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DeFi Prime(https://defiprime.com)

DeFi Prime 上收录了 200+ 个DeFi项目和数十个 DeFi 代币。比较有意思的是它把这些项目分为 17 大类,其中 DEX(36 个)、DeFi 基础架构和开发工具(31 个)、资产管理工具(28 个)数量最多。当然,这些产品自身并非尽是去中心化的,也不全是基于以太坊的,其他公链的还包括 EOS、Tron 等。

DeFi Prime contains 200+ DeFi projects and dozens of DeFi tokens. Interestingly, it divides these projects into   17 major groups, of which DEX (36), DeFi infrastructure and development tools (31), asset management tools (28). Of course, these products are not all decentralized, not all based on Etheria, but other public chains include EOS, Tron, etc.


Defi Prime 还会撰写博客介绍 DeFi 项目,其每周的 DeFi 速递也值得一看。

Defi Prime also writes a blog about the DeFi project, whose weekly DeFi express is worth reading.

Dune Analytics(https://duneanalytics.com)

Dune Analytics可能是所有数据分析工具中最特别的一个,倒不在于它的数据多牛,而在于它的生产模式颇有 DAO(去中心化自治组织)的意味。

Dune Analytics may be the most special of all data analysis tools, not because it's rich in data, but because its production pattern means DAO.

正如它对自己的定位那样:“Free Ethereum analytics by and for the community。”

实现这一点,Dune Analytics 先是解码了以太坊的智能合约数据,而后,参与者只需通过简单的 SQL( 一种用于访问和处理数据库的标准的计算机语言)查询,就能调动工具自动生成精美的可视化结果,Dune Analytics 还为用户提供了各种自定义的小工具。

光是 Compound 单个平台的项目就有用户(@MatteoLeibowitz)为其创建了 16 个图表,可想而知,其他平台面临的可能是数据量不足的问题,而这个平台面临的则可能是数据爆炸的问题。

The individual platform projects of Compound alone have 16 graphs (@MatteoLeibowitz) created for them. As you can imagine, other platforms may face problems with insufficient data, while the platform may face problems with data explosions.


难怪 AC 要说,Dune Analytics 简直是某种程度上的「救世主」。


除了口头赞誉,Dune Analytics 今年 9 月还得到了 Dragonfly Capital 牵头,Multicoin Capital、Digital Currency Group、Coinbaokse Ventures 等参投的 200 万美元天使投资。

In addition to oral praises, Dune Analytics led by Dragonfly Capital in September this year, Multicoin Capital, Digital Court Group, Coinbaokse Ventures, USD 200  US$ million Angel Investment.


Alethio 是 ConsenSys 孵化的项目,定位于以太坊区块链数据分析、可视化平台。其旗下产品众多,本次要介绍的是其 DeFi 数据站。

从统计的数据和呈现效果看,Alethio DeFi 数据站都有一些出彩的地方。它在主页展示了 10 个数据工具。其中一个是下面这样的,通过跟踪主要 DeFi 产品的用户(纵轴)、交互(横轴)和同时锁定的 ETH 来展示其演进,是不是即震撼又兼具美感。

Alethio DeFi data stations have some areas of beauty in terms of statistical data and performance. It shows 10 data tools on the home page. One of these is the following, showing evolution by tracking the users of the main DeFi product (long axis), interactive (transverse axis) and simultaneously locked ETH.

Evolution of DeFi Platforms,来源:aleth.io

下面这个图则展示了 Uniswap 上流动性提供商的交易量和增长的统计。

Alethio 甚至还对 B端开放数据业务,称这些数据将能让产品开发者获得和业务有关的用户、各项指标的信息,以此来优化产品决策。


LoanScan 定位于去中心借贷或聚合收益平台的数据统计。截至目前,已提供 9 类稳定币在 28 个产品中的借贷收益及流动性挖矿收益,以及 Compound、dYdX 和 Maker SCD(Maker 单一抵押物贷款)的抵押资产、在贷余额、未偿贷款等的全统计。


4. Gas费用相关(5个)

用户使用上述提及的所有链上DApp,都离不开交易手续费(Gas Fee)的消耗。因此,我们还需要准备一些有关Gas费的工具。

Use of Dapp on all of the above-mentioned chains is dependent on the consumption of trading fees (Gas Fee). We therefore need to prepare tools for Gas fees.



GasNow 是基于星火矿池待处理交易队列(包含全网交易)构建的 Gas 价格预测系统,比其他基于链上数据的统计更实时和准确。该服务由星火矿池提供。

Gasnow is a gas price forecasting system based on a sarcophagus pool to be processed (including full-network transactions) that is more real-time and accurate than other chain-based statistics. The service is provided by the sarcophagus.


ETHGasStation 相较而言信息更为全面,提供包括 Gas 费计算器、历史交易和手续费数据、Gas 费消耗大头等。



PleaseRelayMe 由 BlockRocket 团队开发,是一个可帮助 DApp 开发者使用利息支付用户链上交易费的协议,开发者可以通过集成该项目,将 DApp 开发者自筹资金或是用户资金放入 Compound 上赚取利息,从而为用户代付利息,降低普通用户的门槛。

PleaseRelayMe developed by the BlockRocket team is an agreement that can help DApp developers pay transaction fees on the user chain by using interest. The developers can integrate the project by generating interest on the self-financing of the DApp developers or putting the user funds on Comboud, thereby paying interest on the user and lowering the threshold for ordinary users.

开发者集成后,用户不需要拥有 Gas,甚至无需知道 Gas,就能实现和互联网应用一样「丝滑」的体验。

When the developers are integrated, users do not need to own Gas, or even know Gas, to be able to experience as silky as Internet applications.

经过开发者粗略估算,如果有 100 个用户每人锁定 50 个 Dai,PleaseRelayMe 每个月便能通过 rDai 池产生的收益资助 300 多次链上交易。

Producer rough estimate that if 100 users lock 50 Dai, PleaseRelayMe will be able to finance more than 300 chain transactions per month through the revenues generated by the rDai pool.


在以太坊开发智能合约中,Gas 的消耗是根据你在链上存储数据的情况决定的。GasToken 的做法是,将 Gas 费通证化为一个 ERC20 Token,允许用户直接买卖。在 Gas 价格便宜时用户可适当购买、储存着,然后在价格奇高时便不愁没得用。

In Ether's development of smart contracts, Gas consumption is determined by your data storage on the chain. GasToken's approach is to convert Gas fees to an ERC20 Token, allowing users to buy and sell them directly. Users can buy and store them when the price is cheap, and then use them when the price is so high.

但 GasToken 如何「储存」低价的 Gas 的?

原来,在 Gas 价格较低时,Gastoken 鼓励用户到合约中创建或铸造代币 GST1/GST2,此时,Gastoken 将用用户提供的资金以较低的费用存储数据/创建合约。待 Gas 价格暴涨时,用户去使用或消耗 GST1/GST2,Gastoken便通过删除数据或合约的方式,获得网络奖励,或者称 gas 退款,由此实现以较低的价格消耗 Gas。


Chi 是基于 Gastoken GST2 版本优化而来。用户可以通过在 Gas 费较低时铸造,Gas 费较高时销毁来优化链上的交易成本。相比 Gastoken,Chi 节约了 1% 的铸造成本,并在销毁时提升了 10% 的效率。

5. 治理(3个)

DAO(Distributed Autonomous Organization),译为分布式自治组织。DAO 通过智能合约运转,成员可自由加入&退出,组织规则可自定义,代码公开且强制执行、杜绝了人为操作,没有法律实体、没有人能够干预。

伴随 4 年来链上世界的搭建,DAO 已然成为诸多项目不可或缺的一部分。

譬如,Nervos、IoTeX、aelf 等公链已经在社区中设置 DAO,用作锁仓、销毁和管理基金会。基于以太坊的 MakerDAO、KyberDAO、Synthetix、Aave、CurveDAO 等 DeFi 项目,都在用 DAO 完成日常运行和议事。甚至本次 DeFi 的引爆点,也是 Compound 发行具有激励作用的治理代币。

可想而知,随着 DeFi 治理型代币发币潮继续,会催生出大量对治理工具平台的需求。不过当前治理类项目的市值均较小,在此仅列出比较有代表性的3个。

can be expected to generate a large demand for a governance tool platform as the deFi governance mosaic continues. However, the market value of current governance projects is small, with only three listed here being more representative.


Aragon (https://aragon.org/, token: ANT)

Aragon 定位于 DAO“制造工厂”,在这里,你可以花几分钟、几美元(在 Gas 费没暴涨的情况下)来创建并运营一个 DAO。

Aragon is located at the DAO “manufacturing plant”, where you can create and operate a DAO in a few minutes or several dollars (in the absence of a surge in Gas fees).

作为和 The DAO 同一时期的项目,Aragon 通过 1CO 筹集 2500 万美元资金,2019 年底上线主网。

Aragon raised $25 million through 1CO to access the main network at the end of 2019 as a project for the same period as The DAO.

截至 2020 年 5 月底,已有超过 5700 个地址创建/参加了约 1400 个 Aragon DAO,管理的数字资产达 700 万美元。上述言及的 Aave、CurveDAO、Synthetix 等均基于 Aragon 创建。

At the end of May 2020, more than 5700 addresses had been created/participated in about 1400 Aragon DAOs, managing digital assets amounting to $7 million. The Aave, CurveDAO, Synthetix, etc. are based on Aragon.

去年 10 月,Aragon 突然宣布将基于 Cosmos 开发专属侧链,还曾引起以太坊社区不小的骚动。但这一决定主要是为了规避单一平台风险,降低用户使用成本,在以太坊 Gas 成倍暴涨的今天,Aragon 的选择不可谓不明智。


Kleros (https://kleros.io, token: PNK)


Kleros provides prompt and secure arbitration on all issues.

需要解决纠纷的用户可在 Kleros 发布仲裁请求,随后,符合一定条件的拥有解决问题技能的陪审员将参与仲裁并得到仲裁费。

A user who needs to settle a dispute may issue a request for arbitration in Kleros, after which qualified jurors with problem-solving skills will participate in and receive arbitration fees.

目前,Kleros Court 平台上已有 200 多名陪审员,累计处理纠纷 150 多起。

To date, there are more than 200 jurors on the Kleros Court platform, cumulatively dealing with over 150 disputes.

Power Pool(https://powerpool.finance/,代币:CVP)

Power Pool (https://powerpol.finance/, token: CVP)

Power Pool 在所有治理项目中可能是一个特殊的存在。

Power Pool may be a special presence in all governance projects.

其解决的问题是,为需要代币参与某项目治理的用户提供借贷服务。治理在 DeF 产品中虽较为常见,但问题在于有 10 个代币和有 10 万个代币持有者所获得的投票权是不同的,像在 Uniswap 上,1000 万 UNI 的提案通过门槛就让治理变得极其低效。由此,小散户们即使有心参与治理,最终也徒劳无功。

现在,Power Pool 给这些用户提供了一个借币加杠杆的工具。它由以下几个部分构成:



1. Proxy pool: a place where voting rights can be accumulated;


2. Lending governance in currencies: obtaining additional governance in currencies through borrowing;


11 月 27 日,Power Pool 将 PowerIndex 与 Yearn 治理系统集成。

On November 27, Power Pool integrated PowerIndex with Yearn governance systems.

PowerIndex 是一种类似于 ETF 的分散式 DeFi 指数,由 8 个不同的治理代币(GT)组成,Yearn 就是其中之一。这意味着指数合约中的 YFI 代币将根据 CVP 代币持有者的决策参与对 Yearn 提案的投票。

6. 身份和KYC工具(4个)


SelfKey (https://selfkey.org/, token:KEY)

SelfKey 是基于区块链(Blockchain)基础上的数字身份电子钱包和市场,其实现了个人和企业真正拥有、掌控和管理自己的数字身份,并能够即时获得包括投资入籍、公司注册、银行业务、金融科技产品、代币销售、数字货币兑换等在内的金融和移民服务。

SelfKey is a digital identity electronic wallet and market based on a block chain (Blockchain), which enables individuals and enterprises to truly own, control and manage their digital identity and to have immediate access to financial and immigration services, including naturalization of investments, company registration, banking, financial technology products, currency sales, digital currency exchange, etc.

SelfKey 使 KYC 变得简易,同时是提供能够数百种产品和服务的接口。信任方、认证机构和身份所有者都能以安全、私密和分散的方式进行交易。

SelfKey makes KYC simple, while providing interfaces to hundreds of products and services. Trust parties, certification bodies, and identity owners can deal in a secure, private and decentralized manner.


Civic (https://www.civic.com/, token: CVC)

Civic 是一个提供身份管理服务的系统,并实时授权使用身份。Civic 的模型允许公民按需通过区块链接进行身份验证,安全和低成本访问 Civic 系统。

Civic is a system that provides identity management services and authorizes the use of identity in real time. The Civic model allows citizens to authenticate through block links as required, secure and low-cost access to the Civic system.

Bloom Protocol(https://hellobloom.io/,代币:BLT)

Bloom Protocol (https://ellobloom.io/, token: BLT)

Bloom 是一个基于以太坊的端对端模式体系,用于身份验证、风险评估和信用评分。其旨在改善个人信息收集和评估体系,使传统货币和数字货币的贷款方,为目前尚没有银行帐户或缺乏信用评分的人群提供有效服务。

Bloom is a system based on an end-to-end model based on the Taiku for identification, risk assessment and credit rating. It aims to improve personal information collection and assessment systems so that lenders of traditional and digital currencies can effectively serve those who do not currently have bank accounts or lack credit ratings.


Foam (https://foam.space/, token: FOAM)

Foam 致力于构建空间协议、标准和应用程序,将地理空间数据带入区块链,并为共识驱动的地图提供支持。FOAM 旨在成为 Foam 协议的实用型代币,可用于:添加地理兴趣点;策划地理兴趣点;标记,激励区域创建;为区域锚点提高奖励;为验证者提供的奖励。

Part III 结语

本文一共梳理了 140 个项目,其中还有不少囿于时间精力未能一一体验并收录。未来,Odaily星球日报将在每季度末对这份 Mapping 进行补充和更新,敬请关注。

DeFi 正如一片刚刚开始垦殖的“新月之地”,各式各样的重要创新在不断涌现,我们期待着它的扩张和对传统金融的征服。

DeFi, like a “new moon” that's just beginning to grow, and important innovations are emerging, and we look forward to its expansion and conquest of traditional finance.

最后,要特别感谢本文衍生品交易部分的共同撰写方 DDX中文社区、分布共识实验室、无涯社区,以及本文的数据、部分资料提供方 DeBank 和 QKL123。


em> reference:


2020 DeFi行业研究报告,TokenInsight

The 100+ Projects Pioneering Decentralized Finance,ConsenSys


em> inventory of the 2020 block chain hotspot DeFi project, block 7






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