A bitcoin will be worth 60,000 yuan in 2020. Bitcoins will be worth so much, mainly because bitcoin has credibility as a currency. Bitcoin security has a number of authoritative mechanisms to guarantee, but also many better monetary attributes than real currencies, guaranteeing the reliability of bitcoins vis-à-vis real currencies.
From the history of monetary development in human history, bitcoin is a product of human wisdom and sweat. The people who developed bitcoin, the people who created and maintained the bitcoin, the people who traded under the bitcoin deal, and as more people joined the bitcoin deal, the bitcoin itself was worth nothing, even more than a year's amazing achievement.
因为比特币的山寨货币很难存活。众所周知,比特币的算法是完全公开的,无论是什么人都可以轻松地根据这个算式进行变种创造,但这样出来的货币的基础实在过于脆弱,极易遭到来自他人的恶意操控:只要有人能够控制这种货币的一半以上的运算能力,就可以任意操纵这种货币的价值。比特币网络不同,因为已经运行了足够长的时间,所以想要控制比特币网络的一半以上的运算能力则是几乎不可能做到的事,从而导致没有竞争对手。 It is well known that Bitcoin's algorithms are completely open and can easily be created from it, but the basis for such a currency is too fragile to be manipulated maliciously by others: so long as one can control more than half of that currency's capacity, it can be manipulated at will. Bitcoin networks are different, because they have been running for long enough, so that more than half of the ability to control the Bitcoin network is almost impossible, leading to no competitor.
三、比特币的优势 III, Bitcoin's Advantage
比特币具备非常高的稀有性。因为比特币的制造技术的先天性原因,导致比特币的持有量从一开始就卡死在了两千万这个数值上。而且比特币有关的交易是没有可行性手段来监控追踪的,在资金的流动性上存在现实货币无法比拟的优势。相比起要考虑手续费、运输成本等诸多现实因素的实际货币,只用一个小小的u盘就可以轻松储存的比特币在携带上很方便。 Bitcoin has a very high degree of rareness. Because of its birthright technology, Bitcoin holdings have been stuck to the value of 20 million since the beginning.
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