
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:57 评论:0
什麼是Chia Chia於2017年8月成立,...



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Chia於2017年8月成立,旨在開發改進的區塊鍊和智能交易平台。 我們正在建立Chia網絡,以改善全球金融和支付系統。 Chia將是第一個企業級數字貨幣。 Chia正在使用自比特幣以來的第一個新的區塊鏈共識算法。 它被稱為“時空證明”,它是由現役最好的網絡協議工程師,BitTorrent的發明者Bram Cohen創建的。 Chialisp是Chia的新型智能交易編程語言,功能強大,易於審核且安全。 當前可用的參考智能交易包括:原子掉期,授權收款人,可恢復錢包,多重簽名錢包和限價錢包。

Chia will be the first corporate digital currency to be used. Chia is using the first new sectoral co-calculation from Bitcoins. It is called the “Station of Time” & #xff0c; it is the best available network engineer & #xff0c; BitTorrent's inventor Bram Cohen; Chialisp is Chia's new intellectual transactional synonym #xff0c; functionally strong #xff0c; easy to verify and secure.

You should first read the repository FAQ, check out the wealth of information on the repository wiki and join us on Keybase in the #testnet or #beginner channels. We have also created a good summary of the basics of creating plots for Chia.

You should first read the communication FAQ, check out the information on the operation wiki and join us on Keybase in the #testnet or #bedinnerchannels.

空間證明是一種加密技術,證明會證明它們將未使用的硬盤空間分配給存儲空間。 為了用作共識方法,必須將空間證明與時間證明聯繫起來。 PoT確保區塊時間在它們之間的時間具有一致性,並提高了區塊鏈的整體安全性。

“What is time proof & #xff1f;
space proves to be an encryption technique & #xff0c; it proves that they allocate unused hard disk space to storage space. To be used as a common method & #xff0c; to have space certificate linked to time proof. POT ensures that block time is consistent between them xff0c; and improves the overall security of the chain.

可以將空間證明視為一種證明您在硬盤驅動器上未使用某些存儲的方式。 Chia區塊鏈的用戶將通過安裝軟件來“播種”其硬盤驅動器上未使用的空間,該軟件將磁盤上的一組加密數字存儲為“密謀”。這些用戶稱為“農民”。當區塊鏈廣播下一個區塊的挑戰時,農民可以掃描其地塊以查看其是否具有最接近挑戰的哈希值。農民贏得一個街區的概率是農民佔整個網絡的總空間的百分比。

“Space and time proof how to work?”
can be seen as a way of proving that you did not use some storage on a hard drive. Chia chain users will “sown” the unused space on their hard drive by installing software #xff0c; the software will store an encrypted set of numbers on disks as a plot. These users are called “farmers”.

時間證明要求在塊之間經過一小段時間。時間證明是通過可驗證的延遲功能實現的,該功能需要花費一定的時間來計算,但驗證速度卻很快。 VDF的關鍵思想是它們需要順序計算,並且由於擁有許多並行機不會產生任何收益,因此可以最大程度地減少電力浪費。 VDF服務器(“ Timelords”)可能相對較少,因為最快的VDF服務器將始終排在第一位,並且只需一個快速公平的Timelord在網絡上即可完成一個區塊並將鏈向前推進。

The key idea of VDFs is that they need to be counted sequentially & #xff0c; and because there are many co-pilots that do not generate any benefits & #xff0c; thus, they can minimize the cost of power. VDF servers & #xff08; “Timelords” & #xff09; possibly less #xff0c; because the fastest VDF servers will end up in the first & #xff0c; and just a quick and fair Timelord can complete a section on the web and push the chain forward.

Chia具有一種新開發的,創新的區塊鏈編程語言,稱為Chialisp,它功能強大,易於審核且安全。 Chialisp是一個出色的鏈上智能交易開發環境,它將釋放加密貨幣所承諾的安全性,透明度和易用性。

“What is Chialisp?
Chia has a newly developed & #xff0c; #xff0c; known as Chialisp, it is powerful #xff0c; it is easy to test and secure. Chialisp is an excellent link-based intelligent transaction development environment #xff0c; it will release the security promised by the encrypted currency #xff0c; transparency and ease of use.

閱讀介紹Chialisp的博客文章。 可以在[](上找到文檔。

“Where can I get more information about Chialisp? xff1f;
read a blog article about Chialist? Available at file.

Chia擁有一種創新的Nakamoto風格的創新共識算法,該算法從系統中消除了工作量證明的能量需求。 與其他加密貨幣相比,由於Chia分散的區塊鏈,其安全性將大大提高。 Chialisp是Chia的新型智能交易編程語言,它功能強大,易於審核和安全,並將釋放加密貨幣所承諾的安全性,透明度和易用性。 Chia還採用了更現代的加密工具來實現更豐富的智能交易功能。 Chia正在採用一種新的高級方法來通過最終擁有上市農場的公共,營利性開源開發公司來為區塊鏈提供資金,構建和支持。 Chia將使用其農場前(“戰略儲備”)來減輕代幣的波動性,以減輕泡沫和崩盤並推動Chia的採用。

“Why Chia is better #xfff1f; <
Chia has a new, innovative, common sense algorithm for the new Nakamoto style & #xff0c; the algorithm removes energy requirements for workload proofs from the system. xff0c compared to other encrypted currency & xff0c; the sector chain #xfff0c from Chia’s scattered encryption tool xff0c; its security will be greatly enhanced. Chialist is a new smart trade coder for Chia xff0c; it has a powerful function xff0c; it is easy to test and secure xff0c; it will release encrypted currency xff0c; it will be transparent and easy to use. Chia has also adopted a more modern encryption tool to produce a much richer smart trade function; Chia is using a new high-level method to produce the most advanced public market farm xff0c; it is using kxxfff to supply k kts; it k k kfffffffffffffff to supply s to supply k s to power k k k ts; and kts; and kts.

我們有學術論文和演講,詳細介紹了我們的新共識算法和區塊鏈軟件。 在2019年,我們透露了我們的綠皮書 概述了時空證明的構造,並說明了Chia的許多設計選擇。 還有一個 Mariano Sorgente在2019年的演講 在麻省理工學院就如何通過空間證明和VDF實現中本元共識達成共識。

“Where can you get more information about technical details of your common sense algorithms? xff1f;
We have academic papers and lectures xff0c; details of our new common sense algorithms and sector chain software. In 2019 xff0c; we revealed our green paper, which outlines the construction of time proofs xff0c; and describes many design options for Chia. There was also a Mariano Sorgente lecture in 2019 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on how to achieve a common understanding on how to prove space and VDF in reality.

Bram Cohen 提出了 在太空證明上於2018年2月在斯坦福大學舉行。 我們的顧問, Dan Boneh, Benedikt Bünz, 和 Ben Fisch 發表了對VDF的調查 這是時間證明的基礎技術。 Lipa Long 發表班級組的解釋 那我們的 時間證明 是根據。Bram 提出了 除了Hellman的時間記憶權衡與空間證明應用之外 在2018年1月的BPASE ‘18 學術論文 還有這些 幻燈片 通過 Hamza Abusalah. Ben Fisch 給了 談論 於2018年1月在BPASE 2018上的可驗證延遲功能。 Bram 在伯克利的區塊鏈上發表演講(大約從20:00開始) 在2018年3月 幻燈片. Bram 給了 在BPASE 2017上的演講 於2017年1月通過時空證明消除浪費 (幻燈片).

Our consultants, Dan Boneh, Benedikt Bünz, and Ben Fisch, published an investigation into VDF, which was a time-proven foundation technique. Lipa Long published a class explanation that our time certificate was based on. Bram presented BPSE `18 academic papers in January 2018, in addition to Hellman’s time memory checks and space certification, and these slide films, which were released through Hamza Abusalah.Ben Fisch, which discussed the probability of BPSE 2018 in January 2018, and our time proofs of delay. Bram presented a speech on the section chain of Berkeley #xff08; it started from 20:00 to xff09; in March 2018, Bosch gave BAS #20 EAS 20 20

Bram 給了 談論 在SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar上討論了使用 幻燈片 和 Merkle Set code. Bram 給了談論 在SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar上討論瞭如何消除加密貨幣的浪費。

Bram gave talks to SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar on the use of slides and Merkle Set code. Bram gave talks to SF Bitcoin Devs Seminar on how to eliminate the waste of encrypted currency.

我們認為,區塊鏈行業仍由開發人員領導。 我們打算成為部署新應用程序和服務的上乘鏈,並成為主權支持穩定代幣等應用程序的唯一嚴肅而安全的選擇。 Chia Network業務將是第一個管理預農場的營利性公司,我們打算成為第一個可公開交易的“ near ETF”加密貨幣。 我們相信-由於Redhat和MySQL AB是推動公司採用linux和mysql所必需的-隨著主權國家,金融機構和公司希望在日常交易中使用加密貨幣,我們將成為支持和培訓的源泉。 最後,我們相信我們將能夠利用存儲生態系統來推動公司和最終用戶的採用,因為硬盤驅動器製造商和存儲服務器賣方很可能將空間農業捆綁到他們的產品中。

, “What is the Chia Internet strategy #xff1f;”
, we believe xff0c; we intend to be the first publicly traded “near ETF” encryption currency to deploy new applications and services & #xff0c; we want to be the only serious and safe option for ownership to support applications such as the stabilization of proxy currencies. Chia Network will be the first to manage the farms xff0c; we intend to be the first publicly traded “near ETF” encryption currency. We believe - by Redhat and MySQL AB is necessary to enable companies to use linux and mysql - by the owner #xff0c; financial institutions and companies want to use encryption currency #xff0c; we will be the source of support and training.

採礦需要耗費大量電力的昂貴的一次性硬件。 我們正在通過公平,生態友好和更好的區塊鏈來緩解此問題,該區塊鏈使用農業來利用分佈在全球節點上的現有空硬盤空間。 由於任何安裝了我們的軟件並擁有地塊的人都可以贏得下一個區塊,因此耕種仍然是分散的。 採礦需要昂貴的定制一次性硬件,並且必須以批發價或更高的價格獲得電力,只有專為目標的公司才能負擔得起。 耕種更加分散,因為它依賴於空的硬盤空間,並且任何擁有手機,筆記本電腦或公司網絡的人都傾向於擁有當前未使用的額外空間。 與採礦不同,完成存儲工作後,您可以將其用於存儲例如家庭照片的用途。

“What difference does it make between mining and agriculture?” Any person who installs our software and owns a plot of land can win the next block xff0c; so farming is still scattered. Mining requires expensive, customized one-time hardware xff0c; and must get electric power at wholesale or higher prices #xff0c; only companies dedicated to the objective can afford the available space on the global node.

您可以將Chia種植在手機,筆記本電腦或公司網絡的未使用存儲空間中,作為回報,您有機會獲得chia獎勵以幫助保護區塊鏈。 我們的軟件將允許您分配一定數量的未使用磁盤空間來創建繪圖。 由於唯一的資源密集型步驟是初始繪製,因此一旦下載了Chia節點軟件,驅動器將在後台繪製。 繪製完成後,您的計算機將開始代表您進行耕作,該軟件將完成所有工作並為您跟踪獎勵。 正在進行的耕作僅佔用很少的網絡帶寬,除存儲外幾乎不佔用任何資源。 通過使耕作過程對任何未使用磁盤空間的人都可用,我們正在朝著實現真正去中心化的區塊鏈的目標邁進,該區塊鏈也將作為存儲和雲行業的交叉補貼。

Why should I grow Chia󿼟
allow you to allocate a certain amount of unused disk space to create the map? From the only resource intensive step that you can use, you can plant Chia in the initial xff0c; xff0c in the unused storage space of a laptop or company network; in return for xff0c; you have the opportunity to get a chia reward to help protect the grids? Our software will allow you to allocate a certain amount of unused disk space to create the map.


“What is Chia's Strategic Reserve #xff1f;
Chia will provide a large number of coins for agriculture #xff0c prior to the launch of the Internet; to help stabilize and develop the Chia economy through the new Chia Loan Business Scheme.


We will announce the specifics of the farm #xff0c, as well as the audited financial reports and corporate controls surrounding the farm, shortly before the launch of the main network.

Chia具有新穎的商業模式,既可以降低代幣的波動性,又可以提高采用率。 通過向Chia借貸並管理這些貸款的利率以及其他工具(例如使用chia硬幣購買我們的股票),我們希望降低硬幣的四分之一季度波動。 為了推動採用,我們打算將Chia貸款給全球5000家公司,這些公司將使用它向國際供應商快速,廉價,安全地付款。 我們還打算利用戰略儲備來協助開發和採用。 我們計劃做一些事情,例如在Chia生態系統中投資有前途的初創企業,可能在有限的時間內增加農業獎勵以刺激其他農業活動,並資助公司以Chia而不是法定貨幣支付其國際應付款的105%。

“Why do we have to grow early?”
Chia has a new business model xff0c; it can both reduce the volatility of the money xff0c; it can also increase adoption rates by borrowing from Chia and managing these loans xff08; for example, using chia coins to buy our shares xff09; xff0c; xff0c; we want to reduce the quarterly volatility of the coins xff0c; we plan to use Chia loans for xff0c; for example, we plan to invest in the world’s 5,000 companies xff0c; these companies will use it to provide international suppliers #xff0c; for low prices #xff0c; for secure locations. We also intend to use strategic funds to help develop and implement them.

不。Chia並未計劃ICO。 相反,我們的目標是使公司在美國股票市場上上市。 這樣,股東可以透明和公開地與管理層分擔風險和回報。 Chia數字貨幣是一種有用的付款工具,而不是投資機會。 Chia打算完成一項完全符合SEC規定的SEC註冊股票IPO,並將在市場時機允許的情況下上市。

Chia is doing ICO & #xff1f;
. Chia did not plan ICO. Conversely, xff0c; our goal is to put companies on the United States stock market. xff0c; stockholders can share risks and returns in a transparent and open manner with management. Chia digital currency is a useful payment tool xff0c; not an investment opportunity.

否。一旦主網啟動,我們預計將有一個為期數週的時間,在此期間,網絡只會分配耕種獎勵,並且尚不支持交易。 這是為了提供一段時間來幫助穩定分配給Chia區塊鏈的空間數量,並優先考慮我們的太空農民。 此外,發布的候選耕作軟件將能夠生成可在啟動時立即在測試網和主網上進行耕作的地塊。 在主網上開始交易後不久,大多數全球交易所都可以使用Chia。

“Can I buy today?”
No. Once the main web is activated xff0c; we anticipate a period of weeks xff0c; during this period xff0c; the network will allocate only incentives for farming xff0c; and the transaction will not yet be supported. This is to provide time to help stabilize the amount of space allocated to Chia’s chain xff0c; and to give priority to our space farmers.


“How can I buy Chia?”
soon after trading on the homeline xff0c; Chia can sell on most global exchanges of other global Chia owners.

我们希望尽快完成Mainnet的发布,我们目前的目标是在2020年底完成。众所周知,软件开发非常困难,Chia区块链和Chialisp是在密码学和密码学领域许多新发现的第一个应用版本。 计算机科学。 当我们继续发布开源软件和有关发布计划的更新时,请在我们的网站,Keybase,Github, Trello和邮件列表上保持最新。 更新的[發佈時間](在[存儲庫常見問題解答](。

“When will Chia launch Mainnet?”
We hope to complete the distribution of Mainnet xff0c as soon as possible; our current goal is to complete it by 2020. As is well known, xff0c; software development is very difficult xff0c; Chia block chain and Chialisp are the first of many newly discovered applications in cryptography and cryptography.

在Chia進行預耕後,Chia將每5分鐘提供16 chia的農業獎勵。 在最初的15年中,每5年結束時,農業獎勵將減半。 從16年到無限年,獎勵將保持每5分鐘2個chia不變,從而導致通貨膨脹率不斷下降。 在主網啟動42年後,Chia的通脹率下降了0.50%。

In the first 15 years & #xff0c; every five years & #xff0c; the agricultural reward will be reduced by half. From 16 years to an unlimited year xff0c; the incentive will be maintained at 2 chia per 5 minutes xff0c; the inflation rate will be reduced by 0.50 #xff05;

We are almost done with 1.0.

We are almost done with 1.0.

The Chia Blockchain comes together from a few different repositories.

Repository Contents
chia-blockchain Consensus code, networking, and reference Chialisp implementations.
chia-blockchain-gui An Electron/React graphical user interface to the plotter, node, and wallets.
clvm Chialisp Virtual Machine in Python
clvm-rs Chialisp Virtual Machine in Rust for security and performance.
chiapos Creating plots and verifying Proofs of Space.
chiavdf Proofs of time/VDFs and Timelords.
bls-signatures IETF standard BLS-12-381 signature scheme.
clvm_tools Tools for Chialisp and CLVM.

否。在世界各地,政府和銀行之間的互動存在問題,使銀行難以信任,尤其是在香港,委內瑞拉阿根廷或黎巴嫩等動盪地區。 當國際支付可用且可用時,它是緩慢,昂貴且不安全的。 國際SWIFT電匯通常需要1-5天。 代理銀行通常收取高達3%的費用,並且自9/11和2008年以來銀行業務發生變化以來,許多國家的代理銀行數量有限。 國際電匯欺詐損失非常大,我們有更好的解決方案來緩解這些問題。

“The former international monetary system is not good enough xff1f;
No. Around the world xff0c; there are problems with interaction between governments and banks xff0c; making it difficult for banks to trust xff0c; especially in Hong Kong xff0c; Venezuela Argentina or Lebanon. When international payments are available and available xff0c; it is slow xff0c; it is expensive and unsafe.


"Does Chia use the bitcoin code?"
No. Chia is written completely from the beginning.

當開發比特幣時,沒有預見到專門的硬件可以大大超越每個人擁有的計算機。 原來打算成為分散式網絡的現在由少數採礦者控制,這些採礦者可以使用芯片製造廠並進行批發電力購買(或更糟)。 當前控制比特幣網絡的礦工認為他們仍然具有競爭優勢,即使明確表示應該更改協議,他們也反對更改協議。 Chia已經研究新的數字貨幣生態系統十年了,並且相信我們可以使加密貨幣更加分散,更安全並且更易於使用。

's “bit currency” is not enough?
when the bitcoin is developed xff0c; no specialized hardware is foreseen to go well beyond the individual-owned calculator. xff0c, which is now controlled by a small number of miners, is intended to become a decentralized network; these miners can use chip manufacturers to buy wholesale power xff08; or even worse xff09; xff0c; xff0c ;

我們相信,由於我們計劃的上市公司身份的計劃性質,正大代幣的波動性將小於比特幣,這將使金融機構可以對沖和利用代幣和股本。 最初,我們預計Chia Network的估值將主要基於公司將在其資產負債表上持有的chia的估值。 在數字交易平台上,Chia價格的波動很可能會在證券交易所上反映出我們股票價格的價格波動。 與傳統的區塊鏈項目相比,有更多的方法可以讓人們接觸到chia的成功。 這也將使我們股票的常規期權和衍生品可以用作類似Chia代幣價格的合成衍生品。 此外,我們使用Chia戰略儲備的能力可能會減少市場中Chia的波動性。

We believe that the valuation of Chia Network will be based mainly on the Chia’s valuation of the company’s assets and liabilities. The wave of Chia’s prices on the digital trading platform is likely to reflect the price swing of our shares on the stock exchange.

我們相信,更多地關注我們的代碼只會使它變得更好。 例如, VDF比賽的結果 產生了一個VDF實現,其運行時間比我們的原始實現快80%。

: "Why do you want to run these games?" We believe
that #xff0c; more attention to our code will only make it better. For example, the results of the VDF competition produced a VDF reality #xff0c; it runs 80 #xff05 faster than our original reality.

Chia創建了三項新的核心發明,並推動了對第四項的興趣和採用。 首先,Chia創造了第一個用於生產的產品 BLS簽名庫. 其次,Chia將成為可驗證延遲函數(VDF)的第一個生產用途。 三,嘉創 中本聰共識的時空證明.

“Where's Chia's latest development in the application of cryptography?”
Chia created three new core inventions & #xff0c; and promoted interest in and use of item 4. First & #xff0c; Chia created the first BLS signing library for products of production. Second & #xff0c; Chia will become the first production use of a probative delay & #xff08; VDF #xff09; and III #ff0c; Cremation of the time certificate of Chinese common understanding.

最後,Chia將成為第一個生產用途 班組 未知順序的出現,催生了對其密碼學適用性的重大新研究。

Finally xff0c; Chia will be the first production use xff0c in an unknown sequence; leading to a major new study of its cryptography suitability.


“Can ordinary people use Chia as a payment tool?”
Our hope is xff0c; moving over time xff0c; Chia will be supported by the global distribution point system and consumer payment application process. For example xff0c; if you use the Thai Grabpay application to buy coffee at the Tahri coffee shop in England xff0c; then it can “work properly” xff0c; and you do not need to know that it is paid through Chia.

或者,例如,如果您居住的地方無法使用Venmo或Cash App之類的服務,那麼與執行緩慢且昂貴的電匯相比,使用Chia的麻煩就少得多。使用傳統銀行業務進行跨境匯款和轉換既麻煩,緩慢又昂貴,儘管替代性匯款服務可能更快,但它們並不便宜:西聯匯款可收取高達10%的匯款費用。

xff0c; e.g. xff0c; if you do not have access to services such as Venmo or Cash App xff0c in your place of residence; xff0c in comparison with slow and expensive wire transfers; and much less trouble using Chia. Cross-border transfers and conversions using traditional banking services are difficult xff0c; slow and expensive xff0c; although alternative money transfer services may be faster xff0c; but they are not cheap xff1a; Western Union funds can charge a high fee of 10xff05;


The technology will be fully open and accessible to xff0c; anyone can construct new wallets without our permission or help. But xff0c; we intend to help with wallets xff0c; exchanges and businesses handle partner support and integrated services xff0c; joint marketing and liquidity loans.

我們是綠色的錢! 我們的創始人 Bram Cohen 這家公司成立之初就知道他想通過“綠色”選項降低區塊鏈的能源依賴。 耕作的概念似乎是填充未使用的磁盤空間並監視其是否有新芽的最佳隱喻。這促使我們尋找一種具有我們希望在新網絡中體現的特性的穀物。 團隊想要一個簡短而有影響力的名字。 每個人都感到很有趣,它也是與異想天開的模因有關的穀物。 Chia Network誕生了。

The concept of farming seems to be the best metaphor for filling unused disk space and monitoring whether there are new buds. This prompts us to look for a grain that we want to be present in the new network. The team wants a short and influential name.




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