ETH币最新消息 ETH币价格今日行情

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The ETH currency is a popular encrypted currency with the second largest market value, and is of interest to many of its friends, some of whom want to know the latest prices of the ETH currency and the latest information on the ETH currency . The latest information on the ETH currency, such as prices, trends, transactions, etc., can be viewed together at the ETH Exchange.

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ETH币最新消息 ETH币价格今日行情

ETH币最新消息 ETH币价格今日行情

ETH币最新消息 ETH币价格今日行情

ETH币最新消息 ETH币价格今日行情


ETH(Etheum) Introduction

以太坊(ETH)是一个开源、去中心化的区块链网络,是比特币区块链网络基础上的第二代区块链。相较于比特币区块链,以太坊有一些显著的差异和改进。它支持使用其原生货币以太币(ETH)进行数字支付,并作为软件平台创建和部署 去中心化应用程序(DApps)或 智能合约。

Ether is an open-source, decentralised network of block chains, a second-generation block chain based on a network of bitcoin blocks. There are some notable differences and improvements in Ethercopic blocks compared to the Bitcoin block chain. It supports the use of its original currency for digital payments in Tethi currency (ETH) and creates and deploys it as a software platform to decentralize applications (DApps) or contracts.

以目前的ETH价格计算,以太坊是市值第二大的加密货币,仅次于比特币。以太坊通过向区块链网络引入智能合约功能,改变了加密货币行业。智能合约允许用户和开发人员开拓新的领域,例如 去中心化金融 (DeFi)等。

At the current ETH price, the Tai shop is the second largest encrypt currency in market value, after Bitcoin. By introducing smart contracts to the block chain network, it changed the encrypt currency . Smart contracts allow users and developers to explore new areas, such as deFi.


Designed as a global computer that anyone can use. It is designed to allow users to control their digital assets completely controlled by centralized entities and services.


In the traditional financial world, this process will be hosted by a central institution. For Ether, every aspect of this function can be handled entirely by a smart contract on the block chain. This is immediate loan. This is


It can also operate and provide procedures on a distributed network of public nodes distributed around the world, enabling any process to resist censorship, integrity and vulnerability to fraud.


In the spirit of decentralizing ownership, anyone can submit proposals that they believe can improve governance in the collective interest of the project.

由于区块链技术和智能合约功能具有看似无限的可能性,以太坊已经产生了几个数十亿美元的产业。这些包括DeFi、玩赚区块链游戏,以及广受好评的 NFT领域。如今,以太坊区块链拥有超过2,900个不同的项目,处理的价值超过11万亿美元。

Because of the seemingly limitless possibilities of block chain technology and smart contract functions, Etheria has produced several billions of dollars in industry. These include DeFi, the play-and-go chain , and the widely appreciated NFT field. Today, the Ether Branch chain has over 2,900 different projects valued at over $11 trillion.


It is also a currency exchange of encrypted monetary assets stored on the block chain, like NFT. After Ether merges, ETH will protect the network and create new blocks.



When the Taiwan block chain was first launched in 2015, it used the PoW consensus mechanism. In this model, the new ETH token was created and distributed to miners as an incentive to produce new blocks and maintain the chain.


This means that high-performance hardware devices, known as mining equipment, are used to compete with each other in decomposing the complex equation of mining. The first miner to decompose the equation will be given the right to lead the production of new blocks on the network, and will be rewarded with a new monet. This is also the model used in the Bitcoin block chain.


There is also an account-based structure for the Etherbank block chain. The Etherbank account is essentially an entity holding Ether’s (ETH) balance that can start a transaction on the Etherton block chain.


The first is “external accounts”, which are controlled and managed by users through their private keys. The second is “contractual accounts”, also known as smart contracts, which are managed by their respective codes. Both accounts can hold, receive and send ETH and other ETH-supported contracts and interact with smart contracts deployed in the chain of blocks.


External accounts can initiate transactions with other external accounts and smart contracts. But smart contracts only work when they interact with external accounts or other smart contracts. They can only respond by triggering codes (involving multiple operations), transmitting encrypted currency or even creating new smart contracts.


virtual machine (EVM) forms the core of the Etherm block chain. EVM is an environment in which all accounts and smart contracts are maintained. It is a computing engine or virtual machine with a similar function to a distributed computer that accommodates millions of implementable projects.


In other words, the EVM forms the cornerstone of the complete operating structure of the Taiwan. As a single entity, EVM is maintained by thousands of connected computers (nodes) running on the user of the Etheraya.


Unlike bitcoin, which uses distributed books, the Taiwan uses distributed "state machines". The "state" on any given point is a large data structure that includes accounts and balances and the "machine state" at the time.


It also contains the host's ability to execute many low-level machine codes. This "state" changes between different blocks, and EVM defines the rules that change it.


There are many examples of such networks, in which the ability to create and deploy smart contracts is at the core of all examples. This allows developers to develop various decentralised applications on the platform, including encrypted wallets, decentralized exchanges, DeFi protocols, NFT markets, chains, etc.


Its token standards, such as ERC-20 and ERC-721, have been widely used to create alternative and irreplaceable tokens, thus promoting billions of dollars in projects. In particular, NFT, based on the ERC-721 standard, has opened the NFT sector, which will reach $3 billion in 2022, and is expected to exceed $13.6 billion by 2027.


On the other hand, there are a number of examples of ETH, the original encrypted currency of Taipan, the main one being the means of paying transaction costs on the Taiwan network.


At any time, users are required to pay ETH as a gas fee to transmit ETH or to interact with any application hosted on the platform.


ETH Price and Economic Model

2014年7月,以太坊基金会推出了ETH首次代币发行(ICO)。在这次公开销售活动中,大约6,000万ETH以2,000 ETH对1 BTC的初始汇率分发给投资者。

In July 2014, the Ethio Foundation launched the first Ethercopic launch of the ETH (ICO). At this public sale, about 60 million ETHs were distributed to at the initial exchange rate of 2,000 ETH to 1 BTC.


At that time, the price of ETH was about US$ 0.31. Ether was distributed to investors in the creation block of the Etheraya network.


When it was launched, the original ETH was about 72 million. Although most of the money was allocated to early investors, 16.73% of the supply was allocated to the Ethio Foundation.


To date, there are about 122 million items in circulation in Taiwan. Some 48 million ETHs have been added to the supply since the creation of the ETA Net.

新的ETH代币通过区块奖励生成并分发给矿工,使以太坊成为一种通胀的加密货币。虽然以太坊改进提案(EIP) 1,559伦敦硬分叉更新引入了一些通货紧缩机制,但这些机制目前并不能完全抵消以太坊的通胀。

The new ETH tokens are generated through block incentives and distributed to miners, making Ether an inflamed and encrypted currency. While the proposal to improve (EIP) 1,559 London hard fork has introduced some deflationary mechanisms, they are not currently fully offsetting the inflation in Ether.

以太坊区块奖励的发行量一直在稳步下降。当该网络最初启动时,新的以太币以每个区块5个ETH的速度产生。这些奖励是给矿工作为保护网络和验证交易的激励。2017年10月,作为EIP 649提案的一部分,该发行量降低到每个区块3个ETH。

In October 2017, as part of the EIP 649 proposal, the distribution was reduced to 3 ETHs per block.




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