
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:54 评论:0
原標題:破“五唯”立在其中   【論教】{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}   編者按 “扭轉不科學的教育評價導向,堅決克服唯分數、唯升學、唯文...



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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}

  編者按 “扭轉不科學的教育評價導向,堅決克服唯分數、唯升學、唯文憑、唯論文、唯帽子的頑瘴痼疾”,是健全立德樹人落實機制的重要內容。教育評價是教育發展的指揮棒,影響學校、教師、學生、家長的行為和心態,因此教育部提出2019年“要把教育評價改革作為‘最硬的一仗’來推進”。破解“五唯”難題,是教育進入全面普及階段能否健康前行、科學發展的重要前提,在新時代具有特殊意義。

The editor of `strang', in line with “Trucking the course of unscientific educational criticisms, overcoming numeracy, promotion, documentary, paper-based, cap-based problems” is an important element of a sound Liddish institutionalization. Educational evaluation is the guide to educational development and influences the behaviour and mindset of schools, teachers, students, and parents, so the Ministry of Education proposed in 2019 that “the reform of educational evaluation should be carried forward as the `hardest battle'.” Breaking the problem of `fiveism' is an important prerequisite for education's progress towards universal access and scientific development, with special significance in the new era.



There are profound social reasons for the formation of the Five Five. It should be noted that quantitative indicators such as scores, academic records, papers, etc. have a rational face, such as surface fairness, simple operation, or do not accumulate problems. The Five Five has for a long time been instrumental in the development of education and has served to promote equity in education, but has only slowly begun to act as a disincentive to scientific development after it has developed.


In recent years, breaking the “quinquies” has become the cornerstone of the policy of reforming educational appraisals, such as making the promotion of healthy student growth the starting point and the entry point for all work in schools, forming a model for admission to high school examinations based on competitive examinations at lower secondary school levels, combining quality evaluations, gradually developing a system of competitive examinations for higher education, matching evaluation, multiple admissions, strict prohibition of simple use of promotion rates and grade evaluation for junior and middle school teachers, not only leading, seniority, and literature as a basis for the evaluation of high school teachers, and exploring the scientific evaluation of the main content with representative results and original creative contributions.


In the Ministry of Education Bulletin 2010-2018, a search was made of 208 policies issued by the Central, State and Ministry of Education departments, including the Ministry of Education, which included an education assessment. This represents about one fifth of the policies issued during the same period. As can be seen, the Ministry of Education has done a great deal of work in the area of overcoming the “five-way” disease, and it is clear that it is well understood that the next step is to make a breakthrough in specific operational measures, which must be able to withstand the social equity test.


is about the realization of the "one" to "many" stands


“Five” is wrong in the word “only.” Breaking the “Five” reform is actually based on quantitative markers, looking for non-quantifiable breakthroughs, thereby gradually building a new age-appropriate system of educational ratings. In other words, numerical indicators are fundamental, “not only” is expansionary and quantitative and qualitative.


In this context, the balanced allocation of educational resources and the multiplicity of developments in higher education are the institutional foundations of the evaluation. Students are judged to be growing, contributing to overall development and excellence; teachers are seen to promote growth and individual professional development; and schools are judged to be in a position to fulfil their responsibilities in the field of education and social service.


Some good practices that compare national education ratings also find that “primaryity, diversity” is the only basis on which they share a common trend, and that “many” aspects of what they mean. Students’ daily academic evaluations focus on long-term factors, and focus on upgrading and learning outcomes, and on personal development; promotion evaluations and quality of core competencies, such as high-level and non-high-school admissions, are often the only basis on which they are based. Quantitative and qualitative selections are more and more consistent, and almost all well-known high-level schools are not merely based on first-class entrance examinations, but rather on merit and experience.




“Basic (translatable to scores) + speciality + health” is a general requirement for students to grow in science, so it is necessary to stick to the roots of China’s land for education, to combine knowledge, thinking and learning, to work together, to oppose the global practice of filling ducks, and to promote excellence, health and talent for all. To this end, build on the role of moral excellence as a fundamental criterion for testing all work in schools, and to use the teaching staff as the first standard for the evaluation team, and to talk about others with scientists.


Student growth is a process that progresses from a low to a high level of competition as a result of age growth. There is a need to follow the rules governing the physical and mental development of young people, the rules governing talent growth and the rules governing education.


The multiplicity of higher education institutions has not yet been fully resolved at the time of popularization, i.e., it will be universalized, and it will need to be addressed more quickly. The integration of the structure and social development is key.


It is important to address problems and contradictions, but it is also important to strengthen the dissemination of science and regulations. It is important to guide people to the proper understanding of the rules governing the physical and mental development of young people, and children’s images, logic, physical development, mental state are different from time to time, to do the right thing, to do the right thing, to do the right thing, to do the right thing, to do the right thing, and to do the right thing to harm their children, and to make science, healthy growth and development a common understanding of society.


The Ministry of Education and Administration focuses its work on directions, dissemination of rules, and organization of initiatives that will lead the community to explore together. The focus of recent efforts is to focus on the right direction, i.e., on education rules and long-term human capacity-building, on the selection of breakpoints in the various circles, on the development of pilot projects, and on the promotion and dissemination of the rules by specialists; and on the need for structural change in the medium-term, on the use of information technology, artificial intelligence technology and, in particular, on the use of regional chains in the teaching and learning process, on the design of systems, their classification and formation.


"Teacher of Strong" comments on the matching of duties to the post


The aim of this long-term evaluation is to develop a participatory teacher rating that enhances the positive interaction between the faculty and the faculty and promotes learning change among the teachers.


The teacher's assessment must be linked to the duties of the post. The first is the work of the teacher, the second in parenting, and the third is the development of the profession. These three points are the main aspects of the evaluation in terms of what position is required. There should be a difference in the orientation of the assessment for teachers at different levels of sub-schools. In general, primary and secondary school teachers focus on the promotion of students' scientific and health education, vocational and technical college teachers focus on industrial cooperation, and higher school teachers measure the performance of the three main functions of “pedagogical, scientific research, and service” and are guided by the school's orientation.


We know that ethics will be shown through behaviour, so that the code can be translated into practice, and schools at all levels should be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the new era, such as the Ten-Standards of Standards for Teacher Careers, to refine the school's teacher's behaviour and to develop an operational teacher's behaviour as a rule.


(author: Marutin, Deputy Director, Centre for Educational Development Studies, Ministry of Education)




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