比特币跌破7000美元 央行出手打击虚拟货币交易

资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:52 评论:0
原标题:中国出手打击,数字货币大跌!比特币破7000美元Original title: China hit and digital currency fell!交易平台Bitstamp数据显示,北京时间11月22日周五晚10点15分...



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Original title: China hit and digital currency fell!


The trading platform Bitstamp data show that on Friday, 22 November Beijing time, at around 10.15 p.m., the world's largest digital currency, Bitcoin, dropped shortly, once below $6,800, with a 24-hour drop reaching 13 per cent, continuing at a new low of nearly six months.


This is the first time that Bitcoin has fallen in full digits of $7,000 since May of this year. It has fallen eight days in a row. It has returned completely to its full increase since late October, with the past five transactions falling by more than 20 per cent a day, but it has risen by almost 90 per cent since this year.


According to the information and trade platform CoinMarketCap.com, the top ten digital currencies with market value fell collectively on Fridays, were bled out, and the price was flat this week. Bitcoin fell within the cash week, and bitcoin fell by the second largest single week in a year.


As a result of the fall in bitcoin prices, and against the backdrop of the majority increase in stock over Friday, the block-chain concept fell by more than 2 per cent in the early days of the United States stock market, with more than 1 per cent in content and 14 per cent in Kana, who had just gone to the United States on Thursday.


On November 22, the Central Bank’s Shanghai headquarters announced that it would step up its surveillance and control efforts to combat virtual currency transactions. Next, the Shanghai Joint Financial Stability Conference Office and the Shanghai headquarters of the People’s Bank will continue to monitor virtual currency operations in China.


The Xinhua Society has also written that it is determined to combat the “closing of evil roads” and directs the block chain to “open the front door”. The relevant sector is active, “closing the door” while “opening the front” and, on the one hand, stepping up the fight against the “couple” and, on the other hand, directing the block chain to soundly explore and apply it in the financial field, leading it to play a more useful role in solving the difficulties and pains of the real economy.


Also, according to the Chinese Securities Bulletin, there have been rumours on the Internet in recent days that “the ban imposed in 2017 by seven sectors, including the Central Bank and others, which included the prohibition of any organization or individual from engaging in the illegal financing of the issuance of money in exchange”, has been lifted, according to authoritative sources. Those close to the office of the Financial Risk Task Force on the Internet said, “Our general policy on the 94 ban remains unchanged, and we will intensify our efforts to find one together and to dispose of it in a timely manner.”


Then, according to Chinese sources, Beijing has fought heavily against virtual currency transactions and has kept its grip on high-handedness. In recent days, the Beijing police have uncovered a case of fraud by the illegal digital money exchange BISS, arresting dozens of suspects, and using it as a powerful deterrent to illegal institutions and to sound alarm bells for a wide range of investors.


In recent times, it has been reported that there have been signs of a rise in the promotion of block-chain technology and virtual currency booms, with some enterprises organizing virtual currency transactions in the country under the name of “block-chain innovation”; issuing virtual currencies in the form of “x-currency”, “xx-chain-applications”, “xx-chains”, etc., and issuing white papers, falsely using ecology, collecting funds or virtual monetary assets, such as Bitcoin, and Etheria; providing publicity, channeling, brokering services, etc., for ICO projects registered abroad, virtual money-trading platforms, and even the appearance of individual illegal institutions that have used the name of the People's Bank to issue or promote legal digital currency, and defraud investors of their money with “legal digital currency”.


Since late October, the block chain concept has strenched, triggering a sharp rise in digital currency prices led by bitcoin, which surged by more than 40% in two trading days, at a price of more than $10,000. Since then, news has come of the People’s Bank of China’s plan to study central banks’ digital currencies, with investors betting on other virtual currencies accelerating acceptance in mainstream markets.


But on Thursday, Bitcoin fell down the 200-day average, turning the market mood gradually to low and negative. Analysis suggests that the end-of-year holidays are approaching, that much of what is expected is a cash settlement tool such as Bakkt, and that, at the technical level, there is more evidence of empty signals that bitcoin price pressure is short-term or unmitigable.

比特币跌破7000美元24小时累计跌超10% 到底发生了什么?

What's going on?


Bitcoin fell by $7,000 a time, freshly low since 17 May, and the total global market value of encrypted currencies fell by $200 billion.

周五,据比特币交易平台Coinbase报价显示,比特币一度跌破7000美元/枚,刷新5月17日以来新低。随后稍有回升,重返7000美元上方,日内跌幅超7%,过去24小时累计跌超10% 。

Friday, according to a bid from Coinbase, the Bitcoin trading platform, Bitcoin fell at a time of $7,000 per item, refreshing a new low since May 17. After that, it recovered slightly, returning to over $7,000, falling by over 7 per cent in the day and cumulatively by over 10 per cent in the last 24 hours.


The Currency World monitors that, with the collapse of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoins, the total market value of global encrypted currencies fell by about $200 billion to approximately 1991-09 million. The market for encrypted currencies ranked first by bitcoins, with a market value of about $13,085 million and a current market value of 66 per cent; the second in Tails, with a market value of $16,652 million; and the third in Ripauco, with a total market value of $10,302 million.


Yesterday, bitcoin prices suddenly fell in New York and quickly lost the $8,000 mark. This, perhaps, augurs well for the end of a wave of sudden surges that began on October 25th. Let us look at the factors that led to a sharp drop in bitcoins.

部分矿工关机 比特币交投清淡

[some miners shut down] Bitcoin drops lightly. ]


Earlier this week, it was reported that some miners had to “stop” because the price of bitcoin had remained unchanged, which, in the view of analysts, had created a pessimistic atmosphere for the encrypted currency market.

Quantum Economics.io创办人Mati Greenspan认为,加密货币市场近来一片死寂,10月的中国区块链利好效应已经完全消失。受到低交易量和低流动性的潜在影响,少量买家或卖家的一次大单,就可能造成价格上的剧烈波动,投资者必须加以提防。

Quantum Economics.io’s founder, Mati Greenspan, argued that the market for encrypted money had recently been dead, and that the positive effects of the Chinese block chain in October had completely disappeared. A single large bill of small buyers or sellers could cause price volatility, and investors must guard against it.

监管部门加大监管防控力度 打击虚拟货币交易

[The regulatory authority of increases regulatory controls to counter virtual currency transactions ]


On the news, a number of measures have recently been put in place in the country to address the risk of currency speculation, which puts downward pressure on encrypted currencies such as bitcoin.


On 22 November, the Shanghai headquarters of the People’s Bank stated that in recent years, the counterfeiting of virtual currency-related counterfeits (such as ICO, IFO, IEO, IMO, and STO) has been a source of speculation, price booms and sharp drops, and risks have been rapidly gathering. The financing entities concerned have seriously disrupted the economic and financial order through the illegal sale, circulation, collection of funds from investors, or virtual currency such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc., which is essentially an unauthorized act of public financing, the illegal sale of currency coupons, the illegal issuance of securities, and illegal offences such as the collection of funds, financial fraud, and distribution.


In addition, on 21 November, the Office of the Steering Group for the Specialized Management of Internet Financial Risks in Shenzhen City issued a Risk Alert on Protection against Illegal Activities in the “Virtual Currency” which states that illegal activities such as virtual currency transactions will be checked for evidence.


On 21 November, Xinhua also sent a letter stating that some people were using the name of the block chain for fraud, such as “creeching” digital currency, issuing worthless “air coins”, and selling it under the banner of the block chain.

责任编辑:周晶晶 CN032



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