比特币价格飙升危机四伏 专家建议关停违规交易平台

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:49 评论:0
比特币飙升 危机四伏Bitcoin is on the rise. It's dangerous.中国证券报Chinese Securities Agency□本报记者 徐昭## Reporter Seo-suk.5月以来,比特币又开启一波...



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比特币飙升 危机四伏

Bitcoin is on the rise. It's dangerous.


Chinese Securities Agency

□本报记者 徐昭

## Reporter Seo-suk.


In August, in particular, Bitcoin prices surged from about $18,000 to an all-time high of $30,000. Data show that between 1 July and 31 July, domestic Bitcoins traded at $30.17 billion, or 30% of the global total.


According to experts, Bitcoin is often used by outlaws as a tool for criminal activities, such as money-laundering, distribution, and smuggling, because it is anonymous, border-free, and untraceable. Regulatory authorities should establish a system of real-name scrutiny of investors in the Bitcoin trading platform as soon as possible, increasing penalties for violations of the Bitcoin trading platform and banning some of the Bitcot trading platforms for serious violations.


High transaction risk


In the first half of 2017, the combined market value of the world’s major virtual currencies increased from $17.7 billion to $100 billion. Of this, the market value of Bitcoins grew 2.7 times. From 1 to 31 July, the market value of Bitcoins was $31 billion-$47 billion in interregional shocks. At 31 July’s market value, the market value of the world’s main virtual currencies was 51 per cent, followed by Taipan and Ripau, 20 per cent and 7 per cent, respectively, and three together, nearly 80 per cent.


From 1 to 31 July, domestic Bitcoin transactions were traded at $30.17 billion, representing a 11.6 per cent decline in the ring, or 30 per cent of total global transactions. By analysing the size of transactions in domestic trading platforms, the largest transactions were in the three trading platforms: OKCoin (22.5 per cent), Bitcoin China (19.7 per cent) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (18.2 per cent), which together accounted for 60 per cent.


Second-tier market exchange transactions are an important link in the Bitcoin ecological chain, involving a large number of users and transactions on a large scale. At the same time, bitcoin transactions are accompanied by risks, including price fluctuations, market manipulation, information leaks, stolen trading platforms, and running routes.


“As a so-called supranational `currency', Bitcoin, while operating in virtual space, could increase the systemic risk to the economic and financial systems of sovereign States.” As the Director of the Financial Law Institute of the Central University of Finance and Economic Affairs, the earthquake pointed out, there is already a practice of using Bitcoin to evade foreign exchange controls and money-laundering tax evasion, for example, in the areas of exchange control, money-laundering and tax avoidance.


The earthquake emphasized that there are many irregularities in some of the country's virtual currency trading platforms with respect to the flow of transactions in bitcoin, in particular the existence of financial pools, leverage funds, virtual chassis and even large amounts of bitcoins held by organizations and teams, and the financial risk of manipulation of markets or insider transactions.


A recent report issued by the National Technical Expert Committee on Internet Financial Security noted the existence of a series of issues in the virtual currency market, such as malicious speculation and high price volatility, and the facilitation of money-laundering, terrorist financing, etc.


Regulatory gaps still exist


According to industry sources, criminals use encrypted digital currency (mainly Bitcoin) for money-laundering, extortion (data leaking), extortion (the threat of DDOS attacks), etc. The Europol assessment report states that 3 per cent of money-laundering worldwide is carried out using encrypted digital currency.


At the beginning of this year, an on-site inspection of the Bitcoin trading platform of the People's Bank found that some of the platforms in Beijing operated without authorization and did not fully comply with their anti-money-laundering obligations.


In addition, there is currently a lack of third-party funds for customers with billions of dollars on the country’s Bitcoin platform, and there is a “runway” risk for clients’ funds. In a recent on-site inspection of major trading platforms in Beijing, the Central Bank found that both the currency network and the OKCoin line used investors’ deposit funds to purchase their property, amounting to about RMB 1 billion.


Industry points out that most countries incorporate Bitcoin transactions into the regulatory system on the basis of risk considerations. Countries such as the United States, Japan, Germany, Ghana, and Australia recognize their legitimacy and introduce regulatory rules, while countries such as Russia, Thailand, and Indonesia consider Bitcoin transactions illegal.


Financial or payment institutions are not allowed to carry out operations related to bitcoin, nor are they allowed to circulate as currencies. National policies remain unclear and can cause significant fluctuations in exchange prices.

“目前,各国监管当局不大会承认比特币作为货币的属性。对监管层而言,比特币最大的问题是,它有可能被利用来洗钱或者从事不正当交易等。”全国人大财经委副主 任委员吴晓灵认为,现在加密货币ICO的概念比较热,但其中很多脱离了分布式记账这样原本的运营规范,从而产生误导公众、发生庞氏骗局的可能性。

“For the time being, national regulatory authorities do not recognize Bitcoin as a monetary attribute. The biggest problem for the regulatory level is that it may be used to launder money or engage in illicit transactions.” According to Wu Xiaoling, Vice-President of the National Commission for Human Resources and Economics, the concept of encrypted currency ICO is now hot, but many of it departs from the original operating norms of distributed accounting, thus creating the possibility of misleading the public and leading to a ponzi scheme.


I've got a lot on my mind. I've got a lot on my mind, and I've got a lot on my mind.


“Despite the increased regulation of the Bitcoin market and platform of the People's Bank in the first half of the year, many regulatory gaps remain.” Professor Yang Yi, of the Beijing Post and Telecommunications University, said that the regulatory framework for Bitcoin should be established as soon as possible, that the subject matter of the regulation should be identified, that the rules of business should be clarified and that Bitcoin should be placed in a cage of institutions and regulations.

黄震认为,面对比特币的疯狂走势,投资者要理性看待,切忌盲目跟风,避免高位接盘。投资者必须加强学习,研究投资标的及其交易风险,不做不了解的领域的投 资。交易平台应加强合规建设、投资者教育和风险管理,定期进行自查和报告风险;机构团队应加强信息披露,向安全化、透明化、规范化方向发展。

Investors need to learn, study investment targets and their transactional risks, and not invest in areas they do not know. Trade platforms should strengthen compliance, investor education, and risk management, and self-censorship and risk reporting should be carried out on a regular basis; and institutional teams should strengthen information disclosure, moving in the direction of security, transparency, and regulation.


The yellow earthquake suggested that the regulatory level should be involved in the regulation of Bitcoin, with the appropriate introduction of regulatory technology to enhance detection and early warning of the entry of bitcoin and block chains, and to keep Bitcoin's systemic risks within reasonable limits as soon as possible.


“A risk alert can be issued periodically by the central bank and other authorities to warn the market and investors of the risks.” The yellow earthquake complemented by support for local governments in innovative use of regulatory techniques such as regulatory sandboxes, the incorporation of Bitcoin closed ecology into regulatory sandboxes, sandbox trials and risk tests.


In addition, Internet security experts suggested that authorities should clarify the regulatory location and division of labour of the Bitcoin trading platform, establish a real-name review system for Bitcoin trading platform investors as soon as possible, and make transactions and exchange processes transparent. At the same time, efforts should be made to increase the penalties for violations of the Bitcoin trading platform and to shut down some of the bitcoin trading platforms that are seriously infractions.




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