
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:102 评论:0
原创 | 刘教链 周末BTC(比特币)趁势向着30日均线回归,现于69k一线悬停。7万刀以下加仓的机会窗口,和那蹉跎一生的岁月一样,过一天少一天,...



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On weekends, BTC( Bitcoin) returning to the 30-day average xff0c; now suspended on the 69k line. The window of opportunity xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; one day less xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xyxy; xyff0c; xff0c; xff0c; ; xff0c; never return.




The dollar #xff0c, no longer moored with gold, became "air currency".


xff0c in the 1970s; United States dollar xff0c in various parts of Europe; even beggars wrote “no dollars” on their caps. xff08; Bitcoin History, Chapter X, 42 xff09;


At the same time xff0c; the first oil crisis took place. October 1973 xff0c; the then member States of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), led by Saudi Arabia, announced xff0c; and the oil embargo imposed on countries that supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War. The embargo lasted for almost a year xff0c; officially ended in March 1974. During the embargo period xff0c; global oil prices rose by nearly 300%.


It was also in 1973 xff0c; Kissinger became Secretary of State to President Nixon. Only two years after the end of the gold standard.


Kissinger exaggerates his great diplomatic hand. First, #xff0c; he persuaded President Nixon to fight the war of Yom Kippur in October 1973 & #xff08; fourth Arab-Israeli war & #xff09; and fully supported Israel’s military victory. The first oil crisis & #xff0c; it was the Arab world’s retaliatory action against it.


But Kissinger is not afraid. On the contrary, xff0c; this is probably exactly what he wanted to see. June 1974 xff0c; Kissinger met with the King of Saudi Arabia xff0c; threatened by force xff08; xff09; xff0c; succeeded in “convincing” Saudis to enter into agreements with the United States for military sales and “oil-dollar-United States debt”.


Of which xff0c; related to “oil-dollar-dollar-dollar debt” tied xff0c; Saudi commitment xff1a;


First xff0c; oil sold in United States dollars only.


Second xff0c; invests a surplus of US dollars in US debt.

“石油美元”(petrodollar)作为一个合成词,也在同年出现在了世界经济历史的舞台。1973 年,埃及裔美国经济学家易卜拉欣·奥维斯(Ibrahim Oweiss)和美国前商务部长彼得·彼得森(Peter G. Peterson)先后提出了这个词。

“oil dollar” & #xff08; petrodollar) as a synthetic word & #xff0c; also appeared on the scene in the history of the world economy in the same year. 1973 & #xff0c; Egyptian-American economist Ibrahim Oves & #xff08; Ibrahim Oweiss & #xff09; former United States Secretary of Commerce Peter Peterson & #xff08; Peter G. Peterson #xff09; successively.


Many people know only one xff0c of oil dollars; do not know the second. Only oil is tied to dollar pricing and sales xff0c; more importantly, the dollar that sells oil is sent back to the United States to buy US debt xff0c; and it supports US debt. This is a closed ring. Draws the money and buys it properly xff0c; it is a key link to the closed link.


Like China, which has been tied to the dollar-American debt cycle for decades. Chinese work overtime to produce sock shirts xff0c; sell some dollars to the United States xff0c; do not dare to spend xff0c; and return to the United States by buying US debt. Workers “lending” their wages to their boss xff0c; just to keep shopkeepers from losing their jobs xff0c; to keep themselves out of unemployment xff0c; and to continue working, cattle and horses xff1f.


Don't think there's a lot of walts in your head. A different package xff0c; a lot of people fall for it. The owner takes out his equity to xff0c; lets the employee buy it. The boss develops a property xff0c; lets the employee invest. This kind of suite xff0c; how many friends see xff1f;


You think the boss is going to go to the market with his brothers to cut vegetables #xff0c; he's having a beautiful dream of getting rich. He doesn't know the boss's mind is about cutting the groceries of your stupid brothers. In companies like this, it's important to #xff0c; it's important to brainwash them #xff0c; it's necessary to get them to do the right thing. The more brainwashing #xff0c; the more stupid #xff0c; the less competitive and combatable it is in the external market. How can a bunch of fools be able to fight #xff1f; the more likely they are the owner of a fool who's brainwashing #xff0c; the more likely they are to cry "wolves" #xff0c; the complaining that these brothers look like fools rather than the sharp wolf.


So #xff0c; American Psychological War, Cognitive War First #xff0c; Media Control World First #xff0c; Prism Watch World First #xff0c; Hollywood Special Effect World First.


The highest level of brainwashing is to make you deny that you have been brainwashed. The highest level of media control is to allow the audience to defend itself without any manipulation or control. The highest level of film effectiveness is for foreign believers and industry experts alike to believe in this matter and to fight people who dare to question and curse them for their ignorance.


Controlled a man's mind #xff0c; controlled his wealth. Controlled a man's wealth #xff0c. Controled a man's behaviour xff0c; controlled a man's body. Controled a person's body xff0c; controlled everything.

挣脱思想的牢笼,就能摆脱控制。解放思想,解放一切。而解放思想,只需要从一个非常简单而几乎没有成本的事情开始 —— 质疑。

Free from the cage of thoughts #xff0c; free from control. Free from ideas #xff0c; free from everything. Free from ideas #xff0c; start with a very simple and costless thing -- question.


has never been so #xff0c; #xff1f;


When a person begins to think about this question #xff0c; the cage of thought is beginning to loose. When everyone dares to think about it #xff0c; the shackles of thought may be broken.


If Saudi Arabia spends all the dollars it earns on oil sales xff0c; invests in China xff0c; buys advanced Chinese weapons, space technology and technology. China gets the dollar xff0c; does not buy American debt xff0c; instead lends “lending” to third world countries that owe usury dollars to the United States dollar xff0c; lets them return the loan money to China xff0c; don't let the country lose xff0c; it's bankruptcy.


xff0c; the more the dollar returns to the US & #xff0c; the more the dollar accelerates its exit & #xff0c; the better chance to leave a huge vacuum and place replacements to fill the vacuum. has already described this logic.


Don't think that anyone dares to win a seat during the dollar shrinkage. The American army's deterrent is not vegan. Smart people often have xff0c; and those who can convince the US army with truth don't often.


Ninety-nine percent of people can't see it. One percent of them xff0c; 0.99 percent xff0c; they don't know the truth xff0c; they can't talk. Only the last 0.01 percent xff0c; not only xff0c; they know the truth. They're the ones who finally convinced the Fed.


A dollar believer xff0c; must be, first and foremost, a nationalist xff08; nationalist xff09; xff0c; and an American nationalist. That is, he did not have American nationality on his passport xff0c; his spirit must have already converted to the United States. The case is simple. The United States, as a country xff0c; the right to print dollars. If destruction and sanctions can help to defend the right to print banknotes xff0c; then it must also be careful.


If any single sovereign right to print banknotes xff0c; if there is such a super-sovereign currency xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin xff0c; xff0c; its owners will never choose any practices harmful to the productivity of any country. Confiscation, blockade, sanctions, war xff0c; this kind of actions detrimental to productivity development xff0c; will be resisted. Any destruction of productivity xff0c; will undermine the value of that currency. #xff0c; Plural politics xff0c; free trade xff0c; and would be the best option.


The absurd theory that the destruction of the productive capacity of war can boost economic growth will be rejected. The wealth of will never be created by destruction. The more productive & #xff0c; the better the production of xff0c; the more good people can consume and use xff0c; #xff1f; the problem is not too much xff0c; it is too little money.


For this reason #xff0c; it destroys the wealth of others.


Any money and currency xff0c; it's nothing more than abstract concepts and numbers xff0c; it's not any wealth. Products xff0c; machines producing products xff0c; factories xff0c; workers xff0c; and the land that owns all this xff0c; it's real wealth.


The owner of a super-sovereign currency & #xff0c; a bitcoin & #xff0c; the #xff0c that they want to protect; the countries that create real wealth & #xff0c; not the countries that would rather destroy people's wealth as a means of redistributing others' wealth. This is the true one & #xff0c; it is their own perception that they can afford the Bitcoin assets in their hands.


And anyone who no longer believes in the dollar xff0c; who abandons the dollar and buys bitcoin xff0c; even if he is an American xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; is no longer an American nationalist xff08; internationalist xff09;


We have recently observed an excellent sample of xff1a; Trump. He changed his mind completely at 180 degrees for the upcoming November campaign xff0c; from a strong defender of the dollar xff0c; gorgeously turned — at least verbally — into a pro-encryption currency supporter xff0c; and a supporter of Bitcoin.


Let us see. If he really changes his mind and position, as he has said; if he turns into a bitcoin & #xff0c; then we can continue to look at #xff0c; if he will make it to xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; from a central American nationalist; to an internationalist. Not the hegemonic globalism of the Democrats xff0c; but the internationalism of Intra-Yonel.


If in the near future #xff0c; we see a number of cases of this shift to an internationalist #xff0c; that would be a great victory in the history of bitcoin development. The idea of being a human being shines on the globe #xff0c; there is light.






* * *













(Public & #xff1a; Liu Congregation. Knowledge planet & #xff1a; Public #responsible Planet)


(Exemption statement xff1a; nothing in this paper constitutes an investment recommendation. Encrypted currency is a very high risk variety xff0c; there is a risk of zero at any time xff0c; be careful to participate xff0c; be self-responsible.






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