让合约回归合约 MXC抹茶打造用户友好型交易平台 金色财经

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:62 评论:0



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Contract transactions, initially used to hedge crop price risks, were born more than 170 years old, and together with forwards, swaps and options, became four categories of traditional financial derivatives.


In 2014, contracts entered the area of digital assets, serving both as a light of hope for ordinary investors and as an instant to extinguish all hope.


The relationship between the contract and the investor becomes like moths and flames, and the more you want to get it, the more hurt you get, only rational investors can take a chill out of the different “fires” of their lives and get what they want.


The birth of the bond system has made the “shockhouse” a nightmare for investors, while the volatility of encrypted assets and the survivor bias have demonized contract deals for many.


But the fact is that contracts are instruments, instruments to control risk, whether they are inherently hedge mechanisms, or controls the amount of money that comes in, are by nature an effective means of controlling the risk of money. We should not be enslaved by greed.


A digital asset exchange, on the other hand, should be like a “watcher in a wheat field”, bringing back every child who accidentally ran out of a wheat field, safeguarding investors' interests, giving full safeguards and hints when the likelihood of risk arises, and achieving system stability to the greatest extent possible.



The essence of the contract is a risk hedge.


As agricultural produce matures and becomes marketed during a given season, there are seasonal fluctuations in supply and prices, i.e. lower prices during the roll-out and higher prices in general.


In the nineteenth century, the first recent futures exchange, the Chicago Futures Exchange, was inaugurated in March 1848, when farmers and merchants in the United States of America wanted to dispose of their farm products at fixed prices and control their earnings and cost risks at some point in the future.


After a futures contract is launched, farmers and businesses can deliver their products at a price agreed.


Assuming the current price of rice is $1 a pound, a farmer wants to sell rice at $1 a pound for three months while the rice is on the market. He can go to the contract market to make empty rice futures.


If, three months later, rice futures fall to 50 cents, the gains he earns in the contract market are counterbalanced by the loss of real rice prices. In fact, he still sells rice at a price of $1 a pound.


In the area of digital assets, the contract is used by the miners to hedge the price of bitcoin, as well as the risk of off-the-shelf. If an investor wants to hold a currency for a long time while avoiding a loss of spot prices, he can use a double-leveraging option in the contract market. If the currency falls, the gains that he earns in the contract market can offset the losses in the off-shelf market.


Subsequently, in order to prevent unilateral breach of contract, the bond system entered into contractual transactions, which also resulted in “shocks”.


The hedge of contractual risk is also expressed in “bigger than small”, yes, you are right, and “big as small” is indeed a manifestation of contract control of risk.


Leverage allows investors not to invest all their money, for example, if you wanted to invest $100,000, it could be 10 times as much as $10,000, so long as the risk is properly controlled, the effect is exactly the same.


what the contract means to digital assets


Because of the existence of “survivor bias”, many are concerned only with the risks posed by contracts and related events, but rarely see the implications of contracts and other derivatives for the market.


Contracts provide access to traditional capital, which can be sold out in currency to obtain leverage at prices acceptable to them. Although cruel, it is indeed an important way to access traditional capital.


Derivatives such as contracts help to expand the size of the market, and the spot market is like a spring train, with limited capacity. And derivatives such as contracts, like other means of transport, do not affect the train’s own capacity, while effectively increasing the capacity of the market as a whole.


By virtue of leverage, contract markets tend to be larger in volume and market size than spot markets. Moreover, using the MXC tea-melting ETF, for example, the ETF market itself, which is three times as anchored as it increases or falls, does not in itself affect spot market prices, would be one of the preferred options for large capital inflows as long as the market depth is sufficient.


Current status of the digital asset contract market


First, large funds are already focusing on the area of encryption assets and are beginning to enter. The world’s largest investment capital for encryption assets, Grayscale, has reached a total size of $1.7 billion, with 44% of its 90% of institutional clients being multi-strategy hedge funds and the other half multi-air hedge funds.


Moreover, since the beginning of the year, Bitcoin's movement has clearly been much more complicated. In terms of a number of “air-fueling” fluctuations, it has taken place in half an hour, and it has spread rapidly.


Second, the dealer is well aware of the market's available liquidity and has done a great deal of research. Third, the dealer's skill in winning derivatives is very good, and many opportunities for conversion and leverage are right.


Therefore, basic knowledge of contract transactions prior to entry and proficiency in the use of wind control tools such as “end-out and stop-out” are essential for ordinary investors.


Second, the contract market pattern is unstable. Before 2019, BitMEX and OKEx had more than 90% of the market. In 2019, the currency contracts were improved in terms of experience and functionality, starting to break the two-Power divide.


According to the contractor's data, as at 8 June, at 1500 hours, the real-time holdings of the entire net were currently 24.9 per cent, 30.89 per cent for OKEx, 29.63 per cent for BitMEX and 14.58 per cent for currency.


The reason for this is that “stability” plays an almost decisive role in the competition in the contract market. “Stability” refers, more precisely, to the ability to stabilize the system on an ad hoc basis.


Opportunities for user-friendly platforms


On 8 June, the new version of the MXC contract system was officially on-line, both on-line and on-line.


The MXC uses the “user-friendly” platform as an entry point, starting with the underlined noun on the contract page, which shows the corresponding explanation as long as the mouse pointer is up and is easy for users to understand.


Second, the new version of the contract, which supports users within the planned commissioning function, and the posting of loss and loss sheets, effectively helps users to mitigate the risks posed by price fluctuations.


Third, MXC teas support 1-125 leverage multipliers, which users can select depending on their risk preferences.


Fourth, when the user opens the warehouse, there will be a high-lighting of the ADL on the page to alert the risk profile.


In terms of price mechanisms, MXC uses price transparency, using geometric averages to extract the prices of multiple trading platforms as an index price source, depending on the exchange’s contract situation, such as BTC’s contract to select the prices of the six trading platforms Bitstamp, Coinbase, Binance, Bitfinex, Huobi, and OKEx. If the exchange’s spot price deviates from the median of ~3%, the exchange’s spot price is calculated at ~3%.


The MXC tea contract uses reasonable price tags to avoid forced silos resulting from a lack of liquidity or market manipulation, whereas reasonable prices are selected on index prices, which are priced plus the base of financial costs that are reduced over time.




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