突破6万美元!比特币价格再创新高 高通胀预期是主要推手?

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:57 评论:0



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Bitcoin is worth more!


On 13 March, the unit price of Bitcoin exceeded $60,000 and its market value exceeded $1.12 trillion. According to the Journal of International Finance, Bitcoin made its first breakthrough of $20,000 on 16 December 2020, hitting $60,000 on 13 March 2021 and rising by about $40,000 for about three months.


With respect to the current round of Bitcoin, it has been analysed that the market is a product of high inflation expectations, and that the unprecedented 1.9 trillion dollars in fiscal stimulus in the United States will boost the growth of social demand, push higher commodity prices and, over time, raise global inflation expectations, which will also lead to a gradual increase in the attention and recognition of Bitcoin by large global institutions, as well as a stronger sentiment among individual investors in the market, FOMOs.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Bitcoin over $60,000


Coindesk data show that on 13 March, at 20.29 p.m., Bitcoin declared a historic high of $60139.07. By the time a reporter wrote, the price of Bitcoin had fallen by $60,000. Journalists noted that since mid-November 2020, Bitcoin had entered the "cow" business, and that currency prices had continued to rise. On 18 November 2020, Bitcoin had made a breakthrough of $18,000, the first since December 2017.


The following year, on 16 December 2020, Bitcoin made its first breakthrough of $20,000, with an increase of 6.51 per cent in the day, an increase of more than 430 per cent over the year-long valley of March 2020 and a cumulative increase of nearly 200 per cent compared with the beginning of 2020. After the first break of $20,000, Bitcoin continued its offensive, breaking the ground by $25,000 on 26 December 2020, and washed up $270 million on 27 December.


At the beginning of the year (2 January), Bitcoin crossed the 30,000-dollar mark and stood high at $34,000 the following day, breaking the 40,000-dollar mark by 8 January. By 2.14 a.m. on 8 January 2021, Bitcoin had a new record of $4013.57.


After a breakthrough of $40,000, Bitcoin prices hit the $50,000 mark on 16 February, reaching a maximum price of $50,584.85 and refreshing history again. International Journal of Finance journalists found that Bitcoin had broken 20,000 dollars for the first time since 16 December 2020, and by $60,000 on 13 March 2021, with an increase of about $40,000 in about three months.


It is worth noting that bitcoin skyrocketed, and a sharp drop was normal. In the long run, in 2013, bitcoin hit $1,000, and then retreated back to $150. In December 2017, bitcoin prices rose close to $20,000.


Bitcoin also fell sharply on 4 January of this year, down to $290,68.63 at 18.29 a year, down 15.4 per cent from a high of $34,366.15 on 3 January, and then again, on 11 January, the price of Bitcoin fell again, from nearly $40,000 to $30,000, with a sharp fall of almost 20 per cent a day.


High-inflation expectations are the main causes?


Referring to the current cycle of the Bitcoin cow market, the Uttar Pradesh co-founder, Dow, analysed the reporter of the International Journal of Finance and noted that BTC had once again broken past its historic high, breaking by $60,000, for three main reasons:


First, the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill in the United States was passed, a new water release started, and investors'concerns about the tightening of expectations of the monetary environment caused by the previous inflation were resolved by the sharp retrenchment experienced by the BTC, namely, the market's lack of optimism about the persistence of inflation, the current policy setting and the correction of the excessive decline.


Second, Microstrategy continues to purchase Bitcoin, while Bitcoin maintains a rising view, and the attention and recognition of Bitcoin by large listed companies is gradually increasing, with funds still flowing into the BTC market.


Thirdly, Bitcoin has continued to be innovative this year, and the sentiment of individual investors in the market, FOMO, has become more intense and has joined in buying bitcoin, pushing the money injected into the market for bitcoin to rise.


According to the EuiOKEx Institute, this round of Bitcoin is a product of high-inflation expectations. When the return on US debt rose rapidly over the previous 10 years, the market thought that the Fed’s monetary policy would change faster than expected, and that the Fed was expected to reduce the purchase of bonds ahead of time, and even to raise interest rates.


According to the EOEOKEx Institute analysis, the expected increase in the market for medium- and long-term inflation is related to three factors:


First, at a time when the United States stock fell as a result of the rapid increase in the rate of return on United States debt over a 10-year period, Federal Reserve officials quickly abated market sentiment, issuing statements that the increase in the rate of return on United States debt over a 10-year period was “appropriate” and reflected an economic recovery that would not change monetary policy, dispel market concerns about the shift in monetary policy, and that market inflation expectations would be revised;


Second, US policy has adopted a $1.9 trillion fiscal stimulus. Fiscal stimulus of unprecedented magnitude will boost the growth of social demand, push up commodity prices, and raise global inflation expectations over time;


Third, oil prices are an important exogenous shock factor affecting inflation in countries such as Europe and the United States. Oil prices are rising, as a result of restrictive production policies in major oil-producing countries and a gradual recovery in the global economy, which will put inflationary pressures on major economies in Europe and the United States.


With regard to post-market developments, Dou agreed that it would be up to the expectations of global market fundamentals to be changed: “water release is not a sustainable state, and if there is a turning point in the global economy, the main reason behind the BTC rise will either disappear, and investors are invited to pay close attention to changes in macroeconomic policies”.






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