150,000 ETH stolen
Today, one of the holes in the Pariity wallet of the Ethio is being exploited by hackers, resulting in large-scale losses.
A few hours ago, Parity operators urgently informed their users of the need to immediately transfer their funds from Parity's wallet.
截止今日凌晨 00:19 已经有153,037 个价值约为 3000 万美元(2亿人民币)的以太币被盗 。
By 00:19 this morning,
该公司的创始人 Gavin Wood 表示,据调查显示,黑客利用 wallet.sol 多重签名合约中存在的漏洞,向受害者发起两笔特定交易,借此获取该地址的所有权并迅速将里面所有的资产转移出来。截至目前,已经有至少三个以上的钱包地址遭受到相关攻击。“不过,我们已经立即采取紧急应对措施,并在白帽黑客的帮助下成功‘挽回’377,000 个即将被盗的以太币。”
Gavin Wood, the founder of the company, stated that, according to the investigation, hackers used the loopholes in the wallet.sol multi-signature contract to initiate two specific transactions with the victims to acquire ownership of the address and quickly transfer all the assets in it. To date, at least three wallet addresses have been attacked. “But we have responded immediately, and with the help of the white hat hackers, we have succeeded in `recovering' the 377,000 stolen coins. ”
Parity的Kurt Knudsen称赞了白帽黑客:
Parith's Kurt Knudsen praises white hat hackers:
"The White Hat Hackers are aware of the loopholes in a particular version of the usual multiple signature contract, so they take the necessary action to move away as quickly as possible from every multiple signature wallet that is in danger. Thank you for your contribution to the Ethio community to help you find these fragile contracts. The account funds that are being rescued by the White Hat hackers are here."
Parity 方面现阶段已经制定出两个候选修复方案。
At this stage, two candidate rehabilitation programmes have been developed for Parity.
以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin则在微信群中提醒道:“黑客偷了15万个以太币,有一个白帽子群正在搜索区块链,拿其他的弱势合约的币。这是parity多重签名合约的问题,其他的多重签名钱包还没有漏洞。”
Vitalik Buterin, founder of Etheria, warned the microblogging: “The
然而在twitter上,一名自称是受害者的以太坊投资者发推@了以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin,并要求拿回自己的以太币。
On twitter, however, an Itha investor claiming to be a victim pushed @Vitalik Buterin, founder of Itha, and asked for his Ether currency back.
然而,和上次The DAO事件不同,Vitalik并不认为这次黑客事件需要使用硬分叉来解决。
However, unlike the previous incident in The DAO, Vitalik did not believe that the hacker incident required the use of hard fork.
1.The Dao事件发生时,以太坊生态系统还没那么成熟;
1. At the time of the events in The Dao, the Ethio ecosystem was not so mature;
2.The Dao事件被盗的以太币数量要远超过这次被盗事件,因此更加危险;
2. The Dao incident was stolen by far more NT than this theft and is therefore even more dangerous;
3. [Most importantly,] Today's attackers are able to immediately transfer funds, so hard fork is not possible.
这可能是以太坊自The DAO 事件后最近遭受的最大安全挫折。在本周早些时候,一家鲜为人知的创业公司所进行的ICO项目CoinDash昨日遭受了黑客攻击。一位未知身份的黑客通过将原本用于接收投资者资金的ETH更改成一个假冒的ETH地址从而盗取了该项目所筹集的资金,共计损失753万美元。
Earlier this week, the ICO project CoinDash, carried out by an unknown start-up company, was hit by hackers yesterday. An unidentified hacker stole $7.53 million from the project by changing the ETH, which was intended to be used to receive investors’ funds, to a fake ETH address.
According to data from the country's well-known digital asset trading platform, OKCoin, the replacement of a low-priced rebound with a down-exploration test was prevented by the one-hour map of MA20, which was slightly weaker than the blanks, and by today's release, the low-priced shock and rebound in the district, with the risk of detection still present, with the latest rounding in the vicinity of 1411.
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