usdt暴跌是怎么回事内幕揭秘 usdt是什么目前存在哪些问题?

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:100 评论:0



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Today, stable currency USDT prices plunged, causing market panic, and bitcoin surged in the afternoon, breaking several gates, 6400, 6500, 7,000, 7500... At the same time, virtual currency such as ETH has risen to 16%, and many have been pushed by this sudden surge.


& ldquao in the steady currency; the master & rdquao; and the USDT, too? So, what currency can we trust in in the market of digital money?

usdt暴跌是怎么回事内幕揭秘 usdt是什么目前存在哪些问题? 

usdt > what's the current problem? / > & nbsp;</p>
<p>USDT究竟靠不靠谱?</p><p>What's wrong with USDT?</p>
<p>由于入场较早,提到稳定币我们往往最先想到的就是USDT,即泰达币,它是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(简称USDT),1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。</p><p>Due to early entry, the first thing that we often think of about stabilizing the currency is the USDT, the Tedar, which is a Tether-based, stable value dollar (USD) token, Tether USD, 1USDT = US$ 1, which is readily available to users for 1:1 conversion with USD.</p>
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usdt > what's the current problem with usdt? & nbsp;

Tether 公司号称遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1个USDT 代币,其银行账户都会有1美元的资金保障。目前 USDT 已经成为主流交易所的基础锚定货币,拥有20亿美金的流通量。

Tether claims to be in compliance with the 1:1 reserve guarantee that its bank account will have a $1 guarantee for every USDT token issued. Currently, USDT has become the backbone currency of the mainstream exchange, with $2 billion in circulation.


However, wedt has also been the subject of controversy, owing to the lack of a regular audit plan for the USDT, its centralization and suspected arbitrary increase and the lack of transparency in the United States dollar reserves of bank accounts.


In February of this year, an audio file circulated on the Internet by Tether and a senior official of Bitfinex alleged that Tether had repeatedly over-distributed USDT for the purchase of bitcoin and the manufacture of &ldquao for investors; that a large amount of assets had entered the market and that bitcoin prices would continue to be high & & rdquao; and that there was an illusion that there was no cost for Tether, which had once plunged USDT and Tether into a whirlwind of public opinion.


In addition, negative issues such as defaults in banks working with Tether and a collapse in reserve assets continue to erupt. Several collapses are also undermining users’ trust in them.


Some of the new and stable currencies that emerge in the market.


The year 2108 can be described as the year of currency stability, which has been fuelled by the volatility of the market for encrypted currency.


& & ldquo; Is it new or not? & & rdquao; has been a hot topic of discussion in the currency circles, and several new stable currencies have emerged over the past few months with a strong background enough to pose a threat to USDT.

其中,GUSD与PAX均是由美国纽约金融服务局(NYDFS)批准发行的稳定币,GUSD由加密货币交易所Gemini发行,基于以太坊的 ERC20 协议,可以在全球范围内自由流动。

Among them, both GUSD and PAX are stable currencies approved by the New York Financial Services Authority (NYDFS) of the United States, and GUSD is issued by Gemini, an encrypted currency exchange, based on the ERC20 agreement of Etheria, which allows for global free movement.


PAX (PaxosStandard) is issued by Paxos, a block chain start-up company, with the aim of providing & ldquao; digital cash substitutes & & rdquao; and providing liquidity for investors trading in encrypted assets for immediate transaction settlement for all asset classes.


The distribution, circulation, and trading of GUSD is based entirely on the regulatory framework of the US government. But, behind GUSD & ldquao; US conspiracy theory & rdquao; and chillingly, the US government-backed stable currency is thought to be the US global & ldquao; tools & & rdquao;

TUSD是由币安发起的,目前的市值只占 USDT 250 分之一。币安的稳定币也并不稳定,曾在5月份发生暴涨暴跌的现象。

TUSD is initiated by currency security, which currently accounts for only 250% of the USDT. The currency’s stability is also unstable, with a surge and collapse in May.

usdt暴跌是怎么回事内幕揭秘 usdt是什么目前存在哪些问题? 

usdt > what's the current problem? / > & nbsp;</p>
<p>USDC是由 Circle公司发行,Circle是高盛旗下的初创公司,曾被比特大陆投资,其背景说出来也是很响亮。</p><p>The context in which USDC was issued by the company Circle, an original company under the banner of Goldman Sachs, was once invested in the continent of Bits, is also very strong.</p>
<p>据官方称:USDC是基于ERC-20发行的代币,公司的运营情况完全透明,并与全球政府监管框架保持一致;是“完全抵押的美元稳定币”,允许机构及个人投资者以 1:1交换比率将美元换成USDC。</p><p>According to official sources: USDC is based on the currency issued by the ERC-20 and is fully transparent and consistent with the global government regulatory framework; it is & & & & & & & & & & & & & fully mortgaged United States dollar stability & & & & &, allowing institutions and individual investors to exchange the dollar for USDC at the 1:1 ratio.</p>
<p>DAI 作为加密资产抵押型稳定币的代表,DAI完全存在于区块链上,完全去除了对第三方信任中介的需求。用户可通过MakerDAO在以太坊上创建的智能合约平台,抵押其他加密货币来换取相应数量的DAI。DAI的目标是成为与美元保持稳定1:1兑换关系的数字货币。</p><p>The DAI, as representative of the encrypt asset-backed stabilizer, is entirely present in the block chain, completely excluding the need for third-party trusted intermediaries. Users can use the smart contract platform created by MakerDAO at the Etherm to mortgage other encrypted currencies in exchange for the corresponding amount of DAI. The DAI’s goal is to be a digital currency with a stable 1:1 conversion relationship to the dollar.</p>
<p>GUSD、PAX、TUSD、USDC与USDT不同的是,这四种基于以太坊的稳定币都是可审计且合规的。</p><p>Unlike GUSD, PAX, TUSD, USDC and USDT, the four stable currencies based on the Taiku are auditable and compliant.</p>
<p>稳定币的大量涌现说明存在市场需求,但市场需要的是一种受监管的、真正稳定的、可审计以及透明的稳定币。</p><p>The proliferation of stable currencies is indicative of the existence of market demand, but what the market needs is a regulated, truly stable, auditable and transparent currency of stability.</p>
<p>今天USDT的下跌,虽然引发了大量的抛售,但短时间内,稳定币的市场格局不会有大的变化,USDT毕竟拥有目前最大的稳定币市值,用户基数庞大,短时间内不可能崩盘。假如崩盘了,刚刚起步的新兴稳定币能接的住吗?未必!</p><p>Today, the decline of the USDT, which triggered a large sale, will not change the market pattern of the stable currency in a short period of time. After all, the USDT has the largest stable currency market value, its user base is large, and it is unlikely to collapse in a short period of time.</p>
<p>稳定币目前存在的问题</p><p>The current problem of stabilizing the currency.</p>
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usdt and nbsp;


Stable currency is not stable. This is a question that has long been questioned, and the decline in the USDT today raises questions about the stability of a stable currency.


In conclusion, there are three problems in stabilizing the currency:


First, the financial columnist Shaw said that there were two risks to stabilizing the currency, one credit risk and the other systemic risk.


Second, monetary stability is not yet as effective as it should be. Most stable currencies, taken together, have been pulled up or collapsed.


Thirdly, the cost of stabilizing the currency is low, easy to manipulate and risky.


However, the price volatility of a virtual currency is too high to function as a French currency, while a stable currency can provide a solution to the problem of virtual currency fluctuations, providing possibilities for decentralized insurance, foreign exchange pairings, etc. Perhaps, once the problems have been resolved, a stable currency can also play its own value.


PS: In the face of market volatility, the stability of both the USDT and the emerging stable currency is simply impossible to talk about. The market that was sold as a result of the fall of the USDT may also be a peddler’s conduct, so investors should be careful to avoid risks.




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