
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:57 评论:0
最近Web3.0,元宇宙的话题是今年技术热门话题之一;所以今天也想来写梳理一篇关于Web 3.0,和作为程序员的一些思考。Recently, Web3.0&...



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最近Web3.0,元宇宙的话题是今年技术热门话题之一;所以今天也想来写梳理一篇关于Web 3.0,和作为程序员的一些思考。

Recently, Web3.0, the meta-cosm is one of this year's technology hot topics & #xff1b; so today I want to write a collage of some thoughts about Web3.0, and as a programmer.

Web这个词已经诞生了 31 年,WWW(万维网)系统的出现再到互联网当前Web2.0阶段,技术思维不断的变迁。Web3.0是对下一代互联网的设计和设想。15年前,Web的发明人Tim Bernard-Lee爵士认为,目前互联网的局限在于,HTML是给人看的,没有元数据,不能被机器所理解。因此应该把数据赋予含义,开发出更智能、自动化程度更高的互联网应用,从而实现Web3.0,即语义网(Semantic Web)。但是大约在5年前,Lee爵士对下一代互联网的看法发生了变化,他发起了互联网大宪章运动,呼吁用户和从业者对互联网的未来进行广泛地讨论。

Web3.0 is the design and conception of the next generation of the Internet. Fifteen years ago, Sir Tim Bernard-Lee believed xff0c; the current limitations of the Internet are xff0c; HTML is a popular xff0c; there is no meta-data xff0c; it cannot be understood by machines. Data should therefore be given meaning xff0c; more intelligent, automated Internet applications xff0c; thus realizing the vision of Web3.0xff0c; i.e., synonym #ff08; Semantic Webxff09; but about five years ago ; ;


What's Web3.0,

我们先来看看Web1.0 和2.0的定义。

Let's first look at the definitions of Web1.0 and 2.0.

Web1.0 ——“投喂模式”
随着 “WWW” 的出现,人们开始在页面上制作各种可展示的信息,例如新闻、资讯和各种图片等等,通过 Web,互联网上的资源,可以在一个网页里比较直观的展示出来,而且资源之间在网页上可以链来链去。

Web1.0 -
with the emergence of xff0c; people begin to produce various kinds of displayed information on pages xff0c; e.g. news, information and pictures xff0c; through Web xff0c; resources on the Internet xff0c; can be displayed in a more visual way on a web page xff0c; and resources can be linked to web pages.

这一时间诞生了很多大家熟知的公司,例如谷歌、雅虎、搜狐、新浪,他们通过各种网页信息的展示构成了各大门户网站,然后吸引用户点击观看,以此定制广告,通过流量变现,后来我们常常称这一时期为 Web1.0(大约从 1991 年到 2004 年)。

This time has given birth to well-known companies & #xff0c; e.g. Google, Yahoo, Fox Search, #xff0c; they have made up the major portals & #xff0c through the display of various web-based information; they then attract users to click on & #xff0c; customize the ad & #xff0c; cash & #xff0c through traffic; later we refer to this period as Web1.0 & #xff08; from 1991 to about 2004).

根据一些人的说法,“在 Web 1.0 中,内容创造者很少,绝大多数用户只是作为内容的消费者。”

According to some, xff0c; “in Web 1.0 xff0c; content creators are very few xff0c; the vast majority of users are simply consumers of content.”

当时的网络被视为一种使信息访问民主化的方式,但除了访问朋友的 GeoCities 页面之外,没有其他很好的导航方式。这是非常混乱和压倒性的。

The network at the time was seen as a way to democratize access to information & #xff0c; but there was no other good navigation, apart from visiting friends' GeoCities page & #xff0c. It was very confusing and overwhelming.

Web2.0 ——“交互模式”
其实在 Web2.0 概念被提出来时,还并没有 Web1.0 的说法。Web2.0 是由 Darcy DiNucci 于 1999 年发明,后来在 2004 年底的 O'Reilly Media Web2.0 大会上由 Tim O'Reilly 和 Dale Dougherty 推广,Web2.0 才更被大家所接受。而为了区分,便把之前的网络发展时期称为 Web1.0。

Web2.0 - “interactive mode”
was actually xff0c when the concept of Web2.0 was introduced; there was no version of Web1.0. Web 2.0 was invented by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 xff0c; then O39 at the end of 2004; Reilly Media Web 2.0 was called Web1.0 at the Congress by Tim O39; Reilly and Dale Dougherty promoted xff0c; Web2.0 was more acceptable to everyone. Instead, the previous period of network development was called Web1.0.

Web1.0 的特点是网站提供内容,用户阅读内容,就好比我们看电视,只能看别人想展现给我们的内容,而我们没有办法左右电视台播放的内容。

Web1.0 features content & #xff0c; user content & #xff0c; as we watch TV & #xff0c; only what others want to show us & #xff0c; and we have no way of influencing what we broadcast on television.

然而随着越来越多的人加入到互联网行业中,一些更有意思的商业模式逐渐诞生,比如博客的诞生,Facebook 社交平台的诞生,国内大家比较熟悉的就是 QQ 空间之类的,而这一类网站和应用最大的特点就是,允许用户自主生成内容,与网站和他人进行交互,互联互通,这也就是 Web2.0 的特点。

However, as more and more people join the Internet industry xff0c; a number of more interesting business models are emerging xff0c; for example, the birth of a blog xff0c; Facebook, the birth of a social platform xff0c; and xff0c, which is more familiar in the country; the most common features of these sites and applications are xff0c; allowing users to generate content on their own xff0c; interacting with websites and others xff0c; connectivity xff0c; and this is the feature of Web 2.0.

从 Web1.0 的“只读”到 Web2.0 的“交互”,其实并不是一个更替的过程,虽然现在大部分的互联网应用和产品都是属于 Web2.0,但仍有许多属于 Web1.0 的项目在运行。而身处 Web2.0 的许多互联网从业者,也在思考互联网下一步应该如何发展,于是,便有了各种 Web3.0 的畅想。

From "read-only" on Web1.0 to "interactive" on Web 2.0 & #xff0c; it is not really a replacement process & #xff0c; although most Internet applications and products now belong to Web 2.0 & #xff0c; there are still many Web1.0 projects running. Many Internet practitioners at Web 2.0 & #xff0c; also thinking about how the Internet should develop xff0c; xff0c; and there are a variety of Web3.0 scenarios.

像谷歌、亚马逊、Facebook 和 Twitter 等平台的出现通过简化在线连接和交易来为互联网带来秩序。批评人士说,随著时间的推移,这些公司在Web2.0时代积累了太多的权力。Web2.0的这些科技巨头已经变成大中介和互联网的守门人了。今天我们在互联网上做的大部分的事情,比如搜索网络、与人们联系、分享内容,都被迫依赖由这些公司开发的带产权的不透明的服务代码,不然就无法去做那些事情。

Platforms such as Google, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter have emerged to bring order to the Internet by simplifying online connections and transactions. Critics say & #xff0c; #xff0c over time; these companies have accumulated far too much power in the Web 2.0 era. Web 2.0 giants have become big intermediaries and Internet gatekeepers. Much of what we do on the Internet today & #xff0c; search networks, connect people, share content & #xff0c; all are forced to rely on opaque service codes developed by these companies with property rights #xff0c; otherwise we cannot do it.

Web3.0 ——“去中心化模式”
而Web3 是关于夺回一些权力。也是有史以来,第一次把经济系统内嵌到了互联网里。Web3.0的定义范围比较广。

Web3.0 - “decentralized mode”
and Web3 is about regaining some power. It's also the first time xff0c has been embedded on the Internet. The definition of Web3.0 is broader.


As artificial intelligence is gradually applied xff0c; some new Internet business models are emerging xff0c; e.g. whenever we read news xff0c; website algorithms are based on our previous articles xff0c; auto-advertise similar articles xff0c; every time we shop online xff0c; and also recommend items that are more inclined to buy.

这意味着网站可以通过用户的行为,开始学习和分析,变得更加智能,所以,一些互联网从业者便把 Web3.0 定义为“更智能的互联网”。Web3.0 是 Web2.0 的优化,大致地将 Web 3.0 贴上这么 4 个标签:

This means that websites can be used through user behaviour & #xff0c; start learning and analysis & #xff0c; become more intelligent & #xff0c; so #xff0c; and some Internet practitioners define Web3.0 as a "smarter Internet". Web3.0 is an optimisation of Web2.0 & #xff0c; roughly labeled Web 3.0 with 4 labels #xff1a;


1. Harmonized identification system


2. Data validation and authorization


3. Privacy protection and censorship


4. Decentralizing operations

Web 3.0 将带来透明、可信的互联网经济模式

Web 3.0 will lead to a transparent and credible Internet economic model
because users have used Internet content for decades xff0c free of charge; there is no objection to making personal data available to websites and service providers free of charge through the User Agreement and the Privacy Agreement xff0c; or even take it for granted. We ignore xff0c; xff0c; money earned by businesses using user data xff0c; will not return to the user xff0c; profit left after income covers operating costs xff0c; users are not entitled to it.

无论是 Web 1.0 还是 Web 2.0,因为运营服务的中心化总是或多或少地带来透明度和信任的问题。这一问题可以通过数据权益通证化、数据确权与授权的区块链技术应用来得到解决。用户在 Web 3 的世界里产生的数据归用户所有,在没有得到用户的授权确认之前,使用者无权使用。同时由数据使用而产生的收益,用户也有可能通过数字加密货币行业的通证经济分一杯羹。

Whether web 1.0 or Web 2.0, because centralization of operational services always brings transparency and trust to a greater or lesser extent. This problem can be solved through the application of block-chain technology for data entitling, data validation and authorization. The data generated by users in the world of Web3 are owned by the user xff0c; xff0c ; the user does not have the right to use it until confirmed by the user's authorization. The benefits from the use of data xff0c; the user may also be able to encrypt the passivation economy of the currency industry through digital encryption.

通证经济、数字资产的出现,也让用户得到了参与 Web 3.0 开发公司运行的机会,他们可以参与投票、参与分红,实现开发者与使用者的良性互动。用户既是使用者,又是维护者。

Transmittal economy, emergence of digital assets & #xff0c; also gives users the opportunity to participate in the operation of Web 3.0 developers & #xff0c; they can vote, participate in the red & #xff0c; allow developers to interact favourably with users. Users are both users & #xff0c; and maintainers.


why we need Web3.0
Web1.0 open protocol to make the Internet possible today. But #xff0c; #xff0c; for real-world software platform services; they are not a complete set of Lego blocks. There are still a lot of agreements missing xff0c; data storage protocols xff0c; data-based computing protocols, etc.


And the technology giant of Web 2.0 goes further xff0c; provides a closed-source version of these missing protocols xff0c; thus establishing a strong business model xff08; this is the essence of their emergence xff09;


Web 2.0 has some of the following features:


The platform’s economy. The platform must eventually move towards a monopoly.


Privacy for services


The data is owned by the platform. The profit from any excavation, processing, etc. of the data is xff0c; owned by the platform


Certain occupations that depend on the platform for survival & #xff0c; on the distribution of benefits of the platform & #xff0c; no pricing rights


Simply put, xff0c; Web 2.0 makes the platform the richest and most powerful xff0c; everyone is working on the platform. This platform mode xff0c; it is unlikely to break through from the inside.


Web2.0, data are entirely controlled by the enterprise #xff0c; there will be problems as follows:


Data are easily leaked. External attacks & #xff0c; leading to data vulnerability to theft. In particular, many companies store data explicitly & #xff0c; if stolen & #xff0c; all information is equivalent to full disclosure.


Data are easily lost. Accidental loss of a business carrier xff0c; or an offensive loss of a hacker xff0c; or data loss due to a business shutdown, etc.


Data can be tampered with. The enterprise has an internal database xff0c; has the highest rights xff0c; theoretically xff0c; can modify any data xff08; e.g. delete malign records xff09; xff0c; even with so-called pure incremental databases.


The data will be reviewed. It's very controversial to examine this thing; it's positive in some respects & #xff0c; it's very negative in others.


Data will be packaged for sale. This is actually a grey business model xff0c; this is not repeated.


Data silos. Competition in the same industry is a particularly serious silo phenomenon xff0c; data interaction is particularly difficult.


The data have so many potential problems xff0c; the central reason is that the data are considered to be the enterprise’s most core asset xff0c; the rules for the use of data and data xff0c; they are entirely controlled by the enterprise. General users have no authority to participate.


From the point of view of Web3.0 & #xff0c; if the data are dependent on people or institutions & #xff0c; and if the data itself are based on open protocols and mathematical algorithms & #xff0c; then it is possible to solve those problems.

从开发者的角度来看Web3.0 。一直以来我们有两种开发模式,一种是你做的是底层的协议,然后通过非营利性质的、公益性的方式来开发的。互联网最初就是由政府和大学机构设计的开放式协议。而且这种方式一开始其实运行得非常好。我们有了 HTTP 协议,TCP/IP 协议,HTML,SMTP(邮件协议),都非常棒。

And thinking about our programmer
from the developer's point of view, Web3.0. We've had two development models & #xff0c; one is that you do bottom protocol & #xff0c; and then it's developed in a not-for-profit, pro bono way. The Internet was originally an open agreement designed by government and university institutions. And it actually worked very well at first. We have the HTTP protocol & #xff0c; TCP/IP protocol & #xff0c; HTML& #xff0c; SMTP (mail protocol) #xff0c; and we've got the HTTP protocol & #xff0c.

但是你看看后面接下来20年的发展,就会发现,好像不太对劲。比如现在 OpenSSL 的问题—— OpenSSL 为全世界互联网用户访问一个网站提供了安全的保证,整个世界,所有上网的人都要依赖 OpenSSL ,它帮你把在网上输入的银行密码、用户密码这些敏感数据做加密,以防被人盗取。但 OpenSSL 后来出现过一个很致命的大 bug ,因为 SSL 只有一群自发的、兼职的程序员在维护。协议这个东西,它背后是没有商业价值的,OpenSSL 已经被抛弃了,因为它没有商业模式,成不了一门生意。所以真正会去做的人很少很少,哪怕它这么重要。

But you look at the next 20 years of development xff0c; you find xff0c; it doesn't seem right. For example, now the OpenSSL problem - OpenSSL provides a secure guarantee for Internet users around the world to access a website xff0c; the whole world xff0c; all those who access the Internet depend on OpenSSL & #xff0c; it encrypts sensitive data entered online xff0c; it prevents theft; but OpenSSL later appears to have a very deadly big bug & #xff0c; since SSL has only a group of spontaneous, part-time programmers in the process of maintaining this thing xff0c; it has no commercial value xff0c; OpenSSL has been abandoned xff0c; it has no business model xff0c; it has no real business.

第二种开发方式是公司化的,我们有 Facebook 这样的巨头公司在做广告、有阿里巴巴、亚马逊这样的巨头公司在做电商。这些公司都发展得非常之快,他们创造了大量的营收利润,这些利润又会被拿过来继续支撑他们的发展。然后,世界上所有的聪明人、所有技术最好的工程师、所有的资金、生产力、所有人的精力,都被这些非常中心化的系统吸走了;另一方面,很多的个人开发者,或者小的创业公司,它们的生存空间正在被这些中心化的系统和平台一点点的挤掉。他们饱受巨头的“打压”和“追杀”。

The second way of development is corporate xff0c; we have Facebook giants advertising, big companies like Alibaba and Amazon are doing electric power. These companies are all growing very fast xff0c; they generate a lot of profits xff0c; these profits will be taken to support their development. Then xff0c; xff0c; all the world's smart people, all the best skilled engineers, all the money, productivity, all the energy of all xff0c; they've been sucked away by these very central systems; xff0c; many personal developers xff0c; or small start-up companies xff0c; their survival space is being squeezed by these centralized systems and platforms.

要么你被平台直接封杀,这种例子在微信、Twitter、Facebook 上都很常见,要么你运气比较好的话,不会被封杀,但需要付 30% 的过路费给这些平台(苹果的 App Store )。

Either you are directly blocked by the platform xff0c; such examples are common on micro-mail, Twitter, and Facebook xff0c; or you are lucky xff0c; you will not be blocked xff0c; but you will have to pay 30% of the travel costs to these platforms (App Store of Apple).

所以,全世界现在有一群非常不开心的程序员,他们想要一种新的方式去做东西。而这种状况恰好跟Web3.0 的出现相吻合。


So xff0c; there's a very unhappy group of programmers in the world now xff0c; they want to do something in a new way. This situation coincides with the appearance of Web3.0.

link to xff1a; https://blog.csdn.net/ruanjimu/article/details/122072570




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