被割韭菜 揭秘币圈小白血亏背后的资金盘花样套路

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:119 评论:0
(原标题:币圈小白血亏背后 揭秘资金盘花样套路)...



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(原标题:币圈小白血亏背后 揭秘资金盘花样套路)


For the last two days, investment told Beijing merchant journalists about his history of investing in blood and tears since this year, unearned >, and he did not think that he would be able to take a lot of money, but that he would be able to take a lot of money, and that he would be able to take a lot of money, and that he would be able to take a lot of money, and that he would be able to take a lot of money, while he'scots, and he's of money, while he'sts of money, he's, he's, and he's it up, he's, and he's up a lot of money, and he's it up, and he's it up, and he's up, and he's it, and he's it up, and he's up, and he's it's up a lot of them, and he's up, and he's, and he's up on a lot of them, and he's, and he's, and he's on a lot of them, and he's, and he's up, and he's, and he's on a lot of them, and he's on the people's on the., and he's, and he's it., and he's it's it's on the


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“It's good to be a biker now!” A first-time investor in the currency world, Tomin, cried to a reporter in Beijing. At the beginning of the year, he was involved in an investment in a currency company with the advice of a friend who wanted to make a quick wave of money, but didn't think that he had become a “fish” on someone else's knife.

陶敏是一名毕业刚满一年的年轻人,上大学时就对比特币等虚拟货币有所耳闻。 陶敏告诉北京商报记者,“因为不懂所以一直不敢碰,但每次听到币价大涨又后悔自己缺乏尝试和冒险精神,以至于错过了一波又一波‘红利’”。

Tomin, a young man who had graduated a year earlier, had heard of virtual currency such as bitcoin. Tomín told the Beijing merchant reporter that, “for lack of understanding, he was afraid to touch, but every time he heard currency prices rise and he regretted his lack of attempt and risk-taking, he missed a wave of ‘dividends’”.


By the beginning of March, the price of Bitcoin had fallen rapidly after hitting the $10,000 threshold, and when the short-term price fell by $800, Domin was determined to open the account and buy $10,000 in bitcoin. “I think the chance to take the bottom was to sell it by another $10,000, making quick money.” However, Domin did not think that, since his arrival, the price of Bitcoin had not risen as much as he hoped, but had fallen. It took less than two days to break the $7,000, $6,000, $5,000 or even $4,000.


By the end of March, Bitcoin had gradually returned to $6,000 after “touching down,” but prices were still rising and falling, with extreme volatility. Tomín said, “Looking at the price of Bitcoin at that time, there was little hope that it would be $10,000, starting from the very beginning, thinking of making quick money, then hoping only to raise the price back to the purchase, 10,000 dollars back, not thinking of making money”.


At the beginning of April, the price of Bitcoin remained at around $6,500, with one-rate circles recommending a project called AK. The project was described as a new, super-node mining platform for CXC in the public chain, with the corresponding virtual currency AK.

“这是一个挖矿项目,之前我就见朋友挖矿赚到过钱,后来上了交易所币价涨了20倍。我当时想着也可以入场割一波韭菜,毕竟只要能上交易所,肯定是稳赚不赔。” 陶敏向北京商报记者介绍道。

“It's a mining project, and I've seen my friends get paid to dig, and then I get 20 times the price of the exchange. I thought I could come in and cut a wave of pickles, and I'm sure I'll make a lot of money when I get on the exchange.” Tomín told a reporter in Beijing.


However, the “unfortunate” quickly reoccurs in Tomin. In early April, Tomin bought all of the Bitcoin assets at $40 for a total of 198 coins and invested $797. After the online exchange, the currency rose rapidly from $26 on 8 April to $51 on 10 April, which was less than good on 18 April, when the price fell to $30. At that time, the money invested by Tomin had shrunk to $5940.


When asked why the damage had not been stopped in time, Tamin said: “There were several times when he wanted to cut his meat, but he kept holding the chance that prices would rise back until he was cut and then he felt regretless.”


It is worth noting that, at present, cases such as that of Taomi are not uncommon, with large and small micro-message communities gathering waves of speculators.


the money drive goes beyond: .



Unlike speculators, how is it possible, as a “sick-handler” project, to attract “scaffolds” to the field? What are the main routing?

一币圈人士林晓(化名)告诉北京商报记者,当前,根据投资人的投资需求,币圈资金盘发行也会有固定的发行周期,一般3、4月是项目方推广资金盘的黄金期,也就是 “韭菜”们过完年后,投资需求最为旺盛之时。他向记者透露了资金盘操作的基本套路,总体就是通过高收益吸引投资者入场,基于币价的一次次控盘,给投资者尝到一定甜头后,再一步步进行收割。

One-currency player, Lin Xiao, told the Beijing Business Journal reporter that, based on investors' investment needs, the circulation of the money chain is now subject to a fixed distribution cycle, usually in March or April, when the project’s promoters have the highest demand for investment after the end of their life. He revealed to journalists the basic set of ways in which the money bank operates, generally to attract investors to the market through high returns, a sub-control board based on currency prices, and to give investors a taste of some sweets, and then to harvest them on a step-by-step basis.


Specifically, the PFP project party generally packaged the project “blogly” by promoting the technology of 中国银行法学研究会理事肖飒则从法律的角度指出,当前,不同类型的资金盘模式和套路形式多样,需抛开表象看实质法律关系。在她看来,不同的资金盘模式,投资人与操盘方处于不同的法律关系之中,进而会面临不同的法律风险,包括但不限于一般财产损失、遭遇诈骗以及传销组织活动等。因此,建议币圈投资人减少侥幸心理,充分了解投资项目与项目运作机理,了解法律常识,及时寻求专业人士帮助等。

stated from a legal point of view that, at present, different types of money drives and routings are diverse and need to look beyond their appearances of substantive legal relationships. In her view, different modes of financing, different legal relationships between investors and players, and hence different legal risks, including, but not limited to, general loss of property, fraud and distribution organization activities.







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