
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:61 评论:0
以数字货币为名,行网络传销之实,“币圈第一大案”二审宣判。In the name of digital currency, the sale of the Internet was carried out, and the second t...



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In the name of digital currency, the sale of the Internet was carried out, and the second trial judgement was handed down in the “first-largest currency” case.


On 26 November, according to the Supreme Law of China, the People's Intermediate People's Court of the Salt City of Jiangsu province issued a second-instance criminal decision rejecting the appeal and upholding the sentence. According to the first-instance judgement, 14 defendants, including Chen Bo, Tin Zanqing and Peng Yi-chung, were convicted of organizing, leading and selling activities, and the accused, Chen, covering up and concealing the proceeds of crime, were sentenced to two to eleven years'imprisonment and a fine.

该案持续一年多,2018年5月,被告人陈波架设搭建Plus Token平台并开发相关应用程序,开始从事互联网传销犯罪。该平台以区块链技术为噱头、以比特币等数字货币为交易媒介,打着提供数字货币增值服务的幌子,承诺高额返利,吸引广大群众参与。

The case lasted more than a year, and in May 2018, the accused Chen Bo set up the Plus Token platform and developed related applications to begin Internet distribution offences. The platform uses block chain technology as a medium for trading, using digital currency such as Bitcoin, under the guise of providing digital value-added services, promising high returns and engaging the general public.


It has been noted that the original judgement, the seizure of digital currency, is dealt with in accordance with the law and the proceeds and proceeds are confiscated in accordance with the law and handed over to the State Treasury.


According to the decision of the second chamber of the Salt City Central Court, the case involved eight virtual tokens, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Duscoin, Dogcoin, Leitco, Etheria, Marquis, Rapo, etc., which amounted to 14.8 billion yuan.



Plus Token平台此前为“币圈第一大资金盘”,其以区块链技术为噱头、以比特币等数字货币为交易媒介,打着提供数字货币增值服务的幌子,实质是网络传销。

The Plus Token platform, formerly the “first-largest money plate of the currency circle”, uses block chain technology as a conduit for transactions in digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, under the guise of providing digital value-added services, and is essentially a web-based distribution.

今年9月,盐城市中院对Plus Token一案做出一审判决,被告人陈波、丁赞清、彭一轩、谷智江、袁园、陆姣龙、陆万龙、郑敬、王仁虎、贺思思、刘佳、刘帅、彭波、伍见红等14名被告人犯组织、领导传销活动罪,被告人陈滔犯掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得罪,判处二年至十一年不等的有期徒刑,并处罚金。

In September of this year, in the case of Plus Token, a first-instance judgement was handed down in the Central Court of Salt City, in which the accused Chen Bo, Tin Zanqing, Peng Yijun, Guang Jiejiang, Yuan Park, Lu Yong, Lu Wanlong, Zheng Jing, Wang In-ho, Hossein, Liu Jia, Liu Sang-han, Pengbo, Woo-Hung, etc., were convicted of organizing, leading and distributing the proceeds of the crime. The accused Chen was convicted of concealing and concealing the proceeds of the crime and sentenced to a term of imprisonment ranging from two to eleven years and a fine.


On 26 November, on the basis of the criminal decision of the Salt City Central Court, the Court found that the facts established by the original judgement were clear, that the evidence was authentic, sufficient, that the conviction was accurate, that the sentence was appropriate, that the trial proceedings were lawful, and that the final decision dismissed the appeal and upheld the sentence.

此前,公安部曾公布Plus Token案件相关细节。该案系公安机关侦破的首起以比特币等数字货币为交易媒介的网络传销案,涉及参与人员200余万人,层级关系多达3000余层,涉案数字货币总值逾400亿元。

Prior to that, the Ministry of Public Security published details of the case of Plus Token. This case was the first to be detected by the public security organs in a cyber-distribution case using digital currency such as Bitcoin as a medium for trading, involving more than 2 million participants, with a hierarchical relationship of up to 3,000 layers, with a total value of over 40 billion yuan.


According to the decision of the second instance court of Salt City, the case involved eight virtual tokens, namely Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Duscoin, Dogcoin, Leitco, Etheria, grapefruit and Rapo.


According to the Salt City Price Determination Centre, the eight digitized currencies in question were equivalent to 14.8 billion yuan at the lowest prices for the period from 1 May 2018 to 27 June 2019.


Specifically, the electronic billing of the PlusToken platform for transactions for which members paid their digital wallet address was validated by the accounting firm in Ria, Suzhou: as of 27 June 2019, the PlusToken platform collected 314.2 million Bitcoin (BTC) payments from members, 11.7 million Bitcoin (BCH) cash (BCH), 9.6 million DASH (DASH), 11.6 billion dog coins (DOGE), 18.477 million Lightcoin (LTC), 91.742 million in Ethio (ETH), 0.51 million in Mayan (EOS) and 928 million in Ribbon (XRP).


It is worth noting that after 28 June 2019, illegal digital currencies were transferred to the Platform's wallet addresses, totalling 6349.06 in Bitcoin (BTC), 1864.15 in Bit cash (BCH), 1671.83 in DASH, 3556 million in dog coins (DOGE), 233,000 in LTC, 829,000 in Etheria (ETH), 110.86 million in bronze (EOS) and 87.63 million in Riponi (XRP).


Web distribution process exposed

随着终审裁定书的披露,Plus Token一案的网络传销过程也曝光。

With the disclosure of the final decision, the Internet distribution process in the Plus Token case was also exposed.


According to the decision of the Salt City Central Court, in early 2018, the accused Chen Bo planned, under the concept of a block chain, a distribution campaign on the Internet on the PlusToken platform, which engaged the accused Zhengzheng, the Wang In-ho team to develop, operate and maintain the APP and establish a site called www.plToken.io, which was officially launched on 1 May 2018.


At the same time, the accused Chen Bo, Tin Zanqing, Peng Ixiang and Goo Jigang formed the PlusToken Platform's highest market promotion team, the community of the All-China Alliance, to disseminate information on the PlusToken platform, the bonus system, the operating model, etc., by means of information materials such as micro-messages, the Internet, occasional meetings, concerts, tourism, etc., and to create, exaggerate and promote the platform's strengths and prospects for profit.


Beginning in May 2018, the accused Chen Bo, Yuan Park recruited the accused Liu, Chen Tao, Hossi, Liu Jia, Pempo, Lu Lulong and Wu Hsang Hung to serve on the PlusToken platform and to dial up the money. In August 2018, at the invitation of the accused Tin Zanqing, the accused Kanlong joined the Plus Token platform and was responsible for introducing and docking with the organizers of other sector chain activities, the media and promoting the platform to increase its impact.


In the name of providing digital value-added services, the platform claims to have a “smart dog moving” function (i.e. trading arbitrage on different exchanges and earning differential prices) and does not actually have that function. Participants are required to obtain the platform’s membership number through online referrals, pay digital money worth more than $500 as a threshold fee, and open the “smart dog” in order to obtain the platform’s benefits. Members form a lower- and upper-line level in the order of recommended development, and divide their membership into ordinary members, large-scale members, large-scale corporations, large-scale corporations, large-scale gods, and five world-breaking classes, with three main revenue options: smart brick-shifting proceeds, linked gains, high-management gains, and so on, either directly or indirectly, the number of development personnel and the amount of contributions as a basis for return.


In January 2019, in an attempt to evade the law, Chen Bo and Yuan Park moved the Platform's client service group and the Dialup team to Sihanouk City, Cambodia, and continued their distribution activities on the PlusToken platform.


From 6 April 2018 to 27 June 2019, the Plastoken platform, which was validated by the Electronic Data Forensic Centre of Shanghai Star, recorded a total of 2693,494 registered member accounts (repeated account numbers removed from identity cards), of which 159,4871 were certified accounts, with a maximum level of 32.93 floors.


In addition, from 27 to 28 June 2019, Chen was actively involved in conspiring with land dragons, transferring, harbouring 1378 bitcoin (BTC), 112 DASH, 1,224,000 dog coins (DOGE), 3334 Lightcoin (LTC), 397 Bit cash (BCH), 300,000 grapes (EOS) and 2777, knowing that the head of the PlusToken platform was captured by the public security authorities and that the related digital currency was the proceeds of crime.


The sum of 150 million yuan won at the time of the incident is particularly significant. After the defendant was taken into custody by the investigating authorities, 450 bitcoins were exchanged and transferred. As a result of the above-mentioned defendants’ concealment and transfer, 456 bitcoins, 57311.4 grapes and 911 talismans could not be recovered.


Following the case, on 5 July 2019, the accused Chen Bo, Tin Zanqing, Peng Yijun, Yuan Park and Wang In-ho were arrested after being repatriated from Vanuatu; on 28 June of the same year, the accused Guo Ji Gang was arrested in Hunnan; on 29 June, the accused Pempo was arrested at Hong Kong's West Kowloon Crossing; on 5 July, the accused Liu Jia returned to the country; on 31 July, the accused Lukwan Long was arrested after being repatriated from Cambodia; on 13 August, the accused Zhengcheng was arrested in Changsa; on 15 August, the accused Liu and Chen Chou arrived by telephone; and on 23 August, the accused Luang Yong, Hessi and Wu saw the surrender of the accused, all of whom were presented as the main facts of the crime.


It should be noted that, to date, no central bank in the world has introduced a sovereign “digital currency”.


In December 2013, five ministries, including the People’s Bank, issued a Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, which states that, although Bitcoin is referred to as a “currency”, it is not a currency in the real sense because it is not issued by the monetary authorities, it has no legal and compulsory monetary attributes. By its very nature, Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity, with no legal status equivalent to that of currency, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.

(作者:辛继召,实习生雷思敏 编辑:周鹏峰)





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