比特币一周跌超三成 监管将处置境内外交易平台网站

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:103 评论:0
  监管再加码 比特币一周跌超三成 Supercoded Bitcoin drops by 30% a week.   多平台比特币价格已跌破8000美元;消息称监管机构将处置境内外虚拟货币交易平台网站The price of ˂s...



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  监管再加码 比特币一周跌超三成

Supercoded Bitcoin drops by 30% a week.


The price of website of the virtual currency exchange platform inside and outside the country


  新京报讯 (记者王全浩)2月5日,受虚拟货币监管加码消息的影响,比特币价格再度下跌。截至记者发稿时,多个平台比特币价格跌破8000美元,维持在5万元人民币附近;以太坊价格接近800美元关口,维持在5100元人民币附近。过去的一周,主要数字货币普跌超过三分之一,比特币价格下跌32.5%。

Newjing News (Reporter Wang Quanho), on February 5, was influenced by virtual currency regulation plus code news, and Bitcoin prices fell again. At the time of the press release, several platforms had fallen by $8,000, and remained close to RMB 50,000; at the close of US$ 800, at the close of RMB 5,100. Over the past week, major digital currencies had fallen by more than one third, while Bitcoin prices had fallen by 32.5 per cent.


reports that the regulator “does not rule out the introduction of further measures”


According to the Financial Times, under the central bank’s banner, on the evening of 4 February, there have been signs of renewed activity since the end of last year, when some people in the country turned to offshore platforms for ICO and virtual currency transactions. The regulators will continue to pay close attention to virtual currency-related behaviour, adopting a range of regulatory measures, including banning related commercial presence, banning, disposing of domestic and foreign virtual money trading platforms, etc., in order to guard against financial risks and maintaining financial stability.


After the closure of the domestic virtual money exchange, many insiders continue to engage in virtual currency transactions on foreign platforms. Some trading platforms even facilitate point-to-point transactions between individual users through so-called “off-site transactions.”


In addition, the fact that some agencies or individuals in the country are organizing so-called currency and off-the-shelf transactions, accompanied by services such as market traders, guarantors, etc., is also a virtual currency trading place that is clearly inconsistent with the policy provisions in force. The above-mentioned report quotes the regulatory authority that “one family will be closed down as soon as one is found; at the same time, depending on developments in the future, the possibility of more regulatory measures will not be ruled out”.


While regulators, including central banks, have yet to comment on it, the digital currency circle is generally considered to be the signal that a new round of digital currency regulation will come.


The above-mentioned information had an impact on the digital currency circle, with a sharp fall of more than 10 per cent in Bitcoin and Etheria prices on the night of 4 February.


According to the Financial Times, regulatory policies for exchanges and ICOs will be introduced in the near future.



In September 2017, during the ICO regulatory storm, the country’s ICOs were banned from issuing, trading, issuing projects or repossessing money, or going out to the sea in search of new investors. In addition, the Bitcoin exchange was shut down, and the Bitcoin trading platform, which includes Bitcoin China, OKcoin, and the currency network, closed down its website in late October 2017.


After clean-up, the volume of virtual currency transactions denominated in renminbi fell from over 90 per cent at one time of global transactions to less than 1 per cent.


However, after a brief period of silence, the price of the virtual currency, represented by bitcoin, rose sharply in October 2017, before 20,000 bitcoins, up to 140,000. The number of participants in the virtual currency deal rose rapidly.


Journalists have learned that, after a clean-up in September 2017, virtual money trading platforms with a domestic background are currency transactions, off-the-shelf transactions.


From the experience of a trading platform, the New Kyoto newspaper journalists have found that, upon registration, payments can be made through the platform's “French currency transactions” section, by contacting businesses that sell bitcoin, Ether, and through a pre-agreed sale price, which can be made by means of payment of treasures, micro-mail payments, and bank card transfers.


In the experience of the New Kyoto newspaper journalists, it was found that the recipient account was a personal account number.


Previously, according to media reports, several ministries, including the Central Bank, the Central Networking Office and the Ministry of Trade and Communications, will jointly strengthen the consolidation of virtual money markets, particularly with regard to off-site trading platforms registered in the country, large-scale domestic “point-to-point” market transactions, and even those registered in the country but providing virtual currency concentration services to domestic customers through their websites outside the country.

  ■ 焦点



Investors are at risk of moving to offshore transactions


According to the Financial Times, domestic regulators will “deal with the virtual currency trading platform website within and outside the country”.


The Newjing newspaper has learned from several lawyers that domestic regulators have a limited role to play with regard to offshore corporate institutions, but that regulators can prohibit them from carrying out their services in the Chinese market.


It is worth noting that, on 26 January, the Chinese Internet Finance Association (CIFA) launched a risk alert to “offshore risks”. The Association reminds investors that “the risks of system security, market manipulation and money-laundering are the same as those of offshore platforms”.


Risk alerts suggest that as governments around the world pay attention to strengthening regulation in the virtual currency area, some offshore trading platforms may be forcibly banned by host governments, and some offshore trading platforms may be restricted due to apparent compliance risks. In this context, there is a risk that domestic investors will be diverted to offshore platforms to participate in transactions.


Earlier, on 27 January, Coincheck, one of Japan's largest encrypted currency exchanges, was hacked and all of the platform's NM (new currency) stolen, with the lost new currency worth $500 million.


The former United States Securities and Exchange Supervisory Commission (SEC) stated that it had obtained a court order to search the digital currency held by AriseBank, a digital money bank company located in Dallas, Texas, which was considered by the industry to be the largest intervention of the United States federal regulators in the ICO market.

  ■ 相关



Two platforms say they no longer provide services to the Chinese market


As regulation progresses, a number of exchanges have responded ahead of time and have stopped serving users from Chinese networks. Most domestic platforms have already made their way to the sea.


In three major exchanges, for example, Bitcoin China (BTCC) announced in the evening of 29 January that the company had been taken over by a block investment fund in Hong Kong. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea network has completed its seafall, and information indicates that Huobi.Pro currently provides nearly 10 digital asset-type transactions and point-to-point investment services, based in Singapore, and has a subsidiary in Hong Kong, China.


At present, the currency net, which ranks first in the virtual currency trade, has taken the initiative on 1 February to issue an announcement stating that “in accordance with China's relevant policy regulations, the currency does not serve users in mainland China”.


According to the media, on 23 January, the co-founder of the currency net coalition said that “the currency has moved out of China as a whole, its users are mostly from abroad” and that “less than 3% of domestic users” according to the data, the central team of the exchange is currently located in Japan. When the network was opened, it came out that “in accordance with China’s relevant policy regulations, it does not serve users in mainland China”.


The company announced that it is committed to upholding the country’s laws and regulations.




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