
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:103 评论:0
华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)比特币现货E...



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华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)


After the adoption of the Bitcoin spot ETF, the encryption market did not welcome the so-called “big cow market”, and instead, the Bitcoin price continued to fall.


In the early hours of 23 January, Bitcoin fell by $40,000 for the first time since December 2023, and in the evening of 23 January, despite the subsequent small recovery, the price of Bitcoin fell again to below $39,000, again during the new year.


It is worth noting that since the approval by the United States SEC on 11 January of 11 Bitcoin spot ETFs, the price of Bitcoins has fallen several times, with Bitcoins falling by over 7 per cent the following day after it was placed on the market.


On 24 January, Bitcoin recovered short-lived to over $40,000, but quickly fell back. By the time of the release, Bitcoin now reported $39,868.1, with a decline of 0.27 per cent in 24 hours. Coinglass showed that over 110,000 people had exploded in the last 24 hours, with a total of about $310 million.



On 11 January, 11 Bitcoin spot ETFs, including the Greyscale GTC, were approved for listing, and the price of Bitcoin has soared to $49,000. But the benefits of the news have not been sustained, and the market has come under clear sales pressure as large amounts of money flow out of the GCT. The data show that nearly $3 billion have been released since 11 January, when the Greycoin Trust was transformed into the ETF.


The co-sponsor and Permanent Vice-President of the China National Association's Web 3.0 Commission, Wu Goobin, told a Washington Times journalist that the continuing outflow of Greyscale GBTC could be due to concerns about the future movement of the market in Bitcoin, leading to a weakening of investors' confidence in GBTC. However, this is not the only reason, and that the decline in Bitcoin prices may be influenced by a number of other factors.


“The reasons for the decline in Bitcoin prices are often manifold, but the continued outflow of funds from the Greytime Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) during this particular period did affect market sentiment and the price movement of Bitcoin.” UWEB Principal and Honorary President of the Hong Kong Block Chain Association, Janin, stated to the Washington Times journalist.


As one of the early bitcoin investment instruments in the market, GBTC played an important role in the digital asset market, providing investors with a relatively secure and compliant channel for bitcoin investment. According to public information, the Greyscale GBTC was created in 2013 and had accumulated nearly $30 billion in assets when the United States Securities and Exchange Commission approved its conversion to ETF.

但随着比特币现货ETF的批准,GBTC面临了前所未有的竞争压力。于佳宁表示,GBTC 1.5%的管理费远高于其他家0.2%—0.9%的费用,这是导致资金外流的一个原因。这些ETF提供了更低的费用、更高的流动性以及更直接的市场接入途径,这使得许多投资者和机构倾向于选择ETF作为投资比特币的工具。

But with Bitcoin’s approval of the spot ETF, the GBTC faces unprecedented competitive pressures. In Janing, the management fee of 1.5% of the GBTC is much higher than that of the rest of the family at 0.2-0.9%, which is one of the reasons for the outflow.

值得注意的是,在被抛售的GBTC中,有价值约10亿美元的GBTC来自于FTX的破产财产,截至目前,FTX的GBTC所有权已归零。而就在FTX抛售GBTC持股一个小时之前,其子公司Alameda Research突然宣布撤销对灰度的诉讼。Alameda Research曾在2023年3月在特拉华州法院提起诉讼,指控灰度“以牺牲股东利益为代价谋取利益”。

It is worth noting that, of the GBTCs sold, about $1 billion worth of GBTC came from the bankruptcy estate of FTX, and so far FTX’s GBTC ownership has been zero. One hour before the sale of the FTX stockholding of GBTC, its subsidiary, Alameda Research, suddenly declared the Greyscale suit dropped. Alameda Research filed a lawsuit in the State Court of Delaware in March 2023, accusing it of “making a profit at the expense of shareholders”.


As the market delivers its expected benefits to the ETF, GBTC’s negative premium has shrunk significantly, prompting some early-entry investors to opt out at the moment. The FTX sale of GBTC has increased market uncertainty.

但依然有支持者长期看好比特币,Galaxy Digital首席执行官在社交媒体上表示,虽然有人会出售GBTC,但我们认为大多数会被其他比特币ETF给消化掉。这种消化不良将在未来6个月内结束,之后BTC会迎来更高价格。

But there are long-standing supporters of Bitcoin, and the CEO of Galaxy Digital said on social media that while some people would sell GBTC, we believe most of it would be digested by other bitcoin ETFs. This indigestion will end in the next six months, and then BTC will come up with higher prices.


In addition to the ongoing flow of greyscale GBTC, there is another source of information that allows investors to “close their minds.” Mt. Gox, which went bankrupt in 2014, will be exposed to the risk of unlocking 200,000 bitcoins over the next two months to pay for creditors’ arrears, and the Paypal route has now begun to be paid. Investors fear that releasing large amounts of bitcoins in the short term will push Bitcoin prices further down.


In response, Janin said that the sudden release of large amounts of bitcoins could indeed have a significant impact on the balance of supply and demand, creating supply pressures in the market. At the same time, the event could increase market uncertainty and panic.


According to a further analysis, the actual impact of the event is likely to be smaller than expected, as Mt. Gox’s insolvency and debt settlement process has lasted for many years, and the market has some expectation of a final settlement of the event. Thus, the impact of the event may have been absorbed somewhat earlier in the market.


Market sentiment shifted from high to low


The data show that the total size of 11 Bitcoin spot ETFs (AUM) was approximately $26,975 million during the first week of the listed transactions. The top three rankings were as much as $23,537 million in greyscale, $1,199 million in Belede, and $1,017 million in rich. During the period, the AUM of 11 Bitcoin spot ETFs fell by 8.41 per cent, while market prices fell by an average of 14.80 per cent over the same period.


CryptoQuant, the encryption data provider, had previously predicted that, with the approval of the spot ETF, Bitcoin was expected to revert to $32,000. As the price of Bitcoin continued to decline, the atmosphere in the encryption market became tense.


“The greyscale is still on the move, which seriously affects the confidence of market investors, and it is likely that they will continue to do so.” A senior crypto-currency investor indicated to a Washington Times journalist.

BitMex联合创始人Arthur Hayes表示:“比特币下跌走势可能告诉我们美元流动未来将面临问题,这种下跌趋势可能会持续到1月31日美国财政部发布季度再融资公告。”

According to Arthur Hayes, a co-founder of BitMex, “the downward trend in bitcoin may tell us that the future of dollar flows will be problematic and that this downward trend may continue until the quarterly refinancing announcement issued by the United States Treasury Department on 31 January”.

数字资产衍生品流动性提供商Orbit Markets的首席执行官Caroline Mauron表示:“我们看到所有数字资产都表现疲软,因为新ETF的资金流入,迄今未能抵消投机性交易员对公告前建立的头寸进行获利了结。”

As Caroline Mauron, Chief Executive Officer of Digital Asset Derivatives, Orbit Markets, stated: “We see that all digital assets are weak because the inflow of new ETFs has so far failed to offset speculative traders' profit from pre-advertisement positions.”


It is worth noting that, following the announcement by the United States of its approval of the Bitcoin spot ETF, many countries have indicated that the Bitcoin spot ETF is not allowed to be listed in their own countries. On 14 January, the Korean financial authorities announced that, while the United States SEC approved the Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) linked to the Bitcoin spot price, they would not review the relevant United States spot ETF or launch the local Bitcoin spot ETF.


On January 18, a spokesperson for the Singapore Monetary Authority stated that Singapore's bulk investors could participate in a collective investment scheme (CIS), which was regulated by the Securities and Futures Ordinance and covered ETFs. At present, Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies are not eligible assets for retail CIS. Therefore, the Singapore Monetary Authority does not allow such financial products to be marketed in Singapore and to be directed to bulk investors, and encrypted currencies such as Bitcoin are not included in ETF's eligible assets.


China's financial think tank invited researcher Yu Fung Xian of China informed the Washington Times journalists that, with the expansion of the virtual asset market and its changing role in the global financial system, regulators are strengthening their regulation of virtual assets.


“It is expected that Governments will continue to strengthen virtual asset regulation in the future, and that international cooperation will be strengthened to address the transnational risks and challenges of virtual assets.” The Under-Secretary-General of the Central and Village Networking Industries Alliance, Yuan, has indicated to the Washington Times that regulatory trends may lead to more stringent and regulated regulatory measures to ensure stability in virtual asset markets and protect investors’ interests.


In addition, uncertainty about future regulatory policies will affect virtual asset markets. Currently, countries have different approaches to virtual asset regulation, and investors need to pay close attention to policy trends in order to reduce investment risk.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳


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