林俊杰“买虚拟地产惨遭浮亏91%” 元宇宙地产凉凉了?

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:54 评论:0



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Today, the famous singer, Lin Junjie & ldquo; buying virtual properties lost 91 per cent & rdquao; rushing into heat and falling real estate prices in the Woncosmos again focused public attention on the Woncosmos & & & & rdquao; this area. So, who's in & & ldquo; & & rdquao; and what are the bottom logic behind the crash?


dollar cosmos&ldquao; real estate&rdquao; price&ldquao; crash & rdquao;


Recently, chhatgpt has gone out of its way, and there have been a lot of local and international Internet giants. However, today's chhatgpt is so hot, it used to be & & & & rdquao; & mdash; & mdash; and the dollar cosmopolitan real estate is so much worse.


Since this year, as virtual currency prices have fallen and platforms have exploded, the prices of Woncos properties have followed & ldquo; crash & rdquo;


The current median market value of Decentraland, the world's largest metrospace real estate sales platform, dropped from $45 in 2022 to $5, or nearly 90 per cent.


Earlier, in November 2022, Lim Junjie had purchased three virtual properties in Decentraland for $123,000, currently valued at only about $10,000, at a loss of 91 per cent.


What's a meta-cosmos & ldquao; real estate & rdquao;


Since Facebook was renamed Meta— — i.e. & & & & & & & & & & ; in the meta-cosm, the concept of the meta-cosm started to get hot.


In keeping with the logic of the real world, as a necessity of the real world, & & & & & & & & & & &, also in the meta-cosmos world.


The so-called metaspace & ldquao; real estate & rdquao; is actually a part of virtual space in the metacosystem. And having these virtual spaces or the metaspace & & ldquao; real estate & rdquao; then you can build, renovate, open a mall that can be used as a museum to display virtual collections or, of course, rent them directly.


In November 2021, there was an outbreak of transactions in the Yuan cosmos & ldquo; real estate & rdquo; and trade. Statistics show that in the week of November 22-28, the total turnover of the four leading meso-cosmos real estate trading platforms was close to $106 million. On the virtual reality platform & & ldquo; sandbox & rdquo; and above, a digital piece of land that was knocked out by program code sold $4.3 million a day, equivalent to RMB 27.4 million, in real housing prices in many major cities in the real world.


RMB 780,000


On 23 November 2021, singer Lin Junjie wrote that three plots of land had been purchased on Decentraland at a cost of $123,000 (approximately RMB 780,000).


Lin Junjie, the singer, on Twitter, announced that he had purchased virtual land in the Wonsun universe.

同时,说唱歌手snoop dogg也涌入元宇宙买地。

At the same time, the rapper snoop dogg is also pouring into the Woncosmos to buy land.


With individual players and & ldquao; consummation & rdquao; and a continuous influx, the historical record of virtual land sales has been updated.


In the short term, the prices of virtual properties are & ldquao; they are fired & & rdquao; and what can they be sustained in the long run? In his video, Zhang Xinxin, the Senior Analyst, said that a set of virtual properties could be traded countless times, with a trading cycle fast enough to be counted in seconds and with speculative properties.


In response to this issue, Shenyang, Executive Director of the New Media Research Centre at the University of Qinghua School of Journalism, stated that the use of virtual properties was clearly of low value and was more of a spiritual satisfaction value.


At the same time, Shenyang pointed out that the price of virtual properties depends mainly on three main factors: first, the flow of the meta-cosm applications themselves; second, the will of the players to consume, which in the event of an accident could be zero overnight, with extremely high risks; third, the design of the current domestic meta-cosm applications is largely controlled by one platform, with no uniform rules and no “ open world & & rdquo; and attributes, which also means that house prices are to some extent dominated by the platform.


"Strong" technology giants are retreating.


In recent years, the Woncosmos sector has borne the brunt of the downsizing programmes of a number of technology giants, as the heat of the Woncosmos has dwindled.


Before that, Disney started his first round of layoffs, which were expected to be 7,000. Part of the plan was to abolish the meta-cosmos sector.


According to media reports, last month Microsoft also disbanded the Industrial Dollar Cosmos Team, which had just been established four months earlier, and 100 of its members had been dismissed.


& & & & & & ldquo; & & & rsquo; it's no surprise that the meta-cosmos became a layoff. & & ldquo; & & & rsquo; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & &. & & & ; & & &. & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; ; & @ & & ; & & & @ & & & & & ; @ & & @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ & & @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

去年年底, meta宣布将裁员超过1.1万人,这也是公司史上规模最大的一次裁员。公司还停止招聘5000个空缺职位,并取消更多低优先级项目。

At the end of last year, Meta announced that it would cut more than 11,000 people, the largest in the company’s history. The company also stopped recruiting 5,000 vacant posts and eliminating more low-priority projects.

2021年,当扎克伯格all in元宇宙,facebook改名meta时,资本市场以为属于虚拟现实的时代真的来了。但属于元宇宙的高光时刻仅仅存在了短短几个月,还没等到元宇宙成为“移动互联网的继承者”,从2021年9月开始,meta的股价一路下滑,较最高点缩水近50%。

In 2021, when Zuckerbergall in the dollar universe, Facebook changed its name to Meta, capital markets thought that the era of virtual reality had really come. But the moments of light that belonged to the meta-cosmos were only a few months away, before they became “ the successors to the mobile Internet & rdquao; and since September 2021, the share price of the meta fell all the way, nearly 50% below the peak.


What happened to the cosmos?


Commenting on the causes of the collapse of virtual real estate in the meta-coastal, analysts pointed out that “ mainly the crash of global encryption assets, the virtual property of the meta-coastal is closely connected to the encryption market. & rdquo;


In fact, in addition to major factors such as so-called cryptographic asset crashes, hot-spot transfers, and drifting away, it is — &mdash, behind the collapse of virtual property prices; the current development of the meta-cosmos is still at an early stage, commercialization, virtual real estate applications are seriously inadequate, and games based on virtual property development have had poor experience.


The core is the value of the virtual space itself, not the value of the plot, which is based on the value of a new business model brought about by the industrialization of the meta-cosmos. Or will it be necessary to wait for the technology of the meta-cosmos to develop to a certain extent and to be industrialized in order to put the virtual property on a more benign path to development?


In the view of Mid-Thai Capital Director Wang Dongwei, from the project alone, virtual land awareness is too advanced and landing requires too long a cycle.


& ldquo; there is a commonality in the advent of an era that solves many life problems, or needs to be made more efficient or more efficient. Every time, for example, telephones, computers, cell phones, the Internet, mobile Internet, electric power providers, etc., is well represented. The meta-cosmos does have a lot of imagination, but now it's basically a hypocritical concept.


Further, from the bottom logic, the virtual property on the so-called meta-cosmos platform is essentially nft. Nft is a digital asset issued on the basis of block-chain technology, and each property has & ldquo; unique & rdquao; because it is owned, traded and cannot be tampered with. For example, in Decentraland, the platform has designed a total of 90,000 plots and will not be added in the future to ensure & ldquao; scarce & rdquao;


But this & ldquo; unique & & rdquao; and & & & rdquao; scarce & rdquao; & & ldquao; and, in some cases, the real economy & & & & & & ;. The question never stops: & & & & & & rdquao; real estate is valuable in the real world, because land is a scarce resource. But this scarcity does not necessarily apply to metaco. Because in these virtual world you can build unlimited properties. & & rdquao;


According to Hu Jijing, Director of the Centre for Research on the Rule of Law in the Block Chain of the University of China, the Yuan cosmos is a simulation of the real world, and it cannot exist in isolation from reality. & ldquo; a major reason why the virtual cosmopolitan virtual real estate campaign, which had previously been carried out abroad, particularly in Korea, has now fallen sharply, is that virtual real estate coiling has become a complete separation from the real economy and has become conceptual and expected. So, the development of the Yuan cosmos must have an application that combines the real economy. & rdquo;


Upstream news from: China Securities, Daily Economic News, Middle and New Latitude





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