好的区块链项目,都有这三个共同点 | 人人都是产品经理

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:129 评论:0
就算区块链是风口,“区块链” 这三个字也不是万能钥匙、更不是免死金牌。Even if the block chain is the wind, the word "block chain"...



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就算区块链是风口,“区块链” 这三个字也不是万能钥匙、更不是免死金牌。

Even if the block chain is the wind, the word "block chain" is not the key, let alone the death-free gold.

  • 韩国有近 10% 的人参与加密货币交易;
  • 日本 350 万人参与加密货币参与;
  • 我们的大妈都跑到三亚参加区块链峰会了……


Almost 10% of Koreans are involved in encrypt currency transactions;

  • Japan 3.5 million people are involved in encrypt currency;
  • our mother-in-law all went to Sanya for the block chain summit...
  • Do you think the Asian people only love quizzes?

    就在这个月 10 号,工信部电子工业标准化研究院区块链研究室主任李鸣接受《经济参考报》记者采访时表示,我国已经开始建立区块链国家标准,以从顶层设计推动区块链标准体系建设,预计最快将于 2019 年底完成标准的建设;

    Just this month, on the 10th day of the month, the Director of the Block Chain Research Unit of the Institute for Standardization of the Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Trade and Communications, Li Ming, in an interview with a journalist from the Economic Reference Journal, stated that


    Our neighbors, Japan and Korea, also have high temperatures of encrypted currency:


    The Japanese regulatory authority at has carried out numerous in-depth studies: in late last month, the Japan Financial Office also convened a second research session on cryptographic currency exchanges to discuss exchange entry conditions, the difficulty of registering for review, and how to deal with anonymous encrypted currencies.

    韩国,小探在之前的一篇文章里提到了加密货币在当地的热度:按人口算,韩国近有近 10% 的人参与加密货币的交易。

    In Korea , in a previous article, Snob mentioned the local heat of the encrypted currency: by population, nearly 10% of Koreans are involved in the trade in the encrypted currency.


    Singapore , the leading economic leader of international financial ports and South-East Asia, has also referred on various occasions to the support for the development of the block chain: last month, at the ASEAN Finance Ministers' Meeting, Singapore Finance Minister Hsien Rigga reaffirmed Singapore's block-chain development plan and offered to place Singapore at the forefront of the regional chain competition.

    有了政策的支持,有了蜂涌的人群,当然离不开优质的项目。在大家对“空气币”、“白皮书公司”的质疑声中,密探今天就来教你区分,什么是优质的区块链项目。值得一提的是,在全球范围内有影响力、优质的区块链项目中,不少都是亚洲团队做的,比如 NEO、Qtum、CertiK 等。

    With the support of policy, there is certainly no high-quality project for a crowd of people. In your questioning of "air money" and "white paper", the spies come today to teach you how to distinguish between high-quality block chain projects. is worth mentioning that many of the influential and high-quality block chain projects around the world are made by Asian teams, such as NEO, Qtum, CertiK, etc.

    这些公司背后都有哪些共同特点呢?我们仔细分析一下就会发现,虽然区块链领域很新、泡沫很多,但优质区块链项目和优质的科技创新公司之间,有非常多的相似之处。换句话说,就算区块链是风口,“区块链” 这三个字也不是万能钥匙、更不是免死金牌。

    What are the common features of these companies? A closer look at the area of block chains is new and foamy, but there are a lot of similarities between high-quality block chain projects and high-quality STI companies. In other words, even if the block chain is the wind, the word "block chain" is not a panacea key, let alone a death-free gold medal.


    There are a large number of start-ups in the block chain area who want to be a few well-recognized quality projects, and how can there be no three axes?

    以 Quantstamp、CertiK 为代表的区块链项目,就是 “用理论基础取胜” 的代表。

    The block chain project, which is represented by Quantstamp, CertiK, is a representative of “the theoretical basis for winning”.

    我们先从Quantstamp说起。Quantstamp 是一个基于以太坊的、专门检查智能合约的安全审计协议,也是目前唯一一家被全球顶级孵化器 YC 支持的项目!

    Let's start with Quantstamp. Quantstamp is a security audit agreement based on Ether's special inspection of smart contracts, and is the only project currently supported by the top global incubator YC!

    其实,做智能合约审计/简化的项目不少,比如 Etherparty、BlockCat、ZeeplinOS 等。那么,为什么只有 Quantstamp 被 YC 看中了呢?

    In fact, there are a lot of smart contract audits/simplified projects like Etherparty, BlockCat, ZepelinOS, etc. Why is it that only Quantstamp is seen by YC?


    It is on the basis of solid and well-established theoretical foundations.

    智能合约就是一段程序 —— 和任何程序一样,都有可能有 bug 和漏洞。在人人都在谈论资产上链的今天,一个智能合约的漏洞,很可能损失价值千万级、甚至更高的数字货币。如果安全无法确保,区块链资产就无从谈起。Quantstamp 就是来“检查” 这些智能合约的区块链项目。

    Smart contracts are a program – like any program – with possible bugs and holes. Today, when everyone is talking about the asset chain, a gap in a smart contract is likely to lose tens of thousands of grades, or even higher, of digital currency. There is no way to talk about block-chain assets if security is not assured. Quantstamp is just a block-chain project to “check” these smart contracts.

    Quantstamp 主要就做两件事:

    Quantstamp does two things:

    • 第一,它是一个用于检查 Solidity 程序的、可升级的软件验证系统;
    • 第二,它的奖励机制给人们主动找智能合约漏洞的“动力”。而其形式化验证、环形签名等,都仅仅围绕这两个主题展开。

    而小探前两周刚刚介绍过的区块链项目CertiK,则是以 “扎实理论基础” 取胜的另一代表。

    And the block chain project CertiK

    Certik 是一家用“形式化验证”(Formal Verification)为智能合约、区块链应用提供安全性服务的公司。

    Certik is a company that provides security services for smart contracts, block chain applications using the Form Verification .

    用 CertiK 联合创始人顾荣辉教授的话说,“形式化验证”就是:用逻辑语言来描述规范,通过严谨的数学推演来检查给定的系统是否满足要求。

    In the words of Professor Yonghui, the co-founder of CertiK, “formatically authenticated” is to describe norms in logical terms and to check whether a given system meets the requirements through rigorous mathematical exercises.


    It's too abstract. How do hackers attack smart contracts?


    Let's give one example: assuming you sold a used car with a smart contract, you wouldn't cross the house until the buyer's money had been transferred into your bank account. But, the hacker found the potential loopholes in the smart contract and pretended that the money was on your account, that the smart contract was fulfilled and triggered, and that you moved automatically, and you gave someone a car for no reason #8230;

    传统方法是:为了堵住可能的漏洞,开发者会预想一些可能的攻击路径,再针对这些情景测试,但如果黑客用了一种开发者没想到的方法,就会被黑,换句话说这种方法虽然 95% 的情况下都可靠,但无法保证 100% 可靠。

    The traditional method of is: , in order to close possible loopholes, developers anticipate possible paths of attack and then test these scenarios, but if hackers use a method that the developers did not expect, it will be blacked, in other words, which, while reliable in 95% of cases, does not guarantee 100% reliability.

    怎么提升最后这 5% 呢?

    How do you raise the last 5%?

    CertiK 采用的形式化验证,就是将智能合约转化成了数学模型,通过对逻辑上的推理演算来验证模型,从而证明智能合约的安全性。你看,一种是每一步都很缜密、严谨的数学逻辑、另一种是靠开发者猜测可能的攻击,哪种安全性更高不言而喻。

    The formalization of CertiK is that transforms an intelligent contract into a mathematical model that validates a model through logical reasoning calculations, thus proving the security of an intelligent contract. You see, one is a sophisticated, rigorous mathematical logic at every step, the other is a developmenter's guess of a possible attack, and which kind of security is much more self-evident.

    可见,扎实的理论基础,正是拉开了最后 5% 差距的原因。对了,这两家公司都会参与6月26日、27日举办的Blockchain Connect Conference,感兴趣的小伙伴,可以直接拉到文末进行购票!

    So a solid theoretical foundation is the reason for the last 5% gap. By the way, both companies will be involved in the Blockchain Connect Conference on June 26th, 27th, and interested small partners will be able to pull their tickets directly to the end of the document!


    If it's a solid theoretical foundation, or if it's a professional experience. Neither of them is involved. Let's get some sleep.

    Ontology 和 NKN 就是两个 “从业经验丰富” 很好的例子。

    Ontology and NKN are two good examples of "business experience."

    Ontology(本体网络)是一个基础性公有链网体系,意在解决 “信任” 问题。长期以来,“信任” 都是一件高成本的事情,而且往往很耗时、很麻烦(比如,办证),即使我们设定规矩(比如 “不许办假证” 的法律、验证假证的技术),还是有很多信任漏洞(总有些人想办法办假证)。

    Ontologiy (the home network) is a basic public network system intended to solve the problem of “trust. “trust” has long been a costly and often time-consuming and cumbersome (e.g., a certificate), and even if we set the rules (e.g., a “no false certificate” law, the technique of authenticating a false certificate), there are many trust gaps (some try to get a false certificate).

    而且即便一个人的假证被识破,他完全可以换个地方继续行骗。发现问题了没?现在我们虽然有不同的“信任确认渠道”,但这些渠道都是孤立的、“就事论事” 的,渠道和渠道之间没有可信的桥梁,数据也不开放。

    And even if a man's false testimony is discovered, he can continue to cheat in another place. What's wrong with it? Now we have different “trust confirmation channels”, but these channels are isolated, “matter-to-matter”, there is no credible bridge between the channels and the channels, and the data are not open.

    Ontology 做的,就是这个“桥梁”,也是目前最难、价值最高的跨链协议。因此,Ontology 又被称为“链网”:区块链之间的互联网。他们的目标是让大家有 “链接” 与“授权” 自己数据的权利。

    It's the bridge. It's the hardest and most valuable cross-chain protocol at the moment. So, it's called the “link network”: the Internet between blocks. Their goal is to give everyone the right to “link” and “authorize” their own data.

    Ontology 自一问世,就得到了海外媒体的广泛关注:

    Ontology has received a lot of attention from the overseas media since the very first day of his life:

    Ontology 创始人李俊是 Onchain 的联合创始人、核心架构师,后者为Ontology 带来了极大的资源、技术优势。而且,Ontology 由国内领先的区块链技术团队 Onchain 作为技术主导。Onchain 的技术团队成员,从底层系统技术、到业务系统开发,都应对自如、经验丰富。

    The founder of Ontoroy, Lee Joon, is the co-founder and core architect of Onchain, who brings great resources and technical advantages to Ontology. Moreover, Ontology is led by the country’s leading block chain technical team, Onchain.

    另一个例子是 NKN。NKN 是什么呢?小探在之前的这篇文章里介绍过这个项目:

    Another example is NKN. NKN. What is it? This project was introduced by detectives in a previous post:

    如果说以太坊作为去中心化的的计算机平台,Filecoin 作为去中心化的存储网络,那么 NKN 要做的就是下一个去中心化的传输网络。

    If Tairy is used as a decentralised computer platform and Filecoin as a decentralised storage network, then NKN is going to have to do the next decentralised transmission network.

    NKN 团队的业内经验也十分丰富:创始人李彦博是国内顶级区块链公司 Onchain 的联合创始人和NEO的核心开发者,曾成功研发出众多业内项目。此外,Whitfield Diffie 也选择加入 NKN。Whitfield Diffie 是现代密码学之父、也是图灵奖得主。后者多年的行业经验,加上 NKN 创始人李彦博在 Onchain 的开发经历,使得 NKN 一亮相就取得了广泛关注。

    The NKN team also has a great deal of in-house experience: the founder Lee Yingbo, a co-founder of the nation’s top block chain company, Onchain, and the core developer of the NEO, has been successful in developing many in-house projects. In addition, Whitfield Diffie has chosen to join NKN. Whitfield Diffie is the father of modern cryptography and the winner of the Turing Award. The latter’s many years of industry experience, together with the development experience of NKN founder Lee Yingbo in Onchain, has given NKN wide attention at first sight.

    众人拾柴火焰高。区块链项目和互联网公司相比,其“去中心化”、“全球性” 更为明显 —— 而且,这一点不仅体现在项目核心团队上,更体现在社群本身。在下面这几家公认的优质区块链项目里,大部分都有一支国际化的队伍、和一个国际化的社群。

    The block chain project is much more visible than the Internet company’s “decentralized” and “global” – and this is not only on the project’s core team, but also on the community itself. Most of the following recognized high-quality block chain projects have an internationalized team and an internationalized community.

    比如我们刚才提到的 CertiK:其技术团队位于硅谷,工程师也是 Google、Facebook 的“校友”。联合创始人邵中,普林斯顿大学博士、耶鲁大学计算机系系主任/终身教授、中科大名誉院长、清华大学大师讲习团成员,20余年安全领域经验。联合创始人顾荣辉,清华大学本科、耶鲁大学博士、哥伦比亚大学助理教授。这么一支团队,学术实力了得,难怪能让 CertiK 有经得起考验的理论基础。

    For example, CertiK, whose technical team is located in Silicon Valley and whose engineers are “alumni” of Google and Facebook, was mentioned earlier by the co-founders of the joint, Dr. Princeton University, the Dean/Live Professor of the Computer Department at Yale University, the Honorary Dean of China, and a member of the Qinghua University Masters' Lecture Group, who has had more than 20 years of experience in the field of security. The co-founders of the joint co-founders, Qinghua University Benko, Yale University, and Columbia University Assistant Professor.

    再以本文开头的 Ontology 为例:其 50 人的团队里,高达 80% 都是来自 IBM等公司的技术人员。据介绍,团队有些成员有在其它区块链科技公司做架构。而 Quantstamp、区块链视频公司 Lino 等公司,大部分都来自各大藤校。

    For example, at the beginning of this paper, Ontology: 80% of its 50 members are technicians from companies such as IBM. Some members of the team are described as being structured in other sector chain technology companies. Quantstamp, block chain video companies such as Lino, are mostly from various universities.


    These top, top-quality talents have gathered in the area of the block chain and have been able to reflect, on a side-by-side, the unlimited potential of this area.

    当然,由于区块链项目的开源特性,只靠核心团队是建立不了整个社群的 —— “团队优秀就足够了” 这种思维,还是比较 “古典互联网”。

    Of course, because of the open source nature of the block chain project, the entire community cannot be built by the core team alone — the idea that “team is good enough” or a comparison of “classical Internet”.

    玩笑归玩笑,“优质区块链项目往往有不错的海内外社群” 这一点,肯定不是巧合。

    It must not be a coincidence to joke about the fact that "high-quality block chain projects often have good internal and external communities."

    Qtum的海外社区,就是出海的中国区块链项目里运营得最好的之一,尤其是韩国社区。小探在前几天采访韩国交易所 Zeniex 的 CEO 崔敬俊时,他就特别提到了 Qtum 在韩国的受欢迎程度:不仅 Qtum 核心人物帅初在韩国是 “网红”,而且 Qtum 在韩国圈内也是一个家喻户晓的名字。

    The overseas community of Qtum is one of the best-run Chinese block chain projects out of the sea, especially in South Korea. In an interview with CEO Choi Jin Joon of the Korean Exchange Zeniex the previous day, Qtum was mentioned in particular as his popularity in South Korea: not only did Qtum's core figure be “net red” in South Korea, but Qtum was also a popular name in South Korean circles.

    区块链项目这么多,为什么单单 Qtum 颇受欢迎呢?这当然不是巧合。原来,Qtum 十分重视海外社群的发展。我们以韩国为例:韩国本土的区块链项目与中、美相比并不算多,导致本土不少投资者转向韩国海外项目,而在进军韩国的项目中,Qtum 非常注重社群的运营,不论线上、线下,都聚集了韩国一批对于项目充满热情的粉丝,建立了蓬勃发展的生态系统。这么看来,Qtum 在韩国的成功,也顺理成章。

    There are so many block chain projects in South Korea, why is Qtum the only one that is popular? Of course, it's not a coincidence. From now on, Qtum attaches great importance to the development of overseas communities

    Qtum 在韩国的社群

    再说说另一个社群运营得好的内容价值预测平台U Network。 作为一个还比较年轻的项目,U Network 的社群发展得非常迅速:社群粉丝遍布 82 国家,人数一个月内以十倍的速度迅速增长,速度惊人。

    Again, another community operates a well-functioning content-value forecasting platform U Network. As a relatively young project, UNetwork’s community is growing very rapidly: social fans are everywhere in 82 countries, growing at an alarming rate of 10 times the size of a month.

    在区块链的世界里,酒香也怕巷子深。有些项目质量上佳,但海外社群的拓展与运营多少有点不得其法。U Network 的社群运营和小探分享说,尽管粉丝数量一直稳步增长,但其实 U Network 更注重的,反而不是数量,而是粉丝的质量。想入群?可以,但入群有门槛。

    In the world of block chains, the smell of alcohol is also afraid of alleys. Some projects are of good quality, but there is a little bit of a way for the overseas community to expand and operate. UNetwork’s community operations and small-scale explorations say that, while the number of fans has been growing steadily, UNetwork is actually more focused on the quality of fans than on the number.

    此外,U Network 也非常注重和每位粉丝的互动:每个粉丝都会得到项目社群运营工作人员一对一的交流、沟通。所有粉丝对项目的疑问,都会得到回答。而且项目方和粉丝完全透明,每周都会定期和大家汇报项目进展进度。

    In addition, UNetwork focuses very much on interaction with every fan: every fan gets one-on-one communication from the project community operators. All fans answer questions about the project. And the projecters and fans are completely transparent, and every week they report back to you on the progress of the project on a regular basis.

    U Network 对社群运营的上心,也得到了回报:粉丝不仅自发地召集设计师、设计项目相关产品、海报、甚至同人漫画,还有粉丝完全自发地找了区块链媒体、业内有影响力人士为项目点评。

    U Network also received rewards: fans not only spontaneously called up designers, design project-related products, posters, even cartoons of the same person, but also fans completely spontaneously approached block chain media and influential people in the industry to comment on the project.

    看来,如果想做出一个成功的区块链项目,“闭门造车” 是行不通的,不论 Qtum 还是 U Network,都深知 “利用群众的力量”。说到底,区块链项目的 “去中心化” 特性,会使其对 “社区化” 的要求更高。

    It seems that “closing the door” is not an option if a successful block chain project is to be made. Whether Qtum or UNetwork is well aware of “using the power of the masses.” In the end, the “decentralization” character of the block chain project makes it even more demanding that it be “communityized”.


    These block chain projects, to which we have just referred, point to the next step in the development of the block chain: decoupling. From regulators, practitioners, to institutional investors, we have all slowly built this consensus.


    本文由 @硅谷密探(微信公众号 ID : guigudiyixian)) 原创发布于人人都是产品经理。未经许可,禁止转载。

    This post was originally published by @Silica ValleyInspector (WebCh ID:guigudiyixian) as a product manager for everyone.

    题图来自 Pixabay,基于 CC0 协议

    The title is from Pixabay, based on the CC0 protocol.




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      播报编辑《区块链:交易系统开发指南》使用通俗易懂的语言,从技术的角度详细介绍了区块链交易系统应有的功能架构及工作原理,让人们能够张开双臂轻松地拥抱区块链技术,享受区块链交易系统带来的惊喜与成就感。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》共分 7 章,第 1~2 章主要介绍区块链及数字货币的基本概念,以及各种公有链的 API 接口;第3~5 章主要介绍区块链交易系统的分类架构及功能; 6 章主要介绍区块链交易系统面临的问题及演进方向;第 7 章对全书做了总结。《区块链:交易系统开发指南》是...
    • 5.14加密货币价格:BTC突破6.2万美元以太坊和山寨币反映市场情绪

      今天,随着比特币(BTC)的价格突破62 000美元的门槛,顶级加密货币的价格反弹了。 此外,以铁大幅上涨,维持在2 900美元的水平。 此外,其他顶尖山硬币,如索拉纳(SOL )、XRP、卡达诺(ADA )也大幅上涨。    今天密钥加密货币价格 1. 比特币价格    在5月14日星期二撰写本文时,比特币价格上升了2.57%,达到62 487.50美元。 另一方面,在过去24小时内,交易量从65.26 % 急剧上升至277亿美元。 与此同时,加密货币的市场价值为...
    • OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人

      OKEx回应用户质疑:合约交易非期货 平台无机器人
         热点点 自选股份 数据中心 数据中心 研究和资料中心 资金流动 模拟交易 客户客户 具体来说,OKEx回答用户的问题:合同交易不是期货,平台不是机器人。 金融同步化,3月22日。    昨天下午,OKEx公司就维护先前用户线下的权利问题对同步财务公司作出了回应,指出OKEx公司提供的合同交易不是期货交易,在旗下的业务中没有正式的机器人。 同时,OKEX称,它不会以非法为由对任何投资损失索赔作出答复。 答复全文如下: 同步你的财务! 近日来,...
    • 0.00006694个比特币等于多少人民币/美金

      0.00006694比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.00006694比特币等于4.53424784美元/32.5436 16人民币。比特币(BTC)美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000066944.53424784【比特币密码】32.82795436 16比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:490408.64 CNY(1比特币=490408.64人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00006694USDT=0.0004846456 CNY)汇率更新时...