比特币 ATM是什么以及它如何运作?

资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:131 评论:0
在这个快速发展的加密货币领域,比特币 ATM(也称为比特币柜员机 (BTM))的数量在世界各地大幅增加。这些机器允许用户使用法定货币(现金)或借记卡/信用卡买卖比特币。外观与传统 ATM 类似,但您无需提取现金,而是购买比特币或出售比特币以...



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在这个快速发展的加密货币领域,比特币 ATM(也称为比特币柜员机 (BTM))的数量在世界各地大幅增加。这些机器允许用户使用法定货币(现金)或借记卡/信用卡买卖比特币。外观与传统 ATM 类似,但您无需提取现金,而是购买比特币或出售比特币以换取现金。

In this fast-growing area of encrypted currency, the number of Bitcoin ATMs (also known as Bitcoin counters (BTMs)) has increased significantly around the world. These machines allow users to buy and sell bitcoins in legal currency (cash) or debit/credit cards. They look like traditional ATMs, but you do not need to draw cash, but buy bitcoins or sell bitcoins in exchange for cash.

在本文中,我们将详细探讨比特币 ATM,包括其工作原理、优点和缺点等等。请务必阅读到最后,以全面了解比特币 ATM。

In this paper, we will look at Bitcoin ATM in detail, including its working principles, strengths and weaknesses.

比特币 ATM 是一种机器,它通过类似自动售货机的界面帮助加密爱好者购买或出售比特币。要使用这台机器,您不需要现有账户。如果您有一个账户,那很好,但如果没有,只需进行最低限度的验证,您就可以创建一个加密钱包来存储比特币和其他山寨币。要购买比特币,您需要现金或信用卡/借记卡。

Bitcoin ATM is a machine that helps encryption fans to buy or sell bitcoins through interfaces similar to vending machines. To use this machine, you do not need an existing account.

这些机器还允许您提取现金以换取比特币,类似于传统的 ATM。但是,此功能取决于 ATM 的制造商、服务提供商和具体型号。对于这些一流的设施,比特币 ATM 会根据交易收取少量费用。

These machines also allow you to draw cash in exchange for bitcoin, similar to the traditional ATM. However, this function depends on the manufacturer, service provider and specific model of ATM. For these first-class facilities, bitcoin ATM will charge a small fee on the basis of the transaction.

这些费用激励了比特币 ATM 运营商,最近,世界各地的加密爱好者一直试图利用这些 ATM 赚取被动收入。根据最近的消息,全球比特币 ATM 的安装量正在大幅增加,本月这些 ATM 的销售额达到 10 亿美元。

These costs have inspired Bitcoin ATM operators, and recently encryption fans around the world have been trying to use these ATMs for passive income. According to recent news, the global installation of Bitcoins ATMs is increasing significantly, with sales of these ATMs reaching $1 billion this month.

比特币 ATM 的工作原理简单明了,与传统 ATM 类似,但根据制造商、服务提供商或具体型号的不同会有所不同。以下是其工作原理的简单概述:

Bitcoin ATM works in a simple, similar way to the traditional ATM, but will differ depending on the manufacturer, service provider or specific model. The following is a brief overview of its working principles:


User authentication: If an encryption hobby has an account, you need to provide identification or scan a two-dimensional code from a mobile encrypted wallet. A new user can create an account on the spot.

输入买入/卖出金额:用户输入想要用来购买比特币的金额或从 ATM 提取现金的比特币金额。

Enter the purchase/sale amount: the user enters the amount of bitcoin that you want to use to purchase bitcoin or to withdraw cash from ATM.


In order to be sold, the user needs to scan two-dimensional codes.

交易确认:付款成功后,用户会收到确认收据,类似于 ATM 取款后的传统纸质收据。

Transaction confirmation: When payment is successful, the user receives a confirmation receipt, similar to the traditional paper receipt following the ATM withdrawal.

使用比特币 ATM 非常有趣,但运营商收取的服务费可能占总交易额的 10% 到 23%。费用差异由多种因素造成,包括地理位置、比特币 ATM 运营商和总交易额。

The use of Bitcoin ATM is interesting, but operators may charge 10 to 23% of total transactions. The cost difference is due to a variety of factors, including geographical location, Bitcoin ATM operators and total turnover.

比特币 ATM 运营商收取高额费用是因为运营这些机器的成本很高。成本包括 ATM 租金或成本、客户支持、现金物流服务、租赁空间和其他费用,因此与在线购买加密货币相比,交易费用更高。

Bitcoin ATM operators charge high fees because of the high cost of operating these machines. Costs include ATM rents or costs, customer support, cash logistics services, rental space and other costs, and therefore transaction costs are higher than the online purchase of encrypted currency.

加密用户在使用任何比特币 ATM 之前应始终仔细检查费用结构。

Encrypted users should always carefully check the cost structure before using any bitcoin ATM.

比特币 ATM 允许用户使用现金或借记卡/信用卡购买比特币或出售比特币以换取现金。但是,比特币 ATM 有两种类型:

BitcoinATM allows users to use cash or debit cards/credit cards to purchase bitcoins or sell bitcoins in exchange for cash. However, bitcoinATM has two types:

单向比特币 ATM:这种类型非常常见,只允许用户使用现金/法定货币或借记卡/信用卡购买比特币或山寨币,并根据交易收取费用。

One-way Bitcoin ATM: This type is very common and allows users only to use cash/legal currency or debit cards/credit cards for the purchase of bitcoins or bounties and to collect fees on the basis of transactions.

双向比特币 ATM:这种类型允许用户使用现金购买加密货币或出售加密货币并从 ATM 中提取现金。如今,双向比特币 ATM 的安装越来越频繁。

Two-way Bitcoin ATM: This type allows users to use cash to purchase encrypted currency or to sell encrypted currency and extract cash from ATM. Now, the installation of two-way Bitcoin ATM is becoming more frequent.

尽管使用比特币 ATM 有很多好处,但也存在挑战:

While there are many advantages to using Bitcoin ATM, there are challenges:

监管不确定性:在许多国家,加密货币是合法的,比特币 ATM 机也已投入使用。然而,在印度等对加密货币没有明确立场的国家,比特币 ATM 机可能会面临监管挑战。

Regulatory uncertainty: In many countries, encrypted currency is legal, and the Bitcoin ATM machine is operational. However, in countries like India where there is no clear position on encrypted currency, the Bitcoin ATM machine may face regulatory challenges.

安全问题:由于比特币 ATM 存放现金,因此可能会因盗窃而遭受物理损坏。此外,它们还可能成为盗窃和黑客的目标。

Security: They may also be targets for theft and hacking, as Bitcoin ATM deposits cash and may suffer physical damage as a result of theft.

交易费用高昂:比特币 ATM 的交易费用高得多,在 10% 到 23% 之间,这对用户来说可能是昂贵的。

High transaction costs: Bitcoin ATM transaction costs are much higher, between 10 and 23 per cent, which may be expensive for users.

交易所波动性:与用户可以下限价订单的在线加密货币购买不同,比特币 ATM 具有高波动性,这使得用户难以购买加密货币。

Exchange volatility: Bitcoin ATM is highly volatile, which makes it difficult for users to purchase encrypted currency, unlike online encrypted currency purchases where users can order lower price orders.


Even if there is a web problem, it can be easily accessed.


The minimum use of personal information is allowed for the purchase of encrypted currency.


The purchase of encrypted currency is faster than on an online exchange.


An encrypted currency may be purchased using legal/cash currency, without the need for a bank account.


There are no government regulatory issues or money-laundering cases usually associated with online transactions.


Transaction costs are higher than on-line transactions.


Limited capacity to sell encrypted currency.


Concerns about theft, fraud and tampering.


Limited client support.


Provision is limited to specific countries/areas.


There is a lack of price maintenance compared to online transactions.

比特币 ATM 的功能与传统 ATM 类似,允许加密货币爱好者使用现金或借记卡/信用卡购买加密货币,并出售加密货币以换取现金。比特币 ATM(也称为 BTM)允许用户在信息有限的情况下购买加密货币。然而,与在线交易所相比,BTM 的交易费用要高得多。

Bitcoin ATM functions similar to traditional ATMs, which allow encrypt currency fans to purchase encrypted currency using cash or debit cards/credit cards and sell encrypted currency in exchange for cash. Bitcoin ATM (also known as BTM) allows users to purchase encrypted currency with limited information. However, BTM transactions are much more expensive than online exchanges.




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