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Sheller discovered that chlorine gas was in 1774, when he was studying soft manganese (manganese dioxide) and when he mixed and heated the soft manganese with concentrated hydrochloric acid, he produced a yellow green gas, whose strong irritant odor made Sheller very uncomfortable, but when he was convinced that he had produced a new gas, he was sincerely happy.


When the chlorine gas was prepared by Sheller, it dissolved in water and found that the water solution had a permanent bleaching effect on paper, vegetables and flowers; he also found that the chlorine gas was chemically reacting to metals or metal oxides. After the chlorine gas was discovered in Sheller in 1774, many scientists studied the nature of the gas in 1810. The chlorine gas was treated as a compound during this period. It was only in 1810 that David, after extensive experimental research, confirmed that the gas was a chemical element. He named the element as chlorine, a Greek term that meant “green”. We translated it into “green gas” and then converted it into chlorine gas.


The method of production of chlorine gas has been developed over a long period of time. In 1774, Swedish chemist Scheller used soft manganese mines (containing manganese dioxide) and concentrated hydrochloric acid to first produce chlorine gas, with a response equation of:


4HCl + MNO? = Heated = MnCl?+2H?O+Cl?


However, since it was not possible to produce a large amount of hydrochloric acid at that time, this method was limited to producing chlorine gas in the laboratory. The French chemist Betore later loaded the mixture of sodium chloride, soft manganese ore and sulfuric acid into lead distillers, which were heated to produce chlorine gas, with a response equation of:


2 NaCl+3H? SO? (Short) + MNO? = Heated = 2 nso? + MnSO? + 2H? O+Cl?


Because of the ease with which this material is available, chlorine gas has been produced from Shearer in 1774 until 1836, following the methods invented by Betore.


In 1836, the Goussag invented a pyrochloric tower to absorb the hydrogen chloride gas emitted during the production of pure alkalis (Na?CO?) in the Lybuland process (the former hydrogen chloride gas was considered to be a waste gas and was fully exploited from Gossag), from which the hydrochloric acid became a cheaper acid that could be used widely for the production of chlorine gas by. Sheller, which was improved to become a method for large-scale production of chlorine gas.


In 1868, Deacon and Hundt invented the use of copper as a catalyst to extract chlorine from the air oxygen oxide system when heated, with the following response equations:



It's called Dickenlaw.


The above methods of production of chlorine gas, although historically useful, are much worse than those of electrolytic production of chlorine, both economically and on the scale of production... When electrolytic methods are applied to production, the methods of production of chlorine gas are gradually phased out.


The electrolytic process dates back to 1833. Faraday, after a series of experiments, found that when the current works in the water solution of sodium chloride, chlorine gas can be obtained and its response equation is as follows:



The method was later discovered by British scientist Walter, who obtained a British patent for the production of chlorine gas in 1851. However, since there was no functional direct-flow generator to generate sufficient currents, the electrolysis method was confined to laboratory size and could not be used for industrial production. Until the 1970’s and 1980’s, a better direct-flow generator became available, and the electrolytic method was widely applied. Industrial production of chlorine gas has since entered a new era. However, the electrolytic use of chlorine gas had resulted in a significant amount of mercury vapour mixed with the electrolysis chlorine gas and hydrogen gas. The new “ionic exchange membranes” used to extract chlorine from the environment, making it more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. (The mercury legal chlorine is the dominant method for the extraction of chlorine gas, as in China there were 46% of chlorine in 2010 and 50.1% of chlorine from Western Europe in 2000.)


Physical Structure


Atom structure: The outer outermost layer of chlorine has seven electrons, with a response that makes it easier to obtain one electron or to share one electron pair to reach a stable structure (combined price keys).





The constant heat pressure is a yellow green gas with a strong irritant odor.




The chlorine gas density is 2.5 times the air density, as it is constant = 3.21 kg/m3.




The lower boiling point, the constant temperature pressure, the melting point -101.00°C, the boiling point -34.05°C, and the constant temperature pressure of the chlorine gas to 600-700 kPa or cooling to 34°C can transform it into liquid chlorine, which is an oily liquid that differs from the physical properties of the chlorine gas but is essentially the same chemical properties.



可溶于水,易溶于有机溶剂(例如:四氯化碳)难溶于饱和食盐水。1体积水在常温下可溶解2体积氯气,形成黄绿色氯水,密度为 3.170g/L,比空气密度大。

Soluble in water, soluble in organic solvents (e.g. carbon tetrachloride) is indissoluble in saturated salt water. 1 Volume water solubles 2 volume chlorine gas at constant temperatures, resulting in yellow green chlorine water with a density of 3.170 g/L, which is larger than air density.


Natural distribution


Fluid chlorine in nature is present in the atmosphere, but at this time chlorine is often decomposed into two chlorine atoms (freeze bases) by ultraviolet light. It is one of the main monolithics that destroy the ozone layer.




Chlorine gas supports combustion and many substances can be burned in chlorine gas (with the exception of a few substances such as carbon monomer).


Reactions with Metals


1. Reactions with sodium: 2Na+Cl2=2NaCl



Reactions with copper: Cu+Cl2=CuCl2



3. Response with iron: 2Fe+3Cl2=2FeCl3



4. Reactions to magnesium: Mg+Cl2=MgCl2



NOTE: Chlorine gas is highly oxidizing and can react with all metals, e.g. gold, platinum burning in thermal chlorine gas, while reaction with variable metals such as Fe, Cu produces high-value metal chlorides.


At constant temperatures, dry chlorine gas or liquid chlorine does not react with iron and can only react with heating, so a bottle can be used to store chlorine gas (liquid chlorine).


Reactions with non-metal


1. Reactions with hydrogen gas: H?+Cl?=Firing = 2HCl



H? +Cl?


Symptoms: H? Quietly burning in Cl?.....................................................................................................................................................


Note: Fired hydrogen gas is placed in chlorine gas, which is exposed only to a small amount of chlorine gas at the tube mouth, producing a small amount of heat; when the mixture of hydrogen gas and chlorine gas is ignited, large quantities of hydrogen gas is exposed to chlorine gas, which quickly melts out a large amount of heat, causing the gas to swell and explodes. Industrial hydrochloric acid burns chlorine in hydrogen gas. Hydrogen explosion limits in chlorine are 9.8 - 52.8 per cent.


2; reactions with phosphorus:2P+3Cl? (small) =2PCl?


2P+5Cl?(overdose) = ignition = 2PCl5


Symptoms: generation of white smoke


3. Reactions to sulphur: 2S+Cl?=Firing = S?Cl?


NOTE: Chlorine gas can also be directly assimilated to non-metals such as S, S etc. under certain conditions.


4. Reaction with water: Cl?+H?O=HCl+HCLO (reversible)


Symptoms: The water turns yellow and green, bubbles resurface in the water, and it smells irritant.


NOTE: In this reaction, the oxidizer is Cl?, the reduction agent is also Cl?, and the reaction is discriminatory. Chlorine gas in water produces hypochloric acid and hypochloric acids are purified (white) for disinfection - HCLO soluble in water is highly oxidizing.


5. Reaction with sulphur dioxide and water: SO?+Cl?+2H?O=H?SO?+2HCl


6. Reaction with alkaline solution: Cl2+2NaOH=NaCl+NaClo+H2O



Note: In both of the above reactions, Cl. as oxidizers and reduction agents are discriminatory reactions.

7、与盐溶液反应: Cl2+2FeCl2=2FeCl3

7. Reaction with salt solution: Cl2+2 FeCl2=2FeCl3





Note: The secondary school level is used to demonstrate that chlorine gas is not metal and oxidized more than sulphur.


8. Response with carbon dioxide: CS2+3Cl2CCl4+S2Cl2


Note: Reaction conditions are 90°C to 100°C.


9. Reactions to methane: CH?+Cl?—Light ~ CH?Cl+HCl


CH? Cl+Cl?


♪ CHL? ♪ +Cl? ♪ - ♪ Light ♪ CHCl? ♪ ♪ HCl?


CHCl? +Cl? - Light. CCl? + HCl


Symptoms: Yellow green gas disappears, liquid beads appear on the inner walls of the packaging and pressure drops in the inner pressure of the packaging.


10, Reactions with ethylene: CH?=CH?+Cl?§CH?ClCH?Cl(1,2-dichloroethane) (with reaction)

11、与苯的反应:C6H6+ 3Cl2→ C6H6Cl6

Reactions to benzene: C6H6+3Cl2C6H6Cl6


Note: This replacement response can only occur with the catalytic effect of iron chloride.


CAS: 7782-50-5


MDL: MFCD00010934


EINECS: 231-959-5


RTECS: FO21,000,000


BRN: 3902968


PubChem: not available [1]


1 Moor Refraction Rate: 11.74


2. Molar volume (cm3/mol): 51.3


3 Equivalent (90.2K): 109.0


4. Surface tension (dyne/cm): 20.4


5. Intermediary constant: not available


6. Polarisation rate (10-24 cm3): 4.65

7、单一同位素质量:69.937705 Da

7. Single isotope mass: 69.937705 Da

8、标称质量:70 Da

Nominal Quality: 70 Da

9、平均质量:70.906 Da[1]

Average mass: 70.906 Da [1]


1. Dehydration parameter calculation reference value (XlogP): 1.6


Number of hydrogen key suppliers: 0


3. Number of hydrogen key receptors: 0


4. Number of rotationable chemical keys: 0


5. Number of mutated isomers: none


6. Topo molecule polar surface area 0


7. Number of heavy atoms: 2


8. Surface charge: 0


9. Complexity: 0


10. Number of isotope atoms: 0


11. Determination of the number of atomic centres: 0


12. Undetermined number of atomic centres: 0


13. Number of chemical key formation centres determined: 0


14. Undetermined number of chemical key construction centres: 0


Number of co-pricing keys units: 1 [1]

危险运输编码:UN 1017 2.3

Hazardous transport code: UN 1017 2.3


Hazard signs: Toxic hazard to the environment


Security marking: S9S45S61


Hazard identification: R23R50R36/37/38 [1]


1. Direct current electrolytic saturation and salt water in industrial production to produce chlorine gas:


2 NaCl+2H?O=electric = H? Cl?2Naoh

氯碱工业氯碱工业氯碱工业始于 20世纪 20年代,氯气的生产主要是采用电解卤水(饱和食盐水)。

精制的饱和食盐水注入电解槽后,在直流电的作用下进行电解 ,其电极反应如下:

The fine saturated saturated water is injected into the electrolysis cell and electrolysis is performed as a result of direct current electricity. The electrodes react as follows:

阳极反应:2Cl-- 2e → Cl2↑

Anode: 2Cl -- 2eCl2

阴极反应:2H2O+ 2e → H2↑+ 2OH-

cathode reaction: 2H2O+2e H22OH-

总反应: 2NaCl+ 2H2O → 2NaOH+ Cl2↑+ H2↑

Total response: 2NCl+ 2H2O 2NaOH+Cl2H2

通过电解槽出来的氯气中含有许多杂质,如氢气、水蒸气、三氯化氮等 ,必须进行消除杂质或进行干燥处理。

The chlorine gas from electrolysis cells contains many impurities, such as hydrogen gas, water vapour and nitrogen trichloride, which must be eliminated or dried.

2、其它冶金工业的副产品,如冶镁:MgCl2(熔融)=电解=Mg + Cl2↑

2. By-products of other metallurgical industries, such as magnesium: MgCl2 (melting) = electrolysis = Mg + Cl2 zirconium

炼钠:2NaCl(熔融)=电解=2Na + Cl2↑

Sodium refined: 2 NaCl = electrolysis = 2 Na + Cl2 zirconium




Common oxidizers are MNO?, KMNO?, Ca(CLO)?, Co2O3.


The responses were as follows:


4HCl + MNO? = Heated = MnCl? +Cl? 2H?O



(If the hydrochloric acids used for these two reactions are rare, the reaction will no longer take place, and no hydrochloric acid can be replaced by a mixture of non-modified acids and sodium chloride, which can also generate chlorine gas.

4HCl+Ca(ClO)?=CaCl?+2H?O+2Cl?↑ (此反应需要的盐酸很稀,1mol/L便可以剧烈反应。)

4 HCl+Ca(CLO)?=CaCl?+2H?O+2Cl? (This response requires very thin hydrochloric acid, 1mol/L can react violently.



[Acids emitted from H+ can participate and react; e.g., acetic acid. The response rate can vary depending on the ability of the responding acid to emitted H+. If the acid is organic and volatilized, then care must be taken that it cannot react under high light exposure, otherwise chlorine gas may explode or produce toxic substances in lieu of the waved organic acid, e.g., ice acetic acid and chlorine gas will react in lieu of chloroacetic acid (very toxic solids), dichlorine acetic acid (solids), trichlorine acetic acid (solids)].


NaCl (solid) and sulfuric acid can also be replaced if no concentrated hydrochloric acid is used. e.g.:


2 NaCl+3H? SO? (Short) + MNO? = Heated = 2 nso? + MnSO? + 2H? O+Cl?


In summary, the laboratory chlorine approach revolves around one core: the chlor ion + oxidizer + acid environment, where the oxidizer is less oxidized and heated to varying degrees.


Collection method : Upward air drainage or saturated salt water


Depuration method : release HCl gas with saturated salt water and remove water vapour from sulfuric acid.


tail gas absorption : Absorption with strong alkaline solutions (e.g., NaOH solutions).

验满方法:⑴ 将湿润的淀粉-KI试纸靠近盛Cl2瓶口,观察到试纸立即变蓝,则证明已集满。

Filling method : (1) Filling of wet starch-KI test paper close to the mouth of the fine Cl2 bottle, as soon as it becomes blue.

⑵ 将湿润的蓝色石蕊试纸靠近盛Cl2瓶口,观察到试纸先变红后褪色,则证明已集满。

(2) The humid blue prune test paper closes to the entrance of the fine Cl2 bottle and the test paper is observed to be red and faded before it is shown to be full.

⑶ 实验室制备氯气时,常常根据氯气的颜色判断是否收集满。

(3) In laboratory preparation of chlorine gas, full collection is often judged by the colour of chlorine gas.


Note: should not be deceived by the ignorance of the Internet, and chlorate should never be used to prepare chlorine gas because it will generate a large number of hard-to-separate and explosive CLO2.


According to statistics, more than half of the turnover of the chemical industry in the early 1990s was chlorine-related; about a quarter of the chemical industry was involved in chlorine-related activities. Chlorine used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries accounted for about 75 per cent of its total production. Chlorine production in 1993 was second only to sulphuric acid, nitrogen gas, oxygen, ethylene, lime production, ammonia and sodium hydroxide.


The chemical industry is used in the production of inorganic chemical products such as sodium hypochlorite, aluminium trichloride, iron trichloride, bleaching, bromine and phosphorus. It is also used in the production of chlorinated rubber, plastics and plastics. The chemical industry is used in the production of sodium alkyl sulfonic acid and sodium alkyl sulfonic acid for synthetic detergents.


of of chloropropane


In the production of epoxypropane by chlorool, a step-by-step response is that acrylic and hypochloric acid react to the generation of chlorool, so that chlorowater can be used in the chloroethanol response, while chlorowater may partially replace the process water used for production.


The response equation is as follows:





Iron chloride


This method uses industrial hydrochloric acid or acid-washing liquids to react with scrap iron to produce a chlorinated sub-iron solution, a chlorinated sub-iron solution to oxidize the cycling solution with scrap iron scrap to regenerate the chlorine gas to Fe2+oxidize to Fe3+, Fe3+ to return to Fe2+, and Fe2+ to continue to react with chlorine to generate cycling.


The following equations are involved:





hydrochloric acid


When industrial hydrochloric acid is produced, first the hydrogen gas is ignited in the reactor and then injected into the chlorine gas for reaction, producing the hydrogen chloride gas with the equation H2+Cl2=2HCl. The chlorinated hydrogen gas cools and is absorbed into the water as hydrochloric acid. During the reaction of the chlorine gas and hydrogen gas, the toxic chlorine gas is surrounded by excess hydrogen gas, allowing the chlorine gas to react adequately and preventing pollution of the air.


polyvinyl chloride


The heavy monolithic system can be divided into two routes, the oil route based on ethylene, i.e., oxygen chloride. The Cl2 from the oil fission that separates ethylene and then reacts to ethylene chloride by oxygen and HCl (fibration by-product), producing ethylene dichloroethane and then dispersing ethylene chloride chloride.


Its overall response equation is:



The other is the acetylene electrostone. Acetylene is used as a raw material and then reacts to hydrogen chloride.


Response equations are:


CHCH+HCl→CH2=CHCl(反应条件为 HgCl2/C 120-180℃)。

CHCH+HClCH2=CHCl (reaction condition HgCl2/C 120-180°C).




In general, the disinfectant is NaCLO, which is produced with chlorine gas, and is produced with sodium hydroxide. But it is more expensive and industrial bleach is not used, usually 84. Disinfection powder is Ca (CLO)? Because it is not stable and generally solid, chlorine is produced in lime milk and is cheaply used for industrial bleaching by adding water soluble calcium hypochloride, so bleaching is used. When preserving the above bleaching agent, care is taken to seal it dry and avoid direct sunlight. Because it reacts with carbon dioxide, water, subchlorates are produced in the air, subchlorates are decomposed in photoluminous milk, and the subchloric acid is rendered ineffective.

制备次氯酸钙固体,用氢氧化钠溶液吸收含氯尾气得到的产物是次 氯酸钠溶液,得不到固体产物,不容易长时间保存。 用氢氧化钠和氢氧化钙的混合水溶液吸收氯气时, 能够得到次氯酸钙固体,便于储存和使用。

Calcium hypochlorite solids are prepared, and the product of chlorine tailings absorbed in sodium hydroxide solutions is the sodium chloride solution, which is not available for solid products and is not easily preserved for long. When chlorine gases are absorbed in mixed water solutions of sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide, calcium hypochloride solids are available for storage and use.


In the electronics industry, high-purity chlorine gas is used mainly for dry carving, optical fibres, crystal growth and thermal oxidation in the electronics industry.


Dry etching


Dry etching is the technique of membrane etching with plasma.


Dry carving, also known as dry etching, refers to the solid gas reaction, where gas phase products consist mainly of GaCl2, AsCl2 and hydrogen, and where chlorine gas is used for plasma etching, 5% of the high pure chlorine gas + 95% helium gas is usually used.


Preparation of nano-crystal cellulose from chlorine oxidation


China's patents have made public the method of preparing nanocrystal cellulose using chlorine oxidation degradation, which uses bleaching of sodium hypochlorite from the hydrolysis of chlorine gas, compared to nanocrystal cellulose under hydrolysis, to make manufactured nanocrystal cellulose bright and white.


Chlorine gas is also used in such technical areas as large-scale integrated circuits, fibre-optics, high-temperature superconductors, etc.


Sewage treatment for beer factories


Chinese patents publish methods for treating sewage from beer plants with chlorine gas. Chlorine gas is cheap, low in use, reliable in disinfection, mature in process, a disinfectant commonly used by running water companies. Chlorine gas can also deodorize, remove microorganisms, and remove high rates of bio- and chemical oxygen consumption, thus ensuring a stable recovery of water quality and thus is more suitable for treatment of sewage from beer plants.


Water disinfection


The sterilized chlorine gas is commonly used in running water, while the 1L water in Rio enters 0.002 g chlorine gas. The disinfection principle is that it reacts to water by producing hypochloric acid, whose strong oxidation can kill germs in the water. The reason why subchloric acid is not used directly for sterilizing water is because it is difficult to preserve, costly and toxic, and the chlorine gas is used to disassemble, decomposition, and synthesizing in the water in a balanced manner, with appropriate concentrations and less residual toxicity in the water.


Removal of parathion, phosphorus impurities in acetylene


Acetylene gas is the main feedstock for PVC production. In the industrial acetylene gas, parathion, phosphorus are present in the form of H2S and H3P gases, which are overvalued and poisoning the catalysts used in the production of PVC. Using the strong oxidation of CIO- in chlorine water, the acetylene gas can be spray-washed to remove H2S and H3P.


The response equation is as follows:




The pesticide industry is used as a feedstock for the production of highly efficient insecticides, microbicides, herbicides, plant growth irritants.


Metallurgical Gold > b> Industrial is used mainly for the production of titanium, magnesium, etc.


human response to chlorine at different concentrations

浓度(mg/m3)(ppm) 反应
30000(10000) 一般滤过性防毒面具也无保护作用
3000(1000) 深吸入少许可能危及生命
300(100) 可能造成致命性伤害
120-180(40-60) 接触30-60min可能引起严重损害
90(30) 引起剧烈咳嗽
18(6) 刺激咽喉
3-9(1-3) 有明显的气味、刺激眼、鼻
1.5(0.5) 略有气味
0.06(0.02) 嗅觉不到浓度


Acute toxicity


The acute intoxication of experimental animals was initially unsatisfied, followed by weakness, coughing, tears, sneezing, increased nasal secretion, etc.


Chronic toxicity


Chronic toxicity in experimental animals is mostly reduced in body weight and resistance and prone to respiratory and pulmonary diseases.


Triple effect and genotoxicity


Animal experiments have shown that chlorine gas is not malformation, mutagenic and carcinogenic, nor is it a carcinogen.


Poisoning mechanisms:


Chlorine gas is a toxic gas that produces hypochloric acid and hydrochloric acid, causing damage to the upper respiratory mucous membrane, mainly through respiratory intrusion into the human body and solution in the water contained in the mucous membrane: hypochloric acid induces strong tissue oxidation; hydrochloric acid stimulates an inflammation of the mucous membranes, causing a high degree of secretion of viscous fluids and causing respiratory difficulties, so the obvious symptoms of chlorine gas poisoning are severe coughs. When symptoms are severe, pulmonary edema causes circulatory death. The chlorine gas entering the human body from the diet causes nausea, vomiting, chest pain and diarrhoea.

氯气吸入后与粘膜和呼吸道的水作用形成氯化氢和新生态氧。氯化氢可使上呼吸道粘膜炎性水肿、充血和坏死; 新生态氧对组织具有强烈的氧化作用,并可形成具细胞原浆毒作用的臭氧。氯浓度过高或接触时间较久,常可致深部呼吸道病变,使细支气管及肺泡受损,发生细支气管炎、肺炎及中毒性肺水肿。由于刺激作用使局部平滑肌痉挛而加剧通气障碍,加重缺氧状态; 高浓度氯吸入后,还可刺激迷走神经引起反射性的心跳停止。氯气中毒不可以进行人工呼吸。

Inhaled chlorine creates hydrogen chloride and new ecooxyoxygens with water in viscous membrane and respiratory tracts. Hydrochloride can cause inflammation of the upper respiratory respiratory membrane, blood-filling and death; New ecooxygens have a strong oxidation effect on tissues and can form ozone with cell-based pulp toxicity. High concentrations of chlorine or prolonged exposure can cause deep respiratory aberrations that cause damage to the bronchial tubes and lung blisters, minor bronchitis, pneumonia, and middle-toxic pulmonary edema. As a result of the stimuli, local smoothing muscle spasms, they exacerbate the lack of oxygen; High concentrations of chlorine can also stimulate neurism leading to a reactionary cardiac arrest. Chloric poisoning does not allow for artificial respiration.


Clinical performance


Acute poisoning is mainly a manifestation of respiratory damage.

a、 起病及病情变化一般均较迅速。

a. Morbidity and changes in conditions are generally relatively rapid.

b、 可发生咽喉炎、支气管炎、肺炎或肺水肿,表现为咽痛、呛咳、咳少量痰、气急、胸闷或咳粉红色泡沫痰、呼吸困难等症状,肺部可无明显阳性体征或有干、湿性罗音。有时伴有恶心、呕吐等症状。

b. Pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonia or emphysema can occur in the form of osteoporosis, cough, cough, coughing, ache, chest or coughing of pink foams, breathing difficulties, etc., with no visible positive signs or dry, wet dysentery in the lungs.

c、 重症者尚可出现急性呼吸窘迫综合征,有进行性呼吸频速和窘迫、心动过速,顽固性低氧血症,用一般氧疗无效。

c. Acute respiratory distress syndrome can still be observed for persons with severe illnesses, with sexual respiratory frequency and distress, heart excesses, obstinate hypoxia and general aerobic therapy ineffective.

d、 少数患者有哮喘样发作,出现喘息,肺部有哮喘音。

d. A small number of patients suffer from asthma, asthma and asthma in their lungs.

e、 极高浓度时可引起声门痉挛或水肿、支气管痉挛或反射性呼吸中枢抑制而致迅速窒息死亡。

e. Rapid suffocation to death at very high concentrations, resulting in spasm or oedema, bronchial convulsions or reflective respiratory central inhibition.

f、 病发症主要有肺部继发感染、心肌损害及气胸、纵隔气肿等。

(f) The main causes of the disease are pulmonary infections, myocardial damage and air chests, bloated blobs, etc.

g、 X线检查:可无异常,或有两侧肺纹理增强、点状或片状边界模糊阴影或云雾状、蝶翼状阴影。

g. X-ray examination: No abnormality, or pneumonic reinforcements on both sides of the lung, blurring shadows of the point or fragmentary boundary or cloudy clouds, wings-like shadows.

h、 血气分析:病情较重者动脉血氧分压明显降低。

h. Gas analysis: there has been a significant reduction in the blood oxidation of the arteries of persons with higher levels of illness.


i. EKG: Aerobic intoxication, pulmonary pulmonary hypertension and phyto-neurological disorders can lead to heart muscle damage and cardiac arrhythmia.


Eye damage: Chlorine can cause acute membrane and high concentrations of chlorine gas or liquid chlorine can cause eye burns.


Skin damage: A liquid chlorine or a high chlorine concentration can cause acute skin inflammation or burns in the skin exposure.


Treatment of poisoning


The person who inhales the gas immediately leaves the site for fresh air and remains quiet and warms it.


Inhaled symptoms are observed for at least 12 hours and treated. Those with greater inhalation should rest in bed, take oxygen, and breathe mists, such as salbutamol aerosols, Ventolin or 5% sodium carbonate plus sermion.


Other treatments.


Leakage Treatment


Firefighters must wear air respirators or oxygen respirators, wear all-round fireproofs, wear rubber gloves, and dispose of them in the upper wind direction. If possible, the source should be cut off, properly ventilated, accelerated dispersion, spray water dilution, disassembly, embankment or digging pits to absorb large amounts of wastewater.


(i) Shut down the source of the valve. There was a chlorine leak in the production unit, the engineering technicians of the accident unit or persons familiar with the process shut down the pipeline valves for the delivery of the material, cut off the supply of the material, cut off the source of the accident, and the Public Safety Fire Brigade provided cover for the opening of flowers or spray water guns and assisted in the operation.


(ii) Repository transfer. If there is a leak in the tank or container wall and it cannot be blocked, the liquid chlorine may be poured into other containers or tanks by channeling.


(iii) Chemically neutralized. Small leaks from storage tanks and container walls can be performed by means of chemical neutralization, i.e. the insertion of alkaline substances, such as lime and soda powder, into water tanks of fire-fighting vehicles, to spray into tanks and containers in order to mitigate the hazards, or by directing leaking liquid chlorine to sodium carbonate solutions, resulting in the formation of non-hazardous or very toxic wastewater. This is reflected in Cao+H2O1Ca (OH)2,2Ca (OH)2Cl2ICl2+Ca (CIO)2+2H2O. The generation of calcium chloride and calcium subchlorate is toxic. If the temperature is higher in the field, it produces calcium chloride and calcium chloride products with a better degree of deposition and does not create a suspended substance, which quickly lands on the ground and produces calcium fertilization for plants on the ground.


(iv) Diagnosis. A water curtain or spray-gun spray-like water around a storage tank or container wall is placed at the centre of the leak point to dilute the precipitation, but it is not appropriate to use direct flow water or direct injection to the spill point to avoid the production of acid by chlorine gas and water and to accelerate the corrosion of the leak point. In addition to soluting the chlorine gas into water, the chlorine-water reaction may be used to increase the absorption of the chlorine gas in the air.


(v) Pulse hydrolysis. When a smaller liquid chlorine steel bottle valve is damaged during transport, leaks occur and no leaking device is unable to stop the release, the steel bottle may be immersed in alkaline solution, such as calcium hydroxide, or the steel bottle may be immersed in water.


(vi) Device leaks. If leaks occur, the leaking point is damaged before the valves or the valves are not able to close the valves and the leaks can be closed by means of devices of different shapes, such as leak pads, leaks, leak bags, etc. (a) microholes run through leaks by means of screws and glues that can flow into the hole. (b) leaks occur when leaks occur, special devices, such as gas bags, gas cushions, etc., can leak from external packages. (c) leaks can be used for internal and external leaks by means of special devices, such as bundle-filled gas belts or rubber cushions in metal casings. (d) broken valves or flang mats are damaged, leaks occur, can be covered by different types of flanges and can be injected with seals, or leaks can be implemented directly by means of special valves.


(vii) Disinfection. First, chemical disinfection. Alkaline substances such as sodium hydroxide, ammonia, sodium carbonate are soluble in water, sprayed in contaminated areas or on the surface of the contaminated body, chemically reacting to change the venomic properties and become non-toxic or low-toxic substances; second, physical disinfection. This is the transfer of sorbentary substances such as sorbent pads, activated carbon, etc., by sorbenting and subsequent recovery treatment; water-driven smokers can be blown and detoxified; contaminated areas can also be temporarily closed, depending on natural conditions, such as sunlight, ventilation, which can cause the gas to disappear; and spray fog water can also be diluted and detoxified.


Explosive fire hazard during storage


As a result of the rapid oxidation or decomposition of the substance, the temperature, pressure increase or increase both are referred to as explosions. When an explosion occurs, the energy (chemical or mechanical) suddenly transforms into kinetic energy, with high pressure gases generating or releasing high pressure gases, which then do mechanical work, such as moving, changing shapes and ejecting around objects. The explosion is divided into physical explosions, chemical explosions, and nuclear explosions, which occur as a result of the rapid expansion of liquids into vapours or gases, rapidly increasing pressure and significantly exceeding the maximum pressure of the container; the chemical explosion is an explosion that occurs as a result of the chemical reaction of the substance itself, producing large quantities of gases and high temperatures.


Chlorine Leakage Treatment


1 mixed gas explosion of chlorine, hydrogen and air in liquefied tail gas;


2 The residual organic impurities in packagings and the chlorine gas reaction explosion;


The introduction of ammonium salt into the liquefied system in water and salt-eating water solutions can cause the accumulation of trichloride nitrogen in liquid chlorine to explode.


When liquid chlorine is evaporated, the containers used must be rinsed with water and alkali water to remove the liquid chlorine contaminated with nitrogen trichloride before it can be repaired and used. Chlorine is highly toxic and equipment such as pressurized containers should be strictly required in production to prevent leakage of chlorine gas. The permitted concentration of chlorine gas in air is not greater than 1 ppm.


Liquidation of chlorine gas


Chlorine gas is usually used directly, but in order to produce pure chlorine gas and to take into account the convenience of storage, a portion of chlorine gas is liquefied into liquid chlorine and transported to users in steel bottles or tanks. In production, the thermal chlorine gas from electrolysis tanks (which contains a small amount of impurities such as hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide) is washed in cold water or condensed in heat exchange units, dried with sulphuric acid (where necessary, liquid chlorine can be scrubbed to remove moisture and impurities) and sent to liquefied. As wet chlorine has corrosive effects on iron, the water fraction in pre-liquid chlorine should be less than 50 ppm.



The temperature and pressure range of chlorine gas liquefied is large, and industrial production is divided into low-pressure, medium-pressure and high-pressure methods. The low-pressure method is 0.078 - 0.147 MPa (ceremonial pressure) for chlorine gas, with a cooling temperature of -35 - 40°C. The medium-pressure method is 0.245 - 0.49 MPa for chlorine gas, with a cooling temperature of not more than 15 - 20°C. The high-pressure chlorine method is 0.98 - 1.17 MPa, with 15 - 25°C water cooling and can be liquefied. The high-pressure method is lower than the low-pressure method, with less recycling water use, but the equipment is more expensive for large-scale production and medium-pressure is more likely to be used in small- and medium-scale chlor-alkali plants.


Chlorine leaks are highly vulnerable to human casualties and regional pollution, and can be prevented by:


1 Equipment and components that are defective cannot be selected and are subject to periodic testing and inspection;


Strengthen process management, strictly control process indicators and detect problems that must be inspected and addressed in a timely manner;


3. Strengthen the management and repair of accident chlorine treatment units, which are supplied with multiple circuit power, regularly clean up accident chlorine treatment units, and regularly test vehicles with pumps;


In order to detect chlorine gas leaks in a timely manner, chlorine gas alarms should be installed in production, storage, transmission and use positions, early detection in case of chlorine leaks, prevention of accidents and installation of television surveillance and alkaline spraying units in liquefied positions;


Strengthen safety education and training for employees.

职业卫生标准:中国MAC 1 mg/m3;美国ACGIH TLV-STEL 2.9 mg/m3 (1 ppm); TLV-TWA 1.5 mg/m3 (0.5 ppm)

Occupational health standards: MAC 1 mg/m3 in China; ACGIH TLV-STEL 2.9 mg/m3 (1 ppm); TLV-TWA 1.5 mg/m3 (0.5 ppm)


China National Criteria for Diagnosis of Occupational Diseases: Criteria for Diagnosis of Occupational Acute Chlorine Poisoning and Principles for Treatment GB4866-1996.

危规:GB2.3类23002(液化的)。原铁规:剧毒气体,31001.UN NO.1017。IMDG CODE 2028页,2类。副危险6.1。

Catastrophes: GB2.3 Class 2302 (Liquefied). Code iron: highly toxic gases, 3101.UN No. 1017. IMDG CODE 2028, Category 2. Sub-hazard 6.1.


On the evening of 15 April 2004, at 1900 hours, as a result of a chlorine leak at the Chongqing plant and related equipment, the sewage tank exploded; on 16 April, at 5.57 p.m., the personnel at Chongqing chemical plant acted in an irregular manner in dealing with the chlorine gas leak, resulting in an explosion of the liquid chlorine tank. Nine people were killed, three were injured and 150,000 were evacuated.


On 12 April 2016, at about 1700 hours, a chlorine gas leak occurred at a scrap buying station in Pingjong County, Shanxi Province, and dozens of primary schoolchildren in a nearby primary school subsequently showed signs of respiratory and abdominal pain and were taken to the Pingjong District People's Hospital for medical treatment.


Since May 2002, my provincial fire service has successfully disposed of chlorine gas leaks and fires caused by them. On 28 May 2002, the gold-chang company of the Yellowstone mining authority successfully disposed of and evacuated more than 2,000 households, more than 6,400 people; and on 6 November 2003, there was a leak in the chlorine storage tank (one ton) at the Far East Paper Factory in Wuhan Bridge District, where the fire brigade rescued more than 200 people from the site and successfully blocked and safely transferred the storage tanks.




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