Today, the pit of target="blank" href="https://news.163.com/news/search?keyword=BTC" >; ;
We are convinced that the digital encryption asset and block chain industry, represented by bitcoin, will continue to develop. You remember, there will be a resonance, and we will see each other again."
(photo taken from: btc.com)
In the rest of the article, I will take an inventory of some of the historically representative bitcoin ponds, including the world's oldest bitcoin ponds, China's earliest bitcoin ponds, the most dominant bitcoin ponds and the two most competitive bitcoins in the world.
The first bitcoin pond, now in its third position?
回到2010年11月27日,总部位于捷克首都布拉格的SatoshiLabs公司成立了世界上第一个比特币矿池,其创始人Marek Palatinus曾在接受巴比特采访时表示:
Back on 27 November 2010, Satoshi Labs, based in Prague, Czech capital, established the world's first bitcoin pond, whose founder, Marek Palatinus, in an interview with Babbitt, said:
“SlushPool创立于2010年底,当时我正用自己的电脑挖矿,然后意识到独立挖矿的方式将很快会无利可图。值得庆幸的是我想到了一个解决方法,因此我创建了一个可以让挖矿者们联合起来,集中资源和按比例分享利润的系统,那就是为什么这个方法叫做“pooled mining”(可理解为联合挖矿)。”[2]
根据slushpool.com网站提供的信息显示,当前slushpool矿池的算力达到了5.471 ?Eh/s[3],约占全网算力的10.2%,当前全网排名第三,而其矿池的活跃用户数为16236名。
According to the Slushpool.com website, the current slushpool pool has reached 5.471?Eh/s (图片截至:slushpool官网) (pictures up to: slushpool officer network) 据了解,该矿池对所有支出都会收取2%的费用,但slushpool会和矿工共享交易费用,就目前的水平来看,每个区块的交易费用会有1-2 BTC。 It is understood that the pond will charge 2 per cent of all expenditures, but Slushpool will share the transaction costs with the miners and, at the current level, there will be a transaction cost of 1-2 BTC per block. ? 历史上最强大的比特币矿池,却早已消失于历史长河之中? The most powerful bitcoin pond in history has long disappeared in history? 然而,比特币历史上最具统治力的矿池,不是slushpool,也不是当前最强大的btc.com和AntPool,而是早已消失在历史长河的GHash.IO矿池。 However, the most dominant pond in Bitcoin's history is not slushpol, nor is it currently the most powerful btc.com and AntPool, but the GHash.IO pond, which has long disappeared in history. (图片截至:http://ghash.io/官网) (photo as of: http://gash.io/web) GHash.IO成立于2013年7月份,在其鼎盛时期(2014年7月份),该矿池的算力一度超过了全网51%的临界值,当时其也引发了社区对51%攻击的担忧,在社区的强烈呼吁下,部分矿工撤离了Ghash.io矿池,才使其回落到全网42%算力的水平[4],而GHash.IO之所以能够成为矿池届的巨头,与其不收取矿池费用有着很大的关系。 GHash.IO was established in July 2013 during its peak period (July 2014), when it once exceeded the 51 per cent threshold value of the entire network, when it triggered community concerns about 51 per cent of the attacks and, under strong community appeals, some miners withdrew from the GHash.io pool before returning to the 42 per cent computing level of the whole network ; 然而,到了2016年10月份,这一曾经最具统治力的比特币矿池,却在鱼池(F2Pool)、蚁池(AntPool)、BTCC等新兴矿池的冲击下被迫选择关闭。 However, by October 2016, this once the most dominant bitcoin pond had been forced to close under the shock of emerging ponds such as fish ponds (F2Pool), antPool and BTCC. 事后有人分析,在不断遭受大规模的拒绝服务(DoS)攻击,再加上熊市币价下跌这一因素,导致该矿池的运营商选择停止了GHash.IO的运营[5]。 It was subsequently analysed that the continued massive denial of services (DoS) attack, combined with the factor of the fall in the price of the bear market, had led the operators of the pond to choose to stop operating [6]。 In April 2013, the fish pond (f2pool), created jointly by Wang Jun and Mao World Bank (known as the octopus), was the first-formulated bitcoin pond in China. In the era of the GHash.IO pond, the fish pond was the only Chinese pond with which it could counterbalance, and in the second half of 14 it became the world's largest bitcoin pond 截至发稿时,根据鱼池官网提供的信息显示,该矿池的实时算力为4.539Eh/s,排全网第6的位置,而其采用的是PPS+结算模式,即在传统的 PPS 结算方式基础上,增加了矿工费的分配。而其收取的费率,则是2.5% 的PPS+ 。 At the time of publication, based on [7]。 AntPool, on the other hand, supported PPS, PPS+, PPLNS, SOLO in a variety of mining patterns