
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:103 评论:0
新版人民币可以从以下几个方面辨别真假:The new edition of the RMB can be deduced from the following aspects: 1、首先查看安全线。垂直票面进行观耻番察时,安全线呈现红色...



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The new edition of the RMB can be deduced from the following aspects:


1. First, look at the safety line. When the vertical front is viewed with shame, the security line is red. From a certain angle, the security line is green. When the vertical side is looking at a number, the figure is gold. When it looks like a bridge with a certain search code, it is optic, and the climb is afraid that the figure is green.


2. Visible images.


The number 1 is incomplete.


Important anti-false features are such anti-false features as increasing the number of light-coloured variants, dent-to-print numbers and dent-to-print impressions.


The fifth set of RMB5 in the 2020 edition is in sequence with the fifth set of RMB50, RMB20, RMB10, RMB1 and RMB100 in the 2015 edition and its layout.


On the basis of the current 2005 edition of the fifth set of five-dollar banknote anti-false techniques, additional anti-false features, such as light-coloured face-to-face figures, dent-to-face numbers and dent-to-print prints, elimination of holographic magnetic window opening safety lines and dent-to-handlines, and the introduction of full-magnetized security lines.


Overall, the techniques applied to prevent forgery are more advanced and better structured, and the overall ability to protect against forgery is significantly higher than the 2005 edition of the fifth set of RMB 5.


Extended information


The fifth set of RMB5 in the 2020 edition adds a new anti-false feature.


I. Numbers of light-colored face-to-face variations. Photo-to-face conversion techniques are recognized internationally as advanced anti-false techniques that are easily recognizable. The fifth set of RMB5 in the central front of the 2020 edition contains figures of light-to-face variants, changing the view of banknotes, and the colour of the face-to-mass “5” changes between gold and green, and can be seen rolling under a bright belt.


ii. Numbers of dents versus print against dents. The dents against dents are made possible by a two-faced dent-to-print technology, which for the first time has been applied to popular currency-proof paper, which is the first time it has been applied to the circulation of currency notes.


The fifth set of RMB5 banknotes in the 2020 edition also takes a number of other measures to improve anti-false techniques and the quality of printing.


On both sides of the paper currency is protected against pollution coatings, with a marked improvement in integrity; the cash machine identification is facilitated by the continuation of the 2015 edition of $100 and the 2019 edition of $50, $20, $10, and 1 dollar coin crown number font design.


Source: China New Network - Fifth RMB5 in 2020 will be issued to enhance the anti-false performance


The fifth set of RMB5 notes in the 2020 edition was characterized by a positive central face numeric adjustment to a luminous modulus numeral amounted to “5” and a partial image of the lower left and upper right corner adjusted to a dent face-to-face number versus a dent.


Adds decorative textures to the left, adjusts the position of the numeric white watermark, adjusts the pattern of the left flower stamp, the left horizontal number, the central decorative troupe, and the head of the right Mao Zedong. Removes the holographic magnetic window opening safety line and the right denting manual line in the centre.


The partial pattern of the top left and bottom right corner of the back was adjusted to a dent-to-do with a dent-to-do, and the style of the main view and face-to-face number was adjusted to “2020”.


The 2020 edition of the fifth set of RMB5 and the 2019 edition of the fifth set of RMB50, RMB20, RMB10, RMB1 and the 2015 edition of RMB100 and their layout are serialized.


The fifth set of five dollar banknotes in the 2020 edition came out, and the details of the banknotes, whether on the page or in the font, have become more sophisticated and make counterfeiting more difficult. But it is simply not possible to prevent some of the offenders from engaging in counterfeiting of the banknotes, which requires us to improve our own ability to discern authenticity. What should we do?


I. Look at the cut and paste marks


“Back-up counterfeiting” is a common trick used by some outlaws to carve and divide counterfeit and real currency into pieces, thus increasing the difficulty of identifying the trueness of banknotes. Many people can easily be deceived if they just look at the patchwork. So we have to divide the face of the banknotes into a number of relatively complete areas on the basis of cuts and pasting marks, and then examine the anti-false features of each region separately, so that we can judge whether it is a patch of counterfeit currency.


ii. Number of face sizes that can change colour


Now, our new editions of paper are made with special light-changed ink and then with dented printing. So, under sunlight or light, we can see different colors in different ways, and ink and printing are impossible to imitate. So, when we get the paper, we can look at the colour of the face numbers from different angles, and if there is a change in color, it's true, and if there is no change, it's fake currency.


iii. Touch dents?


The money-printing industry often says that there is no dent, so carving and denting is one of the most effective anti-false techniques of our time.


In the new version of the five-dollar banknote, the face figure and the name of the People's Bank of China, the State emblem, the Braille symbol, etc., can feel blobs when the finger is touched, but the counterfeit currency is smooth. In addition, we can identify authenticity by looking at it, placing it on a horizontal level, observing whether there is a reputation for the plaque, or whether there is a stampede of mechanical or rigid pressure on the back.


The above-mentioned article is a detailed response to the new version of the 5-dollar paper-proof feature introduced by the editor-in-chief and to the new 5-dollar paper-proof feature of 2020, in the hope that it will help you. If you want to learn more about financial information, remember to keep an eye on us.


The station states that the content of the website is from the Internet and that if there is a violation, contact us and we will deal with it in a timely manner.




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