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资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:62 评论:0
伊朗宣布规范加密货币市场的新规则The announcement by Iran of new rules regulating the market for encrypted money据pre...



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The announcement by Iran of new rules regulating the market for encrypted money

据presstv 8月4日报道,伊朗内阁批准并于周日公布的一项法案称,政府不会承认在伊朗境内使用加密货币进行的任何贸易活动是合法的。它表示,政府和银行系统不会将数字货币视为合法投标,伊朗央行也不会担保它们的价值。然而,该法案称,在某些条件下在伊朗境内允许数字货币采矿,包括如果矿工获得伊朗工业部的批准;除了首都德黑兰以外,不要在所有省级中心30公里范围内开采;伊斯法罕中心城市适用更严格的限制。声明说,这些矿工还应该遵守伊朗标准化和通信部门为他们使用的机器制定的规则,并为他们开采这些货币所使用的能源支付一定的费用。该法案规定,授权的矿场应该根据伊朗能源出口的价格,对用于发电的电力或天然气收取费用。法案表示,矿场将作为工业制造单位征税,除非他们将从数字货币出口中获得的资金返还给伊朗的经济周期。该法案称,如果外国人想在经济特区建立地下采矿场,伊朗工业部将有权将权力下放给经济特区的有关部门。

On 4 August, it was reported that a bill approved by the Iranian Cabinet and published on Sunday stated that the Government would not recognize as legitimate any trade in encrypted currency in Iran. It stated that the Government and the banking system would not regard digital currency as a legitimate tender and that the Central Bank of Iran would not guarantee their value. However, the bill stated that digital money mining in Iran would be permitted under certain conditions, including if the miners obtained approval from the Iranian Ministry of Industry; that mining would not take place within 30 kilometres of all provincial centres, except in the capital, Tehran; and that stricter restrictions would apply in the city of central Isfahan. The statement stated that those miners should also comply with the rules established by the Iranian standardization and communication services for the machines they use and pay a certain amount of money for the energy they use.


The Anti-Money Laundering Office of Thailand considers amending the law to regulate money-laundering involving encrypted currency

据Bangkok Post消息,泰国反洗钱办公室(Amlo)代理秘书长Preecha Charoensahayanon认为加密货币是反洗钱办公室面临的新挑战,“这将是一个新的洗钱工具”。他认为,犯罪嫌疑人将越来越多地把他们的钱兑换成比特币等数字货币,因为这种虚拟形式将使当局更难追踪其金融交易。“这就是为什么我们正在修改法律,为新的在线任务做准备。”他将首先关注《反洗钱法》,希望增加一个部分,要求加密货币兑换服务提供商向办公室报告活动。这将使Amlo官员能够跟踪货币形式的变化。他表示,如果他们需要追踪互联网平台上的资金活动,这些信息是至关重要的。法律的改变符合规范这些服务提供商的国际标准,并要求他们仔细检查客户的行为,并向当局报告不规范的交易。尽管Amlo官员目前不受理直接涉及虚拟货币的投诉或案件,但他们需要保持警惕。“我们可能找不到任何线索,但这并不意味着不法行为不会发生。”他认为“我们必须为此做好准备”,他指的是需要跟上制造和管理数字货币的高科技。

According to Bangkok Post, Preecha Charoensahyanon, acting Secretary-General of Thailand's Anti-Money Laundering Office, said that cryptographic money was a new challenge for the Anti-Money Laundering Office, “which would be a new money-laundering tool.” He argued that suspects would increasingly convert their money into digital currency, such as bitcoin, as a virtual form would make it more difficult for the authorities to track their financial transactions. “That is why we are amending the law to prepare for a new online mission.” He would focus first on the Anti-Money Laundering Act by adding a section that would require an encrypted money exchange service provider to report its activities to the Office. This would enable Amlo officials to track changes in currency forms. He said that if they needed to track money activities on Internet platforms, it would be vital.


Chairman of CFC: U.S. regulators have been careful not to stifle innovation in the development of encryption

据Cointelegraph消息,针对关于“为何美国还没有成为加密监管的领导者”的提问, 美国商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)主席Heath P. Tarbert表示,美国市场在广度、深度和完整性方面是全球标准。这是创新、精心校准的监管以及有利商业环境之间谨慎平衡的结果。虽然美国的监管格局绝不是完美的,但任何制度总是有权衡的。美国监管机构一直小心翼翼地避免在这个新生空间的发展过程中扼杀创新。在我们前进的过程中,应用坚实的、基于原则的法规来认识新技术(如加密资产和其他21世纪的商品)的变革潜力,将是确保美国自由企业制度仍然是全世界羡慕的关键。

According to Cointelegraph, in response to a question about why the United States has not yet become a leader in encryption regulation, Heath P. Tarbert, Chairman of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), said that the US market is a global standard in terms of breadth, depth, and integrity. This is the result of a careful balance between innovation, carefully calibrated regulation, and an enabling business environment.


Digital finance


View: U.S. regulators have been slow to respond to encryption and block chain custody, but are confident that it will eventually be handled properly

据Cointelegraph消息,对于美国对于加密和区块链领域的监管状况,NYU区块链董事会成员Timothy Paolini表示:“华盛顿(指代监管机构)的繁文缛节、官僚作风等问题比你想象的要严重得多。即使提出问题进行讨论也需要付出巨大的努力,因为总是有无穷无尽的话题在争夺人们的注意力。 此外,可能最大的影响因素是华盛顿目前存在的巨大教育差距。许多监管机构只是现在才开始研究加密和区块链。华盛顿的反应也是出了名的被动,我们在Facebook的Libra计划中就看到了这一点。Libra计划让监管机构完全措手不及,听证会也是仓促不已。尽管如此,我相信美国政府最终会找到解决办法,而且会妥善处理以免扼杀创新,从而(希望)将美国定位为加密监管的标准制定者。”

According to Cointelegraph, in response to US regulation in the area of encryption and block chains, Timothy Paolini, a member of the NYU block chain board, said: “The red tape and bureaucracy in Washington is much more serious than you think.


Encryption companies may lose access to "service provider" domain names

据Coindesk消息,加密公司可能被禁止托管.bank和.insurance域名扩展。域名系统(DNS)注册管理机构fTLD Registry Services宣布,它正在寻求限制通用银行“服务提供商”的DNS扩展。该提案是在加密公司提出的.bank域名申请上升的情况下提出的。最初,.bank域名是为受政府监管的零售银行、储蓄协会、国有银行或银行控股公司保留的。然而,fTLD合规和政策主管Heather Diaz表示:““最近,随着金融服务领域的发展,特别是与提供金融产品/服务的金融科技(如P2P支付提供商,加密货币公司)有关,我们发现一些潜在的注册者寻求领域加强市场监管的实体和/或消费者的合法性。”

According to Coindesk, encryption companies may be barred from hosting.bank and.insurance domain name extensions. FTLD Compliance Services, the registered agency of the Domain Name System (DNS), announced that it was seeking to restrict the DNS expansion of generic banking “service providers”. The proposal was made in the context of an increase in the application for the.bank domain. Initially, the.bank domain was reserved for retail banks, savings associations, state-owned banks or bank holding companies subject to government supervision. However, fTLD compliance and policy manager Heather Diaz stated that “Recently, with developments in the area of financial services, in particular in relation to financial technology for the provision of financial products/services (e.g., P2P payers, cryptographic money companies), we found some potential registrants seeking to strengthen the legitimacy of entities and/or consumers in the field of market regulation.”


The renminbi fell today, and the USDT turned to a negative premium.

据《币世界》行情, USDT目前在火币OTC上现报6.92元,美元兑人民币实时汇率为6.9405元,离岸人民币对美元跌破7元关口,人民币中间价报6.9225元。USDT已经转为负溢价,溢价率现为-0.295%。

According to the Currency World, USDT is now reporting $6.92 on the military tender OTC, the real-time exchange rate of the dollar against the renminbi is $6.9405, and the offshore renminbi has fallen against the dollar by $7, with an intermediate price of $6.9225. The USDT has been converted into a negative premium, and the premium rate is now -0.295%.


Bitcoin's average arithmetic innovation, with an increase over the last two weeks equivalent to 100,000 top-level miners connected.

根据BTC.com的数据,过去两周里,比特币的平均挖矿算力已达到71.43 EH/s,再次创新高,高于7月23日的64.49EH/s。比特币在UTC时间周一2:52在区块高度586672调整挖矿难度,突破了这一门槛,自7月中旬以来跃升了10.78%(即6.94EH/s)。 假设这增加的6.9EH/s算力都来自强大的ASIC矿机,例如比特大陆的AntMiner S17或MicroBT的WhatsMiner M20S,算力都在55 TH/s左右。这意味着,在过去两周内,可能有超过10万台顶级ASIC矿机被接通。此外,鉴于这些产品的售价至少为每台2000美元,这相当于为主要矿商带来了约2亿美元的收入。

According to BTC.com, in the last two weeks, the average mining capacity of Bitcoin has reached 71.43 EH/s, again high in innovation, up from 64.49 EH/s on 23 July. Bitcoin adjusted the difficulty of mining at an altitude of 586672 at the UTC time Monday at 2:52 hours, breaking this threshold by leaping by 10.78 per cent (i.e. 6.94 EH/s) since mid-July, assuming that the additional 6.9 EH/s is derived from powerful ASIC miners, such as Antminer S17 or MicroBT's Whatsminer M20S on Bitland, which is around 55 TH/s. This means that over 100,000 top ASIC machines may have been connected in the last two weeks.


Financial flows & business cooperation


MasterCard is in the process of recruiting the appropriate encryption skills to focus on encryption wallets.

据The Block报道,国际支付系统公司万事达卡(Mastercard)工作委员会表示,该公司正寻求填补三个高级职位的空缺,以领导加密货币领域的工作,重点是支付和钱包解决方案。职位空缺包括两名主管,分别是“产品开发与创新—区块链解决方案架构师”和“产品管理—加密货币/钱包”,以及一名负责区块链产品管理的副总裁。根据职位描述,新员工将“与一个跨职能团队合作,包括特许经营、合规、监管、产品、实验室、地区和技术,以开发新产品和解决方案”。 值得注意的是,其中两份职位描述也提到了“钱包解决方案”,特别是作为这些新员工预计将领导的区块链项目的一部分。这两个岗位还要求候选人具有管理加密货币钱包产品的经验。目前还不清楚这些钱包解决方案会是什么样子。然而,万事达最近与Facebook的合作,可能为其提供一个新的合作机会,或打造自己的加密货币钱包。

According to The Block, the International Payment System's Mastercard Work Committee stated that the company was seeking to fill three high-level vacancies in the area of encryption currency, with emphasis on payment and wallet solutions. The job openings included two supervisors, “product development and innovation—block chain solution architects” and “product management—encrypted currency/ purseet”, as well as a vice-president responsible for managing block chain products. According to the job description, the new staff would “work with a cross-functional team, including franchising, compliance, regulation, products, laboratories, regions and technologies, to develop new products and solutions.” It was noted that two of the job descriptions also referred to the “brand solution” as part of a sector chain project that these new employees were expected to lead.


Algorand Foundation's letter with private investors exposed: if involved in early redemption, collaboration will be cancelled immediately

据曝光的 Algorand 基金会发给私募投资者的内部信件内容显示,上周五宣布的 Algorand 荷兰拍代币提前赎回计划面向对象,不包括拿到低价 Token 的私募投资者。如果私募投资者试图通过提前赎回代币来套现将被视为影响项目的重大风险,可能会取消与投资者的合作。信件内容提到,提前赎回计划的目的是移出流通中的荷兰拍卖代币。只有从二级市场买到的ALGO和拍卖得到的ALGO,可以参与本次提前赎回计划。早期投资者如果参与了荷兰拍卖,从此刻到提前赎回期结束,若从钱包中流出且数量接近拍卖数量,将被视为是对Algorand网络运行产生带来重大风险,根据节点协议将立刻取消合作。这意味着,私募投资者不能使用自己解锁的币来参与荷兰拍卖,只能去市场收ALGO或者拿自己参与荷兰拍的币来进行提前赎回。

According to the contents of an internal letter from the exposed Algoran Foundation to private investors, the Algoran Dutch Early Foreclosure Scheme, announced last Friday, was targeted, excluding private investors who received low-value Token. If private investors tried to set up by way of early foreclosure, it would be considered a significant risk to the project, and cooperation with investors could be cancelled. The letter mentioned that the early foreclosure scheme was intended to move the Dutch auction currency in circulation. Only Algogo, bought from the secondary market and obtained from the auction, could participate in the early foreclosure scheme.


Quest Blue Book: Educational applications have shown a wide horizontal development with the emergence of block chains, etc.


According to the 21st century economic report, at the second session of the Smart Education Forum, held on 2 August, at the Magna Carta of Artificial Intelligent and Educational Data Summit 2019, the Institute published the Blue Book on Smart Education Development (2019). The Blue Book states that, along with the emergence of block chains, virtual realities, and the enhancement of reality, the application of education is based on 5G and marginal calculations of infrastructure and new computing methods.


Apply Dynamics


Suzhou Bank developed a “food-for-food” safety traceability platform based on the block chain


According to Xinhua, on 2 August, the Bank of Suzhou has developed a “food-for-food” food safety traceability platform, using block chain technology that combines food traceability with mobile payments.


New Korea's financial investment will use the block chain to lend securities.

据CoinDesk 8月3日消息,韩国新韩金融投资(Shinhan Financial Investment)很快将通过区块链提供P2P股票贷款。当这项新服务推出后,个人将能够直接向其他个人借贷证券,而不是通过中介。

According to CoinDesk, on August 3, South Korea’s Shinhan Financial Investment will soon provide a P2P equity loan through a block chain. When this new service is introduced, individuals will be able to borrow securities directly from other individuals, rather than through intermediaries.

日本东京大学举办编程竞赛 以培育加密货币技术人才

The University of Tokyo of Japan holds a programming competition to develop the skills of encryption money.


According to the news on 3 August, the University of Tokyo will hold a programming competition for the AI game on 5 August.


Transaction dynamics


Digital Currency Activation


BTC continued its shock surge this morning, after a short break of $11,600, and is now narrowly organized around $10530, with a general rise in the mainstream currency. BTC is now reporting $11535.66, with a 7.34 per cent increase in 24h. The total market value of the global digital currency market is $30,536.4 million (+5.27 per cent), with a 24h trade-off of $57,106 million (+27.33 per cent). BTC now has an average global price of $11,525.99. In the mainstream exchange, it is now reported at $11,530.00, OKEx is reported at $11,532.40, Gate.io is reported at $11,535.66 and Gate.io is reported at $115,29.98.


The main figures show the following monetary performance:

- ETH暂报228.77美元(+4.66%)

- ETH provisionally reported US$ 228.77 (+4.66%)

- XRP暂报0.32美元(+2.40%)

- XRP provisionally reported $0.32 (+2.4 per cent)

- BCH暂报343.92美元(+3.41%)

- BCH provisionally reported $343.92 (+3.41 per cent)

- LTC暂报94.74美元(+3.98%)

- LTC provisionally reported $94.74 (+3.98 per cent)

- ETC暂报6.18美元(+5.62%)

- ETC provisionally reported $6.18 (+5.62 per cent)

- EOS暂报4.34美元(+2.66%)

- EOS provisionally reported $4.34 (+2.66 per cent)


The market value of 24-hour transactions ranked the top three in the first 100 currency increases:

- REN(+20.98%)

- SNT(+12.58%)

- IPC(+10.62%)


The market value of 24 hours is ranked the top three in the first hundred:

- SAFE(-17.22%)

- LRC(-13.41%)

- NEXO(-8.68%)


The average stocking rate of the OKExbitco contract continues to exceed many.


As at 8 a.m., the average warehouse holding ratio was 15.46%, the average warehouse holding ratio was 20.37%, while the empty storage ratio continued to exceed that of the elite. The gap was significantly widened. The average holding ratio was 18.99%, while the average holding ratio was 18.00%.




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