高性价比主流皮卡对比 上汽大通MAXUS T70 /长城炮/五十铃D-MAX

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:104 评论:0



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As consumption rises, people have moved away from their inherent car-picking thinking and are no longer satisfied with day-to-day locomotive or homogenous car-use scenarios. The choice of a multipurpose and more playable car has become a dream for many. Here, the leather truck may be a good option. In fact, the leather truck model has been favoured by a growing number of young consumers in recent years, thanks to hegemonic appearances, excellent passivity and loading capacity, rich functional outreach, and transformation potential. But in the face of the many leather trucks on the market, how do we choose for ordinary consumers?

入围本次对比的三款车型为:上汽大通MAXUS T70 、长城(图片|配置|询价)、五十铃D-MAX(图片|配置|询价)。它们各自都有着鲜明的特点和定位,且都具备较高的人气和关注度。通过在同价位区间车型的横向对比,从中挑选到更适合自己的产品。

The three types of vehicle for this comparison are: , ( ; pictures >


Note: The three models selected for this article are in the 2020 model and are sold at a preferential price of no more than RMB 200,000.


When it comes to the leather truck type, the first impression is that it has a wide body, a rough shape, and so on. Depending on the functionality it is given, the leather truck has a very similar physical structure.

上汽大通MAXUS T70


Wall Gun


50-bell D-MAX

外观设计方面,上汽大通MAXUS T70(以下简称:上汽大通 T70) 前脸为多边形进气格栅,与大灯贯穿一体的设计,使车头看上去更加宽大,巨大的“MAXUS”字样的标识为整车增添了不少硬朗之气。长城炮的设计更具辨识度,前脸的熏黑式梯形格栅十分炫酷,此外前保险杠和轮眉的黑色塑料饰板使其充满个性。五十铃D-MAX(以下简称:D-MAX)前进气格栅为双层倒梯形设计,配上粗壮的镀铬饰条,为D-MAX前脸增加了些许力量感,不过车头整体向前聚拢的设计使整车看上去缺少了皮卡车型应有的霸气。外观配置方面,三款车均配有LED远近光大灯和车顶行李架。

The design of the Great Wall cannons is more visible, the black-faced ladders of the front face are so cool that they are full of personality. The 50-bell D-MAX (hereinafter: D-MAX) forward gas grids are designed to be double-stamped, with thick chrome plating bars on the front of the D-MAX, and they add a certain amount of strength to the front of the car. However, the design of the head as a whole makes the car look like it lacks the weight of a leather truck. On the outside, all three cars are equipped with LEDs that are so close to the lights and top luggage.


In terms of body size, T70 has an advantage over the length of the vehicle because it is a long box version of the high-floor chassis, while the axle range of 3470 mm is also preponderant; the Great Wall cannon has slightly better data on the width and height of the vehicle; by contrast, D-MAX, the only joint venture brand of the three vehicles, is completely lower at the data level.

上汽大通MAXUS T70/长城炮/D-MAX

The Great Wall Gun/D-MAX

在轮圈配置上,上汽大通MAXUS T70配备了19英寸多辐轮圈,并采用镂空双色设计,带来更为出众的视觉效果。长城炮则配备了18英寸轮圈,经过熏黑处理后,与轮眉的塑料饰板相呼应更凸显其粗旷的性格;在三款车中D-MAX的轮圈尺寸最小,轮圈规格仅为17英寸,且相较于前两款车型,D-MAX的轮圈样式只能说中规中矩。

On the coil configuration, the upper bus, MAXUS T70, is equipped with 19 inches of irradiation and is designed in two colours, with a more visible visual effect. The Great Wall cannon is equipped with 18 inches of rims, which, after blacking, should be matched with the browsed plastic platings to highlight its coarse character; in three cars, D-MAX has the smallest circle, with a size of only 17 inches, and a circle size of only 17 inches, compared to the first two, and the D-MAX circle style can only be described in the middle of the rules.

小结:外观方面,三款车型的风格各异。上汽大通MAXUS T70外观大气时尚,尤其在进气格栅和轮圈造型方面更具新意;长城炮则采用大量黑化处理,配以大量的外饰板点缀使整车的个性更为突出。相比之下,D-MAX走的是实用路线,在设计上相对保守,车身尺寸方面表现中规中矩。

Summary: On the outside, the style of the three-car type varies. On the top, it is much more innovative to look at the atmosphere at MAXUS T70, especially in the form of gas grids and wheels; the Great Wall cannons are heavily blackened with a large number of coatings to make the whole car more individual. By contrast, D-MAX is a practical route that is relatively conservative in its design and in its size.

上汽大通MAXUS T70


Wall Gun

五十铃 D-MAX

50 bells D-MAX

内饰方面,三款车内饰布局均采用对称式设计,功能划分清晰合理,比较符合工具车注重实用性的产品定位,多功能方向盘都采用皮质包裹保证了握感的舒适性。长城炮配备了全液晶仪表,中控台采用软性材质和皮质包裹,整体科技感和豪华感更强。上汽大通MAXUS T70和D-MAX虽然采用传统的机械式仪表,但考虑到皮卡车型的实用性和可靠性,尤其面对逆光环境下,机械仪表的显示效果会更加清晰直观。此外在配置方面,三款车型都配备了360度全景影像、上坡辅助、陡坡缓降、无钥匙进入及无钥匙启动等实用功能。

In the interior, the interior layouts of the three vehicles are symmetrically designed, with a clear and reasonable delineation of functions, more in line with the functional orientation of the tool vehicles, and the multifunctional steering wheels are equipped with leather wraps to ensure the comfort of the hands. The Wall cannons are equipped with fully liquid crystal meters, the control tables are equipped with soft materials and leather wraps, with a greater overall sense of technology and luxury. While the high-mortex MASXUS T70 and D-MAX use traditional mechanical instruments, they are more visible in the light of the utility and reliability of the leather truck type, especially in the face of reversible light. In addition, in terms of configuration, the three models are equipped with 360-degree full-vision images, uphill aids, steep slope landings, no-key entry and no-key start-up functions.

上汽大通MAXUS T70/长城 炮/五十铃D-MAX

cannons/50 bells D-MAX

多媒体配置方面,上汽大通MAXUS T70、长城炮、D-MAX都配备有中央触控大屏,内置GPS导航系统、车载蓝牙音乐以及USB充电口。上汽大通T70界面图标面积设计较大,且保留了常规的物理按键,对于驾驶中进行操作更加轻松高效。长城炮则更注重科技感的营造,触控屏界面设计比较时尚前卫,但最下方的功能图标较小,在驾驶过程中存在一定的误操作性。D-MAX菜单界面设计比较传统,功能按键在屏幕两侧,且为触控式设计,操作便利性大打折扣。

With regard to multimedia configurations, the upper-bullet MAXUS T70, the Great Wall Gun, the D-MAX are equipped with a central touch screen with a GPS navigation system, car-borne bluetooth music, and the USB charger. The upper-bullet T70 interface is larger in size and retains regular physical buttons, which make it easier and more efficient to operate in a driver. The Great Wall cannon is more focused on creating a sense of technology, the touch-screen interface is more modern, but the lowest functional icon is smaller, and there is a certain amount of error in driving. The D-MAX menu interface is designed in a more traditional way.

小结:内饰和配置上,上汽大通MAXUS T70整体内饰风格比较传统,采用机械仪表+物理按键的设计更偏重日常实用性的考虑;长城炮配备了全液晶仪表盘,在科技配置上显然更为丰富,此外在内饰用料上更显豪华;D-MAX继承了日系车简约精致的设计特点,注重功能性和用车体验。

Summary: On interior and configuration, the overall interior style is more traditional with the upper-bullet Chase MAXUS T70, the design using mechanical instrumentation plus physical buttons is more inclined to day-to-day utility considerations; the Wall cannons are equipped with a fully liquid crystal dashboard, which is clearly richer in technical configuration and more luxurious in interior apparel materials; D-MAX inherits the precise design features of the Japanese car, with a focus on functionality and car experience.

上汽大通MAXUS T70

长城 炮

Wall Guns >/strong


50-bell D-MAX

空间方面,作为皮卡车型,三款车都拥有不俗的空间表现,不过相较于另外两位对手,上汽大通MAXUS T70具备3470mm轴距,理论上具备更宽敞的空间表现。舒适性方面,三款车型座椅均采用皮质包裹,且配备座椅加热功能。在座椅配置方面,长城炮和D-MAX前排驾驶位为6向电动调/副驾驶位为4向电动调节功能,上汽大通T70前排正副驾驶位均为6向电动调节,配置更为厚道。

On the spatial side, as a pick-up truck, the three cars have an unusual spatial performance, although they have a 3470 mm axle range, compared to the other two competitors. On the comfort side, each of the three cars has a cortex and a heating function. On the seating side, the Great Wall cannon and D-MAX have a 6-way electric/sub-pilot modem of 4-way power, and each of the T70 front rows is equipped with a 6-way electric mode.

上汽大通MAXUS T70


Wall Gun


50-bell D-MAX

动力系统方面的对比则是三款车型硬实力的较量。上汽大通MAXUS T70在动力系统方面搭载2.0T涡轮增压汽油发动机,最大功率157kW(214Ps),峰值扭矩350Nm。传动系统方面,与发动机匹配的是8挡自动变速箱。长城炮搭载代号为GW4C20B的2.0T涡轮增压汽油发动机,最大功率140kW(190Ps),峰值扭矩360Nm,传动系统同样匹配8挡自动变速箱。D-MAX搭载的1.9T涡轮增压柴油发动机(代号为RZ4E Hi-Power),最大功率120kW(163Ps),峰值扭矩360Nm。匹配6挡手自一体变速箱。

The power system contrasts with the hard power of the three vehicles. The upper bus MAXUS T70 carries a 2.0T turbo-pressure gasoline engine in the power system, with a maximum power of 157kW (214Ps), with a peak capacity of 350 Nm. In the power system, the engine matches an 8 block ATM. The Great Wall cannon carries a 2.0T turbo-pressureed gasoline engine code-named GW4C20B, with a maximum power of 140 kW (190Ps), a peak of 360 Nm, and the transmission system matches an 8 block ATM. The D-MAX turbo-pressure diesel engine (known as RZ4E Hi-Power), with a maximum power of 120 kW (163 Ps), with a maximum capacity of 360 Nm.

底盘悬挂系统,三款车结构略有不同。长城炮配备前双横臂式独立悬挂/后多连杆整体桥式非独立悬挂,上汽大通MAXUS T70和D-MAX则配备前双叉臂独立悬挂/后钢板弹簧非独立悬挂。三款车型均配备前置四驱系统,且具备不俗的越野通过性。

The Great Wall cannons are equipped with the first two-hand arms stand-alone/post-post full bridge non-independent, and the upper mains, MAXUS T70 and D-MAX, are equipped with the first two-fork arms stand-alone/post steel springs. All three vehicles are equipped with the front four-drive system and have an unusual cross-country pass.

小结:动力系统方面,上汽大通MAXUS T70动力配置更加丰富,除了以上提到的配置外,还提供有2.0T汽油发动机匹配6速手动变速箱、2.0T柴油发动机匹配6速手动或6速自动变速箱,以及2.4L自然吸气发动机匹配5挡手动变速箱可选;长城炮则提供2.0T汽油和2.0T柴油两个动力版本的选择;相比之下,D-MAX仅提供有1.9T柴油版车型,给消费者的选择余地相对受限。

Summary: For power systems, the upper-megaton MAXUS T70 power configuration is richer and, in addition to the above-mentioned configurations, the 2.0T petrol engine is available to match the 6-speed manual change box, the 2.0T diesel engine to the 6-speed or 6-speed automatic change box, and the 2.4L natural inhal engine to the 5-block change box is optional; the Great Wall cannon provides the choice of the 2.0T gasoline and 2.0T diesel power version; in contrast, D-MAX provides only the 1.9T diesel version of the vehicle, with relatively limited choice for consumers.


At the end of the sentence, writes: it is not difficult to identify the characteristics and characteristics of each of these three vehicles by comparing them horizontally. On the top of the traffic, it is the general atmosphere fashion, conforms to the aesthetics of mainstream consumers, the overall interior design and configuration is more practical, and the diverse power systems are configured to meet the needs of different consumers for the purchase of cars; the Great Wall cannons are more aggressive in their appearance, with their personality, and also their plentiful sense and technical configuration; and D-MAX inherits the traditional Japanese car balance, the pristine interior design, and the approximable style of the interior, and the functional performance of the market. So the question arises as to who is better placed to hold the $200,000 budget?




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