以太经典是以太坊的一个分支,由区块链社区内的一部分成员创建于2016年。以太经典的创建主要是由于以太坊在2016年所发生的The DAO事件。它是一个去中心化的智能合约平台,出名的应用之一就是去中心化交易所。
It was created in 2016 by a group of members of the community in the chain of
首先,以太经典与比特币相同,采用的是Proof of Work共识机制(当前),这也是目前最为成熟的共识机制之一。其次,以太经典具有较高的安全性和可扩展性,其网络在运营和完善过程中积累了大量的经验。最后,以太经典作为以太坊区块
First, it uses the Proof of Work Consensus mechanism (currently) as well as one of the most mature ones. Second, it has a high degree of security and scalability, and its network has accumulated a great deal of experience in operating and perfecting. Finally, it has been used as a branch of the Tai family , with independence and stability, and also as a branch of the community
以太经典作为一个分支,其市值相较于以太坊还是较小。但是它有一个优势,就是它的总量和共识机制与比特币相同。如果投资者将目光聚焦在更多元化的数字货币上,那么以太经典无疑是一个很好的选择。 But it has the advantage of having the same size and consensus mechanism as Bitcoin. If investors focus their eyes on a more diversified digital currency, it is certainly a good choice. 2017年以太坊的创始人Vitalik Buterin认为,以太经典在未来也将迎来升值,他曾经表示:“我认为,以太经典在未来也将更有价值”。 In 2017, Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the Taib, argued that the Ether Classic would also rise in the future, saying, “I think the Ether Classic will be more valuable in the future”. 与此同时,以太经典的基础设施也在不断完善中,以太经典的开发团队正在开发预计具有更高交易速度和更便宜的交易费用,名为Emerald Wallet的去中心化钱包
At the same time, the classic infrastructure is being improved, and the classic development team is developing the expected higher speed and cheaper transaction costs of decentralizing wallet . This fact predicts a much better future with the classics.
Overall, the Ether Book is a digital asset with strong potential, with the same volume and consensus mechanisms as the Bitcoin, and with the advantages of the Ethercopics. It is expected to move towards maturity and better development in the future.
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