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Bitcoin fever does not seem to have diminished. People would even mortgage their houses to inject money into an encrypted currency worth $1,000 that began in 2017. By November 20, Bitcoin prices had reached a record level of over $8,000. On the last day of the year, Bitcoins were worth $14,129 per coin.

也许你也想投资比特币 - 但你不确定如何。这是一个指南。

Maybe you want to invest in bitcoin too - but you're not sure how. It's a guide.


What is clear is that this is not an endorsement of any encrypted currency, bitcoin, e-team, twigs, or anything else. It is not a suggestion that you should invest in encryption money. The following is what we know: the market for these untested unproven digital assets is as young and unpredictable as the youth. Look at the fluctuations in bitcoin on Christmas holidays.


First of all, some background. (Want to buy correctly? Scroll to the "How to Buy Bitcoin?")


What's Bitcoin?


Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that can be bought, sold or traded like a commodity. It can also be used to buy a commodity pizza, a car, a beer, whatever you like.

比特币与美元不同,因为它使用点对点技术进行操作。这意味着在这个例子中没有中央政府 - 美国财政部 - 发行新的资金或追踪交易。这些功能都是建立在比特币本身的,特别是所谓的比特币和其他加密货币的区块链技术,这也是它的一个吸引人的,有争议的概念。

Bitcoin is different from the United States dollar because it uses point-to-point technology. This means that there is no central government -- the United States Treasury -- issuing new funds or tracking transactions in this case. These functions are built on bitcoin itself, especially so-called bitcoin and other encrypted currency block chain technology, which is an attractive and controversial concept.


What's a block chain? Imagine it as a public ledger digital version, where all the transactions are recorded for everyone to see. It's the main mechanism for trust in the financial system.


By the way, the term “encrypted currency” applies to any digital currency that uses cryptography for secure transactions between two people anywhere in the world. Bitcoin was created in 2009 as the oldest encrypted currency. Other encrypted currencies have emerged, including Ripple and Etherum.


Bitcoin, or BTC, is the currency unit of the Bitcoin system.


How did the bitcoin come from ?

比特币是由网络创建或生成的,作为对“挖掘”过程的奖励,这是一种计算努力,其中区块链 - 即公共总账 - 交易得到验证。

Bitcoin was created or generated by a network as an incentive for the “excavation” process, a computational effort in which the chain of blocks - the public ledger - was validated.


The details of this democratic process are complex. It involves difficult math problems, software to solve them, and a timetable to ensure that solutions are found on a highly standardized basis. All you need to know is that whenever a mathematical solution is found, a new block is created. Once they are accepted by the network, the block cannot be deleted or changed.

比特币系统允许每小时开采六个区块。由于随着时间的推移它变得越来越困难,因此系统预计会随着时间的推移生成更少的比特币 (其结构是这样的,网络每四年运行一次,在过去四年中创造的比特币数量就达到了一半。)比特币供应的上限为2100万个硬币。截至2017年12月30日,已开采超过1670万个硬币。

The Bitcoin system allows the extraction of six blocks per hour. As it becomes increasingly difficult over time, the system is expected to generate fewer bitcoins over time (the structure of which operates every four years, and the number of bitcoins created in the last four years is half). Bitcoins supply a ceiling of 21 million coins. As of December 30, 2017, more than 16.7 million coins had been mined.


So how do I buy bitcoin?


You can use the online market to buy bitcoins directly from other people, no different from other products or services. Alternatively, you can use digital money exchange or brokers, such as Coinbase, Bitstamp, Kraken, and Gatehub. Coinbase is one of the largest encrypted currency exchanges in the United States.

你还需要一个“钱包”,一个存放数字货币的地方。(无论您使用哪种兑换方式,您都需要其中一个)。钱包存储您的私钥,一个秘密数字(一个256位字符串),可让您访问您的比特币。你的私钥也可以让你自由地在市场中移动。仅仅因为你在特定的交易所购买了比特币并不意味着你必须坚持下去; 您的私钥确保您随时可以访问您的钱包,无论您使用哪个市场。

You also need a wallet, a place to store digital money. (You need one of these, however you exchange it.) The wallet contains your private key, a secret number (a 256-digit string), which allows you to access your bitcoin. Your private key also allows you to move freely in the market. It does not mean you have to stick with it just because you bought bitcoin on a particular exchange; your private key ensures that you can access your wallet at any time, regardless of the market you use.


There are various kinds of wallets, including software and hardware wallets. The software wallet is essentially an application or application with which you are connected to a traditional bank account. There are several options: Coinbase provides a wallet because it is directly linked to its exchange services, so it is convenient. There is also a popular mobile phone wallet, Mycelium and Electrum. At the same time, hardware wallets store users' private keys on secure hardware equipment, which looks like flash sticks. The wallets are considered safer by some because they can be cut off from the Internet. (Some hackers steal bitcoins from computers connected to the Internet. Worrying about how to avoid bitcoins being stolen below.)


Have you chosen your wallet and your market? Okay. Now you're ready for all the ingredients. Here's how to finish the formula.


Step 1. Creates your wallet. The simplest way to do this is through a third party like Coinbase, the Exodus, the filament, or the blockchain.info. Go to the wallet provider's website of your choice and register. This step requires a name, e-mail address, and password.

第二步。如果您选择了软件钱包,则会要求您下载该应用程序。根据您是否拥有iOS或Android操作系统,通过Apple应用商店或Google Play 下载。一些钱包是为桌面设计的; 其他人对移动设备更好。

Step two. If you choose the software wallet, you will be asked to download the application. Depending on whether you have an iOS or Android operating system, you can download it through the Apple application shop or Google Play. Some wallets are designed for desktops; others are better for mobile devices.


Third step. Visit the exchange of your choice. Perhaps it is Coinbase, Poloniex, CEX.io, Kraken, Bitfinex, BitPanda, or BitStamp.


A transaction like Coinbase provides an application for exchange and wallet. Through the application, you can purchase and trade bitcoins and store them. That's good, but remember, just because you use Coinbase exchange doesn't mean you have to use Coinbase digital wallets. There are many other digital wallets.


Step 4: Go to the " buy-in " part of the exchange. Select the number of bitcoins you want to buy. Given the recent high price of bitcoin, you can buy less than one bitcoin on these exchanges. Bitcoins can be divided into eight decimal places. This means that if it corresponds to your budget, you can buy 0.5 bitcoins, 0.02 bitcoins, or even 0.000001 bitcoins.


Happy Bitcoin deal!




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