Web 3.0 社交媒体平台的 15 个示例

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:59 评论:0
随着世界接受 Web3 的去中心化本质,社交媒体平台也正在经历变革。这些平台正在从传统的 Web2 模型转向 Web3,用户可以更好地控制自己的数据、内容和在线交互。Social media platforms are also under...



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随着世界接受 Web3 的去中心化本质,社交媒体平台也正在经历变革。这些平台正在从传统的 Web2 模型转向 Web3,用户可以更好地控制自己的数据、内容和在线交互。

Social media platforms are also undergoing change as the world accepts the decentralized nature of Web3. These platforms are moving from traditional Web2 models to Web3, where users can better control their data, content and online interactions.

在本文中,我们将探讨不同类型的 Web3 社交媒体平台,这些平台正在为更加以用户为中心和去中心化的社交媒体营销和网络体验铺平道路。

In this paper, we will explore different types of Web3 social media platforms, which are paving the way for more user-centred and decentralised social media marketing and networking experiences.

以下是 Web3 社交媒体应用程序的完整列表:

The following is a complete list of web3 social media applications:

Steemit[1]成立于 2016 年,是一个基于 Steem 区块链的开创性 Web3 社交媒体平台。它是一个社交媒体平台,用户可以通过它们进行交流和互动,就像在 Facebook 等传统社交网络中一样。

Steemit [1] was founded in 2016 as a pioneering Web3 social media platform based on the Steem block chain. It is a social media platform through which users can communicate and interact, as in traditional social networks such as Facebook.


来源: Steemit

Source: & nbsp;Steemit

在 Steemit 上,用户通过参与社交网络赚取 STEEM 代币。活动和用户生成的内容(例如发布内容、分享、投票或评论)都具有奖励元素。

On Steemit, the user earns STEEM tokens by participating in social networking. Both the activity and the content generated by the user (e.g. publishing content, sharing, voting or commenting) have incentives.

除此之外,该平台的去中心化治理体系使用户能够在决策中拥有发言权,从而营造一个民主的社区驱动的环境。作为最早的 Web3 社交网络之一,他们为其他用户树立了 Web3 社交应如何运作以及如何打破 Web2 模式的先例。

In addition, the platform’s decentralised governance system allows users to have a voice in decision-making, thus creating a democratic community-driven environment. As one of the first web3 social networks, they set a precedent for other users on how web3 should function and how to break the Web2 model.

来源: Lifetoken来源: Lifetoken

Lifetoken[2]是一个 Tik-Tok 风格的 Web 3.0 社交奖励平台,于 2022 年底推出,并于 2023 年初在应用商店发布了新的改进版本。

Lifetoken [2] is a tik-Tok-style Web 3.0 social reward platform, launched in late 2022, and a new version of the improvements was released at the application shop in early 2023.

在社交网站 Instagram 等 Web2 平台上,创作者必须在这些社交媒体网站和网络上花钱,以提高他们的参与度并建立他们的社交媒体形象。

On social networking sites like Instagram and other Web2 platforms, creators must spend money on these social media sites and networks to increase their participation and build their social media image.


However, apart from watching excellent content, those who are concerned and viewers do not benefit from the views, praises and comments they seek for their creators, apart from watching excellent content.

Lifetoken 旨在颠覆这一概念,鼓励创作者通过用 LIFE 奖励他们来为社区花钱。该模型的开发是为了为用户在社交网络上支付的费用创造价值。

Lifetoken aims to subvert this concept and encourage creators to reward them with LIFE to spend money on the community. The model was developed to create value for the costs that users pay on social networks.

LIFE 是应用内奖励创建者用来鼓励活跃用户参与平台上的活动。未来,LIFE 可能可以兑换商品和服务以及 Lifetoken 应用程序中实时发生的独家活动。

LIFE is an application-based reward creator that encourages active users to participate in activities on the platform. In the future, LIFE may be convertible for goods and services and exclusive activities occurring in real time in the Lifetoken application.


Wubits[3]是一个面向加密货币爱好者的 Web3 社交平台。在研究该平台的用户人口统计数据时,您可以看到其用户主要是加密货币爱好者和交易者,他们希望创建一个没有机器人和虚假账户的安全空间。WUBITS 的一个关键功能是用户参与该平台时能够赚取加密货币。

Wubits[3] is a Web3 social platform for encrypt money lovers. When you look at the platform’s users’ demographics, you can see that its users are mainly encrypt money lovers and traders who want to create a safe space free of robotics and false accounts. A key function of WUBITS is that users can earn encryption money when they participate in the platform.

他们分享最好的交易策略、见解或优质内容,并观看数字奖励流入他们的加密钱包。借助 WUBITS,创作者可以将他们的知识和专业知识货币化,同时帮助其他人踏上加密之旅。

They share the best trading strategies, insights, or quality content, and watch digital rewards flow into their encrypted wallets. With WUBITS, creators can monetize their knowledge and expertise, while helping others to embark on encryption.

Minds[4]是一个类似 Twitter 的 Web3 社交媒体平台,倡导隐私、言论自由和用户授权。它提供了一个去中心化和加密的网络,用户可以控制自己的数据,并可以通过参与和内容创建赚取代币。

Minds[4] is a Twitter-like Web3 social media platform that promotes privacy, freedom of expression and user authorization. It provides a decentralised and encrypted network where users can control their own data and can create income replacements through participation and content.


2021 年 6 月,Minds 从 Futo 筹集了 1000 万美元,Futo 是雅虎游戏创始人兼 WhatsApp 种子投资者埃隆·沃尔夫 (Eron Wolf) 旗下的技术自由组织。据《财富》杂志报道,该社交媒体网站目前拥有 500 万用户,每月活跃用户达 30 万。

In June 2021, Minds raised $10 million from Futo, a technology-free organization under Eron Wolf, founder of the Yahoo game and seed investor WhatsApp. According to The Wealth magazine, the social media website currently has 5 million users and has 300,000 active users per month.

Minds 利用区块链技术创建一个透明且抗审查的平台,以促进用户隐私和言论自由。这方面的一个例子是被称为“思想陪审团系统”[5]的社区审核系统,用户通过报告不当内容集体做出贡献。然后,系统随机选择 12 名活跃用户对每个案件进行投票支持或反对,如果 75% 的人投票赞成,则做出判决。

Minds uses block chain technology to create a transparent and anti-censorship platform to promote user privacy and freedom of expression. An example of this is the community audit system known as the Thought Jury System[5], where users collectively contribute by reporting inappropriate content. The system then randomly selects 12 active users to vote for or object to each case, and if 75% vote in favour, the decision is taken.

来源: Android 版 Mastodon来源: Android 版 Mastodon


Mastodon[6] is a joint social networking platform that operates according to the principles of decentralisation and user autonomy. It is built on open-source technology and allows users to create their own communities (known as examples).


Each example runs independently, but can still communicate directly and interact with other examples, enabling users to plan their own experiences while maintaining connectivity to the wider network.

根据Mastodon 创始人兼首席执行官 Eugen Rochko 的一篇新帖子[7],他的 Twitter 替代品的每月活跃用户数量在过去几个月里一直在稳步攀升,目前已达到 210 万——或者,正如 Rochko 所说,“离这个数字不远了”从我们上一个高峰开始。”

According to a new post by the founder and CEO of Mastodon, Eugene Rochko,[7], the number of active monthly users of his Twitter alternatives has been rising steadily over the past few months, reaching 2.1 million -- or, as Rochko said, "not far from the number" begins at our last peak.


Peepeth[8]是一个在以太坊区块链上运行的去中心化社交媒体平台。它强调真实性、问责制和透明度。Peepeth 允许活跃用户发布消息、关注他人并通过积极贡献获得声誉积分。

Pepeeth[8] is a decentralised social media platform running on the Ether section chain. It emphasizes authenticity, accountability and transparency. Pepeeth allows active users to publish messages, focus on others and gain credit through active contributions.

通过利用区块链技术,Peepeth 确保内容和交互不可变,从而促进信任和问责文化。

By using block chain technology, Pepeeth ensures that content and interaction are immutable, thereby promoting a culture of trust and accountability.

Lens Protocol[9]是一个 web3 原生的去中心化应用程序 (DApp),使用户能够跨多个网络安全地存储和共享个人数据,而无需外部实体的集中控制或审查。

Lens Protocol [9] is a native web3 decentralized application (DApp) that enables users to store and share personal data safely across multiple networks without the need for centralized control or review by external entities.


资料来源:CoinMarketCap上的 Lens Protocol 功能概述[10]

Source: Lens Protocol functional overview on CoinMarketCap [10]

它利用区块链技术使用加密技术存储用户数据,确保所有活跃用户得到最大程度的保护和隐私。Lens Protocol 还支持 Metamask 等 web3 钱包,让用户无需依赖 PayPal 或银行账户等 web2 服务即可轻松访问其数字资产。

Lens Protocol also supports web3 wallets such as Metamask so that users can easily access their digital assets without relying on paypal or web2 services such as bank accounts.

据 TechCrunch 报道,web3 网络最近筹集了 1500 万美元[11],用于继续开发并扩大协议生态系统。

According to TechCrunch, the Web3 network has recently mobilized $15 million [11] for the continued development and expansion of agreed ecosystems.

来源: DiamondApp 网站来源: DiamondApp 网站

DiamondApp[12]是另一个 web3 原生社交网站,由母公司 Diamond Labs Inc. 开发,该公司是 Consensys Ventures LLC(一家专门投资区块链项目的风险投资公司)的子公司。

Diamond App [12] is another web3 original social networking site, developed by its parent company, Diamond Labs Inc., a subsidiary of Consensys Ventures LLC, a venture capital company specializing in investment block chain projects.

DeSo 创始人 Nader Al-Naji 表示:

DeSo's founder, Nader Al-Naji, said:

“Diamond 选择使用 DeSo 区块链来托管其所有内容,展示了 DeSo 在内容存储方面的独特优势。现有的区块链无法有效地存储内容。在以太坊上存储一条 200 个字符的推文的成本约为 50 美元,在 Solana、Avalanche 或 Polygon 上存储它的成本约为 15 美分。相比之下,DeSo 的价格仅为万分之一美分,使其成为第一个能够颠覆社交、博客甚至市场等存储密集型应用程序的区块链。”[13]

"Diamond chooses to use the DeSo block chain to host all of its contents, demonstrating the unique advantage of DeSo in content storage. The existing block chain does not effectively store content. The cost of storing a tweet of 200 characters in the Taiku is about $50, and the cost of storing it is about 15 cents in Solana, Avalanche, or Polygon. By contrast, the price of DeSo is only one in 10,000 cents, making it the first block chain capable of destabilizing social, blog, or even market-intensive applications.”[13]

DeSo 是一个全新的第 1 层区块链,旨在分散社交网络平台并将存储密集型应用程序扩展到全球数十亿用户。

DeSo is a brand-new first layer block chain designed to decentralize social networking platforms and expand storage-intensive applications to billions of users worldwide.

最新公布的市场数据[14]显示,该社交媒体平台筹集了 2 亿美元资金,并得到了红杉资本、Andreessen Horowitz、Coinbase Ventures、Social Capital、Polychain Capital、Winklevoss Capital、Pantera 等公司的支持。

The most recently published market data [14] show that the social media platform raised $200 million in funding and was supported by Redwood Capital, Andreasen Horowitz, Coinbase Ventures, Social Capital, Polychain Capital, Winklevos Capital, Pantera, etc.

来源:Gadgets 360来源:Gadgets 360

Chingari[15]是起源于印度的流行短视频分享社交网络。Chingari 于 2018 年推出,在印度政府在该国禁止 TikTok 和其他几款中国应用程序后,Chingari 在 2020 年获得了巨大的关注。它为印度用户,尤其是年轻用户提供了一个创作和分享短视频的替代平台。

Chingari [15] is a popular short video sharing social network originating in India. Chingari was launched in 2018, and after the Indian government banned TikTok and several other Chinese applications in the country, Chingari received considerable attention in 2020. It provided an alternative platform for Indian users, especially young users, to create and share short videos.

Chingari 的一个显着特点是它注重本地化内容和区域语言。它支持多种印度语言,使不同语言背景的用户都可以使用它。此外,Chingari 还为创作者提供了一个通过合作伙伴关系和品牌合作将自己的内容货币化的平台。

A distinctive feature of Chingari is its focus on localized content and regional languages. It supports multiple Indian languages, making it accessible to users from different linguistic backgrounds. In addition, Chingari provides a platform for creators to monetize their content through partnerships and brand partnerships.

社交媒体网站 Chingari 最近扩大了其社区,将Aptos[16]作为其首选的第 1 层,取代了Solana[17]。据该公司称,Chingari 的用户群到 2022 年已突破 220 万社交媒体用户,仅今年 1 月订阅收入就达到 70 万美元。

The social media website Chingari recently expanded its community, replacing Solana [17] with Aptos [16] as its preferred level 1. According to the company, Chingari’s user base reached 2.2 million social media users by 2022, bringing subscription revenue to $700 million in January of this year alone.


Taki[18]建立在 Solana 之上,是一个代币化的社交网络,旨在通过奖励用户每个代币本身的活跃权益来创建一个社区。

Taki[18] is built on Solana and is a monetized social network designed to create a community by rewarding the active interests of the user in each of the coins themselves.

普通用户只需发布内容并通过帖子或评论与他人互动即可赚取社交加密代币(TAKI )。[19]然后,TAKI 可用于购买用户币,代表创作者为平台带来的价值和影响力。

Ordinary users can earn social encryption money (TAKI) only by publishing content and interacting with others via post or comment.[19] TAKI can then be used to purchase a user's currency that represents the value and influence that creators bring to the platform.

虽然每月活跃用户数并未公布,但根据其网站的统计,该平台拥有超过 82 万活跃用户和类似数量的独立用户币。[20]

Although the number of active users per month is not published, according to its website, the platform has more than 820,000 active users and a similar number of independent user currencies.[20]

来源: Mirror Web来源: Mirror Web


At the heart of Mirror [21] is an online writing ecosystem that operates on the Tetsu block chain, allowing active users to publish their works and receive incentives for encrypting money rather than traditional cash payments.

Mirror 的作者受益于钱包订阅模式,使他们能够根据读者的钱包地址创建独家新闻通讯。这种方法增强了创作者与其目标受众之间的关系,提供了更加个性化和直接的沟通形式。

The author of Mirror benefits from wallet subscription, enabling them to create an exclusive newsletter based on a reader’s wallet address. This approach enhances the relationship between creators and their target audience and provides a more personalized and direct form of communication.

此外,Mirror 支持以太坊名称服务 (ENS),使作者能够将他们的个人资料与其 ENS 名称关联起来。此功能增强了可发现性和可信度,因为可以通过独特的 ENS 名称轻松识别作者。

In addition, Mirror supports the Taiyo name service (ENS), which enables authors to relate their personal information to their ENS names. This function enhances detectability and credibility, as the author can be easily identified through a unique ENS name.

Mirror 通过其共同创作功能鼓励协作,允许多个创作者就单个内容进行协作。这为跨学科项目和集体创造力提供了令人兴奋的机会。

Mirror encourages collaboration through its co-creation function, allowing multiple creators to collaborate on individual content. This provides exciting opportunities for interdisciplinary projects and collective creativity.


SoMee[22]基于创新的 Hive 区块链,致力于培育一个充满活力的社区,让用户可以自由表达自己,同时保持最大的隐私。通过积极参与该平台,活跃用户将获得宝贵的 $SME 代币奖励,使他们能够在他们所贡献的生态系统中占有一席之地。

Somee[22], based on an innovative Hive block chain, is committed to nurturing a vibrant community that allows users to express themselves freely while maintaining maximum privacy. Active users will receive valuable $SME tokens through active participation in the platform, allowing them to have a place in the ecosystem in which they contribute.

提要页面上突出显示的美元按钮提供了对其代币收入的实时洞察,可以通过安全的 Web3 钱包方便地进行管理。

The dollar button highlighted on the outline page provides a real-time insight into its token income, which can be easily managed through secure Web3 wallets.

此外,SoMee 还提供大量令人兴奋的功能,例如交换选项、尖端人工智能服务、无缝流式语音聊天功能、私人收件箱和即时消息以及利润丰厚的联盟计划,所有这些都丰富了用户体验并巩固了 SoMee作为领先的 Web3 驱动的社交媒体平台。

In addition, SoMee provides a number of exciting functions, such as exchange options, sophisticated artificial intelligence services, seamless voice chats, private inboxes and instant messaging, and lucrative coalition schemes, all of which enrich user experiences and consolidate SoMee as the leading Web3-driven social media platform.

资料来源: Torum 网资料来源: Torum 网

Torum[23]是一个基于 Web3 的社交网络,它将 NFT 和加密货币爱好者联合起来,促进讨论、网络、协作和知识共享。

Torum [23] is a web-based social network that brings together NFT and encrypted currency fans to promote discussion, networking, collaboration and knowledge sharing.

它于 2018 年推出,作为加密货币和区块链主题的中心而蓬勃发展。其代币 XTM 通过补偿、价值转移、质押以及 NFT 和数字资产的市场交易为用户提供支持。凭借熟悉的社交媒体功能和游戏化,积极参与将获得徽章奖励。

It was launched in 2018 and flourished as the centre of the theme of encrypt currency and block chains. Its token XTM supports users through compensation, value transfer, pledge, and market transactions of NFT and digital assets.

来源:Damus Mobile来源:Damus Mobile

由 Jack Dorsey 支持的企业 Nostr 最近推出了名为Damus[24]的去中心化社交媒体协议。这个突破性的平台仅在其用户之间促进安全的端到端私人即时消息传递。其主要目标是通过建立一个抗审查的全球网络来彻底改变传统的社交媒体格局,在该网络中,用户身份不是与其姓名或用户名相关联,而是与唯一的公钥相关联。

Nostr, a company supported by Jack Dorsey, recently launched a decentralised social media agreement called Damus[24]. This groundbreaking platform only promotes secure end-to-end private instant messaging between its users. Its main objective is to radically change traditional social media patterns by creating a global network that is resistant to censorship, where user identity is not associated with its name or user name, but with the only public key.

根据 Nostr 提供的数据,该网络目前拥有超过 524,000 名活跃用户,每个用户都配有用户简介。此外,截至 2 月初,它的新增用户数量大幅增长,每天有超过 30,000 名新用户加入。

According to Nostr, the network currently has more than 524,000 active users, each with a user profile. Moreover, by the beginning of February, the number of new users had grown significantly, with more than 30,000 new users joining each day.


DSCVR(发音为“discover”)由三位朋友创立,于 2021 年在互联网计算机平台上首次亮相。DSCVR 的定位类似于 Reddit,因其由一群精选的忠实用户引导的独特开发方式而脱颖而出。正如 Medium 博客中所述[25],该项目致力于成为 Reddit 用户群的可行替代方案。

The DSCVR (pronunciation “discover”) was created by three friends and first appeared on the Internet computer platform in 2021. The DSCVR is similar to Reddit, which is distinguished by its unique development led by a select group of faithful users. [25] As Medium blog describes, the project is committed to becoming a viable alternative to the Reddit user community.


The reason for the platform's decision to adopt an Internet computer protocol is that block chains can provide network speed, which is critical to bridging the gap between users who are accustomed to centralized product experiences and the potential of decentralized technologies.

目前,DSCVR 的用户数量令人印象深刻,接近 20 万。值得注意的是,所有用户不仅可以控制内容,还可以控制整个平台,从而在平台的发展中拥有重要的发言权。

Currently, the number of DSCVR users is impressive, close to 200,000. It is worth noting that all users have an important voice in the development of the platform by controlling not only content, but also the entire platform.


Web3 社交媒体平台的兴起标志着我们在线参与和互动方式的范式转变。这些平台优先考虑用户控制、隐私和去中心化,为传统 Web2 社交媒体巨头提供了令人耳目一新的替代方案。

The rise of social media platforms marks a paradigm shift in how we engage and interact online. These platforms give priority to user control, privacy, and de-centreization, providing an impressive new alternative to the traditional Web2 social media giants.

Steemit、Minds、Mastodon 和本文中提到的其他平台只是正在重塑社交网络格局的平台的几个例子。

Steemit, Minds, Mastodon and the other platforms mentioned here are just a few examples of platforms that are reshaping social networking patterns.

TikTok 等热门社交媒体平台每天拥有数百万日活跃用户,尤其是年轻用户。想象一下这样一个世界:所有 TikTok 用户或 Facebook 用户都因其在该平台上花费的时间而获得奖励。

A popular social media platform like TikTok has millions of active users every day, especially young users. Imagine a world where all TikTok users or Facebook users are rewarded for the time they spend on the platform.

或者他们的数据不会卖给下一个最高出价者的世界。这就是 Taki、Lifetoken 和 Mastodon 等公司正在努力打造的目标。

Or their data will not be sold to the next highest bidder in the world. That is what companies like Taki, Lifetoken and Mastodon are working on.


As we embrace a decentralized future, these platforms provide exciting opportunities for users to connect, express themselves and be rewarded in a stronger and more transparent digital environment.


Original language: https://medium.com/@lifetoken/15-examples-of-web-3-0-social-media-platforms-788b2f15d2c4


 Steemit: https://steemit.com/
 Lifetoken: https://www.lifetoken.ai/
 Wubits: https://social.wubits.io/wubits/public
 Minds: https://www.minds.com/
 “思想陪审团系统”: https://resources.platform.coop/resources/power-to-the-people-the-minds-jury-system/
 Mastodon: https://joinmastodon.org/
 一篇新帖子: https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/110758117937490286
 Peepeth: https://peepeth.com/
 Lens Protocol: https://www.lens.xyz/
 CoinMarketCap上的 Lens Protocol 功能概述: https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/638f60161a3a0b5fe28c3ada/
 最近筹集了 1500 万美元: https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/08/aaves-lens-protocol-raises-15m-to-build-the-decentralized-social-web/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAABeLfw8oXL2EhZRA3thXk7Ds9-z0yRudxUBHLQuvP0fxiEpKTGGlm6-DdjFDdgPRc8fcVADAI2RsRPAYe_CGKtwTtAvSvf2x_1lsGlhyqVmOMMu2OU51rGJR22u-15yHDMqP9JipvK_wwvq28xYE2ve5iX29rKoEeFXojek37Kr
 DiamondApp: https://diamondapp.com/browse?feedTab=Hot
 “Diamond 选择使用 DeSo 区块链来托管其所有内容,展示了 DeSo 在内容存储方面的独特优势。现有的区块链无法有效地存储内容。在以太坊上存储一条 200 个字符的推文的成本约为 50 美元,在 Solana、Avalanche 或 Polygon 上存储它的成本约为 15 美分。相比之下,DeSo 的价格仅为万分之一美分,使其成为第一个能够颠覆社交、博客甚至市场等存储密集型应用程序的区块链。”: https://cryptobriefing.com/blockchain-app-diamond-launches-to-bring-decentralized-social-to-the-masses/
 公布的市场数据: https://news.fintech.io/post/102h75w/decentralized-social-deso-raises-200m-in-funding
 Chingari: https://chingari.io/
 Aptos: https://blockworks.co/tag/aptos
 Solana: https://blockworks.co/tag/solana
 Taki: https://taki.app/
 TAKI )。: https://blockworks.co/price/taki
 统计,该平台拥有超过 82 万活跃用户和类似数量的独立用户币。: https://taki.app/statistics/
 Mirror: https://mirror.xyz/
 SoMee: https://somee.social/
 Torum: https://www.torum.com/
 Damus: https://damus.io/
 正如 Medium 博客中所述: https://medium.com/dfinity/meet-dscvr-a-user-controlled-decentralized-social-network-running-entirely-on-chain-1ffba073950f

& nbsp; Steemit: & nbsp; https://steemit.com/
  Lifetoken:   https://www.rifetoken.ai/
  Wubits:   https://social.wibits.io/wits/publicic
& nbsp; & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & &




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