造系统与系统之间互相协同的最大价值。

• Cloud upgrades: When smart products are “connected”, cloud-side artificial intelligence can better tap and leverage the value of peripheral hardware and make smart products more effective. With peripheral intelligence support, cloud intelligence completes further data integration and creates the maximum value of synergy between systems.


In the absence of artificial intelligence, it is envisaged that the network will be a hundreds of millions of smart terminals that will continuously collect large amounts of data, transport them through the network to the backstage, and analyse data and information with powerful servers. If the processing speed and accuracy of the backstage data cannot keep pace with the collection of the terminal data, the consequences will be catastrophic, ranging from small to non-communication between domestic appliances, to life-threatening — heart pacemaker failure or a collision of hundreds of vehicles.

③ 物联网+AR

3 andnbsp; body network+AR


The integration of AR technology into the network makes the presentation and interaction of information easier, more intuitive, and more user-friendly. We can view objects at any time and at any time with a quick view of their state of operation, performance, and key parameters. Perceptible data can be fed backstage through the network, allowing products to be continuously optimized and refined through the excavation of the data, leading to better experiences for the client. The following applications are already available:


• Aircraft manufacturing and maintenance: It is well known that there is a huge amount of sophisticated electronic circuits and components in the aircraft and that, without AR technology, engineers need to process one each against the functional manual, which consumes a great deal of effort and time on the part of engineers, which is inefficient and seriously delayed. Boeing is reported to have increased its efficiency by 25 per cent since the use of Google glasses and a 50 per cent reduction in the error rate.

●非现场远程操作功能:针对一些危险、人不在现场或不适合人类现场操作的环境,实现安全的远程操作,如核电站海底、外星球等。通过物联网采集现场数据参数,并传到中央控制中心,中央控制中心结合现场影像和数据并进行AR 3D呈现,机器人、工程师可以完成远程交互、监测、操作控制。

● In situ remote operation function: achieves safe remote operation for some hazardous, off-site or unsuited environments for human operations on the ground, such as the bottom of a nuclear power station, off-plane, etc. The field data parameters are collected through a network of objects and passed to the central control centre, which combines on-site images and data with AR 3D displays, and robots, engineers, can perform long-range interactive, monitoring, and operational controls.


● Monitoring and diagnosis of mechanical equipment: AR equipment can help engineers to see the parameters of the equipment in a mechanical workshop. For example, China Sea Oil Company’s AR equipment inspection programme, during which operators can standardize the inspection on the instructions of AR glasses.


• Smart urban infrastructure maintenance: Most of the infrastructure in the city is outdoor and difficult to access in the region. AR can facilitate the monitoring of the city's L by public security authorities, the monitoring of municipal facilities, such as electricity and water heating, the locating of failure points from real-time data visualization and the easy recording of the state of the infrastructure.


Now that we are in an era of growing cybercommunication technology, the growth of global applications of object networking is evident. 5G has injected new dynamism into the network, and the connection scene has been transformed from bit to data connectivity. New infrastructure for the network is becoming the base of digital cities and digital industries.


Finally, to quote the author of the book Smartism, Zhou Hongjing, “In the age of intelligence, all the hardware that we can see and imagine, be it automobiles, homes, or wearables... will be intelligent and connected to the network in real time”.




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    播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
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    今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
  • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

    OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
       热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
  • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

    0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...