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As the digital currency market progresses, more and more investors are beginning to invest in this area. One of the most popular of these transactions is contract transactions. In the currency circles, contract transactions are widely applied to futures, leverage transactions, etc. So what is the currency contract? What is the currency contract term?


Contracts are in fact contracts with the exchange, with a certain amount of security, with two types of contracts, one with an ongoing contract, with a delivery period, and, like futures, with an automatic balance at the time of delivery, with no period of time, with contracts buying more space, buying more money from higher prices, earning more money from falling prices, and then trading with leverage in a way that is free to choose, with different types of leverage risk. Contracts are actually optimized in the context of leveraging transactions, allowing users to operate better, with a more flexible choice of buying (so-called buying and falling) than making a contract.


As virtual currency development virtual currency contract transactions develop into a popular mode of trading, it is a way of dealing through contracts rather than actually buying or holding assets, which are often derivatives that allow traders to speculate or hedge on the basis of virtual currency price increases or falls. Contract transactions involve leverage, multi-headings, etc., and different types of contract play different ways, so how do investors play virtual currency contract transactions?


Contract prices refer to the price of the digital currency when the contract expires. Normally, the contract price is determined by the supply-demand relationship in the market, i.e. the price generated by the market investor in the course of the transaction.


The amount of the contract is the total number of transactions when the contract expires.


Leverage is the loan that an investor uses in the course of a transaction. Normally, an investor can leverage its own principal, thereby increasing its profitability.


Contract security is the amount of security that the investor is required to pay in the course of the transaction.


Usually, before the contract expires, the investor must decide whether to continue holding the contract or sell it out.


While currency-circle transactions can generate huge profits for investors, there are also risks. In entering into contract transactions, investors must carefully consider their own risk tolerance to avoid significant losses from blind follow-up to market trends.


The bond rate is an indicator of the level of security in response to the warehouse, and the higher the bond rate, the safer it is.


So, how are the bond rates calculated? The OEF accounts provide a variety of types of bond models, divided into single-currency guarantee models - full warehouse, cross-currency deposit models - full warehouse, single/cross-currency deposit models - showing their calculations on a case-by-case basis.


(1) Single currency guarantee model, full warehouse transactions

保证金率 =(该币种全仓内余额 + 全仓收益 – 该币种挂单卖出数量 – 期权买单所需要的该币种数量 – 逐仓开仓所需要的该币种数量 – 所有挂单手续费)/(维持保证金 + 爆仓手续费)。

Bond rate & nbsp; = (the full warehouse balance of the currency & nbsp; + full warehouse revenue & nbsp; –   – & amount of currency required for options   – & amount of currency & nbsp; – & nbsp; – & all billing fees) / (maintenance bond & nbsp; + explosion charges).


Maintenance of the bond takes into account the sum of four parts of the bond, including billing, the bond, the bond, the guarantee for permanent maintenance, the bond for duration maintenance, and the sum of four parts of the fee for debiting, the fee for cutting, the fee for permanent renewal, and the charge for options. This is done in order to avoid a sudden change in the level of risk in the account after the booking. & nbsp;

爆仓手续费 =杠杆借币手续费 + 交割永续手续费 + 期权手续费

Blast handling fee & nbsp; = leverage fee + payment fee + options fee

其中,杠杆借币手续费=借币仓位价值 * 用户 taker费率;交割永续手续费=交割永续仓位价值 * 用户 taker费率;期权手续费=期权仓位价值 * 用户 taker费率。

Of this amount, the leverage fee = value of currency debit warehouse * User taker rate; payment fee = value of permanent storage slot * User taker rate; option fee = value of options warehouse * User taker rate.


2) Cross-currency guarantee model, full warehouse transactions

保证金率 =有效保证金 / (维持保证金 + 减仓手续费)

Bond rate & nbsp; = valid bond & nbsp; / (maintenance bond & nbsp; + warehouse reduction charges)

维持保证金是按照 (持仓数量 + 开仓挂单数量) 来计算

Maintenance bond based on   (number of warehouse holdings & nbsp; + number of warehouse receipts) & nbsp;

减仓手续费是按照(持仓数量 + 开仓挂单数量) 来计算

Deduction charges are calculated on the basis of (number of warehouse holdings & nbsp; + number of warehouse openings) & nbsp;


3) Single/cross-currency guarantee model, silo-to-store transactions

多仓:保证金率=【仓位资产 -(负债 + 利息)/ 标记价格】/(维持保证金 + 手续费)

Multiple warehouse: bond rate = [silo assets - (liability + interest) / & nbsp; tag price] / (maintenance bond + handling fee)

空仓:保证金率=【仓位资产 – |负债 + 利息| * 标记价格】/(维持保证金 + 手续费)

Empty warehouse: bond rate = [Stockhold assets & ndash; interest * & nbsp; tag price]/ (maintenance bond + handling fee)

多仓平仓收益=(面值 * 合约乘数 * 张数)/ 开仓均价-(面值 * 合约乘数 * 张数)/ 平仓均价

Multiple silo revenue = (face value * contract multiplier * length) / average opening price - (face value * contract multiplier * length) / average silo price

空仓平仓收益=(面值 * 合约乘数 * 张数)/ 平仓均价-(面值 * 合约乘数 * 张数)/ 开仓均价

empty silo revenue = (face value * contract multiplier * length) / flat silo average - (face value * contract multiplier * length) / open silo average


Under the full warehouse bond system, when the user holds a position in the opposite direction of the latest exchange rate, when the bond rate is less than equal to the maintenance of the bond rate + the warehouse clearance rate, it triggers a reduction or explosion of the warehouse.


Under the warehouse-by-ware system, when the warehouse space held by the user changes in the opposite direction of the latest offer, the security margin held by the user is less than equal to the maintenance of the bond rate plus the clearance rate, which triggers a reduction or explosion of the warehouse.

当用户的仓位档位处于level 3及以上时,如果仓位的保证金率低于当前档位所需维持保证金率+平仓手续费率,但是依然高于最低档位的维持保证金率+平仓手续费率时,将不会直接将用户的全部仓位强平。系统将计算将仓位降低两个档位所需减仓张数,进行部分减仓。成功降档后,如果保证金率满足新档位的维持保证金率要求,部分减仓停止;如果依然不满足新档位的维持保证金率要求,将继续循环部分减仓流程。

When the user's warehouse slot is at or above the level of level 3 and if the security margin is lower than the maintenance bond rate required for the current slot + the clearance rate, but is still higher than the maintenance bond rate for the lowest slot + the clearance rate, the user's full warehouse position will not be directly flattened. The system will calculate the number of silos required to lower the warehouse slots by two. After a successful reduction, if the guarantee rate meets the maintenance bond rate requirements for the new slotting, it will be partially cut off; if the maintenance guarantee rate for the new slot is still not met, the recycling process will continue.

当用户持仓仓位处于档位2及以下,保证金率低于本档位要求的维持保证金率+平仓手续费率时;或用户持仓仓位处于档位3及以上,但保证金率低于档位1所需维持保证金率+平仓手续费率时,系统将直接按照破产价格(保证金率为零的价格)把该合约(全仓情况)/ 该仓位(逐仓情况)下所有张数委托给强平引擎。

When the user holds a warehouse position at 2 and below, the bond rate is lower than the guarantee rate required for this slot + the clearance rate; or the user holds a warehouse position at 3 and above, but the bond rate is lower than the deposit rate of 1 + the clearance rate, the system will commission the contract (full warehouse)/  directly to the bankruptcy price (zero value); all numbers under the warehouse position (storage) will be entrusted to a strong flat engine.


This early stabilization mechanism is primarily designed to avoid the adverse effects of the high volatility of the digital currency, which leads to a chain of strong peace and silos (which cannot be filled).


Upon the triggering of the forced stubble, the Qingping Engine would force the taking over of the silo position, at which point the user's loss of strength was equal to the loss of the stubble rate to zero and the maximum loss did not exceed the sum of the stubble.


Auto-Delevering, or ADL, refers to a mechanism that is imposed by the counterparty to control the overall risk of the platform when extreme events or force majeure factors lead to insufficient or rapid decline in the risk reserve. The current rapid decline is a 30% straight drop in the risk reserve within eight hours, with subsequent platforms likely to adjust to market conditions.


Once the ADL triggers, the platform will no longer handle the user’s position by placing a bill on the market, waiting for a suitable price-synthetic transaction to occur, but will directly find the counterparty’s pre-sequenced account and deal directly with the counterparty’s account at the price of the mark at that time. After the deal is made, the counterparty’s related contract position is reduced and the proceeds from the position are converted into account balances.


When the user is automatically downsized, you will receive a text message and an e-mail notice informing you of the reduced warehouse space and the reduced warehouse price. You can also find the reduced bill on the order centre page.


The risk reserve is a reserve used by the ELF platform to protect against the risk of strong-level orders piercing, the main sources of which are the reserves provided by the EEF platform and the strong-level surplus of strong-level orders.


Business lines & mdash; & mdash; risk reserves for leverage trading, handing over, durability, options are independent of each other, and within the line of operations, different subject-matter contracts, different currency risk reserves are also independent of each other.


At 16:00 a.m. per day (HKT), the platform will record all losses or surpluses on the market from 16:00 a.m. (HKT) the previous day, transfers out or injections into the risk reserve account, which will be recorded as damage through the warehouse and injection.


The main difference between the two is that the silo model allows for two-way warehousing, while the trading model allows for one-way warehousing.


Under the buying/sale mode, the user can simply make a billing transaction by buying/sale, under which only a unilateral warehouse is held. In other words, under the model, a contract deal holds a warehouse in only one direction, so that a warehouse in different directions is counterbalanced, thus achieving a consolidation of the warehouse in different directions.


This mode supports two-way warehousing. That is, under this mode, the same contract deals can hold multiple, empty positions in both directions, the security that the two directions occupy, the number of leverages and the number of warehouses held are not mutually affected, and the risk is hedged.


Note: The next list mode is valid for all contracts under a delivery/perpetuity contract.


What's the meaning of any of the other common terms in the contract?

  • 币本位合约:又称反向合约,计价单位为USD,充当担保资产和计算盈亏的币种都为标的币种(比如BTC、ETH等)。例如:我想做BTC币本位合约,那么我需要持有BTC才能开单,盈亏结算的也是BTC。

    Currency contracts: Also known as reverse contracts, where the unit of account is USD, the currency in which both the encumbered asset and the calculation of the gain or loss is the currency (e.g. BTC, ETH, etc.). For example: I want to make BTC local contracts, then I need to have BTC in order to bill, and the profit or loss is settled by BTC.

  • U本位合约:又称正向合约,计价单位为U,包括USDT、USDC等,充当担保资产和计算盈亏的币种都为U。您只要持有U即可以进行多个币种的合约交易,盈亏结算的也是U。

    U-contract: Also known as a positive contract, the unit of measure is U, including USDT, USDC, etc., and the currency in which the encumbered asset and the profit or loss is calculated is U.

  • 全仓:全仓模式下,您账户中所有的可用余额都会被用来成为您的仓位保证金。优点是可以加大爆仓的承受力;缺点是一旦爆仓,账户内的所有资产都会亏损掉。

    Full warehouse: In full warehouse mode, all available balances in your account will be used as a security deposit.

  • 逐仓:逐仓模式下,初始下单时锁定的保证金即为此仓位的最大损失。优点是一旦爆仓,损失数额只锁定为开仓时的保证金;缺点是爆仓承受力不如全仓模式。

    Warehousing: Under the warehouse-by-storey model, the deposit that was locked at the time of the initial billing is the biggest loss to the warehouse. The advantage is that, once the warehouse explodes, the amount of the loss is locked only into the deposit at the time of the opening; the disadvantage is that it is less resilient than the full warehouse model.

  • 杠杆倍数:杠杆倍数越大,可能收益越高,同时风险也越大。所以交易者要及时关注行情波动,做好止盈止损。

    Leverage multipliers: The greater the leverage multipliers, the higher the return and the greater the risk. Dealers are expected to pay timely attention to the volatility of their behaviour and to stop the loss.

  • 开仓均价:当前仓位的平均开仓价格。

    Average opening price: Average opening price of current warehouse space.

  • 标记价格:合约最新的标记价格,此价格用于计算盈亏和保证金。欧易引入标记价格,可以有效避免异常交易。

    Mark price: The contract’s latest mark price, which is used to calculate the profit or loss and the bond.

  • 强平价格与保证金率:

    Strength parities and bond rates:


    When a user offers multiple contract slots under a uniform account, it is possible that the estimate of a better price may differ from the actual price of a better price, and the estimate of a better price may be used as a reference, suggesting that the guarantee rate should be the same. When the bond rate for a contract position is ≤ 100%, it triggers a reduction or a bursting of a warehouse.


Note: This article may contain content that does not apply to the product in your region. This paper is intended to provide general information and is not responsible for any factual errors or omissions. It is not intended to provide any advice.


When entering into a digital currency contract transaction, the traders may pay attention to the following:


1, risk management:


While leveraging transactions can generate higher profits for traders, they are facing higher risks. Therefore, traders must exercise reasonable control over their own holdings and prevent excessive losses.


2, selection of a reliable exchange:


A digital-currency-contracting exchange should be selected. The exchange should be not only secure, but also efficient trading and matchmaking systems, as well as good customer services and tools.


3, Skilled transaction response:


Leverage transactions require high transaction skills and market analysis capabilities on the part of traders, and it is essential to capture market trends and develop trading strategies. Dealers must therefore have an in-depth understanding of market trends before entering into a digital-currency-contracting transaction, carefully analysing the trade response and using their own circumstances to rationally manipulate the aggregate. Leverage transactions in a digital-currency-contracting transaction must have higher trading skills and market-analysis capabilities on the part of traders, while paying attention to risk control and judgment that a well-established exchange is better able to seize trading opportunities in the face of market volatility.


generally, currency-circle contract transactions are a very promising method of trading and play an important role in the digital money market. But, for investors in general, it is important to learn and understand carefully in order to make reasonable transactions. Only under reasonable risk control can a real interest be obtained in currency-circle contract transactions.


What does that mean? What are the terms of the currency contract?

Tag:币圈   合约  



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