
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:88 评论:0
作为推进时代前进的技术,区块链以一种势不可挡的姿态飞速发展,各种领域的区块链场景纷纷发觉,其相关开发公司也纷纷入局,区块链这项技术正在悄悄的颠覆金融业和人类的生活。As a technology to move th...



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As a technology to move the era forward, the chain of blocks has developed at an unstoppable pace, as has the landscape of clusters in various fields, and its associated development companies, which are quietly destabilizing the financial sector and the lives of human beings.


There is a context in which the block chain solves the problem. We think he solves the problem of trust, that is, where trust is less than trust can be generated through machines.



First, we consider cross-border payments. First, there are very limited channels for digital money and French, and opening an account in Coinbase can exchange this bitcoin for dollars, but it is highly regulated. Second, USDT. USDT is used in major exchanges, but it has a big problem: it is centralized, it is not distributed through a block chain, and the assets are not transparent. Where is the money behind the USDT, which is known as the dollar equivalent, and the accounts? Some say it, but most people don't see it, so we don't know that there are a lot of uncertainties, so there's a big problem.


Also, the USDT is unsupervised. That means today he's happy to send a billion dollars, a hundred billion dollars, and no one can handle him. So he can use USDT to manipulate the market: knowing that tomorrow's $10 billion is going to be released, I'll buy a lot of money. A few days later, I'll buy a lot of bitcoins.


Decentralizing, unsupervised, would be a disaster for the entire market by issuing USDT to institutions that are not publicly responsible. So we need a transparent decentralized currency that can pay globally.



The second applies to MSMEs financing. In the financial sector, the world’s biggest problem is the difficulty of MSMEs financing. Large banks are too expensive to spend time on financing millions and hundreds of thousands of dollars, but it would be helpful if we could create trust in the chain and solve the problems of MSMEs financing.

声音 | 国家互金专委会秘书长:能否有效大规模应用是区块链发展的最大瓶颈:据中国金融信息网消息,4月10日,“2019中国国际区块链技术与应用大会”在深圳召开。国家互联网金融安全技术专家委员会秘书长吴震表示,能否有效大规模应用是区块链发展的最大瓶颈,有三个应用难点,不可替代性,非原生数字资产上链和工程可实施性。此外,他认为要正确看待区块链,充分认识当前发展阶段和区块链美好愿景的巨大差距,着力突破技术瓶颈,避免以偏概全和过于夸大,但也要理性看待,未来的想象空间和发展空间是比较大的。[2019/4/12]

According to the China Financial Information Network, on 10 April, the 2019 China International Conference on Block Chain Technology and Applications was held in Shenzhen. The Secretary-General of the National Technical Expert Committee on Internet Financial Security, Wu Zhen, said that effective large-scale applications were the biggest bottleneck in block chain development, with three hard applications, non-alternative, and non-original digital asset uplinks and engineering. In addition, he believed that it was important to take a proper look at the block chain, fully aware of the wide gap between the current stage of development and the promising vision of the block chain, and to focus on breaking through the technological bottlenecks, avoiding bias and overstatement, but also to think rationally about the larger picture of space and development in the future [2019/4/12].



The block chain can be authenticated, not just as digital gold, but as a coded confirmation of power. Each person's time, each person's credibility, and some of the ways in which each individual interacts with his fans, can be transcribed. Assets are not only translator, but also translator. Turning Obama's time into a translator, he talks to our college for an hour, and I give him 1.5 Obama certificates, which can be traded globally, he can donate his limited pass to a charity, one Obama dollar, and he can donate $150,000.

动态 | 成都市成华区签订总额超320亿的投资合作协议,聚集区块链等热门IP:据人民网报道,3月29日,成都市成华区举行资促进推介活动。会上,13个重大合作项目现场签约入驻六大产业功能区,投资总额超320亿元。涉及文化旅游、文化创意、商务商贸、总部经济、新经济等多个产业门类,聚集了“人工智能”“TOD城市综合开发”“智慧物联网”“大数据”“区块链”等多个热门IP。[2019/3/30]

During the meeting, 13 major cooperation projects were field-contracted in six industrial functional areas, with investments totalling over $32 billion. The multiplicity of industry sectors, such as cultural tourism, cultural creativity, commercial commerce, the head office economy, and the new economy, brought together a number of hot IPs, such as the “Intelligent” “Told City Integrated Development” “Small Data Network” “Big Block Chains”.[2019/3/30]



Moreover, there is a strong argument that one is not aware of: financial data on globalization. So, first, I think we are exploring how to bring financial derivatives to currency transactions. The insurance that we have above, the digital translator issued by the project side, which is three hundred dollars, and two thousand yuan. For many people, the market is huge, the market for global financial derivatives is $12 million. The best-earning exchange in the United States is not Nasdak, not the New York Exchange, but the Chicago Stock Exchange. The threshold for participating in a project is at least one way to bring financial derivatives into currency transactions.


Guo Taijing: Fushcom’s growing block-chain gold flow platform: In his speech, the President of Fushcom Technology Group, Kwok Taejung, spoke about Fushcom’s developing block-chain gold-flow platform, using reliable and encrypted blocks’ chain to perform related work, and concluded that Fushcom was no longer just a substitute, and that the industrial Internet would be at the heart of Fushcom’s business.[2018/5/17]



Some local centralization institutions are either non-existent, poorly done, or costly, and these scenes can be addressed by a block chain. If this place is well-centralized and efficient, there are not too many problems, there is no need for block chain technology. If this centralized technology is not doing well, the cost is high, and we know that there are about 4 billion more people around the world who do not have access to financial services.



I want you to think a lot more about these aspects, and I personally value the impact on this society. We want the technology of block chains to be win-win, not simple circle money, so that, through the trust created by machines, society as a whole can be more trusted and mutually supportive. That is what I think the chain is meant to be.


The world is progressing every day, changing every day, and when the Internet age came, some people were panicking and cheering, and now the Internet has been integrated into every aspect of our lives, changing our food and clothing. And now, based on a new technology born under the Internet, block-chain technology, is also sprung up.


Label: section chain chain chain technology >https://www.qjnu.com/ block chain technology > to read to ask for fees from a




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