
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:75 评论:0
以太坊(ETH)周三上涨 4.06%,部分扭转了周二美国 CPI 报告引发的抛售。The increase of 4.06% on Wednesdays in the Etherayas partly reverses the...



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以太坊(ETH)周三上涨 4.06%,部分扭转了周二美国 CPI 报告引发的抛售。

The increase of 4.06% on Wednesdays in the Etherayas partly reverses the sale triggered by Tuesday's U.S. CPI report.


Investors supported the sentiment of the merger and the soft bet of one percentage point interest increase on the Fed.

然而,技术指标看跌。ETH 位于 200 天均线下方,目前为 1,639 美元。

Technical indicators, however, are falling. The ETH is below the 200-megameter line, currently at $1,639.

周三,以太坊 (以太坊) 上涨 4.06%。ETH 部分扭转了周二 8.27% 的跌幅,收于 1,639 美元。

On Wednesday, the Etherium rose by 4.06%. The ETH partially reversed the fall of 8.27% on Tuesday, at $1,639.

经过一个上午的区间震荡后,ETH 跌至午后低点 1,553 美元。避开第一个主要支撑位 (S1) 1,504 美元,ETH 反弹至尾盘高点 1,649 美元。然而,由于低于第一个主要阻力位 (R1) 的 1,704 美元,ETH 回落至收盘价低于 1,640 美元。

After a morning tremor, ETH fell to a low of $1,553 in the afternoon. Avoiding the first primary support position (S1) of $1,504, ETH rebounding to a high point of $1,649. However, because it was below the first major resistance (R1) of $1,704, ETH fell to a lower collection price of $1,640.

对今天以太坊合并的看涨情绪提供了支撑。虽然 ETH 上涨了 4.06%,但 ravencoin (RVN) 和以太坊经典 (ETC) 分别上涨 17.44% 和 11.23%,反映了合并对更广泛的加密市场的影响。

This is supported by today’s Etherm merger. Although ETH has risen by 4.06%, Ravencoin (RVN) and Etherms (ETC) have risen by 17.44% and 11.23%, respectively, reflecting the impact of the merger on the wider encryption market.

然而,今天早上,投资者的焦虑袭击了 ETH 和更广泛的加密市场。向权益证明 (PoS) 协议的平稳过渡将支持看涨会议。

This morning, however, investors’ anxiety hit the ETH and the wider encryption market. A smooth transition to the PoS agreement would support the event.

距离 2022 年加密日历的最大事件还有不到 120 分钟。如今,以太坊向 PoS 协议的过渡有望将网络的能耗降低 99.95%。

The biggest event of the 2022 encrypted calendar is less than 120 minutes away. Today, the transition to the Pos protocol in Etheria is expected to reduce the energy consumption of the network by 99.95 per cent.

重要的是,向 PoS 协议的转变还将使以太坊区块链不受美国立法者的审查,他们继续针对工作量证明加密货币的碳足迹。

Importantly, the shift to the PoS agreement will also leave the Etheria


The Etherpant merger is only the beginning. The network is planning a series of upgrades to make it more expansionary.



OKX是世界上最值得信赖的加密货币交换应用之一,可以购买比特币(BTC)、以太坊(ETH)、usdt、Shiba Inu(SHIB)、EOS和其他加密货币。

OKX is one of the most trusted encrypted currency exchange applications in the world, with the possibility of purchasing bitcoin (BTC), Etheria (ETH), usdt, Shiba Inu (SHIB), EOS and other encrypted currencies.


是全球首家基于社区共识的数字资产交易平台,完美结合中心化交易所的高性能和去中心化公链的高可靠性的优点。通过公链,实现数字资产安全存储、项目众筹、资产发行,及基于 DPOS 的超级节点决策系统,全方位服务于我们交易平台;同时,拥有强大的研发团队及管理团队,有高频交易的核心技术,经多方认证和检验的内存撮合技术,极限处理速度为 100 万单/秒,在行业内处于领先水平。

It is the world’s first community-based digital asset trading platform, which combines perfectly the high performance of a centralized exchange and the high reliability of decentralized public chains. Through the public chain, the secure storage of digital assets, project crowd-sourcing, asset distribution, and the DPOS-based supernode decision-making system serve our trading platform in all its aspects. At the same time, with a strong research and development team and management team, core technologies for high-frequency transactions, multi-certified and tested interlocking technologies, with a maximum processing speed of 1 million single seconds, are at the forefront of the industry.



The year 2017 was one of many star exchanges.


As the main battleground for grandeurs, the project went on the line ten times as fast as it was, making millions of users in circles full of money.


At 12 p.m. each night, the founders raised the money on the line of a platform.


The increase in a currency is about 100 per cent.


It was the early morning when dopamine and money flew, and desire and self were fully released.


That's the hottest days of every pickle.



It is a top global exchange with world-class block chain technology, regulatory expertise and operational expertise. It has many years of mature experience operating stock trading systems, providing security and user-friendly services at the financial institution level.



A decentralized smart contract trading platform based on the Etherm to provide real-time transactions at a fee of 0.1-0.2 per cent

是基于以太网的分布式智能合同交换,支持实时交易和高交易吞吐量。是最先进的Ethereum DEX,支持限制和管理订单,并且能够同时进行许多交易。

It is based on a distributed smart-contract exchange using Tainet, which supports real-time transactions and high transaction throughput. The most advanced, Etherum DEX, supports the restriction and management of orders and enables many transactions to take place at the same time.



A relatively old international station, the platform supports more currencies and trade depths, while providing a more comprehensive derivative trade with a good overall trading experience.


Over the years, a large number of core users have accumulated around the world, and globalization has advanced better. At the same time, the platform has been operating fairly steadily since it got online, and it has done well in terms of technical security in the absence of thefts.


With the recent acquisition of the platform by the wave, the heat has also continued to rise. From current propaganda, it is likely that the future will follow the path of the IEO to attract traffic or cash out of the platform, and that there may be new ways to play, given Sun Jong-woo's marketing capacity.


7. Faraday


It is a professional digital asset exchange with a Wall Street financial background dedicated to the development and refinement of a new digital asset trading platform for global users.



It's a brand-new exchange with a certain reputation in the currency circle, but it's becoming less and less felt in terms of development. Now, the number of users is far from the peaks of the past.


The platform has a 100% reserve system that provides global users with bank-level security, reliable, easy-to-use block chain asset-trading services, and is dedicated to serving as a gateway to the block chain world. Formerly, it was also a well-known bouncing exchange in the country, where in the United States and elsewhere there are independent centres of operation.


The exchange, which is based on the principle of non-defeating, has attracted and accumulated a large number of fans in the past, although it has a deeper connection with ***, and because of the fact that many people are losing money.


Overall, while the exchange is not well developed, security performance is good and development is slow, but trade is not problematic.


这个交易所的安全性非常高,就犹如交易所中的“铜墙铁壁”一般,不仅具有最基本的短信验证,高级加密等等最基本的安保措施之外,更能通过防止数据伪造High SSL和全年365天无休的24x7服务器检测来防止意外发生。可以说无论在什么情况下,都能在第一时间保护顾客的财产和信息安全,为玩家的比特币交易保驾护航。

This exchange is very secure, as in the case of the “bronze walls” of the exchange, which, in addition to the most basic security measures, such as text message validation, advanced encryption, etc., are more likely to prevent accidents by preventing data counterfeiting of High SSL and continuous 24x7 server testing for 365 days a year. In any case, it can be said that the customer’s property and information security can be protected as a first-time shield for the player’s Bitcoin deal.

在上面交易透明度很高。随时都会产生比特币抛售和购买需求。因其交易量非常大(7月的最高日交易额、8月9号交易量超过了60亿人民币),所以是很值得信赖的一个平台。这一点对于准备进行虚拟货币交易的初级者来说可是很重要的一部分。另外,还有一个TIP要告诉大家~ 如果在进行虚拟货币比特币交易的话,可以获得意外的“溢价”哦.

There is a high degree of transparency in the transactions. There is always a demand for Bitcoins to sell and buy. It is a trusted platform because of its very large volume (the highest volume in July, the 9th in August was more than 6 billion yuan). This can be an important part of the initials who are preparing to conduct virtual currency transactions.


The third advantage is that it provides users with an environment in which transactions can be made at the best price, allowing them to enjoy 0.01% ~0.075% of the fees after becoming members. This is certainly a relief for users.



The biggest exchange in the world.


Reason for selection:

1.如果您想使用数字货币,请认准顶尖的数字资产交易平台, 为新手、高级交易者和机构用户提供工具。

1. If you want to use a digital currency, identify the top digital asset trading platform and provide tools for newcomers, senior traders and institutional users.


2. It is the largest currency exchange in the world.


And it's a lot of people who like to play with futures. Of course there's no way in the currency circle to call it a future. It's a contract, but everyone knows it.


The strategy has been very effective, because it is easier to make money on futures and can leverage more money with less manpower. Over time, it has become a sign of currency futures.


4. The contract is multi-fold and is well known for its share and attracts numerous futures players.


There are large households with huge amounts of money, and there is real market stickyness, which is worth learning from other contractual platforms.




1. If it is a contract, it is not possible to ignore the needle. The needle is the focus of the rim disease. Every time it is mentioned, the first reaction of many people is to think of the camera where the grandmother holds a needle.


2. There have also been some unusual amounts of currency, but the market is not loud and may also be related to the composition of the user's structure. After all, contract players may not be so cold on some of the new currencies, but they can also keep up with the speed of the fall, not to do so, which can be done.


3. It is true that there are no fewer cases of people who are highly mobile and mobile, many of whom have some opinion of the first-hand and others who simply stand on their own feet and fight.



If you have questions, send an e-mail to:




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