The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy

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編按:1979年, 《哈佛商業評論》 刊出〈競爭作用 力如何形塑策略〉 (How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy ),這篇文章的作者是當時擔任副教授的年輕經 濟學家麥可.波特 (Michael E. P...



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編按:1979年, 《哈佛商業評論》 刊出〈競爭作用 力如何形塑策略〉 (How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy ),這篇文章的作者是當時擔任副教授的年輕經 濟學家麥可.波特 (Michael E. Porter )。那是他在本 刊發表的第一篇文章,為 「策略」這個領域帶來革命性的 變化。接下來幾十年,波特把他獨特而嚴謹的經濟研究 方法,應用到公司、區域、國家的研究上,最近還擴大 到健康照護和慈善事業領域。 「波特的競爭五力」 形塑了 一整個世代的學術研究和企業實務。如今,波特在哈佛 商學院的同僚簡.瑞夫金 (Jan Rivkin )教授,以及長期 共事的瓊安.瑪格瑞塔 (Joan Magretta )的敦促和協助 下,重新確認、擴充當年那篇經典文章,加入更新的資 料,並對外界的某些誤解提出說明。他也為使用 「波特 的競爭五力」 架構的人,提供實用的指引,並且更深入 說明,在當前的環境下,這個架構對策略有何意義。

In 1979, the Harvard Business Review published its first article on "Treatment" as a revolutionary transformation. In the next few decades, Porter published his unique and rigorous approach to economic research, which should be used in companies, regions, and national research, and which has recently expanded into the field of health care and charity.


核心任務,就是了解與處理「競 爭」的議題。然而,經理人經常把競爭 定義得太狹隘了,似乎認為只有在目前 直接競爭的對手之間,才有競爭存在。 但是,爭奪利潤的對手不僅限於產業裡 既有的同業,還包括另外四項競爭作用 力:顧客、供應商、潛在新進公司、替 代性產品。上述這五項作用力引發的廣 泛競爭和對立,決定了產業的結構,也 形塑了產業內彼此間競爭活動的特性。 表面看來,每一個產業都不同,但 其實,各產業獲利能力的動因都一樣。 例如,表面上,全球汽車產業完全不同 於藝術名作的全球市場、或政府高度管 制的歐洲醫療照護業。但若要了解這三個產業的競爭情形和獲利能力,必 須用五項競爭作用力的架構,來分 析每個產業的基本結構(見表 1)。 如果那五項作用力很強烈, 產業裡幾乎每一家公司的投資報酬 率就都不理想,例如航空、紡織和 旅館業。如果那五項作用力相當溫 和,許多公司都有機會獲利,例如 軟體、軟性飲料、美容清潔用品等 產業。產業結構決定產業內的競爭 情形和獲利能力;至於產業提供的 是產品或服務,屬於新興或成熟產 業、高科技或低科技產業、受管制 或不受管制,並非決定因素。有很 多因素都會在短期內影響產業獲利 能力,像是天氣和景氣循環,但 中、長期的產業獲利能力,是由產 業結構決定的,而產業結構具體展現在五種競爭作 用力上(見表 2)。 若能了解競爭作用力,以及影響這些作用力 的根本原因,不僅可幫助了解任何一個產業目前獲 利能力的根源所在,也提供一個架構,用來預測和 影響長期的競爭(和獲利能力)。對策略師來說, 產業結構是否健全,與自家公司的定位同等重要。 了解產業結構,也有助於設定有效的策略定位。接 下來我會說明,保護公司免受競爭作用力負面的影 響,引導那些作用力朝向有利於自家公司的方向發 展,是策略中很重要的部分。

The core task is to understand and deal with the issue of competition. However, the managers often define competition too thinly, and seem to think that there is competition only between the immediate rivals. But, on the surface, each business is not limited to its established counterparts in the industry, but it also includes four competing forces: customers, suppliers, newcomers, alternative products. These five forces lead to widespread competition and confrontation, which determines the structure of the industry, the power of the industry, the power of the industry, the nature of the competition within the industry.





The power of action determines the strategy.

每個產業裡,五項競爭作用力的強弱組合 都不同。在商用飛機市場,產業霸主空中巴士 (Airbus )和波音( Boeing )之間的競爭很激烈, 大手筆訂購飛機的航空公司,也有很強的談判力量 (bargaining power );但是新進公司及替代性產品的威脅,以至供應商的力量,三者都相當溫和。 而對電影院這一行,電影製片和發行商靠著提供電 影這個最重要的投入要素,以及近來蓬勃發展的各 種替代性娛樂形式,雙雙成為重要的競爭作用力。 產業裡最強的一項或多項作用力,決定了那 個產業的獲利能力,成為制定策略時最重要的因 素。不過,影響最顯著的作用力,並不一定就是明 顯可見的。例如,大眾商品產業的競爭往往很激 烈,但也許這並不是造成此種產業獲利能力不佳的 因素。就像在攝影底片產業,報酬率低是因為出現 了更優良的替代性產品。當數位攝影出現時,全球 攝影底片領導廠商柯達( Kodak )和富士( Fuji ) 就面臨了這樣的衝擊,如何因應替代性產品的崛 起,成為策略上的第一要務。 特定的經濟和技術特性,決定產業裡每一項 競爭作用力的強度,進而塑造個別產業的結構。接 下來,我們要從已經在產業裡運作的既有公司觀 點,來檢視這些競爭作用力。我們也可以擴大延伸這項分析,用來了解潛在新進公司面臨的挑戰。

In commercial aircraft markets, the competition between industrial masters of air buses (Airbus) and Boeing is intense, and airlines that buy airplanes have a strong bargaining power (bargaining power); but the threat of new companies and alternative products, with the power of suppliers, is very moderate for all three. And in cinemas, films and producers rely on the provision of electricity, which is the most important input, as well as on the alternative forms of entertainment that have flourished in recent times.


競爭作用力 1 新進公司的威脅

A threat from a newcomer company.

新加入產業的公司會帶入新的能力,並且渴 望取得市場,這會影響產業內成本、價格和競爭 所需的投資。如果新進公司是從其他市場跨足過 來,他們更可以槓桿運用本身既有的能力和現金流 量,撼動新跨足產業的競爭情勢。業界有很多這 樣的例子,像是百事公司( Pepsi )跨足瓶裝水市 場、微軟( Microsoft )推出網路瀏覽器、蘋果公司 (Apple )進入音樂流通( music distribution )業。 因此,新進公司加入者帶來的威脅,會限制 產業的獲利潛力。既有公司若要避免這些後果,在 新進公司威脅很大的時候,必須以降價或加大投資 嚇阻新競爭對手跨入市場。例如,咖啡專賣零售業 的進入障礙相當低,星巴克( Starbucks )就必須大 手筆投資,不斷更新店面和餐飲內容的設計。 既有產業的進入障礙,及新進公司預期既有 公司的反應,決定新進公司會形成多大威脅。如進 入障礙低,且新進公司預期既有公司的反擊動作不 大,新進公司的威脅就會提高,產業獲利能力也因 而降低。壓低獲利能力的原因在於會有新進入者構 成的「威脅感」,而不在於是否真有新公司進入。

There are many examples in the industry, such as Pepsi's crossing the market, Microsoft's introduction of web browsers, Apple, and the investment needed to compete. If the new entrants cross the market from other markets, they are more likely to use their existing capacity and cash flows to drive the new cross-border competition. Thus, the threat posed by the newcomers limits the profitability of the industry.


There are companies that have built barriers to entry.

產業進入障礙,指的是既有公司相較於新進 公司所掌握的優勢,包括以下幾種:

The barriers to entry refer to the advantages of existing companies relative to those of newcomers, including the following:

1. 供應面的規模經濟 產量大的公司,享有較低的單位成本,因為 他們有較多產品單位來分攤成本,採用更有效率的 技術,或是向供應商爭取到較優惠的條件,因而產 生了規模經濟。供應面的規模經濟會嚇阻新進公司 加入市場,因為新進公司若決定進入這個市場,被迫必須加大規模,以求打敗既有公司,或是必須接 受在成本上處於劣勢。價值鏈裡的每一項活動,幾 乎都有這種規模經濟的情況,至於哪些活動的規模 經濟最重要,會因所在產業而有不同(註 1 )。在 微處理器產業,英特爾( Intel )之類的既有公司享 有研發、晶片製造、消費者行銷等的規模經濟,市 場地位有保障。對史考特神奇格羅( Scotts Miracle

The supply-side economy can deter newcomers from joining the market, because newcomers, when they decide to enter the market, are forced to increase the scale in order to defeat existing companies, or have to take advantage of the cost-deprived economy. Each activity in the value chain, some of which has such a scale, and the most important of which is the economy, will vary from one industry to another (note 1).

Gro )之類的草坪維護業者來說,最重要的是供應 鏈和媒體廣告的規模經濟。在小包裹遞送業,規模 經濟主要表現在全國布建的物流和資訊系統。

For lawn maintenance workers like Gro, the most important is the supply chain and media advertising economy. In the small parcel delivery industry, the economy is dominated by the logistics and information systems that are being built throughout the country.

2. 需求面的規模優勢 光顧某一家公司的買方人數愈多,其他人就 愈願意付費購買那家公司的產品,這就是需求面的 規模優勢,也稱為「網路效應」。買方若要購買重 要產品,也許會比較信任大公司,就像以前那句流 傳已久的話:「採購 IBM 的產品,絕不會被開除」 (當時 IBM 是電腦製造業的龍頭老大)。買方或許 也很重視能成為某個買方網絡的一員,裡面還有 許多其他買方都跟他一樣,選擇了同一家公司。 例如,參與網路拍賣交易的人紛紛投向 eBay ,因為

The greater the number of buyers of a company, the more willing others are to pay for the company’s products, which is a demand-side advantage, also known as “net effect.” To buy heavy goods, buyers may trust large companies, as has been said in the past: “Acquiring IBM products will never be removed” (when IBM was the head of a computer industry). Buyers may also value becoming a member of a buyer’s network, with many other buyers in it, choosing the same company as him.

eBay 提供最有可能達成交易的對象。需求面的規模 優勢不利於新進公司,因為這類優勢會讓顧客不太 願意向新進公司採購,而且會迫使新進公司壓低售 價,等到新進公司建立大規模的顧客基礎之後,才 有可能提高售價。

eBay provides the most likely counterparty for a transaction. Demand-side advantages are less favourable to newcomers, because they make customers less willing to buy from newcomers, and they force newcomers to lower prices, which are likely to increase until newcomers establish a large customer base.

3. 顧客轉換成本 買方更換供應商時產生的固定成本,就是轉 換成本( switching cost )。買方更換供應商後,可 能必須作很多調整,例如改變產品規格,重新訓 練員工使用新產品,或者調整流程或資訊系統, 這些都會增加成本。轉換成本愈高,新進公司就 愈難爭取到顧客。企業資源規畫( ERP)軟體就是 轉換成本很高的產品。一家公司裝設了思愛普公司( SAP)的 ERP系統後,所有資料都已內嵌入系統 (embedded data )、公司內部流程已經根據思愛 普的系統建構、員工經歷大幅重新訓練,而且 ERP 相關應用軟體對公司運作非常關鍵,種種考量下, 若要換成另外一家公司的系統,成本高得驚人。

3. The fixed cost of a change of client costs. The fixed cost of a change of supplier by the buyer is a change of cost. After a change of provider, the buyer can have to make a lot of adjustments, such as changing product regulations, retraining practitioners to use new products, or adjusting processes or information systems. The higher cost of a change, the more difficult it is for a newcomer to compete with customers.

4. 資金需求 如果必須投入大筆資金才可競爭,新進公司 可能會裹足不前。不僅投資設備資產如此,對顧客 放帳、建立庫存和支應草創期的虧損,在在都需要 資金。如果支出的項目無法回收,像初期的廣告支 出或研究發展費用,將很難獲得融資。就算大型公 司擁有雄厚的財務資源,幾乎可以進軍任何產業, 但某些行業先天就需要大量資金投入,因而限制可 加入的公司數量。如果是像稅務服務、短程貨運等 行業,資金需求很低,可能進入這些行業的公司就 很多。我們也不要過度誇大,單靠資金需求可以赫 阻新公司加入的功效。如果產業的報酬率很吸引 人,而且預期報酬率會持續保持高水準,再加上資 本市場很有效率,投資人就會提供新加入者所需的 資金。例如,全球幾乎各個地區都不斷有新的航空 公司進入市場,原因之一與飛機轉售可取得高價有 關,因而促成有意進軍航空業的公司易於取得融 資,購買昂貴的飛機。

4. Even if the large public administration has strong financial resources that can be invested in almost any industry, but some industries need to invest in a large amount of capital in order to limit the number of companies that can be included. If it is tax services, short-term operations, etc., the demand for capital is very low, there may be a lot of companies that can enter these industries. Nor do we need to be over-exceeded by the need for capital to block the entry of new companies. If the industry’s reward is attractive, but some industries need to invest in a large amount of capital, it limits the number of companies that can be included. If it is tax services, short-range shipments, etc., it is very efficient, it is likely that many companies will be able to do so.

5. 與規模無關的既有公司優勢 既有公司無論規模大小,在成本或品質方 面,都可能比潛在競爭對手擁有更多優勢。既有公 司可能擁有獨家的技術、可以優先取得最佳原料、 搶占較佳的地理位置、已經建立品牌知名度,或者 累積經驗,懂得如何提高生產效率。新進公司可以 設法避開那些優勢。例如,標靶( Target )和沃爾 瑪( Wal-Mart )之類的折扣商店剛成立時,刻意不 把店址設在購物中心裡,因為當時已有一些百貨公 司在購物中心裡占據有利地位。

5. Both companies, regardless of their size, may have more advantage than potential competitors in terms of cost or quality. The public sector may have exclusive skills, obtain the best materials, take advantage of better geographical location, build brand visibility, or accumulate experience, and know how to improve production efficiency. Newcomers may try to avoid those advantages. For example, when a discount shop such as Target (Target) and Wal-Mart was first established, they deliberately did not place their premises in a shopping centre, because some of the department’s goods were already in a privileged position in a shopping centre.

6. 進入配銷通路的機會不均等 新進公司必須確保取得產品或服務的配銷通 路。例如,新上市的食品必須以折扣、促銷方案、 強力銷售等手法,擠下原本在超級市場貨架上的食 品。如果某一產業的批發和零售通路愈集中,同時 既有公司對這些通路的掌控愈大,進入這個產業的 難度就愈高。有時候,進入通路的障礙太高,以致 新進公司只能避開既有通路,或者新建自己的通 路。由於旅行社往往偏愛與既有的高價位航空公司 合作,新成立的低成本航空公司設法避開既有的旅 行社通路,鼓勵旅客透過網站自行訂位。

6. Unequal access to distribution routes must be ensured by new entrants. For example, newly listed foods must be squeezed from the supermarket shelves by discounts, promotional programmes, and strong marketing. If the wholesale and retail routes of a given industry are concentrated, at the same time, the more control of these routes by established companies, the more difficult it is to enter the industry. Sometimes, barriers to access are too high, so that new entrants can only avoid open routes or build new ones.

7. 政府政策的限制 政府政策可以直接禁止或協助公司進入新產 業,也可以加強(或清除)其他的進入障礙。政府 直接限制、甚或禁止公司進入產業的做法很多,像 是授權限定、限制外商投資等。酒類零售、計程 車、航空公司等受到管制的行業,都是很明顯的例 子。政府還可採行其他措施提高進入障礙,例如, 有關專利的大量法規可以保護獨家技術不遭仿冒, 有關環境或安全的法規會提高新進公司所需的規模 經濟。當然,政府政策也可能會降低產業的進入障 礙,例如直接提供補貼,或是採用間接做法,像是 補助基礎研究的經費,無論新舊公司都可以取得, 以降低規模經濟。

7. Government policies may directly prohibit or assist companies in entering new industries, or reinforce (or remove) other barriers to entry. There are many practices in which governments directly restrict or even prohibit companies from entering the industry, such as licensing, restricting foreign investment, etc. Alcohol retailing, taxis, airlines, etc., are well-regulated practices. Governments may also take other measures to increase barriers to entry, for example, a large number of exclusive laws that protect unique technologies from misappropriation, and environmental or safety laws that raise the scale of the economy needed for new companies. Of course, government policies may also reduce barriers to entry in the industry, such as direct provision of subsidies, or the use of interlocking practices, such as financing research, which, regardless of the cost of old or new companies, can be obtained to reduce the scale of the economy.


注:投入資本報酬率 (ROIC)不僅適合在規畫策略時用來衡量獲利能 力,也很適合股票投資人採用。銷售利潤率( return on sales )或 獲利成長率,都無法說明在產業裡競爭所需的資金。在此我們計算 投入資本報酬率的方法是,利息及稅前盈餘除以平均投入資本減去 超額現金,並排除各公司和產業在資本結構和稅率上的特殊差異。每一個產業的投入資本報酬率 (return on invested

Note: The input rate (ROIC) is not only appropriate for measuring profitability, but also for equity investors when designing strategies. The sales rate (return on returns) or the profit rate is not an indication of the amount of money needed to compete in the industry. Here we calculate the input rate by dividing interest and the pre-tax surplus by an average investment capital, eliminating the special differences between companies and industries in capital structure and tax rates.

capital, ROIC)都不一樣。例如從 1992到2006年,美 國各產業的平均 ROIC最低為0,或甚至是負的,最高則

From 1992 to 2006, for example, the average ROIC in the U.S. industries was at least zero, or even negative, the highest.


More than 50% of the production of ROIC is made up of soft drinks and appliance.

等,在1992到2006年間,這些產業的獲利率是航空業 的六倍以上。

And so, between 1992 and 2006, these industries earned more than six times the interest rate of the airline industry.


評估進入障礙時,應該根據潛在新進公司的 能力來評估,而新進公司可能是新創公司、外商或 原本在其他相關產業的公司。策略師必須留意,前 述例子證明,新進公司可能會想出一些很有創意的 方法,來克服明顯的進入障礙。

When assessing barriers to entry, they should be assessed on the basis of the capabilities of potential newcomers, which may be start-ups, foreign firms, or companies originally involved in other related industries. Stewards must be aware, as the examples above show, that newcomers may come up with creative ways to overcome obvious barriers to entry.


Newcom's evaluation of the counter-strike route.

新進公司會評估既有公司可能有什麼反應, 這也會影響他們決定是否進入某個產業。如果既有 公司的反應激烈,而且可能持續很久,進入這個產 業的獲利潛力就可能會低於資金成本。既有公司有 時會針對新進公司作出公開談話,藉此向其他考慮 進入這個產業的公司喊話,宣示捍衛自家市場的決 心。 如果出現以下情況,新進公司可能就得重新考慮要不要進入這個行業: 既有公司之前曾經大力反擊新進公司。 既有公司擁有豐沛資源可反擊,包括大量現 金( excess cash )、尚未使用的貸款額度、 閒置產能,或是對通路和顧客的影響力。 既有公司似乎會降價,因為他們不計代價要 確保市占率,或是因為整個產業的固定成本 都很高,因此既有公司很有理由要靠降價來 消化多餘的產能。 產業的成長很慢,新進公司若要衝業績,只 能從既有公司手中搶走生意。 想要進入新產業的公司,務必要去分析進入 障礙和可能會遭遇到的反擊。挑戰在於,新進公司 必須設法跨越進入障礙,但又不會因為大量投資而 降低進入後的獲利能力。

If a company has a strong response and may persist for a long time, the profitability of entering the firm may be lower than the cost of money. The companies have a public conversation with the new company, so that they can speak to other companies that are thinking about entering the industry and say what they want to do.


競爭作用力 2 供應商的談判力量

Competing power 2 Negotiating power of suppliers

供應商為替自己爭取更多的價值,可以要求 較高的價格、限制所提供的品質或服務,或者把成 本轉嫁給產業的參與者。有些產業無法把上漲的成 本轉嫁到產品售價上,這類產業上游的強勢供應 商,包括勞動力的供應者,就能擠壓產業的利潤。 例如,微軟公司提高作業系統的價格,侵蝕了個人 電腦製造商的獲利能力。個人電腦廠商不太可能因 為微軟漲價就提高電腦售價,因為顧客很容易就可 以改買不同廠牌的電腦,個人電腦廠商為贏得顧客 的青睞,只有投入激烈的競爭一途。 公司仰賴多種不同供應商來提供投入要素。如果出現以下情形,那個供應商團體就會很強勢:

For example, micro-businesses increase the prices of their systems, restricting the goods or services they provide, or transferring them to the participants in the industry. It is unlikely that personal computer manufacturers will increase the price of computers for micro-soft price increases, because customers can easily buy different brands, and personal computer firms can only compete hard to win. Companies rely on a variety of different suppliers to provide inputs.

微軟在作業系統市場上享有 幾近獨占的地位,而且個人電腦組裝廠商很 分散,就屬於供應商很強勢的情形。

Microsoft has a near exclusive position on the operating system market, and the fragmentation of PC assemblers is a strong supplier situation.

供應產品給好幾個產業的供應商, 一定會毫不遲疑地從每一個產業裡取得最高 利潤。不過,如果供應商團體有很高比例的 銷售量或利潤來自某個產業,供應商就會想 要保護那個產業,因此會訂定合理的價格, 並協助顧客進行研發或遊說等活動。

But, if the supply community has a high proportion of sales or profits from a particular industry, the supplier would want to protect the industry and would therefore set a reasonable price and assist clients in conducting research or talks.

例如,若是公司已經大筆投資在專屬性的周邊設備上,或是已經花費高額經 費學習操作某家供應商的設備,像是金融專 業人士使用的彭博( Bloomberg )終端機, 或是電腦輔助設計套裝軟體,那麼,這家公 司就很難更換供應商。另外一種情形是,公 司已經把生產線設在某家供應商的工廠附 近,像是某些釀酒廠和貨櫃製造商的做法, 這樣也很難更換供應商。如果轉換供應商的 成本很高,產業參與者就很難在供應商之間 營造彼此對立競爭的矛盾(請注意,供應商 本身也可能會有客戶的轉換成本,這一點限 制了他們的力量)。 有些製藥公司因 擁有特殊療效的專利藥品,使他們面對醫院、健康照護機構和其他藥品客戶時能掌握 的供應商力量,比供應學名藥的廠商還高。 例如, 飛機駕駛員工會可以對航空公司施展相當大 的供應者力量,部分原因是很難找到人來取 代訓練精良的駕駛。

For example, if the company has invested heavily in ad hoc side installations, or has spent a lot of money learning to operate some supplier's equipment, such as the Bloomberg terminal, used by financial professionals, or computer-assisted appliance software, it would be difficult for the department to change suppliers. In another case, the department has set production lines close to a supplier's factory, like certain liquor mills and warehouse manufacturers, and it would be difficult to change suppliers. If switching suppliers are costly, it would be difficult for the industry participants to create competing competitions between suppliers (please note that the suppliers themselves may also have the cost of a client's conversion, which limits their power.


forward 在這種情形 下,如果產業成員所賺的錢遠超過上游供應 商,供應商就會有興趣進入那個市場。

In this case, if a member of the industry makes more money than an upstream supplier, the supplier will be interested in entering the market.



競爭作用力 3 買方的談判力量

Competing power 3 The bargaining power of the buyer

強勢供應商的反面就是強勢的顧客。強勢顧客可以壓低採購價格,要求更好的品質或更多服務 (這會提高成本),甚至在供應商間刻意引發產業 成員彼此對立競爭。如此一來,顧客固然可以獲得 更多價值,但這一切都會損及產業的獲利能力。如 果買方企業比賣方或賣方產業的成員擁有更多談判 力量,而它又對價格很敏感,會設法運用本身的強 勢力量壓低價格,那麼,買方的力量就很強勢。 就和供應商的情況一樣,各個顧客群的談判 力量也可能都不同。如果出現以下的情形,顧客群 就會擁有較多的談判力量:

The opposite of a strong supplier is a powerful customer. A strong customer can take down prices, demand better quality or more services (which raises costs), and even deliberately induce members of the industry to compete against each other in a supplier. So, while customers can get more value, all of this can be at the expense of the profitability of the industry. If a buyer's business has more bargaining power than a seller or a member of the seller's industry, and it is sensitive to the price, it can use its own power to push down prices, then the power of the buyer is strong.



定成本很高的產業來說,採購量很大的買方 尤其強勢,例如,通訊設備、外海鑽探、大 宗化學品等產業。固定成本高,而邊際成本 低,會迫使企業以折扣促銷來填滿產能,因 而進一步增強對同一產業內公司的壓力。

In high-cost industries, large purchases are particularly strong, such as communications equipment, offshore drilling, large-scale chemical products, etc. High fixed costs and low border costs will force firms to fill their capacity with discounts and further strain on firms within the same industry.


果買方認為很容易可找到提供類似產品的供 應商,製造供應商間矛盾的意向就會提高。

If a buyer thinks it is easy to find a supplier that provides a similar product, the intent of the manufacturer to create a conflict between the suppliers will increase.

backward integration

例如,軟性 飲料和啤酒製造商威脅要自行生產包裝材 料,而有些公司也真的自行投產,因此他們 一直都能壓制包裝材料製造商的力量。 如果出現以下情形,就表示顧客團體對價格 很敏感:

So, for example, soft drinks and beer manufacturers threaten to produce their own packaged materials, and some companies actually do, so they can always suppress the power of the packaged manufacturer. The customer group is sensitive to the price if:

因此,顧客可能會 四處尋找替代貨源,極力討價還價,就像一 般消費者尋求房屋貸款時一樣。如果某個產 業銷售的產品只占買方成本或費用的一小部 分,通常買方對價格就比較不敏感。相反地,獲利良好或現 金充裕的顧客,通常對價格較不敏感(前提 是此項原料產品占客戶成本比重不高)。

As a result, customers may search for alternative sources of goods everywhere, trying to bargain, as if the consumer was looking for a home loan. If the product sold was only a small fraction of the cost or cost to the buyer, the buyer would usually be less sensitive to the price. On the contrary, well-profited or well-off customers would often be less sensitive to the price (present to the fact that the raw product is not a high proportion of the customer’s cost).

如果那個產業的產品 對買方品質有很大影響,買方往往對價格較 不敏感。例如,大型電影製作公司採購或租 用專業用攝影機時,往往會選擇擁有最新功 能、可靠度很高的設備,而不太在乎價格。

If the product of that industry has a significant impact on the quality of the buyer, the buyer is often insensitive to the price. For example, when large film-making companies purchase or rent specialized cameras, they often choose to have the most up-to-date, reliable equipment, rather than the price.

相反地,如果某個產業的產品或服務可以 幫助買方改進效能或降低成本(不論是勞 力、材料或其他成本),而讓買方覺得非常 划算,那麼買方往往就會重視品質勝於價 格。例如,能夠為買方省錢甚或賺錢的產 品或服務,像是稅務會計或油井探勘( well

On the contrary, if the product or service of an industry can help the buyer to improve efficiency or reduce costs (whether labor, materials or other costs) and it is very cost-effective for the buyer, then the buyer tends to value the goods more than the price. For example, the product or service that saves money or even makes money for the buyer, like a tax accountant or a well survey (well).

logging ,探測地面下油層的情況)。同樣 地,投資銀行之類所提供的服務,如果成效 不佳,可能會使買方損失慘重,而且顏面掃 地,所以買方往往不太在意價格。 無論買方是一般消費者,或是企業客戶,提 高買方力量的因素都差不多。如果消費者購買的產 品沒有明顯差異化、相較於收入顯得價格偏高、產 品功能好壞又不會造成太大影響,消費者往往就會 對價格比較敏感,這一點和企業客戶相同。消費者 和企業客戶最主要的不同在於,消費者的需求比較 難具體掌握,也比較難量化。

Likewise, the services offered by investing in banks and so on, if they are ineffective, may cause the buyer to lose a lot of money, and the buyers tend to be less interested in prices. Whether the buyer is a general consumer or a business customer, the factors of high buyer power are the same. If the consumer buys products that are not significantly different, are higher than the income, and have a good product that does not have a significant impact, the consumer tends to be more sensitive to prices, which is the same as that of a business client.

通路,不容小覷的力量 我們也不能忽略中間( intermediate )顧客, 也就是雖然採購產品、但並非最終使用者的顧客 (例如組裝廠或配銷通路)。分析中間顧客的方 法,就跟分析其他買方類似,但必須多考量一項重要因素。如果通路能夠影響下游顧客的採購決定, 通路對製造商就擁有很強的談判力量,像是消費性 電子產品和珠寶兩類產品的零售商,以及農業設備 配銷商,都對終端顧客有很大的影響力。 製造商若想削弱通路的力量,往往會對特定 配銷商或零售商採取獨家待遇,或者直接對終端 使用者作行銷。零件製造商若想削弱組裝廠的力 量,可以設法讓下游顧客偏愛使用他們的零件。自 行車零件和糖精這兩個行業都是如此。杜邦公司(DuPont )為旗下 Stainmaster 品牌地毯纖維所作的廣 告,訴求對象不僅包括真正採購這種纖維的地毯製 造商,也包括下游的消費者,如此一來,杜邦建立 了很強的談判力量。即使杜邦並不生產地毯,還是 有很多消費者指名要買用 Stainmaster 製造的地毯。

An analysis of the methods used by middle-level customers is similar to an analysis of other buyers, but one important factor must be taken into account. If it can influence the purchasing decisions of lower-lowers, it has a strong bargaining power over producers, like retailers of expensive electronics and jewellery products, and farmers’ equipment, which have a strong influence on final-end customers. Even if manufacturers want to weaken the road, they tend to take exclusive treatment of specific distributors or retailers, or directly on end-users.



競爭作用力 4 替代性產品的威脅

The threat of alternative products.

所謂替代性產品,是和某個產業產品的功能一樣或很相似,但使用不同的方式作到。例如,視 訊會議可以代替出差、塑膠可以代替鋁、電子郵件 可以代替快遞郵件。有時候替代性產品取代下游買 方的產品,或是以間接方式威脅其他產業。例如, 市區的集合式住宅,取代郊區的獨棟獨戶住宅,結 果影響到了草坪維護業的產品和服務。另一個例子 是,如果航空公司網站和旅遊網站取代了旅行社, 以旅行社為銷售對象的軟體產品就會受到威脅。 替代性產品一直都存在,但很容易被忽略, 因為這類產品看起來,可能與被替代的產品很不一 樣。假如有一個人要尋找父親節的禮物,對他來 說,領帶和電動工具也許就是可以互相替代的產 品。有些產品並非絕對必要,或者可以買二手貨, 甚至自己動手做(自己提供服務或產品),這些都 算是替代性產品。 如果替代性產品的威脅性很高,就會壓低產 業的獲利能力。替代性產品或服務限制了產業裡的 產品價格,因此也限制了產業的獲利潛力。如果產 業無法在產品功能上大幅超越替代性產品,或者無 法透過行銷或其他方法拉大與替代性產品的差距, 不但這個產業的獲利能力會降低,產業的成長潛力 往往也會受限。替代性產品不僅在平時會限制產業 的利潤,在景氣大好的時候,也降低了產品趁機大 賺一筆的機會。例如在新興經濟體中,許多消費者 第一次買電話,就選擇行動電話,根本不買固網的 有線電話,結果使得有線電話的需求成長受限。 如果出現以下情況,替代性產品的威脅就會 很高:

Alternatives, for example, are used to replace travel, plastics, and emails. Alternatives are sometimes used to replace downstream products, or to threaten other industries. For example, city-based conglomerates, which replace exclusive suburban dwellings, produce fruits that affect the products and services of grass-roots maintenance. Another example is that, if airline websites and tourist sites replace travel agencies with travel agents, the products of software that sell images with travel agencies are threatened. Alternatives are always available, but can easily be ignored, because they appear to be very different from the products that are replaced in the suburbs, which affect the products and services of grass-roots maintenance, which affect the products and services of grass-roots maintenance.

替代性產品的相對價值愈高,對受 影響產業獲利潛力的限制就愈大。例如,

The higher the relative value of alternative products, the greater the limit on the profitability of the affected industries.

Vonage 或Skype 等業者提供便宜的網路電話 服務,衝擊到長途電話服務的傳統供應商。 同樣地,影片出租店的生意受到許多新興多媒體服務很大的影響,例如有線電視和衛星 電視服務供應商提供的隨選視訊( video-on

In the same way, the business of video rental shops has been heavily influenced by a number of new and multi-media services, such as online TV and satellite television service providers.

demand )服務, Netflix 之類的線上影片出租 服務,還有 Google 的YouTube 之類的網站提 供的網路影片服務。 例 如,由原先購買知名品牌的專利藥物,改為 購買學名藥的轉換成本極低,因此銷售迅速 大幅轉向學名藥,價格也下滑。 策略師應該特別留意,其他產業是否出現一 些變化,讓一些原本並不吸引人的替代性產品,變 得吸引人。例如,一些塑膠材料經過改良之後, 可以替代許多汽車零件所用的鋼鐵。由此觀察, 看似不相干行業裡的技術變革或競爭態勢巨變 (competitive discontinuity ),可能會對相關產業 的獲利能力造成重大衝擊。當然,替代性產品的威 脅也可能會對受影響的產業有利,預示未來會有很 好的獲利能力和成長潛力。

For example, some plastic materials, after improvement, can replace the steel used by many car parts. It follows that technology change or competition in a non-professional industry is expected to yield significant benefits and potential benefits in the future.

競爭作用力 5 既有競爭者之間的對立

Competition 5 The opposition between existing competitors

這種對立和競爭有許多不同形式,都是外界 耳熟能詳的,像是價格折扣、新產品上市、廣告活 動、服務改善等。激烈對立會限制產業的獲利能 力;至於對產業的獲利潛力有多大影響,決定因素 有兩個:一是各家公司競爭的激烈程度,二是他們 競爭的基礎。 如果出現以下情況,競爭程度是最激烈的:

There are many different forms of this confrontation and competition, which are well-known to the outside world, such as price discounts, listing of new products, advertising campaigns, service improvements, etc. A fierce confrontation limits the profitability of the industry; and there are two determining factors: the intensity of the competition among companies and the basis for their competition.

在這種情形下,各家 公司很難不搶食對手的業務。產業裡若沒有 居於領導地位的公司,有利於這個產業正面 發展的各項做法就無法落實。 促使各家公司強力競逐市場 占有率。exit barrier 進入障礙的 反面就是退出障礙,如果擁有極為專門的資 產,或是管理階層對某一種業務投入很深, 就會產生退出障礙。有了這些障礙,即使公 司的報酬率不高、甚至是負的,企業仍會繼 續留在這個市場裡。由於多餘的產能仍繼續 使用,體質差的公司不退出,造成體質穩健 的公司獲利能力不佳。

In this case, it is difficult for companies not to take advantage of each other’s business. Without leading companies in the industry, practices that favour positive developments in the industry cannot be realized.

如果這些企業不只要在經濟指標有 好的表現,產業競爭就會更激烈。公司投入 很深,原因有很多。例如,國有企業也許是 為了非經濟性的目標,像是創造就業機會或 名聲;或在營造形象,或提供完整產品線的 考量下,有些大型公司選擇進入某個產業。 在媒體和高科技等行業,領導人間出於個性 或自我的衝突,有時候會擴大對立態勢,有 損獲利能力。

If these companies do not simply perform well in economic indicators, there will be more competition in the industry. Corporate input is deep, for a number of reasons. For example, a country may have an enterprise for non-economic purposes, such as creating employment opportunities or reputations, or, in the case of image-making or providing full product lines, some large companies choose to enter a certain industry.


That's why we can't read each other properly.



削價競爭削弱獲利 公司之間對立的強度,不僅反映競爭的激烈 程度,也形成競爭的基礎所在。企業間在哪些層面 競爭,以及各家公司是否集中在相同的層面上競 爭,都會對獲利能力產生重大影響。 如果對立流於價格競爭,尤其會削弱獲利能 力,因為價格競爭會使得利潤直接從產業移轉到顧 客手中。公司往往很容易就知道對手降價,也很容 易跟進,因此很可能會引發好幾回合的報復反擊。 若是持續進行價格競爭,也會讓消費者漸漸變得比 較不那麼注意產品特色和服務。 如果出現以下情形,最可能引發價格競爭:這種情形促使這些 競爭公司降價,以爭取新顧客。多年來航空 公司持續進行價格戰,就是這種情形。 這種情況迫使 各家競爭公司把價格降到低於平均成本的水 準,甚至接近邊際成本,冀望不僅能從其他 對手那裡多搶一些顧客過來,同時還能支應 部分的固定成本。許多基本原料的產業都深 受這個問題之苦,尤其在需求沒有成長時, 格外嚴重,像紙業和鋁業都是如此。有固定 運送路網的快遞公司也是如此,無論送件的 數量多寡,那些路網都必須維持運作。 有些 產業必須大幅擴充產能,但這麼做會破壞產 業的供需平衡,導致長期一再出現產能過剩 和降價的情況,聚氯乙烯產業就是如此。 如果無法長期保存,公 司就會想要趁著產品還有價值的時候,降價 出售。有很多產品和服務都無法長期保存, 這類產品比一般人想像的還多。番茄很快就 腐爛了,所以無法長期保存;同樣地,電腦 的機型也無法長期保存,因為很快就會過 時;而資訊若是散布得很快,或者過時了, 就會失去價值,也就無法長期保存。旅館住 房之類的服務恐怕也無法長期保存,因為空 房間如果沒法售出,當下所損失的營收也無 法彌補。 價格以外層面的競爭,比較不可能破壞獲利 能力,例如產品特色、支援服務、交貨時程或品牌 形象,因為這些層面的競爭會改善顧客價值,提高 獲利率。此外,這類非價格層面的競爭,也可以提 高產品相較於替代性產品的價值,或是提高新進公 司的進入障礙。有時候,價格以外層面的競爭也可 能升高,進而損及產業的獲利能力,但非價格競爭 對獲利能力一般來說較小。在同層面競爭導致零和 與各個競爭層面同樣重要的是,各家對手是 否在同樣的層面上競爭。如果所有或許多競爭對手 都打算滿足同樣的需求,或在同樣的產品特色上競 爭,就會導致零和( zero sum )競爭。也就是說, 某家公司有所得,往往另一家公司就有失,造成獲 利能力下滑。價格競爭比其他層面的競爭,更有可 能演變成零和競爭,但仍有辦法避免。公司若能小 心區隔不同的市場,針對不同的顧客提供價格較低 的產品或服務,就可能避免形成零和競爭。 如果每一家參與競爭的公司都服務不同的 顧客區隔,提供不同價格、產品、服務、特色或受到替代性產品或新進公司的限制。策略師若是考 慮到所有這五項作用力,就能掌握產業結構的全 貌,不會只偏重其中任何一項因素。此外,策略師 也可持續集中注意力在產業結構,而不是其他短暫 的影響因素。 尤其重要的是,很多人都會把產業的一些明 顯特性,誤當成產業的基本結構,這一點應該要避 免。以下就是一些常被誤認為競爭作用力的「因 素」:

The price competition, in particular, weakens the profitability, because the price competition moves the profit directly from the business to the customer. Companies often know that the price falls, not only the intensity of the competition, but also the intensity of the competition, and the foundations of the competition.

因素 1:產業成長率 有一項常見的錯誤就是,以為成長快速的產 業就一定很有吸引力。成長的確很容易緩和對立競品牌特性的組合,那麼,就有可能形成「正數」 (positive sum )競爭,而不是零和競爭,甚至可以 提高產業的平均獲利能力。這種競爭不但能支持較 高的平均獲利能力,也可以擴大整個產業,因為更 多顧客群的需求獲得更好的滿足。服務不同顧客群 的產業,更有機會形成正數競爭。策略師了解競爭 的結構性基礎之後,有時候可以採取一些步驟來改 變產業競爭的性質,讓競爭朝更正面的方向發展。

Factor 1: One of the common mistakes of the growth rate is that it must be attractive to think that growing fast is attractive. Growth is easy to slow down and combine with competing brand characteristics, and then it is possible to form a "positive sum" competition, rather than a zero-sum competition, that can even increase the average profitability of the industry. Such a competition not only supports higher average profitability, but also expands the entire industry, because the needs of more clients are better satisfied.

被誤解的 「因素」

The misconstrued "factors."

五種競爭作用力的強度,顯示產業的結構, 而產業結構決定了產業的長期獲利潛力。產業結構 決定產業創造的經濟價值要如何分配;也就是說, 有多少價值可以分配給產業裡的公司,而不會經過 談判協商後流入顧客和供應商手中,又有多少價值爭的態勢,因為市場大餅持續成長,可以為所有公 司都帶來機會。但是,市場成長快速也可能讓供應 商的力量坐大,而且高成長、低進入障礙也會吸引 新公司加入。即使沒有新公司加入,如果顧客的力 量強大,或者替代性產品很誘人,高成長率還是無 法保證獲利。近年來,有些高成長的行業正好就是 獲利能力最差的產業,例如個人電腦業。只著眼於 成長的狹隘觀點,是造成策略決策不佳的重大原因 之一。

Five types of competitive power show the structure of the industry, which determines the long-term profitability of the industry. However, rapid market growth may also make suppliers more powerful, and high- and low-entry barriers attract new firms. One of the major reasons for the poor policy decisions is that, without new firms, clients are more powerful, or alternative products are more attractive, and there is no guarantee of profitability.

因素 2:技術和創新 單靠先進的技術或創新,並不足以讓產業在 結構上顯得很有吸引力(或缺乏吸引力)。平凡無 奇的低科技產業,加上對價格不敏感的買方、轉換 成本高,或者因為規模經濟而造成高進入障礙,這類產業的獲利能力,常常遠高於一些極為誘人的產 業,因為後者會吸引很多公司加入競爭,像是軟體 業和網際網路技術產業(註 2 )。

Factor 2: Technology and innovation alone are advanced technologies or innovations that are not enough to make the industry attractive (or unattractive) in its structure. Unsurprisingly low-tech industries, coupled with price-sensitive buyers, high switching costs, or high entry barriers due to the economy, are often far more profitable than some extremely attractive industries, as latercomers attract many companies into competition, such as the software industry and the Internet technology industry (note 2).

因素3 :政府 政府介入,對產業獲利能力並不一定有利或 有害,因此,不應斷言政府可以列為第六項競爭作 用力。若要了解政府對競爭的影響,最好的方法就 是,分析某些政府政策如何影響五項競爭作用力。 例如,專利會提高進入障礙,提升產業獲利潛力。 相反地,對工會有利的政府政策,可能會提高(勞 動力)供應者的力量,降低了獲利潛力。有關破產 的規定允許經營困難的公司進行重整,而不必退出市場,結果可能會導致產能過剩,競爭加劇。政府 的運作有不同層級,而且推行許多不同的政策,每 個層級的每一種政策都可能對產業結構造成不同的 影響。

The best way to understand the government’s impact on competition is to analyse how certain government policies affect five competitions. For example, specialization increases entry barriers and boosts the productive potential.

因素4 :互補性產品和服務 有些產業的產品或服務,要搭配其他產業的 產品一起使用,這就是互補性產品和服務。如果顧 客同時使用兩種產品時獲得的好處,高於分別使用 這兩種產品的好處相加,這兩種產品就是互補性產 品。例如,電腦硬體和軟體一起使用會很有價值, 但分別使用就毫無價值。 近年來,策略研究人員很強調互補性產品的重要性,尤其在高科技產業,這種情形最明顯(註

Factor 4: Some industries use products or services in combination with other industries, which is complementary products and services. If customers use both products simultaneously, the advantages are higher than the advantages of using them separately, which are complementary products. For example, computer hardware and software use can be valuable, but different uses are of little value.

3 )。不過,絕對不只高科技產業才有互補性產 品。例如,車主若是可以找到加油站,再加上道路 救援和協助、汽車保險等,汽車的價值就會提高。 互補性產品很重要,因為它們會影響某個產 業產品的整體需求。然而,互補性產品和政府政策 一樣,也不是決定產業獲利能力的第六項競爭作用 力,因為互補性產品對產業獲利能力的影響可能有 利有弊,視它們對那五項作用力的影響為何而定。 策略師必須檢視互補性產品對五種作用力的 影響是正面還是負面,才能確認它們對獲利能力的 衝擊為何。互補性產品可能提高、也可能降低進入 障礙,以應用軟體產業為例,如果互補性的作業系統軟體公司(顯然就是微軟)提供一些工具組,讓 寫應用軟體變得更容易,那麼就可以降低應用軟體 產業的進入障礙。相反地,如果必須要吸引生產互 補性產品的公司合作,就會提高進入障礙,例如電 動遊戲機硬體產業。 互補性產品也可能會影響替代性產品的威 脅。例如,汽車需要有合適的加油站,因此,使用 替代性燃料的汽車就很難取代傳統的汽車。不過, 互補性產品也可能會讓替代性產品更容易取代現有 產品。例如,蘋果公司的 iTune 下載網站,加快了 數位音樂取代雷射唱片的速度。 互補性產品可能會加劇或降低產業內對立競 爭的影響。如果互補性產品提高轉換成本,就會提高競爭強度;如果互補性產品消除了各產品間的差 異,就是負面影響。我們也可以用這個方法來分析 買方力量和供應商力量。有時候,公司的競爭手法 是設法扭轉互補性產業裡的發展,朝有利自己的方 向改變。例如,卡式錄影機製造商 JVC 說服電影製 作公司採用 JVC 的標準,來製作電影錄影帶,即使 對手索尼( Sony )的標準也許在技術上較優良,也 無濟於事。 分析師的工作之一,就是要找出產業的互補 性產品。就像政府政策或重要技術一樣,必須從五 項競爭作用力的觀點來看,最能了解互補性產品在 策略上的重要性。

The value of the car would increase if, for example, the owner could find a gas station, together with roads, rescue and assistance, car insurance, etc. Complementarity products are important because they affect the entire demand for a product. But, like government policies, the sixth competitive effect of the ability to produce is not to determine the profitability of the product. Because complementary products may have a negative impact on the profitability of the product, they may have a negative effect on the productivity of the product, depending on the impact of the product on the productivity of the product, depending on the impact of the product on the power of the product on the power of the product, on the power of the vehicle, on the power of the vehicle, on the power of the power of the vehicle, on the power of the vehicle, on the power of the power of the vehicle, on the power of the power of the power, on the power of the power of the power, on the power of the power, on the electricity, on the electricity, and on the electricity of the technology.


界定真正出現競爭的產業範圍是很重要 的,有助於進行優質的產業分析,更有助於規 畫策略、設定事業單位的範圍。許多策略錯誤 都是因為錯估相關的產業,把產業界定得太窄 或太寬。如果界定得太寬,就會模糊掉產品、 顧客或地理區域之間的差異,但這些差異對競 爭和獲利能力都很重要。若是把產業界定得太 窄,就會忽略了相關產品和地理區域市場之間 的相同之處和聯結性,而這些相同之處和聯結 性對競爭優勢很重要。策略師還應該特別留意 的是,產業界限可能會改變。 產業的界限包括兩個主要面向:第一,產 品或服務的範圍。例如,汽車使用的機油,以 及重型卡車和固定式引擎( stationary engine ) 所用的機油,是否屬於同一個產業?或是各自 獨立的產業?第二個面向是地理的範圍。大多 數產業在全球許多地區都存在。但競爭是在各州之內,還是全國性的競爭?每一個地區是否各有 各的競爭,例如歐洲或北美地區?或者競爭遍及全 球,全世界就是單一的產業? 解答這些問題的基本工具就是那五項競爭作 用力。如果兩項產品的產業結構相同,或者非常相 似(也就是說,它們的買方、供應商、進入障礙等 都相同),那麼最好把它們視為同一個產業。但若 是它們的產業結構大不相同,就應該把它們當成兩 個不同的產業來分析。 以潤滑油為例,汽車用和卡車用的潤滑油雖 然類似,甚至是一樣的,但兩者的相同之處僅止於 此。汽車用潤滑油銷售的對象是零星分散的顧客, 通常顧客對潤滑油的了解並不多,需要大量作廣告 來宣傳;銷售通路很多,有時通路的力量很強勢。 汽車用潤滑油分裝在小型容器裡,而且物流成本 高,因此必須在當地生產。卡車和發電機用的潤滑 油,銷售方式、顧客都和汽車用潤滑油完全不同,供應鏈也不一樣。兩者的產業結構(買方力量、進 入障礙等)也極為不同,因此分屬兩個產業。這兩 個產業裡的獲利能力不同,潤滑油公司必須運用不 同的策略在這兩個產業裡競爭。

It's important to define the boundaries of the real competing industries. It's important to define the boundaries of the competing industries. It's important to define the industries too narrowly, and it's more useful to define the boundaries of the industries, drawing strategies, setting the boundaries of the industries. Many of the policy errors are due to miscalculation of the related industries, defining them too narrow or too wide. If defined too broadly, the differences between the products, the customers or the geographical areas, but these differences are important.


Is it global or regional?

五項競爭作用力的差異也能說明競爭的地理 範圍。如果某一個產業在每一個國家裡的結構都很 類似(例如競爭對手、買方等),就可以假設這個 產業是全球性的競爭,從全球的角度來分析五項作 用力,就能決定平均的獲利能力。在這種情況下, 公司需要單一的全球策略。不過,如果某一個產業 在不同的地理區域有不同的結構,那麼從競爭的觀 點來看,也許就應該把每個區域都當作一個不同的 產業。否則,競爭可能早就把這些區域性的差異敉 平了。分析每一個區域的五項作用力,就可以決定 各地區的獲利能力 

In this case, companies need a single global strategy. But, if a particular industry has different structures in different geographical areas, then from a competitive point of view, each region should probably be treated as a different business. Alternatively, competition may have levelled off regional differences.

不同產品間或不同地理區域間,在五項競 爭作用力上的差異有多大,主要是程度問題。 因此,要如何界定產業界限,往往取決於判 斷。一項基本原則是,不同產品或地區間,如 有任何一項作用力的差異很大,而且不止一項 作用力有差異,就表示很可能分屬不同產業。

Thus, how to define the boundaries of an industry is often judged. One basic principle is that a different product or region, if there is any one, is very different, and more than one is different, is likely to be divided into different industries.


It's also useful to paint the line wrongly.

幸運的是,若能仔細分析五項競爭作用 力,即使產業界限畫錯了,應該還是能夠找出 重大的競爭威脅。例如,假使在界定產業時忽 略了某項相關性很強的產品,但這項產品還是 會成為替代性產品;或者,雖然忽略了某些競 爭對手,但還是會把他們當作潛在的新進公 司。同時,五項作用力分析應該能夠顯示,某 些界定得過寬的產業裡,出現一些重大差異, 這就表示公司必須調整產業界限或策略。

Fortunately, a careful analysis of the five competitive effects, even if the boundaries of the industry are wrong, should be able to identify major competitive threats. For example, if the industry is defined by omission of a highly relevant product, the product will still become an alternative product; or, while ignoring certain competitions, it will treat them as a potential newcomer. In the meantime, the five forces analysis should be able to show that there are significant differences in defined industries, which suggest that companies have to adjust their boundaries or strategies.

產業裡有哪些產品?哪些產品屬於另 外一個產業? 競爭的地理範圍為何?

What are the products in the industry? What are the products in another industry? What is the geographical scope of the competition?

這些參與者屬於 買方和買方團體? 供應商團體? 競爭對手? 替代性產品? 潛在新進公司?為何會是目前的獲利水準? 哪些作用力控制了獲利能力? 產業分析的結果與實際上的長期獲利 能力是否一致? 獲利能力較高的公司是否在五項作用 力上處於較佳地位?

How do these players belong to buyers and buyers groups, suppliers groups, competition rivals, alternative products, potential newcomers?




The four major impacts of changes in the structure of the industry.

到目前為止,我們討論的是在某一個時間點 的五項競爭作用力。事實證明,產業結構大致相當 穩定;在實務上,產業獲利能力的差異也極少變 動。不過,產業結構持續進行微調,偶爾也會突然 出現變化。 結構變動可能源自產業外,也可能是在產業 內部,會提高或降低產業的獲利潛力。也許是因為 技術、顧客需求的變化或其他事件,而導致結構改 變,也可能是其他產業發展因素造成的。五項競爭 作用力提供了一個架構,用來找出最重要的產業變 動,並預測那些發展會對產業的吸引力有什麼影 響。

So far, we are talking about five competing forces at a certain point in time. Evidence shows that the structure of the industry is generally fairly stable; in practice, differences in profitability are minimal.

影響1 :改變新進公司的威脅 前面提到的那七項產業進入障礙若有任何變 化,都可能提高或降低新進公司的威脅。例如,某 項專利到期,其他公司就得以進入這個市場。默克 公司( Merck )降膽固醇藥物 Zocor 專利到期的第一 天,就有三家藥廠進入這種藥品的市場。相反地, 冰淇淋業的產品琳瑯滿目,日用雜貨店的冷凍櫃已 經漸漸容納不下了,因此新的冰淇淋公司更難打入北美和歐洲的通路。 產業領導公司的策略決定常常會大幅影響新 進公司的威脅。例如從 1970 年代起,像沃爾瑪 (Wal-Mart )、凱瑪( Kmart )、玩具反斗城 (Toys “ R” Us )之類的零售商,開始採用新的採購、物 流、庫存控制技術,因而承擔高額的固定成本,像 是自動化物流中心、條碼、銷售點終端機等。這些 投資提高了零售業的規模經濟,讓小型零售商更難 進入這一行 (已經在行業裡的小型零售商則更難生 存)。

For example, when a patent expires, other companies will be able to enter the market. Merck’s strategy will often significantly affect the threat of new companies. Since the 1970’s, three pharmaceutical plants have entered the market, like Wal-Mart, Kmart, Toys “R” Us,” which has raised the cost of small-scale purchases, and the cost of retailing the market.

影響 2:改變供應商或買方的力量 影 響 供 應 商 和 買 方 力 量 的 因 素 隨 著 時 間 改 變 , 他 們 的 力 量 也 有 起 有 落 。 例 如 在 全 球 家電產業裡,由於零售通路的整合,伊萊克斯 (Electrolux )、奇異( GE)、惠而浦 (Whirlpool )等 廠商身受擠壓,高度受制於電器專賣店的沒落, 或是美國的百思買 (Best Buy )和家庭貨倉 (Home

For example, in the whole sphere of electronics, as a result of the integration of retail circuits, stores such as Electricroux, Générale, Whirlpool, etc., are pressurized by the collapse of the electronics special store, or by the U.S. Best Buy, and the Home Lodge.

Depot )等大型零售賣場的興起。 另一個例子是旅行社,航空公司是他們的主 要供應商。航空公司透過網際網路直接售票給顧客 後,大幅提高了他們對旅行社的談判力量,因此可 以降低旅行社的佣金。

Another example is the travel agency, where the airline is their main supplier. After selling tickets directly to customers via the Internet, the airline has significantly increased its negotiating power with the travel agency, thus reducing the agency’s commission.

影響 3:改變替代性產品的威脅 經過一段時間後,替代性產品的威脅可能會 有高低起伏,最常見的原因就是,技術的進步帶來 了新的替代性產品,或者改變了價格功能比。例 如,最早期的微波爐體積很大,價格高達兩千美元 以上,對傳統的爐子來說,並不是很理想的替代性 產品。隨著技術的進步,微波爐愈來愈可能代替傳 統的爐子。近來快閃記憶體也已經大幅進步,足以 取代低容量的硬式磁碟機。互補性產品若能提高取 得的方便性,或者改進功能,也可能會改變替代性 產品的威脅。

For example, the early microwaves, which are large and more expensive than $2,000, are not ideal alternatives for traditional stoves. As technology progresses, microwaves are becoming more likely to replace traditional stoves. Recent flash memory has also improved significantly enough to replace low-capacity hard disks. Replenishment products can also change the threat of alternative products if they are made more accessible or functional.

影響 4:對立競爭建立新基礎 產業的對立競爭,往往會隨著時間而自然變 得更加激烈。隨著產業日益成熟,成長也會趨緩。 產業逐漸出現一些約定俗成的共通做法、技術普 及、消費者的喜好愈來愈相似,結果各家競爭對手 也變得愈來愈相像。產業獲利能力降低,較弱的競 爭對手被迫退出產業。這種情況不斷出現在許多產 業裡,電視機、雪車和通訊設備,只是其中少數幾 個例子。 不過,價格競爭和其他形式的競爭不見得 一定會愈演愈烈。例如,幾十年來美國賭博業的 競爭一直很激烈,但多半是「正數」競爭,結果 創造了一些新的市場利基和不同的地理區隔市 場,例如設有賭場的遊艇、優質不動產( trophy

As the industry matures, growth slows. But price competitions and other forms of competition are likely to get worse. For example, America’s gambling competitions have been intense for decades, but mostly “right” competitions have led to the creation of new market niches and separate geographical markets, such as casinos, non-profits, and non-profits.

properties )、美國原住民保留區、海外擴張、新 奇特別的顧客群(如家庭)。在這個產業,很少出 現那種會降低價格,或增加贏家獲利的正面對決式 競爭。 併購案會帶來新的能力和新的競爭方式,因 此會改變產業的競爭特性。技術創新也會改變競 爭。例如在零售證券經紀業,網際網路出現後,降 低了邊際成本,也減少了差異化,造成佣金和費用 的競爭較過去激烈得多。 在某些產業,有些公司併購的目的並不是 改進成本和品質,而是想要遏止激烈的競爭。不 過,除掉對手是風險很高的策略。五項競爭作 用力顯示,除掉眼前對手而獲得的額外利潤, 往往會招來新的競爭對手,顧客和供應商也會強 烈反彈。例如在 1980 和 1990 年代,紐約的銀行 業有許多商業銀行和儲蓄銀行進行整合,像是 漢華銀行( Manufacturers Hanover )、華友銀行 ( Chemical )、大通銀行( Chase )、大亨銀行 (Dime Savings )。但目前在紐約曼哈頓的消費金 融版圖裡,仍然像過去一樣有各種不同的銀行,因為又有新的銀行進入這個市場,包括美聯銀行 (Wachovia )、美國銀行( Bank of America )、華 盛頓互助銀行( Washington Mutual )等。

In some industries, firms do not want to change costs and goods, but rather want to stop the fierce competition. Instead, removing the hand is a risky strategy. Five competitions, after the advent of the Internet, lower the cost of spending, and lower the cost of spending on the hand, often attract new competitions, both for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for business, for example, for business, for business.


Shaping strategic action.

規畫策略的第一步,就是要了解形塑產業競 爭的五項作用力。每一家公司應該都已經知道所屬 產業的平均獲利能力,以及獲利能力長期變動的情 形。那五項作用力可以解釋產業獲利能力為何會是 目前的水準。接下來,公司才能把產業情況納入策 略的考量。 那五項作用力顯示競爭環境裡最重要的一些 層面,也提供了一個基準,可以用來衡量公司的強 項和弱點:相較於買方、供應商、新進公司、對手 和替代性產品,公司處於什麼位置?最重要的是, 經理人若能了解產業結構,有助於規畫出許多可能 創造豐碩成果的策略行動,包括:為公司定位,以 便更能應付目前最關鍵的競爭作用力;預測並善用 那些作用力的變化;在各項作用力之間取得平衡, 以創造對公司有利的產業新結構。最佳策略不會只 採用其中一項行動,而會多項並用。

The first step in the design strategy is to understand the five dimensions of the competition in plastics. Each company should already know the average profitability of the industry, and the shape of the company’s long-term profitability.



策略行動 1 為公司定位

Strategic Action One. Positioning the company.

我們可以把策略當作是捍衛公司,不受競爭 作用力影響,或者是在產業裡競爭作用力最弱的地 方找到自身的定位。以在北美重型卡車市場上擁有

We can think of the strategy as defending companies from competition and influence, or finding our own location where competition is weakest in the industry. To own it in the North American heavy truck market.

20 %占有率的帕卡公司( Paccar )為例。由產業結 構看,重型卡車產業很具挑戰性。許多買方是擁有 龐大車隊的公司,或租賃卡車的大型公司,他們很 有實力、也很想要壓低大型採購案的價格。大多數 卡車的技術標準受到主管機關高度規範,各家製造 的卡車特色也都差不多,因此價格戰很盛行。這一 行的資本密集度高,因此各家公司之間的競爭很激 烈,每當景氣循環走到不景氣階段的時候,競爭更是激烈。各工會擁有相當大的供應者力量。雖然不 太容易找到能代替 18 輪大卡車的產品,買方還是 可以找到一些重要的替代性服務,例如鐵路貨運。 在這種情形下,位於美國華盛頓州的帕卡 公司決定鎖定一種顧客群:自營車主( owner

For example, the 20%-occupancy Paccar company, which, according to the industry, has a very challenging heavy truck industry. Many buyers are big companies with large fleets of cars, or big companies renting trucks, and they are very powerful and eager to lower the price of large-scale purchases. Most truck standards are highly regulated by the executive, and the branding of trucks is similar.

operator ),也就是車主自己駕駛卡車營業,直接 與貨主簽約,或者承接大型貨運公司的轉包運輸業 務。這類小型貨運業者在購買卡車時,談判能力不 強。他們對價格的敏感度也比較低,因為他們對自 己的卡車有很深的情感,在經濟上也仰賴卡車。他 們以自己的卡車為榮,而且大多數時間都待在卡車 裡。 帕卡大幅投資,針對自營車主開發了一系列 的產品特色選項,像是豪華臥鋪、奢華皮椅、隔音 駕駛座、時髦的外型等。帕卡擁有綿密的經銷網, 有意購買帕卡車的顧客可以到經銷商的店裡,用軟 體來選擇自己想要的各種特色,讓卡車充滿個人色 彩,可供選擇的項目多達數千種。這些客製化的卡 車按顧客要求來生產,並沒有庫存,訂購之後六至 八週交車。帕卡卡車外觀的空氣動力設計,可以降 低耗油量,而且轉手的價格比其他廠牌卡車高。帕 卡的道路服務方案,還有以資訊科技為基礎的備用 零件物流系統,都能夠減少卡車停駛的時間。這些 都是自營車主很重視的事情。顧客多付 10 %的價 格購買帕卡的車,在卡車休息站,帕卡旗下品牌

They're less sensitive to the price, because they have a sophisticated marketing net for their own trucks, and they're financially dependent on the truck. They're proud of their truck, and they spend most of their time in the truck. Packard invests heavily in a series of product-specific choices for their own car owners, like luxury blankets, luxury chairs, remote seats, fashionable outsiders. They buy their own truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, they buy their truck, and they buy it.

Kenworth 和 Peterbilt 卡車都是身分的象徵。

Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks are identity symbols.

要進入還是退出? 帕卡的例子說明了,在某一個特定產業結構 裡定位公司的原則。帕卡在所屬產業裡找到一個競 爭作用力比較弱的區塊,在那裡,帕卡可以避免受 到買方議價力和價格競爭的過度影響。帕卡精心設 計價值鏈的每一個環節,好好應付那個區塊裡的各 項競爭作用力。結果,帕卡連續 68 年獲利,長期 股東權益報酬率都在 20 %以上。

Pacca’s example suggests that the company’s principles are located in a particular product structure. Pacca found a weakly competitive section in the industry to which it belongs, where Pacca avoids excessive competition for purchasing power and prices. Pacca carefully designed each link of the value chain to deal with the competing forces in that sector. As a result, Pacca made a profit in 68 years, with long-term equity gains of more than 20%.

五項競爭作用力架構,除了顯示某一個既有 產業裡的定位機會之外,公司也可以運用這個架 構,嚴謹地分析進入和退出產業的機會。無論考慮 進入或退出,都必須回答以下這個很難回答的問 題:「這個行業的潛力是什麼?」如果產業結構很 糟或正在走下坡,而且公司未來也不太有機會擁有 優異的定位,那麼就應該選擇退出。若是考慮是否 要跨足其他產業,策略師也可以運用這個架構找到 前景看好的目標,並在併購對象的價格因為產業前 景看好而上揚前,就先相中這個產業。善用五項競「通路」這個產業進入障礙,讓許許多多新公司進 入這個產業。 但若是仔細分析就會發現,實體通路並不是 關鍵的進入障礙,大型音樂廠牌享有的其他優勢才 是真正的障礙。培養新歌手難免會失利,大型音樂 廠牌可以多培養幾位新歌手,分散風險。更重要的 是,他們有能力去排除萬難,以多種做法讓大眾聽 見旗下歌手的音樂。例如他們可以知名歌手與新人 搭配的方式,說服廣播電台和唱片行幫忙推銷新 人。新的音樂廠牌在這方面恐怕難以與大廠牌抗

In addition to showing an opportunity for a location in an established industry, the company can use it to critically analyse the opportunity to enter and leave the industry. In any case, entry or exit must answer the hard question: "What is the potential of this industry?" If the industry is badly or falling down, and the company is not likely to have a better position in the future, then it should opt out. If it is considered whether to move beyond other industries, the strategists can use it to find promising goals, and the price of the purchase is not a major barrier, other advantages of the music industry are a real deterrent.

爭力分析也有助於判斷某一產業是否值得進入。這 類產業雖然對一般公司不見得有吸引力,但可能會 有某家公司很有機會把成本壓得比大多數公司還 低,得以克服進入障礙,或者擁有獨特的能力,懂 得如何因應那個產業裡的各項競爭作用力。

Competing analysis also helps to determine whether an industry is worth entering. While this type of industry is unattractive to the average company, there may be an opportunity for a company to push costs lower than most, to overcome entry barriers, or to have a unique ability to understand how to respond to competing forces in that industry.


策略行動 2 善用產業變化

Strategic Action 2

如果策略師能仔細了解各項產業競爭力及其 基礎,就能從產業變化中看到機會,提出前景看 好的策略新定位。以過去十年間音樂產業的演變 為例。隨著網際網路出現,以及採用數位形式傳 輸音樂,有些分析師預測會出現數千種音樂廠牌 (music label ,指培養歌手、把他們的音樂推廣到 市場上的唱片公司)。那些分析師指出,從愛迪生 發明留聲機以來,市場的形態就是由三至六家大型 唱片公司掌控整個產業,而上述網路時代的新現象 會打破這個舊形態。他們預測,網際網路會破除衡。結果,大廠牌仍然屹立不搖,而新廠牌一直有 如鳳毛麟角。 這並不表示,數位音樂並沒有改變音樂產業 的結構。未經授權的音樂下載雖然違法,卻是很強 的替代性產品。多年來各家音樂廠牌一直設法自行 開發數位音樂傳輸的技術平台,但不願透過對手的 平台來銷售音樂。蘋果公司的 iTunes 音樂網站就趁 勢搶進這塊空白的領域。 iTunes 成立於 2003 年,目 的是支援蘋果的 iPod 音樂播放器,結果成為新興的 強勢產業守門人( gate keeper )。大型音樂廠牌當 時容許這個新的產業守門人出現,結果產業結構改 變的方向不利於他們。實際上,唱片公司苦於應付 數位時代的挑戰,導致大型唱片公司的家數持續減 少,從 1997 年的六家,減為目前的四家。 產業結構在改變時,也許會出現前景看好的 新競爭定位。結構變化開創了新的需求,以及服務 現有需求的新方法。既有的領導廠商也許忽略了這 些新需求和新方法,或受限於過去的策略,而無法追求這些新機會。產業裡較小型的公司就可以好好 運用這些變化,否則自然會有新進公司來搶走這些 機會。

If the strategist learns about the competition and its foundations, the strategists can see opportunities from the transformation of the industries, and present good strategic positioning. Take as an example the evolution of the music industry over the past 10 years. As the Internet emerges, and the digital transmission of music, some analysts predict that thousands of music plants (music label, grow singers, spread their music to record companies on the market). Those analysts point out that the stubbers from the Edysons, the stubbers from the market, the stubbers from the market, the stubs from the stubbers, the stubs from the stubs, the stubs from the stubbles, the stubbles from the strategizers, the stubbles from the stubbles, the stubbers from the stubs, the stubs from the stubs, the stubs from the sturbs.

策略行動 3 塑造產業結構

Strategic action 3 Shaping the structure of the industry

公司善用產業結構的變化,等於是認清那已 是大勢所趨,必須好好因應。但是,公司也有能力 主動塑造產業結構,可以把所屬產業導向新的競爭 方式,這些新方式會改變五項競爭作用力,朝更良 性的方向發展。公司在重塑產業結構時,總希望對 手都能跟進,好讓整個產業改頭換面。在這個過程 中,產業裡的許多參與者都可能受惠。提出創新做 法的那家公司若能引導競爭情勢朝自己最擅長的方 向發展,就能成為最大受惠者。 重塑產業結構的方法有兩種。一種是重新分 配利潤,讓既有業者獲利更多;另一種方法是,擴 大整個利潤池( profit pool )。重新分配產業大餅 可以提高產業內公司分配到的利潤比重,高於供應 商、買方和替代性產品所占的比重,同時阻止潛在 新進公司涉足這個產業。擴大利潤池就是要提高產 業創造的整體經濟價值,使產業裡的同業、買方和 供應商都能分一杯羹。

In rebuilding the industry, companies want to keep pace, so that the entire business can change its face. In this process, many of the players in the industry can benefit.

方法1 :重新分配利潤 若要讓產業裡的公司獲得更多利潤,首先要 確認目前有哪些競爭作用力限制產業的獲利能力, 並採取因應措施。任何一家公司都有可能影響所有 的競爭作用力。就這一點來說,策略師的目標就是 減少總利潤中流向供應商、買方和替代性產品的比 重,或是減少為了遏阻新進公司而犧牲的利潤。 例如,公司若要削弱供應商的方量,可以把 零件規格標準化,以便更換供應商;也可以多培養 一些賣方(供應商);或者改採別種技術,完全規 避某一個強勢的供應商團體。若要抗衡顧客的力量,公司也許可以擴大服務,以提高買方的轉換成 本;或尋求一些接觸顧客的其他管道,以削弱強勢 通路的力量。若要緩和會侵蝕獲利的價格競爭,公 司可以在獨特的產品上增加投資,過去製藥公司就 是這麼做;或者可以擴大對顧客的支援服務。若要 逼退新進公司,既有公司可以提高競爭的固定成 本,例如,增加研發或行銷支出。若要降低替代性 產品的威脅,公司可以提供新的產品特色,或者讓 顧客更容易買到產品,這些做法都有助於提高既有 公司提供的價值。例如,軟性飲料公司引進自動販 賣機,並進入便利商店的通路,讓顧客取得軟性飲 料的便利性遠高於其他飲料。

So, the goal of the strategist is to reduce the flow of total profits to suppliers, buyers, and alternative products, or to reduce the profits lost in order to deter newcomers. For example, if the company wants to reduce the size of its suppliers, it can standardize its components so that it can change its suppliers; it can also cultivate more suppliers; or it can change its techniques to keep away from a strong supplier. To counter the power of its customers, the company may expand its services to increase the turnover of its buyers; or it may seek other channels to reach its customers in order to reduce its power.

正面:領導公司讓產業更好 北美洲最大的食品服務配銷商希斯科公司 (Sysco )就是一個鮮活的例證,可以說明一家產業領導公司如何把產業結構變得更好。食品服務配 銷商向農民和食品加工處理廠採購食品和相關產 品,把那些食品儲存在倉庫裡,然後運送到餐廳、 醫院、員工餐廳、學校和其他供應食品的機構。食 品服務配銷業的進入障礙低,因此向來都很分散, 各地都有很多公司彼此競爭。各家公司嘗試培養顧 客關係,但買方對價格很敏感,因為食品占他們成 本很大的比重。買方還有其他替代性選擇,例如直 接向製造商採購,或是向零售商購買,完全不透過 配銷商。供應商規模通常很大、品牌強勢,在餐點 料理人和消費者間享有高知名度,因而具有談判能 力。綜合而言,食品服務配銷業的平均獲利能力一 直都表現平平。 希斯科明白,由於本身的規模很大,營業範 圍遍及全國,因此也許可以改變現狀,於是率先 針對食品服務市場推出數種私營標籤( private

Positive: Leading companies make production better, and the largest distributor of food services in North America, Sysco, is a living example of how a leading company can make production better. Food service distributors buy food and related products from farmers and food processing plants, and then send them to restaurants, hospitals, workers’ restaurants, schools and other food-supply facilities. The entry barriers to the distribution of food services are so low that they are often scattered, and many companies compete with each other.

label )配銷商品牌,以抑制供應商的力量。希斯科 強調提供買方附加價值的服務,例如賒帳、食譜設 計和庫存管理,希望避免只在價格上競爭。此外, 公司也配合加強投資在資訊科技、區域性物流中 心,結果大幅提高了新進公司的進入障礙,也讓替 代性產品相形失色。後來的發展並不令人驚訝,這 個產業持續整合,看來產業獲利能力也有提升。 產業領導公司應該負起一項特別的責任,那 就是改善產業結構,因為往往只有大型公司才有資 源這麼做。此外,改善後的產業結構是一項「公共 財」,不只是推動改善的公司受惠,產業裡的每一 家公司都能享受到好處,但對產業領導公司的好處 往往勝過其他公司,因而成為最大受益者。由於領 導公司嘗試擴大市占率常會引發對手、顧客、甚至 供應商的強烈反應,改善整個產業也許是對領導公 司最有利的策略機會。

In addition, companies have joined forces in investing more in information technology, regional logistics, which has dramatically increased the barriers to entry of new firms, and has led to a loss of value for substitute products. The subsequent developments have not been surprising, as this industry has been continuously integrated, and is seen to have improved profitability.


負面:莽動破壞產業結構 但塑造產業結構也可能有負面效果。未經深思熟慮就改變競爭定位和營運做法,可能會破壞產 業結構。有些經理人承受壓力必須爭取市占率,或 是執著於為創新而創新,結果可能會引發新形態的 競爭,所有的既有公司都無法在這種新競爭中勝 出。因此,策略師要採取行動提高公司的競爭優勢 時,應該自問這些行動是否會造成產業結構的長期 改變。例如,在個人電腦產業發展初期, IBM 為了 彌補本身較晚進入這個產業的劣勢,於是採開放性 架構,以設定產業標準,並吸引應用軟體和周邊 產品業者提供互補性產品。在這個過程中, IBM 拱 手讓出個人電腦關鍵零組件的主導地位,其中作 業系統交由微軟負責,微處理器則讓給了英特爾 (Intel )。 IBM 把個人電腦標準化,也助長了價格 競爭,並且把產業結構影響力轉移到供應商身上。

Negative: Recklessly destroying the structure of the industry, but shaping it may also have negative effects. In this process, strategists should ask themselves whether these actions will lead to long-term changes in the structure. For example, in the early years of personal computer development, IBM, in order to make up for its own late entry into the industry, will open up new structures that will set the standards of the industry and attract users of software and off-the-road products to compete with each other.

IBM 固然暫時稱霸個人電腦產業,但也使這個產業 長期失去吸引力。

IBM, while temporarily claiming to dominate the personal computer industry, has also made it unattractive for a long time.

方法 2:擴大利潤池 如果某一個產業的整體需求增加、品質水準 提升、內部成本降低、去除浪費,整個市場大餅就 會擴大。產業中的公司、供應商、買方可以取得的 整個利潤池也會變大。 例如,通路若是變得更有競爭力,或是產業 裡的公司發現有一些尚未服務到的潛在買方,產業 的整體利潤池因此擴大。軟性飲料廠商將獨立裝瓶 廠網絡的營運合理化,裝瓶廠變得更有效率、更有 成效,結果軟性飲料廠商和裝瓶廠雙雙受惠。如果 公司和供應商合作改進雙方的協調運作,並減少供 應鏈裡不必要的成本,同樣也可以提高整體的價 值。這樣一來,產業既有的成本結構降低,使得獲 利提高,或者透過降價而提高需求,也可能使獲利 和需求都提高。 另一種情形是,如果許多公司都同意採用相 同的品質標準,就能提高整個產業的品質和服務水 準,價格也會隨之提高,使各家公司、供應商和顧客都受惠。 擴大整體利潤池,可以為產業裡的許多參與 者創造雙贏的機會。當既有公司嘗試改變談判力 量,或爭取更高市占率時,可能會引發惡性競爭, 而擴大整體利潤池則能降低惡性競爭的風險。然 而,擴大市場大餅並不會壓低市場結構的重要性。 擴大之後的市場會如何分配,最終將由五項競爭作 用力來決定。公司若能設法用對自己最有利的方式 來擴大產業利潤池,獲取比同業更多的好處,就會 成為最成功的公司。

For example, if a company, a supplier, a buyer, becomes more competitive, or if a company in the industry finds that there are unserviceable buyers, the entire pool of profits increases. If a firm increases its demand, the entire pool increases. If a firm, a supplier, and a buyer, expands the market. If a company becomes more competitive, it increases its demand. If a company works with a provider, the company loses the unnecessary cost of the chain, the whole pool increases the cost of the whole. If a firm acquires a soft drink, the cost of its own business is reduced, the cost of its own business is reduced, the cost of its own business is reduced, the cost of its own business is increased, the cost of its own business is increased, the cost of its own business is increased, and the demand of its own plant is increased, and the demand of its own business is increased. If a company works with a provider, the cost of its own business is reduced, the cost of its own business is reduced, the cost of its own business is increased, the cost of its own business is increased, or the demand of its own business may increase.



策略行動 4 界定競爭場域

Strategic action 4 Defining the Field of Competition

公司選擇在一個或多個相關產業裡競爭,應 該好好運用那五項競爭作用力來界定那些產業的範 圍。若能以競爭真正發生的場域為中心,正確設定 產業的界限,就能夠釐清獲利能力來自何處,以及 策略規畫的責任歸屬。公司必須針對不同產業設計 不同的策略。如果競爭對手的產業界定錯誤,公司 就可以趁機搶占較佳的策略定位(見邊欄「界定相 關產業」)。

Companies choose to compete in one or more related industries, and should use these five competitive forces to define the scope of those industries. If competition is central to what really happens, and if the boundaries of the industries are correctly set, they can clarify where the profitability comes from and where the strategic rules are attributable. Companies must focus on different strategies for different industries. If competition is wrong in defining industries, companies can take advantage of better strategic positioning (see side column “Definition of related industries”).


Competition for value.

五項競爭作用力,說明了驅動產業競爭的力 量。公司的策略師若了解競爭不僅限於現有的對 手,就能察覺到更廣泛的競爭威脅,也更能因應那 些威脅。同時,廣泛思考產業結構,也可以發掘新 機會:不論是顧客、供應商、替代性產品、潛在新 進公司或競爭對手的差異,可以作為規畫獨特策略 的基礎,創造優異的績效。在這個競爭更開放、變 動不已的世界,我們比過去更應該從產業結構的角 度來思考競爭。 了解產業結構對經理人很重要,對投資人同 樣也很重要。那五項競爭作用力可以說明,某個產 業是否真的具有吸引力,也能協助投資人在產業結構的正、負面變化還不明顯時,就洞燭機先。那五 項作用力也可區分產業長期的結構變化與短期波 動,讓投資人好好利用市場過度悲觀或樂觀所營造 出的機會。有些公司的策略可能會改造產業,這類 公司也因此變得更加突出。目前最主要的投資分析 方式,都是採用財務預測和價格趨勢推測法,但 是,更深入地思考競爭,比上述那兩種工具更有 效,更能在投資上獲得真正的成功。 如果高階主管和投資人都用這種方式來看待 競爭,資本市場就能成為更有效推動企業成功和經 濟繁榮的力量。高階主管和投資人都會更專注於相 同的基本面要素,而這些要素能夠維持獲利能力不 墜。投資人和高階主管之間的對話,因此會著重在 結構面的因素,而不是短期的因素。如果把花在 「討好華爾街」上的精力,全部轉而投注在那些能 創造經濟價值的因素上,會讓公司和整體經濟的績 效有多大的成長!

At the same time, broad-based thinking about the industry also opens up new opportunities: whether it is a customer, a supplier, an alternative product, the difference between a new firm or a competing player, the difference that can be drawn from a unique strategy, the fact that it can be used as a foundation for the design of an exclusive strategy, and the fact that it can be used not only to create the benefits but also to create the benefits of the benefits. In a world where competition is more open, more dynamic, and less powerful, we should be able to think more about the costs of the industry than we used to be. Knowledge of the industries is important for the managers, more important for the investors, more important for the new firms, more competitive firms, more powerful firms, and more powerful companies.




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